Revisiting That Dirty Popular Vote Thing Again

I am sick of hearing that Hillary won the "popular vote" when that doesn't even count for anything! What counts is the popular vote AT THE STATE LEVEL, after that, it becomes 50 STATE elections. You don't win a country,


You'd think democrats and Hillary would KNOW that considering that she was both First Lady, New York Senator and Secretary of STATE.

So I went back and wanted to look at the data a bit different way.

I'm also sick of hearing how pathetic the red states are. So I wanted to know, just what WAS each candidate really up against in 2016 and what did they really win?

In 2016, Hillary won TWENTY states, Trump won THIRTY. To win a state, you have to go up against all voters in a given state; the more people, the more likely voters so, the harder it is to win. And by winning a state, you also win and carry the voice of that state and the people that go in it. So what exactly did the 2016 candidates win?

I looked up the latest tallies of state population, and in the 20 states that Hillary won, her states total population (THE BLUE STATES) was: 2016 BLUE STATE POPULATION = 140,743,676.

And the thirty states that Trump won? 2016 RED STATE POPULATION = 163,435,276.

Yes. Trump's states have 22,691,600 more people in them. A not so small fact I've never seen mentioned before. What is the significance of this?

Trump won 30 states with nearly 23 million more people in them compared to Hillary's 20 states. Not only does that mean you had to carry sway with more people in more states (and by implication, means Trump represented a far greater diversity of the nation!), it means that there are many millions of people who either didn't vote last time or voted against Trump in states he won before who could decide to come out and vote this time or switch their vote to Trump after the recent fiasco of years of Democrats making false claims and accusations all proven wrong and spending tens of millions of dollars of hard earned taxpayer money on silly Russia investigations and a baseless, desperate, petulant, childish impeachment that was nothing more than an abuse of House power resulting in a near Constitutional crisis.

Democrats have stirred up an angry hornets nest, meantime, with the likes of who they have to represent them this time, Democrats may find many of themselves demoralized bowing to the futility.

The 50 US States Ranked By Population

In case anyone wants to check my math.

Trump has 30 states and a potential of up to TWENTY MILLION additional voters this time around, his supporters are pissed, and that is if he doesn't even win any additional states! ;)

Democrats CAN'T feel good about that.

Hillary won the popular vote

So what? Trump won more states.

And if popular vote counts, why Barry was presidential candidate, and not her, since she had more votes than him in Dem Primaries?

Hillary won the popular vote

Keep saying that, it just may become the truth.

Nope. She had more votes than Trump, but she didn't have more than 50% of popular vote, she didn't win anything.
Hillary did in fact win the popular vote over the blob. That it triggers you guys is just a bonus
I am sick of hearing that Hillary won the "popular vote" when that doesn't even count for anything! What counts is the popular vote AT THE STATE LEVEL, after that, it becomes 50 STATE elections. You don't win a country,


You'd think democrats and Hillary would KNOW that considering that she was both First Lady, New York Senator and Secretary of STATE.

So I went back and wanted to look at the data a bit different way.

I'm also sick of hearing how pathetic the red states are. So I wanted to know, just what WAS each candidate really up against in 2016 and what did they really win?

In 2016, Hillary won TWENTY states, Trump won THIRTY. To win a state, you have to go up against all voters in a given state; the more people, the more likely voters so, the harder it is to win. And by winning a state, you also win and carry the voice of that state and the people that go in it. So what exactly did the 2016 candidates win?

I looked up the latest tallies of state population, and in the 20 states that Hillary won, her states total population (THE BLUE STATES) was: 2016 BLUE STATE POPULATION = 140,743,676.

And the thirty states that Trump won? 2016 RED STATE POPULATION = 163,435,276.

Yes. Trump's states have 22,691,600 more people in them. A not so small fact I've never seen mentioned before. What is the significance of this?

Trump won 30 states with nearly 23 million more people in them compared to Hillary's 20 states. Not only does that mean you had to carry sway with more people in more states (and by implication, means Trump represented a far greater diversity of the nation!), it means that there are many millions of people who either didn't vote last time or voted against Trump in states he won before who could decide to come out and vote this time or switch their vote to Trump after the recent fiasco of years of Democrats making false claims and accusations all proven wrong and spending tens of millions of dollars of hard earned taxpayer money on silly Russia investigations and a baseless, desperate, petulant, childish impeachment that was nothing more than an abuse of House power resulting in a near Constitutional crisis.

Democrats have stirred up an angry hornets nest, meantime, with the likes of who they have to represent them this time, Democrats may find many of themselves demoralized bowing to the futility.

The 50 US States Ranked By Population

In case anyone wants to check my math.

Trump has 30 states and a potential of up to TWENTY MILLION additional voters this time around, his supporters are pissed, and that is if he doesn't even win any additional states! ;)

Democrats CAN'T feel good about that.

Hillary won the popular vote

So what? Trump won more states.

And if popular vote counts, why Barry was presidential candidate, and not her, since she had more votes than him in Dem Primaries?

Hillary won the popular vote

No, she didn't. There was no popular vote election in 2016. If there had been, the vote totals would have been different. The entire election would have been different.

Ok, she got millions and millions more votes than your blob
I am sick of hearing that Hillary won the "popular vote" when that doesn't even count for anything! What counts is the popular vote AT THE STATE LEVEL, after that, it becomes 50 STATE elections. You don't win a country,


You'd think democrats and Hillary would KNOW that considering that she was both First Lady, New York Senator and Secretary of STATE.

So I went back and wanted to look at the data a bit different way.

I'm also sick of hearing how pathetic the red states are. So I wanted to know, just what WAS each candidate really up against in 2016 and what did they really win?

In 2016, Hillary won TWENTY states, Trump won THIRTY. To win a state, you have to go up against all voters in a given state; the more people, the more likely voters so, the harder it is to win. And by winning a state, you also win and carry the voice of that state and the people that go in it. So what exactly did the 2016 candidates win?

I looked up the latest tallies of state population, and in the 20 states that Hillary won, her states total population (THE BLUE STATES) was: 2016 BLUE STATE POPULATION = 140,743,676.

And the thirty states that Trump won? 2016 RED STATE POPULATION = 163,435,276.

Yes. Trump's states have 22,691,600 more people in them. A not so small fact I've never seen mentioned before. What is the significance of this?

Trump won 30 states with nearly 23 million more people in them compared to Hillary's 20 states. Not only does that mean you had to carry sway with more people in more states (and by implication, means Trump represented a far greater diversity of the nation!), it means that there are many millions of people who either didn't vote last time or voted against Trump in states he won before who could decide to come out and vote this time or switch their vote to Trump after the recent fiasco of years of Democrats making false claims and accusations all proven wrong and spending tens of millions of dollars of hard earned taxpayer money on silly Russia investigations and a baseless, desperate, petulant, childish impeachment that was nothing more than an abuse of House power resulting in a near Constitutional crisis.

Democrats have stirred up an angry hornets nest, meantime, with the likes of who they have to represent them this time, Democrats may find many of themselves demoralized bowing to the futility.

The 50 US States Ranked By Population

In case anyone wants to check my math.

Trump has 30 states and a potential of up to TWENTY MILLION additional voters this time around, his supporters are pissed, and that is if he doesn't even win any additional states! ;)

Democrats CAN'T feel good about that.

Hillary won the popular vote

So what? Trump won more states.

And if popular vote counts, why Barry was presidential candidate, and not her, since she had more votes than him in Dem Primaries?

Hillary won the popular vote

Keep saying that, it just may become the truth.

Nope. She had more votes than Trump, but she didn't have more than 50% of popular vote, she didn't win anything.
Hillary did in fact win the popular vote over the blob. That it triggers you guys is just a bonus

Who do you think is really triggered, you who keep repeating that Hillary "won something" or me who enjoy her winning nothing.

By the way, is she your president?
I am sick of hearing that Hillary won the "popular vote" when that doesn't even count for anything! What counts is the popular vote AT THE STATE LEVEL, after that, it becomes 50 STATE elections. You don't win a country,


You'd think democrats and Hillary would KNOW that considering that she was both First Lady, New York Senator and Secretary of STATE.

So I went back and wanted to look at the data a bit different way.

I'm also sick of hearing how pathetic the red states are. So I wanted to know, just what WAS each candidate really up against in 2016 and what did they really win?

In 2016, Hillary won TWENTY states, Trump won THIRTY. To win a state, you have to go up against all voters in a given state; the more people, the more likely voters so, the harder it is to win. And by winning a state, you also win and carry the voice of that state and the people that go in it. So what exactly did the 2016 candidates win?

I looked up the latest tallies of state population, and in the 20 states that Hillary won, her states total population (THE BLUE STATES) was: 2016 BLUE STATE POPULATION = 140,743,676.

And the thirty states that Trump won? 2016 RED STATE POPULATION = 163,435,276.

Yes. Trump's states have 22,691,600 more people in them. A not so small fact I've never seen mentioned before. What is the significance of this?

Trump won 30 states with nearly 23 million more people in them compared to Hillary's 20 states. Not only does that mean you had to carry sway with more people in more states (and by implication, means Trump represented a far greater diversity of the nation!), it means that there are many millions of people who either didn't vote last time or voted against Trump in states he won before who could decide to come out and vote this time or switch their vote to Trump after the recent fiasco of years of Democrats making false claims and accusations all proven wrong and spending tens of millions of dollars of hard earned taxpayer money on silly Russia investigations and a baseless, desperate, petulant, childish impeachment that was nothing more than an abuse of House power resulting in a near Constitutional crisis.

Democrats have stirred up an angry hornets nest, meantime, with the likes of who they have to represent them this time, Democrats may find many of themselves demoralized bowing to the futility.

The 50 US States Ranked By Population

In case anyone wants to check my math.

Trump has 30 states and a potential of up to TWENTY MILLION additional voters this time around, his supporters are pissed, and that is if he doesn't even win any additional states! ;)

Democrats CAN'T feel good about that.

Hillary won the popular vote

So what? Trump won more states.

And if popular vote counts, why Barry was presidential candidate, and not her, since she had more votes than him in Dem Primaries?

Hillary won the popular vote

Keep saying that, it just may become the truth.

Nope. She had more votes than Trump, but she didn't have more than 50% of popular vote, she didn't win anything.
Hillary did in fact win the popular vote over the blob. That it triggers you guys is just a bonus

You're missing the point. Or maybe you just don't understand it. The votes cast in 2016 were cast in an electoral college election. People knew that going into the voting booth. Candidates knew that when they campaigned. If someone lived in a state that overwhelmingly supported a candidate they opposed, there was very little point in them even voting. Many likely stayed home. In a popular election, they might have actually voted. Likewise, if the election had been based on the popular vote, rather than the electoral college, candidates would have campaigned differently. And a different system would have effected the primaries as well. It's possible, even likely, that both parties would have nominated different candidates, candidates more likely to win the popular vote.
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I am sick of hearing that Hillary won the "popular vote" when that doesn't even count for anything! What counts is the popular vote AT THE STATE LEVEL, after that, it becomes 50 STATE elections. You don't win a country,


You'd think democrats and Hillary would KNOW that considering that she was both First Lady, New York Senator and Secretary of STATE.

So I went back and wanted to look at the data a bit different way.

I'm also sick of hearing how pathetic the red states are. So I wanted to know, just what WAS each candidate really up against in 2016 and what did they really win?

In 2016, Hillary won TWENTY states, Trump won THIRTY. To win a state, you have to go up against all voters in a given state; the more people, the more likely voters so, the harder it is to win. And by winning a state, you also win and carry the voice of that state and the people that go in it. So what exactly did the 2016 candidates win?

I looked up the latest tallies of state population, and in the 20 states that Hillary won, her states total population (THE BLUE STATES) was: 2016 BLUE STATE POPULATION = 140,743,676.

And the thirty states that Trump won? 2016 RED STATE POPULATION = 163,435,276.

Yes. Trump's states have 22,691,600 more people in them. A not so small fact I've never seen mentioned before. What is the significance of this?

Trump won 30 states with nearly 23 million more people in them compared to Hillary's 20 states. Not only does that mean you had to carry sway with more people in more states (and by implication, means Trump represented a far greater diversity of the nation!), it means that there are many millions of people who either didn't vote last time or voted against Trump in states he won before who could decide to come out and vote this time or switch their vote to Trump after the recent fiasco of years of Democrats making false claims and accusations all proven wrong and spending tens of millions of dollars of hard earned taxpayer money on silly Russia investigations and a baseless, desperate, petulant, childish impeachment that was nothing more than an abuse of House power resulting in a near Constitutional crisis.

Democrats have stirred up an angry hornets nest, meantime, with the likes of who they have to represent them this time, Democrats may find many of themselves demoralized bowing to the futility.

The 50 US States Ranked By Population

In case anyone wants to check my math.

Trump has 30 states and a potential of up to TWENTY MILLION additional voters this time around, his supporters are pissed, and that is if he doesn't even win any additional states! ;)

Democrats CAN'T feel good about that.

Hillary won the popular vote

So what? Trump won more states.

And if popular vote counts, why Barry was presidential candidate, and not her, since she had more votes than him in Dem Primaries?

Hillary won the popular vote

No, she didn't. There was no popular vote election in 2016. If there had been, the vote totals would have been different. The entire election would have been different.

Ok, she got millions and millions more votes than your blob

Correct, she had millions votes more. And Trump won 10 more states. Got it?
Hillary won the popular vote

So what? Trump won more states.

And if popular vote counts, why Barry was presidential candidate, and not her, since she had more votes than him in Dem Primaries?

Hillary won the popular vote

No, she didn't. There was no popular vote election in 2016. If there had been, the vote totals would have been different. The entire election would have been different.

Ok, she got millions and millions more votes than your blob

Correct, she had millions votes more. And Trump won 10 more states. Got it?
Yeahbut, they were all within a few counties.

She could have had a BILLION more votes in California but once you win a state, you WON it.

Presidential elections are 50 STATE elections!
I am sick of hearing that Hillary won the "popular vote" when that doesn't even count for anything! What counts is the popular vote AT THE STATE LEVEL, after that, it becomes 50 STATE elections. You don't win a country,


You'd think democrats and Hillary would KNOW that considering that she was both First Lady, New York Senator and Secretary of STATE.

So I went back and wanted to look at the data a bit different way.

I'm also sick of hearing how pathetic the red states are. So I wanted to know, just what WAS each candidate really up against in 2016 and what did they really win?

In 2016, Hillary won TWENTY states, Trump won THIRTY. To win a state, you have to go up against all voters in a given state; the more people, the more likely voters so, the harder it is to win. And by winning a state, you also win and carry the voice of that state and the people that go in it. So what exactly did the 2016 candidates win?

I looked up the latest tallies of state population, and in the 20 states that Hillary won, her states total population (THE BLUE STATES) was: 2016 BLUE STATE POPULATION = 140,743,676.

And the thirty states that Trump won? 2016 RED STATE POPULATION = 163,435,276.

Yes. Trump's states have 22,691,600 more people in them. A not so small fact I've never seen mentioned before. What is the significance of this?

Trump won 30 states with nearly 23 million more people in them compared to Hillary's 20 states. Not only does that mean you had to carry sway with more people in more states (and by implication, means Trump represented a far greater diversity of the nation!), it means that there are many millions of people who either didn't vote last time or voted against Trump in states he won before who could decide to come out and vote this time or switch their vote to Trump after the recent fiasco of years of Democrats making false claims and accusations all proven wrong and spending tens of millions of dollars of hard earned taxpayer money on silly Russia investigations and a baseless, desperate, petulant, childish impeachment that was nothing more than an abuse of House power resulting in a near Constitutional crisis.

Democrats have stirred up an angry hornets nest, meantime, with the likes of who they have to represent them this time, Democrats may find many of themselves demoralized bowing to the futility.

The 50 US States Ranked By Population

In case anyone wants to check my math.

Trump has 30 states and a potential of up to TWENTY MILLION additional voters this time around, his supporters are pissed, and that is if he doesn't even win any additional states! ;)

Democrats CAN'T feel good about that.

Hillary won the popular vote

So what? Trump won more states.

And if popular vote counts, why Barry was presidential candidate, and not her, since she had more votes than him in Dem Primaries?

Hillary won the popular vote

No, she didn't. There was no popular vote election in 2016. If there had been, the vote totals would have been different. The entire election would have been different.

Ok, she got millions and millions more votes than your blob

She got under 3 million votes which was just about the overage in one state--Commiefornia.
So what? Trump won more states.

And if popular vote counts, why Barry was presidential candidate, and not her, since she had more votes than him in Dem Primaries?

Hillary won the popular vote

No, she didn't. There was no popular vote election in 2016. If there had been, the vote totals would have been different. The entire election would have been different.

Ok, she got millions and millions more votes than your blob

Correct, she had millions votes more. And Trump won 10 more states. Got it?
Yeahbut, they were all within a few counties.

She could have had a BILLION more votes in California but once you win a state, you WON it.

Presidential elections are 50 STATE elections!

I personally like and endorse the EC over the popular vote.

That doesn’t change the fact that HRC got more votes than the Cheeto
Hillary won the popular vote

So what? Trump won more states.

And if popular vote counts, why Barry was presidential candidate, and not her, since she had more votes than him in Dem Primaries?

Hillary won the popular vote

Keep saying that, it just may become the truth.

Nope. She had more votes than Trump, but she didn't have more than 50% of popular vote, she didn't win anything.
Hillary did in fact win the popular vote over the blob. That it triggers you guys is just a bonus

Who do you think is really triggered,
Hillary won the popular vote

No, she didn't. There was no popular vote election in 2016. If there had been, the vote totals would have been different. The entire election would have been different.

Ok, she got millions and millions more votes than your blob

Correct, she had millions votes more. And Trump won 10 more states. Got it?
Yeahbut, they were all within a few counties.

She could have had a BILLION more votes in California but once you win a state, you WON it.

Presidential elections are 50 STATE elections!

I personally like and endorse the EC over the popular vote.

That doesn’t change the fact that HRC got more votes than the Cheeto

She had more votes in 20 states. In other 30 states, Trump had more votes.

Who's your president?
Hillary won the popular vote

No, she didn't. There was no popular vote election in 2016. If there had been, the vote totals would have been different. The entire election would have been different.

Ok, she got millions and millions more votes than your blob

Correct, she had millions votes more. And Trump won 10 more states. Got it?
Yeahbut, they were all within a few counties.

She could have had a BILLION more votes in California but once you win a state, you WON it.

Presidential elections are 50 STATE elections!

I personally like and endorse the EC over the popular vote.

That doesn’t change the fact that HRC got more votes than the Cheeto

It also doesn't change that fact that that is a meaningless claim. It's like a losing football team saying "Well, we gained yards than the other team" - suggesting that, if the game had been scored on yardage rather than points, they would have one. But it's an empty claim. If the game had been scored on yardage, the other team would have played differently. They would have focused on gaining yards, rather than scoring points. It's very possible they'd have still won.

Sorry about the sports analogy - but hopefully you get the point.
From my link:

"The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures."

And so I was right, congress does do it. Thanks!.
It says PROPOSE, read the next few paragraphs you retard the STATES not Congress approve an amendment.

Uh huh, and without congress the states would have to propose the amendment and that has never happened in the history of our nation.

So no amendment can happen without congress.

Thanks for playing!
You CLAIMED Congress approves amendments they don't.
Congress CREATES an amendment, with 2/3s vote of the house and Senate, then 3/4s of the State legislators have to approve the amendment Congress created, before the amendment is valid, or approved

Article 5 of the U.S. Constitution Summary - Amendment Ratification

The way you put it, it seems that only Congress "creates" amendments. Article V says otherwise.
Yes, You are correct! I did not mean for it to come out that way, but today with 50 states vs 13 when created, it's unlikely to get one originating in the states, imho!
No, she didn't. There was no popular vote election in 2016. If there had been, the vote totals would have been different. The entire election would have been different.

Ok, she got millions and millions more votes than your blob

Correct, she had millions votes more. And Trump won 10 more states. Got it?
Yeahbut, they were all within a few counties.

She could have had a BILLION more votes in California but once you win a state, you WON it.

Presidential elections are 50 STATE elections!

I personally like and endorse the EC over the popular vote.

That doesn’t change the fact that HRC got more votes than the Cheeto

It also doesn't change that fact that that is a meaningless claim. It's like a losing football team saying "Well, we gained yards than the other team" - suggesting that, if the game had been scored on yardage rather than points, they would have one. But it's an empty claim. If the game had been scored on yardage, the other team would have played differently. They would have focused on gaining yards, rather than scoring points. It's very possible they'd have still won.

Sorry about the sports analogy - but hopefully you get the point.

If it’s meaningless...why are you so bothered by the fact that she got millions more votes than your blob?

Me thinks that your bothered because it somehow—in your mind—delegitimizes the blob’s Presidency. Grow up
So what? Trump won more states.

And if popular vote counts, why Barry was presidential candidate, and not her, since she had more votes than him in Dem Primaries?

Hillary won the popular vote

Keep saying that, it just may become the truth.

Nope. She had more votes than Trump, but she didn't have more than 50% of popular vote, she didn't win anything.
Hillary did in fact win the popular vote over the blob. That it triggers you guys is just a bonus

Who do you think is really triggered,

How can I be triggered if Hillary is not president?
If it’s meaningless...why are you so bothered by the fact that she got millions more votes than your blob?

First of all, he's not my blob. I despise Trump. Second, it doesn't bother me. I'm just pointing out that your claim doesn't mean what you think it means.
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The SCOTUS can't change the electoral college. That requires changing the constitution and that's not the SCOTUS's job.
I am sick of hearing that Hillary won the "popular vote" when that doesn't even count for anything! What counts is the popular vote AT THE STATE LEVEL, after that, it becomes 50 STATE elections. You don't win a country,


You'd think democrats and Hillary would KNOW that considering that she was both First Lady, New York Senator and Secretary of STATE.

So I went back and wanted to look at the data a bit different way.

I'm also sick of hearing how pathetic the red states are. So I wanted to know, just what WAS each candidate really up against in 2016 and what did they really win?

In 2016, Hillary won TWENTY states, Trump won THIRTY. To win a state, you have to go up against all voters in a given state; the more people, the more likely voters so, the harder it is to win. And by winning a state, you also win and carry the voice of that state and the people that go in it. So what exactly did the 2016 candidates win?

I looked up the latest tallies of state population, and in the 20 states that Hillary won, her states total population (THE BLUE STATES) was: 2016 BLUE STATE POPULATION = 140,743,676.

And the thirty states that Trump won? 2016 RED STATE POPULATION = 163,435,276.

Yes. Trump's states have 22,691,600 more people in them. A not so small fact I've never seen mentioned before. What is the significance of this?

Trump won 30 states with nearly 23 million more people in them compared to Hillary's 20 states. Not only does that mean you had to carry sway with more people in more states (and by implication, means Trump represented a far greater diversity of the nation!), it means that there are many millions of people who either didn't vote last time or voted against Trump in states he won before who could decide to come out and vote this time or switch their vote to Trump after the recent fiasco of years of Democrats making false claims and accusations all proven wrong and spending tens of millions of dollars of hard earned taxpayer money on silly Russia investigations and a baseless, desperate, petulant, childish impeachment that was nothing more than an abuse of House power resulting in a near Constitutional crisis.

Democrats have stirred up an angry hornets nest, meantime, with the likes of who they have to represent them this time, Democrats may find many of themselves demoralized bowing to the futility.

The 50 US States Ranked By Population

In case anyone wants to check my math.

Trump has 30 states and a potential of up to TWENTY MILLION additional voters this time around, his supporters are pissed, and that is if he doesn't even win any additional states! ;)

Democrats CAN'T feel good about that.

I didn't take the time of counting votes, but anyway Clinton and Gore both won the majority vote.

Not relevant. This is a Republic, and you have to win states.

The states with high populations, do not get to dictate to states with low populations, because we do not operate on the basis of a pure democracy.... and good thing too.

It's only that system, that is keeping this country from turning into a socialist hell hole.
If it’s meaningless...why are you so bothered by the fact that she got millions more votes than your blob?
Me thinks that your bothered because it somehow—in your mind—delegitimizes the blob’s Presidency. Grow up
No one who voted fro Trump is bothered by the fact Hillary lost the election.
I am sick of hearing that Hillary won the "popular vote" when that doesn't even count for anything! What counts is the popular vote AT THE STATE LEVEL, after that, it becomes 50 STATE elections. You don't win a country,


You'd think democrats and Hillary would KNOW that considering that she was both First Lady, New York Senator and Secretary of STATE.

So I went back and wanted to look at the data a bit different way.

I'm also sick of hearing how pathetic the red states are. So I wanted to know, just what WAS each candidate really up against in 2016 and what did they really win?

In 2016, Hillary won TWENTY states, Trump won THIRTY. To win a state, you have to go up against all voters in a given state; the more people, the more likely voters so, the harder it is to win. And by winning a state, you also win and carry the voice of that state and the people that go in it. So what exactly did the 2016 candidates win?

I looked up the latest tallies of state population, and in the 20 states that Hillary won, her states total population (THE BLUE STATES) was: 2016 BLUE STATE POPULATION = 140,743,676.

And the thirty states that Trump won? 2016 RED STATE POPULATION = 163,435,276.

Yes. Trump's states have 22,691,600 more people in them. A not so small fact I've never seen mentioned before. What is the significance of this?

Trump won 30 states with nearly 23 million more people in them compared to Hillary's 20 states. Not only does that mean you had to carry sway with more people in more states (and by implication, means Trump represented a far greater diversity of the nation!), it means that there are many millions of people who either didn't vote last time or voted against Trump in states he won before who could decide to come out and vote this time or switch their vote to Trump after the recent fiasco of years of Democrats making false claims and accusations all proven wrong and spending tens of millions of dollars of hard earned taxpayer money on silly Russia investigations and a baseless, desperate, petulant, childish impeachment that was nothing more than an abuse of House power resulting in a near Constitutional crisis.

Democrats have stirred up an angry hornets nest, meantime, with the likes of who they have to represent them this time, Democrats may find many of themselves demoralized bowing to the futility.

The 50 US States Ranked By Population

In case anyone wants to check my math.

Trump has 30 states and a potential of up to TWENTY MILLION additional voters this time around, his supporters are pissed, and that is if he doesn't even win any additional states! ;)

Democrats CAN'T feel good about that.

Hillary won the popular vote

So what? Trump won more states.

And if popular vote counts, why Barry was presidential candidate, and not her, since she had more votes than him in Dem Primaries?

Hillary won the popular vote

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