Rhet's Racial Rant: Individuals are Unique!!


Póg Mo Thóin
Dec 3, 2009
This Deserved its own thread:

Let me clarify a few things for you:

Jim Crow laws officially ended about 46 years ago. I'm in my early 50's... so that means the bullshit that started as out and out slavery for my ancestors and maintained for a few centuries finally saw it's last legal vestiges in these United States during my lifetime.

Since then, you've had various State, city and county DA's throughout America prosecute realators for cases of "red lining".....on Long Island, NY there were several noted cases during the late 1980's. I could spend time documenting various cases, incidents, etc., but I trust you get the message: the world may change, but evil remains constant.

Factor that into your little analogy, and you'll notice that it just doesn't fit black folk in America.

Know what?

Blacks have NOT suffered one shred more than every other culture group in the US and Europe.

What, you think what the Irish have suffered was a picnic -- since ROME they've been stepped on and squashed.

And try what the Jews have endured -- going back to ancient Egypt -- and you want me to pity Blacks as the world's greatest and most glorious Sufferers Supreme?


Injustice happens -- and EVERY LAST ONE OF OUR ANCESTORS have been through some sort of hell on earth --

and guess what? women STILL endure the damned Glass Ceiling and they've been hurt for century after century after century of male "mastery" involved every vicious nasty mean thing somebody else could and DID think to do -- including crap in Athens that make Jim Crow look like Mother Theresa.

And we're supposed to celebrate the wonder of Black Superior Sufferers as somehow the Supermen of Human Suffering?


Stop wallowing in self-pity, take control over your own life and DO SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF WITH YOURSELF -- instead of whining and whimpering and "poor pitiful miserable LITTLE ME spoiled brat demands that we PITY YOU instead of RESPECTING YOU.

You want RESPECT? EARN IT -- everybody else does.

You want material luxuries? EARN IT -- everybody else does.

BE EQUAL -- instead of whining and puling and demanding PITY, wallowing around in PITY like a whipped puppy -- EARN RESPECT as a vital and glorious and wonderful person MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD -- some some puking weak little boy hiding behind his ancestors and using the INJUSTICE ALL MEN AND WOMEN HAVE FACED SINCE TIME IMMEMORIAL as an excuse to be a taker and user and SELF CREATED loser.

Toss the pity party in the garbage can and learn what SELF RESPECT is all about -- because, buddy, I've got a lot of students -- Blacks and Whites and Hispanics alike -- who have STOOD UP, TAKEN HOLD OF THEIR OWN LIVES, and turned off the pity floods they could drown themselves in to BE MEN not whipped little cur dogs whining and whimpering about how "unfair" life is.

UNFAIR IS REAL AND IT NEVER ENDS -- and 9/10 of the human species have suffered from a hell of a lot of "unfair" in their lives -- and so did their fathers and mothers and great greats back to the year dot when premordial man first crawled out of the sludge to stand on two feet and be a man.

so stop with the hangups over "unfair"

I for one am damned tired of Blacks strutting around and demanding that the world worship their fat butts as the world's SUPERIOR SUFFERING Super Heroes of the World.

Because, buddy, you haven't even started hurting as much as the women trapped in islamic abuse have done for 1400 years and STILL hurt from.

And as long as you're wallowing in filthy self-pity, whimpering and whining, and DEMANDING PITY, you never will be equal -- because you'll NEVER STAND TALL, head in the air, and know the meaning of SELF RESPECT which is destroyed by wallowing in PITY SLUDGE.

GROW UP AND BE A MAN -- and stop demanding that everybody bow down and worship the SUPERMEN OF SUFFERING.

Because Super Men YOU AIN'T -- you're just a man, exactly like every other human being walking down the street with you --

and that's EQUALITY -- neither greater nor weaker, smarter nor more stupid, NOT MORE ABUSED and not less abused, either.

Just ONE INDIVIDUAL PERSON doing the best he can do EXACTLY LIKE EVERY OTHER INDIVIDUAL PERSON on the planet -- dealing with crap and making the most you can out of what good stuff you can find in your path.

ONE PERSON -- not the son of slaves -- A MAN WHO IS UNIQUE TO HIMSELF -- and in that UNIQUENESS the greatest treasure on earth.

And until you learn to see yourself as YOU -- not a damned extension of some jerk you never even knew -- YOURSELF -- not a race, not a gender group -- A PERSON separate from and distinct DIFFERENT than every other PERSON on the planet -- you'll NEVER have the dignity that comes from FREEDOM TO BE ME and tell my ancestors to go fuck off because I AM NOT THEM and tell the rest of the world to fuck off too -- BECAUSE I AM NOT YOU, EITHER.

Stop looking in a damned mirror and seeing a worthless Black -- and start seeing the TRUTH -- a PERSON as different from those long dead slaves as pharaoh Tutmose II was different from Julius Caesar.

I totally appreciate the stern tone of this post.

But I don't think this is the whole story.

Blacks, in my view, have the problems they do because they're "differently evolved": they've got shorter time horizons, lower IQ's, hair-trigger responses -- in other words, a totally different way of living than whites.


They can correctly claim that enslavement was more of an injustice than anything the Irish in America faced.

They faced that AS A GROUP.

Today, whites -- AS A GROUP -- face injustice.

Look at this:

Lawsuit alleges discrimination against white officers by L.A. Airport Police - latimes.com

Are these whites "whining"?

Well, yes... but they have a right to.

They really are getting screwed AS A GROUP.

Telling a cop who got rejected for promotion because he's white that he needs to stop whining about being a victim and "do for himself" IS NOT GOING TO CUT IT.
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This Deserved its own thread:

Let me clarify a few things for you:

Jim Crow laws officially ended about 46 years ago. I'm in my early 50's... so that means the bullshit that started as out and out slavery for my ancestors and maintained for a few centuries finally saw it's last legal vestiges in these United States during my lifetime.

Since then, you've had various State, city and county DA's throughout America prosecute realators for cases of "red lining".....on Long Island, NY there were several noted cases during the late 1980's. I could spend time documenting various cases, incidents, etc., but I trust you get the message: the world may change, but evil remains constant.

Factor that into your little analogy, and you'll notice that it just doesn't fit black folk in America.

Know what?

Blacks have NOT suffered one shred more than every other culture group in the US and Europe.

What, you think what the Irish have suffered was a picnic -- since ROME they've been stepped on and squashed.

And try what the Jews have endured -- going back to ancient Egypt -- and you want me to pity Blacks as the world's greatest and most glorious Sufferers Supreme?


Injustice happens -- and EVERY LAST ONE OF OUR ANCESTORS have been through some sort of hell on earth --

and guess what? women STILL endure the damned Glass Ceiling and they've been hurt for century after century after century of male "mastery" involved every vicious nasty mean thing somebody else could and DID think to do -- including crap in Athens that make Jim Crow look like Mother Theresa.

And we're supposed to celebrate the wonder of Black Superior Sufferers as somehow the Supermen of Human Suffering?


Stop wallowing in self-pity, take control over your own life and DO SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF WITH YOURSELF -- instead of whining and whimpering and "poor pitiful miserable LITTLE ME spoiled brat demands that we PITY YOU instead of RESPECTING YOU.

You want RESPECT? EARN IT -- everybody else does.

You want material luxuries? EARN IT -- everybody else does.

BE EQUAL -- instead of whining and puling and demanding PITY, wallowing around in PITY like a whipped puppy -- EARN RESPECT as a vital and glorious and wonderful person MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD -- some some puking weak little boy hiding behind his ancestors and using the INJUSTICE ALL MEN AND WOMEN HAVE FACED SINCE TIME IMMEMORIAL as an excuse to be a taker and user and SELF CREATED loser.

Toss the pity party in the garbage can and learn what SELF RESPECT is all about -- because, buddy, I've got a lot of students -- Blacks and Whites and Hispanics alike -- who have STOOD UP, TAKEN HOLD OF THEIR OWN LIVES, and turned off the pity floods they could drown themselves in to BE MEN not whipped little cur dogs whining and whimpering about how "unfair" life is.

UNFAIR IS REAL AND IT NEVER ENDS -- and 9/10 of the human species have suffered from a hell of a lot of "unfair" in their lives -- and so did their fathers and mothers and great greats back to the year dot when premordial man first crawled out of the sludge to stand on two feet and be a man.

so stop with the hangups over "unfair"

I for one am damned tired of Blacks strutting around and demanding that the world worship their fat butts as the world's SUPERIOR SUFFERING Super Heroes of the World.

Because, buddy, you haven't even started hurting as much as the women trapped in islamic abuse have done for 1400 years and STILL hurt from.

And as long as you're wallowing in filthy self-pity, whimpering and whining, and DEMANDING PITY, you never will be equal -- because you'll NEVER STAND TALL, head in the air, and know the meaning of SELF RESPECT which is destroyed by wallowing in PITY SLUDGE.

GROW UP AND BE A MAN -- and stop demanding that everybody bow down and worship the SUPERMEN OF SUFFERING.

Because Super Men YOU AIN'T -- you're just a man, exactly like every other human being walking down the street with you --

and that's EQUALITY -- neither greater nor weaker, smarter nor more stupid, NOT MORE ABUSED and not less abused, either.

Just ONE INDIVIDUAL PERSON doing the best he can do EXACTLY LIKE EVERY OTHER INDIVIDUAL PERSON on the planet -- dealing with crap and making the most you can out of what good stuff you can find in your path.

ONE PERSON -- not the son of slaves -- A MAN WHO IS UNIQUE TO HIMSELF -- and in that UNIQUENESS the greatest treasure on earth.

And until you learn to see yourself as YOU -- not a damned extension of some jerk you never even knew -- YOURSELF -- not a race, not a gender group -- A PERSON separate from and distinct DIFFERENT than every other PERSON on the planet -- you'll NEVER have the dignity that comes from FREEDOM TO BE ME and tell my ancestors to go fuck off because I AM NOT THEM and tell the rest of the world to fuck off too -- BECAUSE I AM NOT YOU, EITHER.

Stop looking in a damned mirror and seeing a worthless Black -- and start seeing the TRUTH -- a PERSON as different from those long dead slaves as pharaoh Tutmose II was different from Julius Caesar.


Rhet was one of the biggest assholes at Hannity. Brutally racist. Not scarey just unenlightened and louder than most. I get about two sentences into one of her postings and my eyes glaze over.

What she deserves is her own padded room, not her own thread.. :lol:
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Rhet was one of the biggest assholes at Hannity. Brutally racist. Not scarey just unenlightened and louder than most. I get about two sentences into one of her postings and my eyes glaze over.

What she deserves is her own padded room, not her own thread.. :lol:

Holy shit yeah. I knew she was an always angry, overly wordy bitch, but maybe because I almost never bothered to read most of her 10 page screaming rants , I was unaware of what a racist she is.

She'll get along great with the white supremacists here.
I like this dude!

What he says is true, and he says it as though he's HAD IT with the stoopidity,

as haven't we all?

I'm tired of hearing about black suffering, too.

I don't make anyone suffer, and would take some of their burden if I saw it happening.

I love folks, and know that we're ALL just peeps on God's green earth,

with our wants and needs, we're all the same: MAN.

You're on a roll, Sam ~ all of teh funneh posts about Si, and they were EPIC :lol:

and now this?

WTF ARE you, dude?

I'd like to know you better, and if that's not possible?

Then I'd just like for you to know that I value your input

(that sounds SO ... )

and the way your mind WORKS, 'cuz the fact that it's WORKING? Should be obvious to all of us.

Thank you, sweetie.
I totally appreciate the stern tone of this post.

But I don't think this is the whole story.

Blacks, in my view, have the problems they do because they're "differently evolved": they've got shorter time horizons, lower IQ's, hair-trigger responses -- in other words, a totally different way of living than whites.


They can correctly claim that enslavement was more of an injustice than anything the Irish in America faced.

They faced that AS A GROUP.

Today, whites -- AS A GROUP -- face injustice.

Look at this:

Lawsuit alleges discrimination against white officers by L.A. Airport Police - latimes.com

Are these whites "whining"?

Well, yes... but they have a right to.

They really are getting screwed AS A GROUP.

Telling a cop who got rejected for promotion because he's white that he needs to stop whining about being a victim and "do for himself" IS NOT GOING TO CUT IT.

I've read stuff about this:

Black folks ARE different from white folks, scientific studies that I didn't really know WHAT to make of, the differences that are sort of like the differences between men and women, muscle mass, basic build, brain function, etc.

I worried that if I believed THAT,

for sure FACTS that stared me in the face,

I was a racist.

Now, I'm just not so sure that all of us weren't built differently, for different purposes:

men; women; black folks; white folks; asian folks.

I'm pretty sad that we can't even BEGIN to explore any of the differences without being called asshat racists, but there ARE differences between us.
This Deserved its own thread:

Know what?

Blacks have NOT suffered one shred more than every other culture group in the US and Europe.

What, you think what the Irish have suffered was a picnic -- since ROME they've been stepped on and squashed.

And try what the Jews have endured -- going back to ancient Egypt -- and you want me to pity Blacks as the world's greatest and most glorious Sufferers Supreme?


Injustice happens -- and EVERY LAST ONE OF OUR ANCESTORS have been through some sort of hell on earth --

and guess what? women STILL endure the damned Glass Ceiling and they've been hurt for century after century after century of male "mastery" involved every vicious nasty mean thing somebody else could and DID think to do -- including crap in Athens that make Jim Crow look like Mother Theresa.

And we're supposed to celebrate the wonder of Black Superior Sufferers as somehow the Supermen of Human Suffering?


Stop wallowing in self-pity, take control over your own life and DO SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF WITH YOURSELF -- instead of whining and whimpering and "poor pitiful miserable LITTLE ME spoiled brat demands that we PITY YOU instead of RESPECTING YOU.

You want RESPECT? EARN IT -- everybody else does.

You want material luxuries? EARN IT -- everybody else does.

BE EQUAL -- instead of whining and puling and demanding PITY, wallowing around in PITY like a whipped puppy -- EARN RESPECT as a vital and glorious and wonderful person MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD -- some some puking weak little boy hiding behind his ancestors and using the INJUSTICE ALL MEN AND WOMEN HAVE FACED SINCE TIME IMMEMORIAL as an excuse to be a taker and user and SELF CREATED loser.

Toss the pity party in the garbage can and learn what SELF RESPECT is all about -- because, buddy, I've got a lot of students -- Blacks and Whites and Hispanics alike -- who have STOOD UP, TAKEN HOLD OF THEIR OWN LIVES, and turned off the pity floods they could drown themselves in to BE MEN not whipped little cur dogs whining and whimpering about how "unfair" life is.

UNFAIR IS REAL AND IT NEVER ENDS -- and 9/10 of the human species have suffered from a hell of a lot of "unfair" in their lives -- and so did their fathers and mothers and great greats back to the year dot when premordial man first crawled out of the sludge to stand on two feet and be a man.

so stop with the hangups over "unfair"

I for one am damned tired of Blacks strutting around and demanding that the world worship their fat butts as the world's SUPERIOR SUFFERING Super Heroes of the World.

Because, buddy, you haven't even started hurting as much as the women trapped in islamic abuse have done for 1400 years and STILL hurt from.

And as long as you're wallowing in filthy self-pity, whimpering and whining, and DEMANDING PITY, you never will be equal -- because you'll NEVER STAND TALL, head in the air, and know the meaning of SELF RESPECT which is destroyed by wallowing in PITY SLUDGE.

GROW UP AND BE A MAN -- and stop demanding that everybody bow down and worship the SUPERMEN OF SUFFERING.

Because Super Men YOU AIN'T -- you're just a man, exactly like every other human being walking down the street with you --

and that's EQUALITY -- neither greater nor weaker, smarter nor more stupid, NOT MORE ABUSED and not less abused, either.

Just ONE INDIVIDUAL PERSON doing the best he can do EXACTLY LIKE EVERY OTHER INDIVIDUAL PERSON on the planet -- dealing with crap and making the most you can out of what good stuff you can find in your path.

ONE PERSON -- not the son of slaves -- A MAN WHO IS UNIQUE TO HIMSELF -- and in that UNIQUENESS the greatest treasure on earth.

And until you learn to see yourself as YOU -- not a damned extension of some jerk you never even knew -- YOURSELF -- not a race, not a gender group -- A PERSON separate from and distinct DIFFERENT than every other PERSON on the planet -- you'll NEVER have the dignity that comes from FREEDOM TO BE ME and tell my ancestors to go fuck off because I AM NOT THEM and tell the rest of the world to fuck off too -- BECAUSE I AM NOT YOU, EITHER.

Stop looking in a damned mirror and seeing a worthless Black -- and start seeing the TRUTH -- a PERSON as different from those long dead slaves as pharaoh Tutmose II was different from Julius Caesar.


Rhet was one of the biggest assholes at Hannity. Brutally racist. Not scarey just unenlightened and louder than most. I get about two sentences into one of her postings and my eyes glaze over.

What she deserves is her own padded room, not her own thread.. :lol:

How is:

"Stop looking in a damned mirror and seeing a worthless Black"


Sarah, I actually read the post without preconception (I've never been a member "at Hannity"), and didn't find anything except the opposite of "brutal racism."
Rhet was one of the biggest assholes at Hannity. Brutally racist. Not scarey just unenlightened and louder than most. I get about two sentences into one of her postings and my eyes glaze over.

What she deserves is her own padded room, not her own thread.. :lol:

Holy shit yeah. I knew she was an always angry, overly wordy bitch, but maybe because I almost never bothered to read most of her 10 page screaming rants , I was unaware of what a racist she is.

She'll get along great with the white supremacists here.

Well, don't you know PPV that Blacks are a bunch of whiney crybabies. Just because we enslaved them, hung them from the highest tree, bought and traded them like animals doesn't mean they get any respect from Rhet.

They have to earn her respect! Damn right!
Rhet was one of the biggest assholes at Hannity. Brutally racist. Not scarey just unenlightened and louder than most. I get about two sentences into one of her postings and my eyes glaze over.

What she deserves is her own padded room, not her own thread.. :lol:

Holy shit yeah. I knew she was an always angry, overly wordy bitch, but maybe because I almost never bothered to read most of her 10 page screaming rants , I was unaware of what a racist she is.

She'll get along great with the white supremacists here.

Well, don't you know PPV that Blacks are a bunch of whiney crybabies. Just because we enslaved them, hung them from the highest tree, bought and traded them like animals doesn't mean they get any respect from Rhet.

They have to earn her respect! Damn right!

If it makes you feel any better, you've earned MY respect.:eusa_angel:
This Deserved its own thread:

Know what?

Blacks have NOT suffered one shred more than every other culture group in the US and Europe.

What, you think what the Irish have suffered was a picnic -- since ROME they've been stepped on and squashed.

And try what the Jews have endured -- going back to ancient Egypt -- and you want me to pity Blacks as the world's greatest and most glorious Sufferers Supreme?


Injustice happens -- and EVERY LAST ONE OF OUR ANCESTORS have been through some sort of hell on earth --

and guess what? women STILL endure the damned Glass Ceiling and they've been hurt for century after century after century of male "mastery" involved every vicious nasty mean thing somebody else could and DID think to do -- including crap in Athens that make Jim Crow look like Mother Theresa.

And we're supposed to celebrate the wonder of Black Superior Sufferers as somehow the Supermen of Human Suffering?


Stop wallowing in self-pity, take control over your own life and DO SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF WITH YOURSELF -- instead of whining and whimpering and "poor pitiful miserable LITTLE ME spoiled brat demands that we PITY YOU instead of RESPECTING YOU.

You want RESPECT? EARN IT -- everybody else does.

You want material luxuries? EARN IT -- everybody else does.

BE EQUAL -- instead of whining and puling and demanding PITY, wallowing around in PITY like a whipped puppy -- EARN RESPECT as a vital and glorious and wonderful person MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD -- some some puking weak little boy hiding behind his ancestors and using the INJUSTICE ALL MEN AND WOMEN HAVE FACED SINCE TIME IMMEMORIAL as an excuse to be a taker and user and SELF CREATED loser.

Toss the pity party in the garbage can and learn what SELF RESPECT is all about -- because, buddy, I've got a lot of students -- Blacks and Whites and Hispanics alike -- who have STOOD UP, TAKEN HOLD OF THEIR OWN LIVES, and turned off the pity floods they could drown themselves in to BE MEN not whipped little cur dogs whining and whimpering about how "unfair" life is.

UNFAIR IS REAL AND IT NEVER ENDS -- and 9/10 of the human species have suffered from a hell of a lot of "unfair" in their lives -- and so did their fathers and mothers and great greats back to the year dot when premordial man first crawled out of the sludge to stand on two feet and be a man.

so stop with the hangups over "unfair"

I for one am damned tired of Blacks strutting around and demanding that the world worship their fat butts as the world's SUPERIOR SUFFERING Super Heroes of the World.

Because, buddy, you haven't even started hurting as much as the women trapped in islamic abuse have done for 1400 years and STILL hurt from.

And as long as you're wallowing in filthy self-pity, whimpering and whining, and DEMANDING PITY, you never will be equal -- because you'll NEVER STAND TALL, head in the air, and know the meaning of SELF RESPECT which is destroyed by wallowing in PITY SLUDGE.

GROW UP AND BE A MAN -- and stop demanding that everybody bow down and worship the SUPERMEN OF SUFFERING.

Because Super Men YOU AIN'T -- you're just a man, exactly like every other human being walking down the street with you --

and that's EQUALITY -- neither greater nor weaker, smarter nor more stupid, NOT MORE ABUSED and not less abused, either.

Just ONE INDIVIDUAL PERSON doing the best he can do EXACTLY LIKE EVERY OTHER INDIVIDUAL PERSON on the planet -- dealing with crap and making the most you can out of what good stuff you can find in your path.

ONE PERSON -- not the son of slaves -- A MAN WHO IS UNIQUE TO HIMSELF -- and in that UNIQUENESS the greatest treasure on earth.

And until you learn to see yourself as YOU -- not a damned extension of some jerk you never even knew -- YOURSELF -- not a race, not a gender group -- A PERSON separate from and distinct DIFFERENT than every other PERSON on the planet -- you'll NEVER have the dignity that comes from FREEDOM TO BE ME and tell my ancestors to go fuck off because I AM NOT THEM and tell the rest of the world to fuck off too -- BECAUSE I AM NOT YOU, EITHER.

Stop looking in a damned mirror and seeing a worthless Black -- and start seeing the TRUTH -- a PERSON as different from those long dead slaves as pharaoh Tutmose II was different from Julius Caesar.


Rhet was one of the biggest assholes at Hannity. Brutally racist. Not scarey just unenlightened and louder than most. I get about two sentences into one of her postings and my eyes glaze over.

What she deserves is her own padded room, not her own thread.. :lol:

As one who KNOWS the rule not to bring history at other boards up...:rolleyes:...I'll just go with what was written.

It was perfect.
Holy shit yeah. I knew she was an always angry, overly wordy bitch, but maybe because I almost never bothered to read most of her 10 page screaming rants , I was unaware of what a racist she is.

She'll get along great with the white supremacists here.

Well, don't you know PPV that Blacks are a bunch of whiney crybabies. Just because we enslaved them, hung them from the highest tree, bought and traded them like animals doesn't mean they get any respect from Rhet.

They have to earn her respect! Damn right!

If it makes you feel any better, you've earned MY respect.:eusa_angel:

I have a certain amount of respect for you Sam, however that post was quite racist but not as bad as she can get.
Well, here's me at my semi-corrupt and semi-destructive EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVil worst:


This reductionism -- ignoring that which is unique and special and NOT EVER DUPLICATED genius of the INDIVIDUAL to a "group norm" is just that -- REDUCTIONISM -- MINIMIZATION.

Take 10 people, closely observe them to describe every single solitary characteristic visible in each.

TOSS OUT THAT WHICH IS DIFFERENT -- and hyper-focus on that which is similar -- and PROJECT an "average," a "norm" -- a damned STEREOTYPE of the other 3 billion 500 million examples of the same GROUP that the nutjob researcher is trying to define -- and that is a total and complete NASTY and DESTRUCTIVE reductionism to produce a NORM that does NOT EXIST except in the feeble brains of idiots who are psychotically driven to shove reality into pre-conceived MOLDED and ARTIFICIAL boxes they can then manipulate and control.

Some people fixated on shoving reality into little biological boxes so they can CONTROL others -- and they REDUCE Joe to being a clone of Jim -- and persist in responding to BOTH Joe and Jim as though they were a NOT EXISTING Jill --


Stop reducing people to Group Norms -- because NO TWO PEOPLE ARE EVER EXACTLY ALIKE -- and human value is NOT in the commonalities which are superficial at best --

HUMAN VALUE IS IN THE DIFFERENCES -- and those who cannot and will not cherish and foster the DIFFERENCES of one person at a time are guilty as hell of reducing humanity to their own stereotyped pre-existent SELFISH tools to SERVE their own damned ego-driven SELFISH needs.
Well, don't you know PPV that Blacks are a bunch of whiney crybabies. Just because we enslaved them, hung them from the highest tree, bought and traded them like animals doesn't mean they get any respect from Rhet.

They have to earn her respect! Damn right!

If it makes you feel any better, you've earned MY respect.:eusa_angel:

I have a certain amount of respect for you Sam, however that post was quite racist but not as bad as she can get.

Could you please show me the Most Racist part of the post?
This Deserved its own thread:

Know what?

Blacks have NOT suffered one shred more than every other culture group in the US and Europe.

What, you think what the Irish have suffered was a picnic -- since ROME they've been stepped on and squashed.

And try what the Jews have endured -- going back to ancient Egypt -- and you want me to pity Blacks as the world's greatest and most glorious Sufferers Supreme?


Injustice happens -- and EVERY LAST ONE OF OUR ANCESTORS have been through some sort of hell on earth --

and guess what? women STILL endure the damned Glass Ceiling and they've been hurt for century after century after century of male "mastery" involved every vicious nasty mean thing somebody else could and DID think to do -- including crap in Athens that make Jim Crow look like Mother Theresa.

And we're supposed to celebrate the wonder of Black Superior Sufferers as somehow the Supermen of Human Suffering?


Stop wallowing in self-pity, take control over your own life and DO SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF WITH YOURSELF -- instead of whining and whimpering and "poor pitiful miserable LITTLE ME spoiled brat demands that we PITY YOU instead of RESPECTING YOU.

You want RESPECT? EARN IT -- everybody else does.

You want material luxuries? EARN IT -- everybody else does.

BE EQUAL -- instead of whining and puling and demanding PITY, wallowing around in PITY like a whipped puppy -- EARN RESPECT as a vital and glorious and wonderful person MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD -- some some puking weak little boy hiding behind his ancestors and using the INJUSTICE ALL MEN AND WOMEN HAVE FACED SINCE TIME IMMEMORIAL as an excuse to be a taker and user and SELF CREATED loser.

Toss the pity party in the garbage can and learn what SELF RESPECT is all about -- because, buddy, I've got a lot of students -- Blacks and Whites and Hispanics alike -- who have STOOD UP, TAKEN HOLD OF THEIR OWN LIVES, and turned off the pity floods they could drown themselves in to BE MEN not whipped little cur dogs whining and whimpering about how "unfair" life is.

UNFAIR IS REAL AND IT NEVER ENDS -- and 9/10 of the human species have suffered from a hell of a lot of "unfair" in their lives -- and so did their fathers and mothers and great greats back to the year dot when premordial man first crawled out of the sludge to stand on two feet and be a man.

so stop with the hangups over "unfair"

I for one am damned tired of Blacks strutting around and demanding that the world worship their fat butts as the world's SUPERIOR SUFFERING Super Heroes of the World.

Because, buddy, you haven't even started hurting as much as the women trapped in islamic abuse have done for 1400 years and STILL hurt from.

And as long as you're wallowing in filthy self-pity, whimpering and whining, and DEMANDING PITY, you never will be equal -- because you'll NEVER STAND TALL, head in the air, and know the meaning of SELF RESPECT which is destroyed by wallowing in PITY SLUDGE.

GROW UP AND BE A MAN -- and stop demanding that everybody bow down and worship the SUPERMEN OF SUFFERING.

Because Super Men YOU AIN'T -- you're just a man, exactly like every other human being walking down the street with you --

and that's EQUALITY -- neither greater nor weaker, smarter nor more stupid, NOT MORE ABUSED and not less abused, either.

Just ONE INDIVIDUAL PERSON doing the best he can do EXACTLY LIKE EVERY OTHER INDIVIDUAL PERSON on the planet -- dealing with crap and making the most you can out of what good stuff you can find in your path.

ONE PERSON -- not the son of slaves -- A MAN WHO IS UNIQUE TO HIMSELF -- and in that UNIQUENESS the greatest treasure on earth.

And until you learn to see yourself as YOU -- not a damned extension of some jerk you never even knew -- YOURSELF -- not a race, not a gender group -- A PERSON separate from and distinct DIFFERENT than every other PERSON on the planet -- you'll NEVER have the dignity that comes from FREEDOM TO BE ME and tell my ancestors to go fuck off because I AM NOT THEM and tell the rest of the world to fuck off too -- BECAUSE I AM NOT YOU, EITHER.

Stop looking in a damned mirror and seeing a worthless Black -- and start seeing the TRUTH -- a PERSON as different from those long dead slaves as pharaoh Tutmose II was different from Julius Caesar.


Rhet was one of the biggest assholes at Hannity. Brutally racist. Not scarey just unenlightened and louder than most. I get about two sentences into one of her postings and my eyes glaze over.

What she deserves is her own padded room, not her own thread.. :lol:

But she is a good Christian.

Or at least she claims to be.
This Deserved its own thread:


Rhet was one of the biggest assholes at Hannity. Brutally racist. Not scarey just unenlightened and louder than most. I get about two sentences into one of her postings and my eyes glaze over.

What she deserves is her own padded room, not her own thread.. :lol:

But she is a good Christian.

Or at least she claims to be.

LORD love a monkey -- especially those that can't think beyond a 10 second commercial for their fav high school football team whose victories are the basis of their own self-esteem as Members of the In Crowd.

you wouldn't know a Christian from a snail's egg nor a snail's egg from a slug's shit -- because you've never DARED think outside the box some asshole ideologue shoved your brains into when you were two and trying to stick screwdrivers into electrical outlet boxes.
If it makes you feel any better, you've earned MY respect.:eusa_angel:

I have a certain amount of respect for you Sam, however that post was quite racist but not as bad as she can get.

Could you please show me the Most Racist part of the post?

Blacks have NOT suffered one shred more than every other culture group in the US and Europe.

What is she talking about? Blacks have suffered but maybe not enough for Rhet.. The sniveling crybabies.

And we're supposed to celebrate the wonder of Black Superior Sufferers as somehow the Supermen of Human Suffering?

Who asked her to celebrate those she hates so much. Let her go celebrate people who are on her level.


Stop wallowing in self-pity, take control over your own life and DO SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF WITH YOURSELF -- instead of whining and whimpering and "poor pitiful miserable LITTLE ME spoiled brat demands that we PITY YOU instead of RESPECTING YOU.

Lots of Blacks have taken control of their own lives and have done something with themselves. President Obama, for example but nasty ole Rhet can't find a way to treat Blacks as individuals. To her, they're a group of lazy, dumb and poor negros. Not nearly good enough to gain her respect. She's much better than any Black and they'd best be working for her respect.. Or else!

You want RESPECT? EARN IT -- everybody else does.

You want material luxuries? EARN IT -- everybody else does.

Blacks do too, ya moron.
I have a certain amount of respect for you Sam, however that post was quite racist but not as bad as she can get.

Could you please show me the Most Racist part of the post?

What is she talking about? Blacks have suffered but maybe not enough for Rhet.. The sniveling crybabies.

Who asked her to celebrate those she hates so much. Let her go celebrate people who are on her level.


Stop wallowing in self-pity, take control over your own life and DO SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF WITH YOURSELF -- instead of whining and whimpering and "poor pitiful miserable LITTLE ME spoiled brat demands that we PITY YOU instead of RESPECTING YOU.

Lots of Blacks have taken control of their own lives and have done something with themselves. President Obama, for example but nasty ole Rhet can't find a way to treat Blacks as individuals. To her, they're a group of lazy, dumb and poor negros. Not nearly good enough to gain her respect. She's much better than any Black and they'd best be working for her respect.. Or else!

You want RESPECT? EARN IT -- everybody else does.

You want material luxuries? EARN IT -- everybody else does.

Blacks do too, ya moron.

Soooooooooo, again with Samson's question: Where are the racist parts?
I find rhet 2's post exceptionally refreshing, blunt, honest, and spoken from the depth of what I refer to as "soul". I think the knee-jerk reactions here are to be expected, as most people can't face the reality that we are all unique individuals. To accept this reality requires that one can examine oneself and accept the total responsibility for one's thoughts, feelings, actions, and everything that makes us human. It requires that we reject all notions of blame, whether we believe the source of all our misery is that we had bad parents, were poor, were abused, were ugly, were shy, or because we were born the wrong color, and there's an infinite number of excuses that we can come up with to excuse our taking responsibility for our own happiness. Eventually, if happiness is truly desired, and one wishes to be free of all the things that hold us back from being everything we can be, we have to accept total responsibility for our own happiness, and stop trying to find a myriad of reasons that it can't happen. You can blame God, your parents, your country, or the fate of your birth, but until you can point the finger at yourself, you'll never be happy, because that's the only place you're going to find it.
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Rhet was one of the biggest assholes at Hannity. Brutally racist. Not scarey just unenlightened and louder than most. I get about two sentences into one of her postings and my eyes glaze over.

What she deserves is her own padded room, not her own thread.. :lol:
wow, adding liar to your moron title

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