Rich rapist of 3yo gets no jail time

It's not money. Judges have started handing down light sentences for raping children. It's more the foundation for normalizing child adult sexual relationships.

Issac Onsurez isn't rich. Not by any means. He raped his own step granddaughter more than 100 times and was sentenced to life. One liberal judge reduced the sentence to a year. No money involved.

Judge Lowers Prison Sentence Of Man Who Molested Young Girl 100 Times From Life To Just One Year (Video)

Normalizing gay marrige is the pandoras box that will start all sick behavior.

Sick behavior has always been around. Started the same time people first met other people.
Conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat, none of that matters. Why is the law written to allow child molesters probation at all is the question we should be asking. Why isn't it a mandatory prison sentence for a good long time with no real discretion for the judge to keep them from letting ChoMos walk?

Because laws generally have loop holes good attorneys can exploit sometimes. They should shoot him and not waste tax payer money in prison.
My god! They try to blame this on liberals and gay marriage! Incredible. How asinine. Tunnel vision and partisanship -- that's all these people have.
Du Pont family heir Robert Richards spared jail for raping 3-year-old daughter | Mail Online

Money talks.

Liberal judge in action.

No, bribed judge in action. Someone's palms got greased here.

Everybody knows Democrat judges can be bought.

It's not money. Judges have started handing down light sentences for raping children. It's more the foundation for normalizing child adult sexual relationships.

Issac Onsurez isn't rich. Not by any means. He raped his own step granddaughter more than 100 times and was sentenced to life. One liberal judge reduced the sentence to a year. No money involved.

Judge Lowers Prison Sentence Of Man Who Molested Young Girl 100 Times From Life To Just One Year (Video)

His family donates to John Boehner. What does that tell you?

That tells me the Democrat judge is stupid.

You have no way of knowing if this is a liberal judge. It is usually conservatives who are impressed by people with money and privilege, not liberals. Why politicize this issue? Why see the world in terms of liberal versus conservative? Things are not so simple.

She's a Democrat so the odds are she's liberal. Besides I've only seen liberal judges coddle pedophiles. A conservative judge would have buried him.
It's not money. Judges have started handing down light sentences for raping children. It's more the foundation for normalizing child adult sexual relationships.

Issac Onsurez isn't rich. Not by any means. He raped his own step granddaughter more than 100 times and was sentenced to life. One liberal judge reduced the sentence to a year. No money involved.

Judge Lowers Prison Sentence Of Man Who Molested Young Girl 100 Times From Life To Just One Year (Video)

Normalizing gay marrige is the pandoras box that will start all sick behavior.

Although I am not really against Gays, I must admit that GM does open some people's minds to what other abnormal behaviors should be Liberalized as well.

Because any standard that is removed against gay marriage can no longer be used against many other abhorrent behaviors.
I fail to see the slippery slope between allowing consenting adults to do what they want to society being okay with middle age men putting their dicks in toddlers.
Normalizing gay marrige is the pandoras box that will start all sick behavior.

Although I am not really against Gays, I must admit that GM does open some people's minds to what other abnormal behaviors should be Liberalized as well.

Because any standard that is removed against gay marriage can no longer be used against many other abhorrent behaviors.

Did someone die and appoint you the arbiter of proper behavior?
So, we're going to blame the failure of the judicial system to do what it is mandated to do on money? Is the money the issue here, or the fraud who took said money? It appears the very system itself is toxic, not the person wielding the money.
It's not money. Judges have started handing down light sentences for raping children. It's more the foundation for normalizing child adult sexual relationships.

Issac Onsurez isn't rich. Not by any means. He raped his own step granddaughter more than 100 times and was sentenced to life. One liberal judge reduced the sentence to a year. No money involved.

Judge Lowers Prison Sentence Of Man Who Molested Young Girl 100 Times From Life To Just One Year (Video)

Normalizing gay marrige is the pandoras box that will start all sick behavior.

Sick behavior has always been around. Started the same time people first met other people.
Does that mean i have to support it? I really don't care what two adults do to each other in private, but redefining marrige for that lifestyle in my opinion is wrong. Nothing wrong with civil unions in my opinion.
Normalizing gay marrige is the pandoras box that will start all sick behavior.

Sick behavior has always been around. Started the same time people first met other people.
Does that mean i have to support it? I really don't care what two adults do to each other in private, but redefining marrige for that lifestyle in my opinion is wrong. Nothing wrong with civil unions in my opinion.

No it just means you have to mind your own business and stop trying to enforce your opinion on others. No one can define marriage for you but you. If gay people want it called marriage then how is that hurting you?
Normalizing gay marrige is the pandoras box that will start all sick behavior.

Sick behavior has always been around. Started the same time people first met other people.
Does that mean i have to support it? I really don't care what two adults do to each other in private, but redefining marrige for that lifestyle in my opinion is wrong. Nothing wrong with civil unions in my opinion.

But there is a huge difference between lawmakers saying "legally a marriage is X, Y, and Z and open to hetero- and homosexual couples equally" and allowing something as depraved as child molestation. It isn't like some politician is going to stand up in Congress and say "Hey, we let gays marry so we must allow middle age men to fuck children. Old enough to crawl is old enough to ball."
Look all i'm saying is gay marrige will open other doors for the preverted. In Europe they are already trying to normalize pedophilia. Also redefining marrige, what's next? Incest? What if a mother and a daughter over 18 want to get married? How about a person and their pet? I'm just saying looks like we are opening doors we shouldn't be. Our society as a decent one no longer exist. I'm glad my son is almost grown and knows right and wrong.
Look all i'm saying is gay marrige will open other doors for the preverted. In Europe they are already trying to normalize pedophilia. Also redefining marrige, what's next? Incest? What if a mother and a daughter over 18 want to get married? How about a person and their pet? I'm just saying looks like we are opening doors we shouldn't be. Our society as a decent one no longer exist. I'm glad my son is almost grown and knows right and wrong.

Perverted is a perception. Nothing solid about that at all as perception can change with time. Will it make people think more rationally about those issues? For some most definitely. Incest, bestiallity, and pedophilla were once accepted so it must be normal behavior for some or it would have never happened. Incest, bestiallity, and pedophillia will not be legalized in our society because inherently it is abuse of power. You cannot keep doors closed simply because you are afraid of what is behind them. You can only teach your children to maintain your values and perceptions without judging others (bringing harm to no one) and hope the lesson sticks.
Du Pont family heir Robert Richards spared jail for raping 3-year-old daughter | Mail Online

Robert Richards was charged with fourth-degree rape of his young daughter but was spared jail
Shocking details about the offense and an alleged assault on his infant son have emerged in a lawsuit brought about by his ex-wife Tracy
Richards is an unemployed heir living off his multi-million dollar trust fund
His ex-wife is suing for compensation for her two children and the emotional distress they've endured
In sentencing him in 2009, Judge Jurden said Richards would benefit from participating in a sex offenders rehabilitation program rather than prison

Shocking details have emerged of how a multimillionaire heir to the du Pont chemical business was convicted of raping his three-year-old daughter but escaped serving prison time after a Delaware Superior Court judge ruled he would ‘not fare well’.

Robert H. Richards IV was charged with fourth-degree rape in 2009 after he admitted that he had raped his daughter almost a decade ago.

News of the shocking leniency shown to Richards, 46, only emerged on Tuesday in the details of a lawsuit filed against him by his ex-wife Tracy.

In her lawsuit, Tracy Richards charges that he penetrated his daughter with his fingers while masturbating, and subsequently also assaulted his toddler son as well.

Tracy Richards, who along with the two children now live in a rental home, is seeking compensatory and punitive damages for assault, negligence, and intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress on his two children.

Robert Richards is an unemployed heir living off his trust fund. He is the great grandson of du Pont family patriarch Irenee du Pont, a chemical baron.

Read more: Du Pont family heir Robert Richards spared jail for raping 3-year-old daughter | Mail Online
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Money talks.

Money does talk, that's why democrats oppose Jessica's Law. This guy should get a 20 year mandatory minimum sentence but democrats care more about their money from lobbyists that they do about kids.........

You have no way of knowing if this is a liberal judge. It is usually conservatives who are impressed by people with money and privilege, not liberals. Why politicize this issue? Why see the world in terms of liberal versus conservative? Things are not so simple.

Jessica's Law would take that decision out of the judges hands, but democrats continue to fight it ......
Drive by, 10 years ago gay marrige wasn't an issue either. Give it ten years and i'm sure the others will be considered normal the way our society is going.

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