RFK Jr. is pro-Second Amendment, pro-First Amendment, anti-war and pro-border security

How refreshing. A honest Democrat that loves his country. Very far and few between in the now fascist party.

As for the Second Amendment, Kennedy wants people to know that he absolutely supports the right to bear arms. He recognizes that most mass shootings are not what they seem, and often seem to stem from the culprit’s use of dangerous psychiatric pharmaceuticals.

As for America’s porous southern border, Kennedy wants to seal it up while still offering humanitarian aid to legitimate foreigners in need of asylum. No longer will fighting-age men from rogue nations be allowed to pour through the border unabated while using women and children as their human shields.

“I’m actually going to the border tonight,” Kennedy revealed about his immediate plans regardless of what happens in 2024. “I’m crossing the border around 3am into Mexico. And I’ll be talking with people on both sides of the border and talking to the stakeholders.”
Someone else really brought this to my attention here and his climate stances which we're my two big concerns

I would happily accept RFK as president
How refreshing. A honest Democrat that loves his country. Very far and few between in the now fascist party.

As for the Second Amendment, Kennedy wants people to know that he absolutely supports the right to bear arms. He recognizes that most mass shootings are not what they seem, and often seem to stem from the culprit’s use of dangerous psychiatric pharmaceuticals.

As for America’s porous southern border, Kennedy wants to seal it up while still offering humanitarian aid to legitimate foreigners in need of asylum. No longer will fighting-age men from rogue nations be allowed to pour through the border unabated while using women and children as their human shields.

“I’m actually going to the border tonight,” Kennedy revealed about his immediate plans regardless of what happens in 2024. “I’m crossing the border around 3am into Mexico. And I’ll be talking with people on both sides of the border and talking to the stakeholders.”
Fruit Loops
That's RFK jr.

It's no wonder the GOP is using that poor soul. They have neither ethics nor honor.
This place has no reflection on the rest of the country.
IMO, there are more Republicans that hate Trump than there are Democrats that hate Biden.

Since this board is not like the rest of the country, it would seem to mean that the support found here for Trump is not mirrored by the rest of the country. At least that’s what your logic indicates.
If that's the case he is not a democrat.
The Preppy Feralphile Coup in 1960

Being a Democrat depends on how some strong influence re-defines the Party's agenda. No way was RFK2's uncle a Democrat in the way they were before his Mafia made the Party an offer it couldn't refuse. That's what Reagan meant when he said he didn't leave the Party, the Party left him.
Then explain..cogently please. Why do you stand up for Trump?

Because the leftards are trying to destroy him BECAUSE they don't like his personality. They are using the instruments of state for personal political reasons. ABUSING the law, and enforcing only the portion of it they agree with.

Which is bullshit, because THAT IS NOT THE AGREEMENT. If you want a new fucking agreement, you're going to have to fight me to get it. Otherwise, stick to the existing one or get the fuck out of town.

When there is no reason to? You have other choices. Better ones. But you still come back to Trump.
Brainwashed? LOL. You idiots are the epitome of "brainwashed"....and the worst part about it all...is you did it to YOURSELVES..with no help from anyone on the left.
You're way off track. Out of orbit. Lost in space.
How refreshing. A honest Democrat that loves his country. Very far and few between in the now fascist party.

As for the Second Amendment, Kennedy wants people to know that he absolutely supports the right to bear arms. He recognizes that most mass shootings are not what they seem, and often seem to stem from the culprit’s use of dangerous psychiatric pharmaceuticals.

As for America’s porous southern border, Kennedy wants to seal it up while still offering humanitarian aid to legitimate foreigners in need of asylum. No longer will fighting-age men from rogue nations be allowed to pour through the border unabated while using women and children as their human shields.

“I’m actually going to the border tonight,” Kennedy revealed about his immediate plans regardless of what happens in 2024. “I’m crossing the border around 3am into Mexico. And I’ll be talking with people on both sides of the border and talking to the stakeholders.”
I think YOU ought to vote for him. You won’t though.

I’ll pass. He’s fucking nuts. I figured that out a decade ago
Because the leftards are trying to destroy him BECAUSE they don't like his personality. They are using the instruments of state for personal political reasons. ABUSING the law, and enforcing only the portion of it they agree with.

Which is bullshit, because THAT IS NOT THE AGREEMENT. If you want a new fucking agreement, you're going to have to fight me to get it. Otherwise, stick to the existing one or get the fuck out of town.

You're way off track. Out of orbit. Lost in space.
No one is trying to destroy him. He's done this to himself. Why? Because he's fundamentally corrupt.
You do understand that a GRAND JURY..made up of actual voters decided to indict him..right? He will have his day in court and will receive his due process. Innocent until proven guilty.
The question is, if he's found guilty, will you accept the judgement? My guess is no.
You will have your recourse at the ballot box in November 2024. However, if you lose there as well, my guess is you'll scream fraud.
Only 20%? I wouldn’t be surprised that the percentage of Republicans who hate Trump is even higher.
I just hope one of the parties can let go and nominate a competent candidate, at this time it looks bad for America.
No one is trying to destroy him. He's done this to himself. Why? Because he's fundamentally corrupt.
You do understand that a GRAND JURY..made up of actual voters decided to indict him..right? He will have his day in court and will receive his due process. Innocent until proven guilty.
The question is, if he's found guilty, will you accept the judgement? My guess is no.
You will have your recourse at the ballot box in November 2024. However, if you lose there as well, my guess is you'll scream fraud.
Dude, you are being SO FUCKING STUPID, you're advertising it, you have a big sign on your back that says "I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about".

I'm libertarian. My "side" hasn't won an election since 1776.

I told you dumbass, you're way off base. The shit coming out of your mouth is STUPID. 'Kay? Happy now?
Dude, you are being SO FUCKING STUPID, you're advertising it, you have a big sign on your back that says "I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about".

I'm libertarian. My "side" hasn't won an election since 1776.

I told you dumbass, you're way off base. The shit coming out of your mouth is STUPID. 'Kay? Happy now?
Look, I get it. You are devoted to the man. He can do no wrong in your eyes. But crying about the fact they "don't like his personality" and that's why they are trying to destroy him isn't grounded in reality.
And let's face, he hasn't helped himself at all. And now, it's come back to bite in the ass.

Figures you're a libertarian. :)
Dude, you are being SO FUCKING STUPID, you're advertising it, you have a big sign on your back that says "I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about".

I'm libertarian. My "side" hasn't won an election since 1776.

I told you dumbass, you're way off base. The shit coming out of your mouth is STUPID. 'Kay? Happy now?

And yet you're not tired of losing?
How refreshing. A honest Democrat that loves his country. Very far and few between in the now fascist party.

As for the Second Amendment, Kennedy wants people to know that he absolutely supports the right to bear arms. He recognizes that most mass shootings are not what they seem, and often seem to stem from the culprit’s use of dangerous psychiatric pharmaceuticals.

As for America’s porous southern border, Kennedy wants to seal it up while still offering humanitarian aid to legitimate foreigners in need of asylum. No longer will fighting-age men from rogue nations be allowed to pour through the border unabated while using women and children as their human shields.

“I’m actually going to the border tonight,” Kennedy revealed about his immediate plans regardless of what happens in 2024. “I’m crossing the border around 3am into Mexico. And I’ll be talking with people on both sides of the border and talking to the stakeholders.”

Are you going to vote for him?

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