rich republicans don't like homeless Jesus

Cons don't believe the bible where Jesus says, "The son of man has no place to rest his head" because they don't like the poor and the homeless. One rich bitch called the cops on the church that had a statue of homeless Jesus on a park bench.

Statue of a homeless Jesus startles a wealthy community | 89.3 KPCC

Christians Ignore this part of their bible
42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:

43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. :eusa_whistle:

If christians followed the teachings of their god, there would be no people sleeping in the cold, no children going to bed hungry.

There would be no churches sitting empty when their fellow human beings were freezing to death on the steps outside.

Priceless,so if you and your kind,did the same there would be no homeless people,see how that works.

There would be countless more people hungry and cold if it wasn't for Christians that sacrifice daily,only to be mocked by people that do far less.
No hypocrisy.
I'm not the one saying charity will solve the problem.
We already know it can't meet the need.

It did during the Great Depression. All government does it make the lower class permanent. The Church stepped in and fed people, housed them in some cases, educated them, and eventually the people who benefited got back on their own feet and when the Church asked for charity it was they who gave it next.

So far the Federal Government has spent over 5 trillion dollars on the "war on poverty" and as is true with all governmental programs the same people who were poor then, are poor now. They just have nice TV's and section 8 housing. There is no incentive for them to advance themselves...they are now nothing more than slaves who's sole job for the plantation owner, is to give the Master their vote.

Like all those parasitic seniors on SS and Medicare.

The two programs you named are programs that citizens pay into, it is not welfare.

It's obvious you don't know the difference between entitlements and welfare.
It did during the Great Depression. All government does it make the lower class permanent. The Church stepped in and fed people, housed them in some cases, educated them, and eventually the people who benefited got back on their own feet and when the Church asked for charity it was they who gave it next.

So far the Federal Government has spent over 5 trillion dollars on the "war on poverty" and as is true with all governmental programs the same people who were poor then, are poor now. They just have nice TV's and section 8 housing. There is no incentive for them to advance themselves...they are now nothing more than slaves who's sole job for the plantation owner, is to give the Master their vote.

Like all those parasitic seniors on SS and Medicare.

The two programs you named are programs that citizens pay into, it is not welfare.

It's obvious you don't know the difference between entitlements and welfare.

I never mentioned welfare.
I said government is part of the solution.
You guys are so defensive you are making ridiculous arguments that are not addressing what I'm saying.
It's kinda funny to watch the flipping out.
No hypocrisy.
I'm not the one saying charity will solve the problem.
We already know it can't meet the need.

It did during the Great Depression. All government does it make the lower class permanent. The Church stepped in and fed people, housed them in some cases, educated them, and eventually the people who benefited got back on their own feet and when the Church asked for charity it was they who gave it next.

So far the Federal Government has spent over 5 trillion dollars on the "war on poverty" and as is true with all governmental programs the same people who were poor then, are poor now. They just have nice TV's and section 8 housing. There is no incentive for them to advance themselves...they are now nothing more than slaves who's sole job for the plantation owner, is to give the Master their vote.

Like all those parasitic seniors on SS and Medicare.

I see you avoided responding to what I wrote. Why is that? Cat got your tongue or are you so devoid of original thought you can only parrot what your Masters tell you to.
Like all those parasitic seniors on SS and Medicare.

The two programs you named are programs that citizens pay into, it is not welfare.

It's obvious you don't know the difference between entitlements and welfare.

I never mentioned welfare.
I said government is part of the solution.
You guys are so defensive you are making ridiculous arguments that are not addressing what I'm saying.
It's kinda funny to watch the flipping out.

Government has never been able to get a social welfare program to survive. In the end the government is populated by bureaucrats who want to continue their jobs. Government is a net drain on resources in almost all cases.

Put another way, you have placed your faith into a Ponzi Scheme (Social Security), you may or may not receive benefits from that program depending on how old you are. Currently there are more paying in than receiving, but that is set to change very soon. Also the government that you are so proud of has been taking money from the SS accounts and using that money to cover their expenditures elsewhere.

In private business that would get you tossed in prison. But in government you get a pat on the back. However, that will lead to the impending explosion.....if you are older than 50 you MAY get some SS benefits. If you are younger than 40 you are shit out of luck.
The two programs you named are programs that citizens pay into, it is not welfare.

It's obvious you don't know the difference between entitlements and welfare.

I never mentioned welfare.
I said government is part of the solution.
You guys are so defensive you are making ridiculous arguments that are not addressing what I'm saying.
It's kinda funny to watch the flipping out.

Government has never been able to get a social welfare program to survive. In the end the government is populated by bureaucrats who want to continue their jobs. Government is a net drain on resources in almost all cases.

Put another way, you have placed your faith into a Ponzi Scheme (Social Security), you may or may not receive benefits from that program depending on how old you are. Currently there are more paying in than receiving, but that is set to change very soon. Also the government that you are so proud of has been taking money from the SS accounts and using that money to cover their expenditures elsewhere.

In private business that would get you tossed in prison. But in government you get a pat on the back. However, that will lead to the impending explosion.....if you are older than 50 you MAY get some SS benefits. If you are younger than 40 you are shit out of luck.

I agree that they shouldn't have touched the SS coffers.
That isn't an indictment on the program itself.
In private business, the banks did exactly what you describe and no one went to jail and they were bailed out to the tune of billions of dollars, so your dream of what should happen in a private application is nothing more than that. A dream.
Government isn't perfect. It is a collective attempt. It needs constant care and renewal, but it is our best hope.
Charity simply can't get it done alone.
It did during the Great Depression. All government does it make the lower class permanent. The Church stepped in and fed people, housed them in some cases, educated them, and eventually the people who benefited got back on their own feet and when the Church asked for charity it was they who gave it next.

So far the Federal Government has spent over 5 trillion dollars on the "war on poverty" and as is true with all governmental programs the same people who were poor then, are poor now. They just have nice TV's and section 8 housing. There is no incentive for them to advance themselves...they are now nothing more than slaves who's sole job for the plantation owner, is to give the Master their vote.

Like all those parasitic seniors on SS and Medicare.

I see you avoided responding to what I wrote. Why is that? Cat got your tongue or are you so devoid of original thought you can only parrot what your Masters tell you to.

Who would that be?
Why are you angry at my argument? Where does this come from?
Some of the money spent went into setting up SS and Medicare. I thought I was answering your question.
Really so mocking others that are doing good works,while the only thing you do is mock,isn't the peak of hypocrisy,ya you run with that .

Where is the mockery?
More ridiculous defensive attacks.
Very funny.

Ya ok sure.

Couldn't find any mockery, huh?
I understand.
I'm not mocking charity. It is wonderful and noble and service to others is the highest use we have for our lives.
I encourage charity.
It just isn't enough.
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I never mentioned welfare.
I said government is part of the solution.
You guys are so defensive you are making ridiculous arguments that are not addressing what I'm saying.
It's kinda funny to watch the flipping out.

Government has never been able to get a social welfare program to survive. In the end the government is populated by bureaucrats who want to continue their jobs. Government is a net drain on resources in almost all cases.

Put another way, you have placed your faith into a Ponzi Scheme (Social Security), you may or may not receive benefits from that program depending on how old you are. Currently there are more paying in than receiving, but that is set to change very soon. Also the government that you are so proud of has been taking money from the SS accounts and using that money to cover their expenditures elsewhere.

In private business that would get you tossed in prison. But in government you get a pat on the back. However, that will lead to the impending explosion.....if you are older than 50 you MAY get some SS benefits. If you are younger than 40 you are shit out of luck.

I agree that they shouldn't have touched the SS coffers.
That isn't an indictment on the program itself.
In private business, the banks did exactly what you describe and no one went to jail and they were bailed out to the tune of billions of dollars, so your dream of what should happen in a private application is nothing more than that. A dream.
Government isn't perfect. It is a collective attempt. It needs constant care and renewal, but it is our best hope.
Charity simply can't get it done alone.

Of course it. That's the point...GOVERNMENT CAN"T HELP ITSELF. Government by definition is incompetent. That's why the successful countries have been those where the government was small and relatively weak. The bigger and more bloated that government becomes the worse the country becomes. Our country is a great example of that.

No one who was a conservative felt that the bailouts should have occurred, WE ALL said LET THEM FAIL. Your government didn't let them and Obama hired those same failures to work for him.

More evil has been perpetrated in this world by governments in the last 100 years, than by all the religious groups combined over the last 3,000 years. You are simply wrong. Collectiveist governments kill more of their citizens than do their enemies.
No hypocrisy.
I'm not the one saying charity will solve the problem.
We already know it can't meet the need.

No. you're just the one pretending that those who do charity are somehow the bad guys when you do nothing.

You are getting very, very defensive and making accusations that are frankly absurd and unknowable by you. Shameful really. You have no idea what I do.
I don't think people "who do charity" are "bad guys". I just know from the data they can't provide for the need.

Again...for the second what *data* are you referring? Please cite and quote.
There seems to be two arguments from the Right here: 1) that charity breeds dependence and is therefor bad policy and 2) charity does help but should be done but by private organizations. Several on the Right are making both arguments.
Cons don't believe the bible where Jesus says, "The son of man has no place to rest his head" because they don't like the poor and the homeless. One rich bitch called the cops on the church that had a statue of homeless Jesus on a park bench.

Statue of a homeless Jesus startles a wealthy community | 89.3 KPCC

You really are an ignorant fuckwad, aren't you? Do you have any idea how many Democratically controlled cities are conducting an outright war on homeless people?

New Venice Elite Waging All-Out Class War on Homeless People - GentrificationWatch - Curbed LA

Angry Protestors Denounce Portland's War on Homeless; Mayor Cuts and Runs

San Francisco's Ongoing War Against the Homeless
No. you're just the one pretending that those who do charity are somehow the bad guys when you do nothing.

You are getting very, very defensive and making accusations that are frankly absurd and unknowable by you. Shameful really. You have no idea what I do.
I don't think people "who do charity" are "bad guys". I just know from the data they can't provide for the need.

Again...for the second what *data* are you referring? Please cite and quote.

Americans gave $265 Billion to charity in 2006.
Do you think that would solve the problem?
Cons don't believe the bible where Jesus says, "The son of man has no place to rest his head" because they don't like the poor and the homeless. One rich bitch called the cops on the church that had a statue of homeless Jesus on a park bench.

Statue of a homeless Jesus startles a wealthy community | 89.3 KPCC

Are you sore from that stretch?

The "Son of Man" *and his Apostles* had plenty of places to rest their heads.
They relied on the kindness, generosity, and love of strangers, friends, and family.

They did NOT, however, rely on government to rescue them.
And yet only charity can help. Because Robbery will never fix the problems.

Did the early church "rob" everyone in it by taking all they had and pooling it for the common good?
Or is their a special dispensation for them having followed that model?

They didn't take anything. Money was freely given. No force was involved.

Do you understand the difference between freely donating your property and having it taken by the use of force?

I notice he didn't answer this question but went on to answer others.....
Son of God, cured lepers, raised the dead, restored the faith of Israel -- but Democrats have him as a smelly, homeless guy sleeping on a park bench.

Which party booed at the mention of God three times during their convention?
Son of God, cured lepers, raised the dead, restored the faith of Israel -- but Democrats have him as a smelly, homeless guy sleeping on a park bench.

Which party booed at the mention of God three times during their convention?

The guy who was born in an animal feeding box? Depends on how much you believe in turn of the millennium upward mobility. (The earthly kind I mean.)

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