Richard Nixon Wanted A Handgun Ban


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Rebecca Leber

Previously unreported tapes of Richard Nixon reveal the president once called for a ban on handguns.

The Associated Press reports Nixon took a hard stand during an exchange on May 16, 1972, the day after an attempted assassination on George Wallace:

“I don’t know why any individual should have a right to have a revolver in his house,” Nixon said in a taped conversation with aides. “The kids usually kill themselves with it and so forth.” He asked why “can’t we go after handguns, period?”

Nixon went on: “I know the rifle association will be against it, the gun makers will be against it.” But “people should not have handguns.”​

Republicans, including Nixon and Ronald Reagan, have backed anti-gun violence measures, and yet President Obama’s commonsense, widely supported proposals have only met blanket resistance from the NRA.

More: Richard Nixon Wanted A Handgun Ban
By Rebecca Leber

Previously unreported tapes of Richard Nixon reveal the president once called for a ban on handguns.

The Associated Press reports Nixon took a hard stand during an exchange on May 16, 1972, the day after an attempted assassination on George Wallace:

“I don’t know why any individual should have a right to have a revolver in his house,” Nixon said in a taped conversation with aides. “The kids usually kill themselves with it and so forth.” He asked why “can’t we go after handguns, period?”

Nixon went on: “I know the rifle association will be against it, the gun makers will be against it.” But “people should not have handguns.”​

Republicans, including Nixon and Ronald Reagan, have backed anti-gun violence measures, and yet President Obama’s commonsense, widely supported proposals have only met blanket resistance from the NRA.

More: Richard Nixon Wanted A Handgun Ban


yes and so what of it

bush junior favored another AWB

and said he would have signed it

should such a bill appeared on his desk
Nixon proposed the EPA and signed it Dec. 2, 1970.

For over 40 years the tree huggers at the epa have hurt business more than any other group of federal beureaucrats. They have cost the country hundreds of thousands of jobs and raised the prices of everything. All the while they have hurt business and they haven't helped the environment. But that makes sense since it didn't need help in the first place but liberals love big government so of course they love the usless epa. President Nixon must have caved to the liberals to shut them up and after Carter was elected they made the epa so it would screw businesses and make prices go up.
Nixon, Reagan, Bush couldn't be elected today.

Nixon would be a fine candidate for today's Democrats. Big government, high taxes and would do anything to win. He did have the decency to resign, which puts him above Clinton and Obama.
Reagan? Heck, I'd vote for him today. I dont care that he's dead. He'd still do a better job than the clown in the WH now.
Well those against guns have already defended Hitler they might as well use Nixion now
Hitler AND Nixon.

Gotta love the Progressive Collective and their no-needle moral compass
By Rebecca Leber

Previously unreported tapes of Richard Nixon reveal the president once called for a ban on handguns.

The Associated Press reports Nixon took a hard stand during an exchange on May 16, 1972, the day after an attempted assassination on George Wallace:

“I don’t know why any individual should have a right to have a revolver in his house,” Nixon said in a taped conversation with aides. “The kids usually kill themselves with it and so forth.” He asked why “can’t we go after handguns, period?”

Nixon went on: “I know the rifle association will be against it, the gun makers will be against it.” But “people should not have handguns.”​

Republicans, including Nixon and Ronald Reagan, have backed anti-gun violence measures, and yet President Obama’s commonsense, widely supported proposals have only met blanket resistance from the NRA.

More: Richard Nixon Wanted A Handgun Ban
John F. Kennedy

By calling attention to a well-regulated militia for the security of the Nation, and the right of each citizen to keep and bear arms, our founding fathers recognized the essentially civilian nature of our economy. Although it is extremely unlikely that the fear of governmental tyranny, which gave rise to the 2nd amendment, will ever be a major danger to our Nation, the amendment still remains an important declaration of our basic military-civilian relationship, in which every citizen must be ready to participate in the defense of his country. For that reason I believe the 2nd Amendment will always be important."
Nixon proposed the EPA and signed it Dec. 2, 1970.

For over 40 years the tree huggers at the epa have hurt business more than any other group of federal beureaucrats. They have cost the country hundreds of thousands of jobs and raised the prices of everything. All the while they have hurt business and they haven't helped the environment. But that makes sense since it didn't need help in the first place but liberals love big government so of course they love the usless epa. President Nixon must have caved to the liberals to shut them up and after Carter was elected they made the epa so it would screw businesses and make prices go up.

Guy, I like drinking clean water and I like breathing clean air.

I've told this story before, but last year, I hosted a colleague from one of our China plants to visit some vendors.

When we drove through Chicago, she was amazed that as big of a city as it was, it wasn't covered in a blanket of smog like most Chinese cities are.

No, the problem is not that the EPA insisted that our industries clean up their acts. Most of them did.

The problem was that a few of them decided that rather than do the right thing, they were going to move operations to countries that didn't care about the well-being of their people.

Progressive have had their memory erased

It's fucking hilarious

Nixon had a better Civil Right record than LBJ
Watching these modern day liberals channel their inner love for Nixon is entertaining. Today's Liberals are realizing they are more Nixon than JFK. JFK's economics were to Capitalist for today's liberal.Kennedy's position that a rising tide raises all ships is not enough for liberals. They are more worried that everyone's ship is not the same size.

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