Rich People (Don't) Create Jobs

Sometimes the ideas we are certain are true, are DEAD WRONG.

A policymaker believes that the rich create jobs and should not be tax, he will make terrible policy.

Watch and learn. -- Only Consumers can set in motion the cycle...

Tell that to JFK...

Another post from a far left drone that proves JFK could not fit in the (D) party of today..

Although it was the far left Congress and Carter that lowered many taxes for the so called "rich" in the late 70's.
That's why I never put in job applications with those evil rich peoples companies and just hand resume's out to the homeless on street corners.

Try watching the video before you reply.

Why would a rich guy hire you when he can outsource the job to indonesia.
A Libertarian Candidate would abolish the welfare/warfare state thereby Mr. Employer would not find a need to outsource the job to Indonesia,.

That's why I never put in job applications with those evil rich peoples companies and just hand resume's out to the homeless on street corners.

Try watching the video before you reply.

Why would a rich guy hire you when he can outsource the job to indonesia.
A Libertarian Candidate would abolish the welfare/warfare state thereby Mr. Employer would not find a need to outsource the job to Indonesia,.


That makes no sense at all. Getting rid of safety nets doesn't get rid of the factors that lead to poverty, idiot.

More ignorance from the far-right.

Try watching the video sparky.
That's why I never put in job applications with those evil rich peoples companies and just hand resume's out to the homeless on street corners.

Try watching the video before you reply.

Why would a rich guy hire you when he can outsource the job to indonesia.
Outsourcing to Indonesia is caused by government tyrannical policies.

No, dumbfuck, it's caused by greed and available cheap labor.
Sometimes the ideas we are certain are true, are DEAD WRONG.

A policymaker believes that the rich create jobs and should not be tax, he will make terrible policy.

Watch and learn. -- Only Consumers can set in motion the cycle...

Tell that to JFK...

Another post from a far left drone that proves JFK could not fit in the (D) party of today..

Although it was the far left Congress and Carter that lowered many taxes for the so called "rich" in the late 70's.

No it was Reagan - get your facts straight or don't post in my threads.

Got it?!
That's why I never put in job applications with those evil rich peoples companies and just hand resume's out to the homeless on street corners.

Try watching the video before you reply.

Why would a rich guy hire you when he can outsource the job to indonesia.
Outsourcing to Indonesia is caused by government tyrannical policies.

No, dumbfuck, it's caused by greed and available cheap labor.
No moron-marxist, it's the taxes, stupid.
That's why I never put in job applications with those evil rich peoples companies and just hand resume's out to the homeless on street corners.

Try watching the video before you reply.

Why would a rich guy hire you when he can outsource the job to indonesia.
A Libertarian Candidate would abolish the welfare/warfare state thereby Mr. Employer would not find a need to outsource the job to Indonesia,.


That makes no sense at all. Getting rid of safety nets doesn't get rid of the factors that lead to poverty, idiot.

More ignorance from the far-right.

Try watching the video sparky.

Well Dingle Berry, keep the "safety nets" in place and good luck finding taxpayers and producers who will pay for them. May be the Indonesians will vote to pay for the parasites "safety nets"

That's why I never put in job applications with those evil rich peoples companies and just hand resume's out to the homeless on street corners.

Try watching the video before you reply.

Why would a rich guy hire you when he can outsource the job to indonesia.
I would only hire someone from Indonesia when the taxes and regulations imposed on me in the USA are more than it would cost to go over sea's to hire the same person for the same job. You caused that decision to have to be made.

Rich people with a product to sell have options. One of those options is getting your product built in other countries cheaper than you can here. Even if you want to hire people and keep production in the US you just can't fucking do it and stay in business with the taxes and regulations. How about you actually reduce the costs to business to make it more attractive and financially possible to stay here and not go to Indonesia?
That's why I never put in job applications with those evil rich peoples companies and just hand resume's out to the homeless on street corners.

Try watching the video before you reply.

Why would a rich guy hire you when he can outsource the job to indonesia.
Outsourcing to Indonesia is caused by government tyrannical policies.

No, dumbfuck, it's caused by greed and available cheap labor.
When you start a business you only have so many options. Your product is only worth so much to the buyers or you get no sales. When the demands of the government exceed what you can actually pay a worker here and still sell product you have no choice but to move production. If you don't not only does your employee lose his job you lose your business.

That's not greed, it's survival.
Sometimes the ideas we are certain are true, are DEAD WRONG.

A policymaker believes that the rich create jobs and should not be tax, he will make terrible policy.

Watch and learn. -- Only Consumers can set in motion the cycle...

Tell that to JFK...

Another post from a far left drone that proves JFK could not fit in the (D) party of today..

Although it was the far left Congress and Carter that lowered many taxes for the so called "rich" in the late 70's.

No it was Reagan - get your facts straight or don't post in my threads.

Got it?!

President Carter reduced the top tax rate on capital gains to 28% from as high as 98%

Typical far left who dictate who can and can not post as well as not post anything factual.

More far left propaganda..
That's why I never put in job applications with those evil rich peoples companies and just hand resume's out to the homeless on street corners.

Try watching the video before you reply.

Why would a rich guy hire you when he can outsource the job to indonesia.
Just how old are you again?
How stupid are you?

I guess this is why there is no hiring in this country and all our hires have gone to Indonesia.

The level of ignorance and stupidity on this site astounds me sometimes.
We all know that poor people own companies and hire.
That's a basic Liberal point. heh heh heh.
I will give the Libs this one.

Libs feel only government hires people.
Most rich people are lawyers, politicians, bankers, market speculators, entertainers, or athletes. Useless parasites that don't produce jobs or anything else either.

Wah? Most rich people are lawyers, politicians, bankers, market speculators, entertainers, or athletes? So the CEO of my company is actually not an Engineer who saved up after working there 20 years, and bought the place from the former owner... no no, he's really a Basket Ball star, that randomly puts in 60 hours a week at the company where I work.

I can't even begin to fathom what you are trying to say in this post... except that it's really dumb.
Small businesses create the jobs in America. They not generally businesses started by the Rich.
First off that seems not be true these days, with big business doing most of the hiring.
Second, while people are not rich when they start businesses they get that way once they start hiring people.

So as usual your factual knowledge is faulty and your ability to reason piss-poor.
Small businesses create the jobs in America. They not generally businesses started by the Rich.
First off that seems not be true these days, with big business doing most of the hiring.
Second, while people are not rich when they start businesses they get that way once they start hiring people.

So as usual your factual knowledge is faulty and your ability to reason piss-poor.

So it's the workers that make the owner rich. No kidding. So the rich don't create the jobs, the jobs create the rich.

Now you're catching on.
Small businesses create the jobs in America. They not generally businesses started by the Rich.

I've worked at small businesses for most of my life. I can't think of one that was not run by a rich guy.

Doesn't matter if they "started" rich or not. Those people are rich. That's how they have the money to hire people. Poor people do not hire employees. Never met a guy yet who was poor, and taking applications. Doesn't happen. Can't happen.

And, yes many large corporations are started by people who were not wealthy to begin with. That's our point, that anyone in America can be wealthy, if they take the risk and push through.

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