Rich rapist of 3yo gets no jail time

Du Pont family heir Robert Richards spared jail for raping 3-year-old daughter | Mail Online

Robert Richards was charged with fourth-degree rape of his young daughter but was spared jail
Shocking details about the offense and an alleged assault on his infant son have emerged in a lawsuit brought about by his ex-wife Tracy
Richards is an unemployed heir living off his multi-million dollar trust fund
His ex-wife is suing for compensation for her two children and the emotional distress they've endured
In sentencing him in 2009, Judge Jurden said Richards would benefit from participating in a sex offenders rehabilitation program rather than prison

Shocking details have emerged of how a multimillionaire heir to the du Pont chemical business was convicted of raping his three-year-old daughter but escaped serving prison time after a Delaware Superior Court judge ruled he would ‘not fare well’.

Robert H. Richards IV was charged with fourth-degree rape in 2009 after he admitted that he had raped his daughter almost a decade ago.

News of the shocking leniency shown to Richards, 46, only emerged on Tuesday in the details of a lawsuit filed against him by his ex-wife Tracy.

In her lawsuit, Tracy Richards charges that he penetrated his daughter with his fingers while masturbating, and subsequently also assaulted his toddler son as well.

Tracy Richards, who along with the two children now live in a rental home, is seeking compensatory and punitive damages for assault, negligence, and intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress on his two children.

Robert Richards is an unemployed heir living off his trust fund. He is the great grandson of du Pont family patriarch Irenee du Pont, a chemical baron.

Read more: Du Pont family heir Robert Richards spared jail for raping 3-year-old daughter | Mail Online
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Money talks.

Raped a three year old? Won't fare well in prison? Fucking shoot him.

At the very least he should be castrated... And not chemically...
It's not money. Judges have started handing down light sentences for raping children. It's more the foundation for normalizing child adult sexual relationships.

Issac Onsurez isn't rich. Not by any means. He raped his own step granddaughter more than 100 times and was sentenced to life. One liberal judge reduced the sentence to a year. No money involved.

Judge Lowers Prison Sentence Of Man Who Molested Young Girl 100 Times From Life To Just One Year (Video)

More proof that LGBT/NAMBLA is making more headway into mainstream society. Afterall, du Pont was likely "born" with a "gene" that makes him that way. We're told that being born with "special" genes is totally normal and acceptable and that we have no right to speak out against folks who "believe" they are something that they aren't. Yes ... it's a topsy turvy world.

Now ... from a normal person's perspective, I hope someone beats the crap out of the dude. (Sorry libs but sometimes a little violence sends an important message).

Oddly enough, there are a number of people on these threads, conservatives all, who do not seem to understand that there is a dividing line between private acts by two consenting adults , and rape of a child. I find that very curious....
So your cool with a mother daughter getting married? The daughter being over 18?
More proof that LGBT/NAMBLA is making more headway into mainstream society. Afterall, du Pont was likely "born" with a "gene" that makes him that way. We're told that being born with "special" genes is totally normal and acceptable and that we have no right to speak out against folks who "believe" they are something that they aren't. Yes ... it's a topsy turvy world.

Now ... from a normal person's perspective, I hope someone beats the crap out of the dude. (Sorry libs but sometimes a little violence sends an important message).

Oddly enough, there are a number of people on these threads, conservatives all, who do not seem to understand that there is a dividing line between private acts by two consenting adults , and rape of a child. I find that very curious....
So your cool with a mother daughter getting married? The daughter being over 18?

The daughter is still her child.
Du Pont family heir Robert Richards spared jail for raping 3-year-old daughter | Mail Online

Robert Richards was charged with fourth-degree rape of his young daughter but was spared jail
Shocking details about the offense and an alleged assault on his infant son have emerged in a lawsuit brought about by his ex-wife Tracy
Richards is an unemployed heir living off his multi-million dollar trust fund
His ex-wife is suing for compensation for her two children and the emotional distress they've endured
In sentencing him in 2009, Judge Jurden said Richards would benefit from participating in a sex offenders rehabilitation program rather than prison

Shocking details have emerged of how a multimillionaire heir to the du Pont chemical business was convicted of raping his three-year-old daughter but escaped serving prison time after a Delaware Superior Court judge ruled he would ‘not fare well’.

Robert H. Richards IV was charged with fourth-degree rape in 2009 after he admitted that he had raped his daughter almost a decade ago.

News of the shocking leniency shown to Richards, 46, only emerged on Tuesday in the details of a lawsuit filed against him by his ex-wife Tracy.

In her lawsuit, Tracy Richards charges that he penetrated his daughter with his fingers while masturbating, and subsequently also assaulted his toddler son as well.

Tracy Richards, who along with the two children now live in a rental home, is seeking compensatory and punitive damages for assault, negligence, and intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress on his two children.

Robert Richards is an unemployed heir living off his trust fund. He is the great grandson of du Pont family patriarch Irenee du Pont, a chemical baron.

Read more: Du Pont family heir Robert Richards spared jail for raping 3-year-old daughter | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Money talks.

Must be nice to be a Democrat.
You're such a mental midget! This has to do with ZERO accountability of miscarries of justice by judges!

Light Sentence for Short Sex Offender Under Fire | Fox News

Here is another SICK man, WHO DIDN'T have money, who was convicted of raping a 12 yr old girl and the judge let him out of jail time because he was 5'1!!! Absolute bullshit. Again the judge was not held accountable for her miscarry of justice and it had NOTHING to do with money, because with an activist judge (usu on the left side of the isle)!

Why aren't the liberals jumping on reforming the prison system?
If we are spending tens of thousands on inmates, couldn't that money
be better spent on health care to diagnose and treat illness before crimes are committed?
Wouldn't preventing the costs of crime be a better way to fund sustainable health care?
Drive by, 10 years ago gay marrige wasn't an issue either. Give it ten years and i'm sure the others will be considered normal the way our society is going.

I hate to break it too you jk, but Ozzie and Harriet and June and Ward are all dead. It is not 1955 anymore.

What's wrong with a society that's not vulgar? Every wbere you go you see gay this gay that. Sex every where, even straight sex. Can't we tone it down just a little? Kids today don't have a chance.

One word destroys your premise: Rome
You're such a mental midget! This has to do with ZERO accountability of miscarries of justice by judges!

Light Sentence for Short Sex Offender Under Fire | Fox News

Here is another SICK man, WHO DIDN'T have money, who was convicted of raping a 12 yr old girl and the judge let him out of jail time because he was 5'1!!! Absolute bullshit. Again the judge was not held accountable for her miscarry of justice and it had NOTHING to do with money, because with an activist judge (usu on the left side of the isle)!

Why aren't the liberals jumping on reforming the prison system?
If we are spending tens of thousands on inmates, couldn't that money
be better spent on health care to diagnose and treat illness before crimes are committed?
Wouldn't preventing the costs of crime be a better way to fund sustainable health care?

You musta missed every thread on legalizing weed and how the liberals were accused of being soft on crime, encouraging lewd behavior etc.

The problem with repubs is they only see problems. They will ask for a solution like you just did then when they get answers they object or disagree with every answer provided.

So you want to know why the prison system hasnt been reformed? Ask one liberal here then ask one Republican. See which one gives you an answer and which one defends the system
I'm all for legalizing weed (and coke and K and every other drug). I'm all for trying to figure out what causes crime. I'm all for having a solid mental health system. I'm all for giving a first offender at second chance and some skill training or a vocation or something.


I'm all for taking kiddie rapers and locking them up for life. There is no cure for ChoMos short of killing them and we don't have the stomach for that as a society. One bite at that particular apple should be all it takes to figure that guy is a threat to children and needs removed from proper society.
It's not money. Judges have started handing down light sentences for raping children. It's more the foundation for normalizing child adult sexual relationships.

Issac Onsurez isn't rich. Not by any means. He raped his own step granddaughter more than 100 times and was sentenced to life. One liberal judge reduced the sentence to a year. No money involved.

Judge Lowers Prison Sentence Of Man Who Molested Young Girl 100 Times From Life To Just One Year (Video)

More proof that LGBT/NAMBLA is making more headway into mainstream society. Afterall, du Pont was likely "born" with a "gene" that makes him that way. We're told that being born with "special" genes is totally normal and acceptable and that we have no right to speak out against folks who "believe" they are something that they aren't. Yes ... it's a topsy turvy world.

Now ... from a normal person's perspective, I hope someone beats the crap out of the dude. (Sorry libs but sometimes a little violence sends an important message).

Oddly enough, there are a number of people on these threads, conservatives all, who do not seem to understand that there is a dividing line between private acts by two consenting adults , and rape of a child. I find that very curious....

You place the "dividing" line in a different place than I do. I divide normal relations between an adult male and adult female from all deviant sexual activity whether it be two males, two female, humans with animals, adults with children, etc., etc. It's true that I will tolerate two adult homosexuals who are minding their business before I would ever tolerate a pedophile but I still draw a line in a different place that the general LGBT community does. It's that simple for me.
There is probably more to the case. If not than this is a travesty.

There is. It was a plea bargain. There was no rape charge.

I avoid jumping into these "I hate child molesters way more than you do!" lynch mobs. Especially when this may be a "Why, silly little me, I just coincidentally remembered that he's been molesting the kids now that I've filed for divorce! It had just totally slipped my mind before!" case.

And yes, innocent men sure as hell do cop to plea bargains in such cases, if a plea bargain keeps them from being sent to jail as a child rapist (which is consistent with what happened here). Having the entire family justice system instantly assume a man is a proven child rapist won't leave a man many options. They'll work hard on the small child with the whole "Didn't daddy touch you? If you tell us daddy touched you, then we can help daddy!" routine.

Is that the case? I can't be sure either way. There's just not enough background given. But since I can't be sure, I won't be joining everyone in howling for his blood.
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There is probably more to the case. If not than this is a travesty.

There is. It was a plea bargain. There was no rape charge.

I avoid jumping into these "I hate child molesters way more than you do!" lynch mobs. Especially when this may be a "Why, silly little me, I just coincidentally remembered that he's been molesting the kids now that I've filed for divorce! It had just totally slipped my mind before!" case.

And yes, innocent men sure as hell do cop to plea bargains in such cases, if a plea bargain keeps them from being sent to jail as a child rapist (which is consistent with what happened here). Having the entire family justice system instantly assume a man is a proven child rapist won't leave a man many options. They'll work hard on the small child with the whole "Didn't daddy touch you? If you tell us daddy touched you, then we can help daddy!" routine.

Is that the case? I can't be sure either way. There's just not enough background given. But since I can't be sure, I won't be joining everyone in howling for his blood.

I must have been right about the guy being a Democrat.

FYI, he pleaded guilty to a charge of rape. I am pretty sure that means that, legally, there was a rape.

Judge said du Pont heir 'will not fare well' in prison

You can pretend you are waiting for the facts, but the facts ar already in, he raped his 3 year old daughter.
omg. He is the spitting image of my sister in laws grandson. SPITTING IMAGE.
You can pretend you are waiting for the facts, but the facts ar already in, he raped his 3 year old daughter.

Got it, judicial abuse doesn't exist, and everyone who copped to a plea bargain under pressure has to be guilty. Thanks for filling us in on the real truth.

Oh, you were a complete asswipe with the Democrat crack, and should apologize for it, being you implied I'd defend a child molester if he was a Democrat. That sort of shitty behavior has become SOP for you these days.
Last edited:
You're such a mental midget! This has to do with ZERO accountability of miscarries of justice by judges!

Light Sentence for Short Sex Offender Under Fire | Fox News

Here is another SICK man, WHO DIDN'T have money, who was convicted of raping a 12 yr old girl and the judge let him out of jail time because he was 5'1!!! Absolute bullshit. Again the judge was not held accountable for her miscarry of justice and it had NOTHING to do with money, because with an activist judge (usu on the left side of the isle)!

Why aren't the liberals jumping on reforming the prison system?
If we are spending tens of thousands on inmates, couldn't that money
be better spent on health care to diagnose and treat illness before crimes are committed?
Wouldn't preventing the costs of crime be a better way to fund sustainable health care?

Well the could stop putting people in jail for smoking weed and drinking....Wait. drinking is legal.
More proof that LGBT/NAMBLA is making more headway into mainstream society. Afterall, du Pont was likely "born" with a "gene" that makes him that way. We're told that being born with "special" genes is totally normal and acceptable and that we have no right to speak out against folks who "believe" they are something that they aren't. Yes ... it's a topsy turvy world.

Now ... from a normal person's perspective, I hope someone beats the crap out of the dude. (Sorry libs but sometimes a little violence sends an important message).

Oddly enough, there are a number of people on these threads, conservatives all, who do not seem to understand that there is a dividing line between private acts by two consenting adults , and rape of a child. I find that very curious....
So your cool with a mother daughter getting married? The daughter being over 18?

I lie awake at night, worrying that this may happen. But then, I realize that this would probably not happen except in a Mormon sub-sect community....
You can pretend you are waiting for the facts, but the facts ar already in, he raped his 3 year old daughter.

Got it, judicial abuse doesn't exist, and everyone who copped to a plea bargain under pressure has to be guilty. Thanks for filling us in on the real truth.

Oh, you were a complete asswipe with the Democrat crack, and should apologize for it, being you implied I'd defend a child molester if he was a Democrat. That sort of shitty behavior has become SOP for you these days.

Lots of poor people who are innocent plead guilty in order to get out of jail, I find it hard to believe a rich guy who got out on bail would see the need.
There is probably more to the case. If not than this is a travesty.

There is. It was a plea bargain. There was no rape charge.

I avoid jumping into these "I hate child molesters way more than you do!" lynch mobs. Especially when this may be a "Why, silly little me, I just coincidentally remembered that he's been molesting the kids now that I've filed for divorce! It had just totally slipped my mind before!" case.

And yes, innocent men sure as hell do cop to plea bargains in such cases, if a plea bargain keeps them from being sent to jail as a child rapist (which is consistent with what happened here). Having the entire family justice system instantly assume a man is a proven child rapist won't leave a man many options. They'll work hard on the small child with the whole "Didn't daddy touch you? If you tell us daddy touched you, then we can help daddy!" routine.

Is that the case? I can't be sure either way. There's just not enough background given. But since I can't be sure, I won't be joining everyone in howling for his blood.

Good lord man....this perv raped a THREE YEAR OLD..."Daddy touch" does not begin to describe the terror and pain of that little body being penetrated by an adult penis....And the life long psychological and damage to that child is tremendous...
This monster is not just sick...he's evil.

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Du Pont family heir Robert Richards spared jail for raping 3-year-old daughter | Mail Online

Robert Richards was charged with fourth-degree rape of his young daughter but was spared jail
Shocking details about the offense and an alleged assault on his infant son have emerged in a lawsuit brought about by his ex-wife Tracy
Richards is an unemployed heir living off his multi-million dollar trust fund
His ex-wife is suing for compensation for her two children and the emotional distress they've endured
In sentencing him in 2009, Judge Jurden said Richards would benefit from participating in a sex offenders rehabilitation program rather than prison

Shocking details have emerged of how a multimillionaire heir to the du Pont chemical business was convicted of raping his three-year-old daughter but escaped serving prison time after a Delaware Superior Court judge ruled he would ‘not fare well’.

Robert H. Richards IV was charged with fourth-degree rape in 2009 after he admitted that he had raped his daughter almost a decade ago.

News of the shocking leniency shown to Richards, 46, only emerged on Tuesday in the details of a lawsuit filed against him by his ex-wife Tracy.

In her lawsuit, Tracy Richards charges that he penetrated his daughter with his fingers while masturbating, and subsequently also assaulted his toddler son as well.

Tracy Richards, who along with the two children now live in a rental home, is seeking compensatory and punitive damages for assault, negligence, and intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress on his two children.

Robert Richards is an unemployed heir living off his trust fund. He is the great grandson of du Pont family patriarch Irenee du Pont, a chemical baron.

Read more: Du Pont family heir Robert Richards spared jail for raping 3-year-old daughter | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Money talks.

He should receive the death penalty. There is no rehabilitation for child molesters.

But, thanks to our liberal justice system, assholes like this get a second chance.

Would of thought you'd be proud, Luddy, this is your ideology in action here.

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