Richard Nixon Wanted A Handgun Ban

By Rebecca Leber

Previously unreported tapes of Richard Nixon reveal the president once called for a ban on handguns.

The Associated Press reports Nixon took a hard stand during an exchange on May 16, 1972, the day after an attempted assassination on George Wallace:

“I don’t know why any individual should have a right to have a revolver in his house,” Nixon said in a taped conversation with aides. “The kids usually kill themselves with it and so forth.” He asked why “can’t we go after handguns, period?”

Nixon went on: “I know the rifle association will be against it, the gun makers will be against it.” But “people should not have handguns.”​

Republicans, including Nixon and Ronald Reagan, have backed anti-gun violence measures, and yet President Obama’s commonsense, widely supported proposals have only met blanket resistance from the NRA.

More: Richard Nixon Wanted A Handgun Ban

Doesn't make it right...
And Reagan started Lifeline, which George W. Bush expanded to cellphones, which led to the "Obamaphone".

Ah, teaching Republicans history is fun.

I find it funny that you actually believe you're 'teaching' anyone anything. Seriously. Very fucking funny.

Funny? It's hilarious.

Monkeys will be teaching Shakespeare before the average nutball is ready to learn anything challenging nutball propaganda.

Am still laughing at the shock and dismay expressed in other threads as younger nutballs learned for the first time that Reagan, the great 'govamet' cutter, hired more civilian federales than any president before his terms other than FDR and that to this day NeoCon Ron is the SOLE post WWII president to triple the national debt in peacetime.

Keep telling yourself that, dunce.
By Rebecca Leber

Previously unreported tapes of Richard Nixon reveal the president once called for a ban on handguns.

The Associated Press reports Nixon took a hard stand during an exchange on May 16, 1972, the day after an attempted assassination on George Wallace:
“I don’t know why any individual should have a right to have a revolver in his house,” Nixon said in a taped conversation with aides. “The kids usually kill themselves with it and so forth.” He asked why “can’t we go after handguns, period?”

Nixon went on: “I know the rifle association will be against it, the gun makers will be against it.” But “people should not have handguns.”​
Republicans, including Nixon and Ronald Reagan, have backed anti-gun violence measures, and yet President Obama’s commonsense, widely supported proposals have only met blanket resistance from the NRA.
More: Richard Nixon Wanted A Handgun Ban
Shocking, a statist seeking to expand and exercise state power.
You're so fucking infatuated with other countries why don't you more your sorry ass to one of them?

Because I don't speak German or Japanese well.

And that isn't the point.

The point is- if you are doing something a way and getting exactly the opposite of your desired result, then you should look at what other people are doing if they are getting the desired result.

Let's stipulate for the sake of this conversation- the desired result is less murder and less crime. Got it.

Okay - The Germans and the Japanese have this problem solved. Limited gun ownership, only locking up the people who really need to be locked up, poverty relief programs that don't leave us with lots of desperate people. Hmmmm...

Maybe we ought to try that since we've been doing it your way for 30 years and it ain't workin'.

Dude America broke away from those countries We are better than they are and will never be like them. That';s the reality of the situation

Dude, a bunch of rich white slaveholders broke away from "those countries".

So they could keep raping their slaves in peace.

We are not "better", just different. We do some things right, we do a lot of things wrong.

You avoid the point. If Germany and Japan (Which I'm reasonably sure we didn't break away from) have acheived what we say we want to do, maybe we ought to look at what they are doing.
Because I don't speak German or Japanese well.

And that isn't the point.

The point is- if you are doing something a way and getting exactly the opposite of your desired result, then you should look at what other people are doing if they are getting the desired result.

Let's stipulate for the sake of this conversation- the desired result is less murder and less crime. Got it.

Okay - The Germans and the Japanese have this problem solved. Limited gun ownership, only locking up the people who really need to be locked up, poverty relief programs that don't leave us with lots of desperate people. Hmmmm...

Maybe we ought to try that since we've been doing it your way for 30 years and it ain't workin'.

Dude America broke away from those countries We are better than they are and will never be like them. That';s the reality of the situation

Dude, a bunch of rich white slaveholders broke away from "those countries".

So they could keep raping their slaves in peace.

We are not "better", just different. We do some things right, we do a lot of things wrong.

You avoid the point. If Germany and Japan (Which I'm reasonably sure we didn't break away from) have acheived what we say we want to do, maybe we ought to look at what they are doing.

We are! Japan has had near zero interest rates and stimulus after stimulus for about 20 years with nothing to show for it but out of control gov't debt.
You go, guy!
I find it funny that you actually believe you're 'teaching' anyone anything. Seriously. Very fucking funny.

Funny? It's hilarious.

Monkeys will be teaching Shakespeare before the average nutball is ready to learn anything challenging nutball propaganda.

Am still laughing at the shock and dismay expressed in other threads as younger nutballs learned for the first time that Reagan, the great 'govamet' cutter, hired more civilian federales than any president before his terms other than FDR and that to this day NeoCon Ron is the SOLE post WWII president to triple the national debt in peacetime.

Keep telling yourself that, dunce.

Yeah, let's not let those pesky facts get in the way of ideology. :cuckoo:
Because I don't speak German or Japanese well.

And that isn't the point.

The point is- if you are doing something a way and getting exactly the opposite of your desired result, then you should look at what other people are doing if they are getting the desired result.

Let's stipulate for the sake of this conversation- the desired result is less murder and less crime. Got it.

Okay - The Germans and the Japanese have this problem solved. Limited gun ownership, only locking up the people who really need to be locked up, poverty relief programs that don't leave us with lots of desperate people. Hmmmm...

Maybe we ought to try that since we've been doing it your way for 30 years and it ain't workin'.

Dude America broke away from those countries We are better than they are and will never be like them. That';s the reality of the situation

Dude, a bunch of rich white slaveholders broke away from "those countries".

So they could keep raping their slaves in peace.

We are not "better", just different. We do some things right, we do a lot of things wrong.

You avoid the point. If Germany and Japan (Which I'm reasonably sure we didn't break away from) have acheived what we say we want to do, maybe we ought to look at what they are doing.

You don't deserve the freedoms they fought for you too have. I hope and pray that you die a painful death.
Dude America broke away from those countries We are better than they are and will never be like them. That';s the reality of the situation

Dude, a bunch of rich white slaveholders broke away from "those countries".

So they could keep raping their slaves in peace.

We are not "better", just different. We do some things right, we do a lot of things wrong.

You avoid the point. If Germany and Japan (Which I'm reasonably sure we didn't break away from) have acheived what we say we want to do, maybe we ought to look at what they are doing.

You don't deserve the freedoms they fought for you too have. I hope and pray that you die a painful death.

Dude, that was not necessary.
Funny? It's hilarious.

Monkeys will be teaching Shakespeare before the average nutball is ready to learn anything challenging nutball propaganda.

Am still laughing at the shock and dismay expressed in other threads as younger nutballs learned for the first time that Reagan, the great 'govamet' cutter, hired more civilian federales than any president before his terms other than FDR and that to this day NeoCon Ron is the SOLE post WWII president to triple the national debt in peacetime.

Keep telling yourself that, dunce.

Yeah, let's not let those pesky facts get in the way of ideology. :cuckoo:
They aren't "facts". They are factoids. Learn the difference.
Dude, a bunch of rich white slaveholders broke away from "those countries".

So they could keep raping their slaves in peace.

We are not "better", just different. We do some things right, we do a lot of things wrong.

You avoid the point. If Germany and Japan (Which I'm reasonably sure we didn't break away from) have acheived what we say we want to do, maybe we ought to look at what they are doing.

You don't deserve the freedoms they fought for you too have. I hope and pray that you die a painful death.

Dude, that was not necessary.

Yes it was he a sorry sack of shit and I hope he dies a painful death.
Nixon, Reagan, Bush couldn't be elected today.

Nixon would be a fine candidate for today's Democrats. Big government, high taxes and would do anything to win. He did have the decency to resign, which puts him above Clinton and Obama.
Reagan? Heck, I'd vote for him today. I dont care that he's dead. He'd still do a better job than the clown in the WH now.

Don't forget that your man-god Reagan supported the Brady Bill, but gave Iran anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles. I wonder why Republicans never bring that up? :eusa_whistle:

b/c it happened back in the 80's.

ya know

30 years ago

Why do retards never mention the fact that things have vastly changed in 30 years? :eusa_whistle:
Guy, we lock up 2 million Americans. Compare that to 69,000 Japanese prisoners and 78,000 Germans. Locking people up isn't the answer. So while we do have the guy who swiped a slice of pizza doing a life sentence, it's really not detering crime all that much.

In fact, it's probably making things worse. If you lock up a pot-smoker with a rapist, you aren't going to get a more mellow rapist, you are going to get a more angry and dysfunctional pot smoker...

I'd be all for a system of institutionalizing the insane and making sure they got proper treatment, but geez, you guys wouldn't want to pay the taxes for it.

You're so fucking infatuated with other countries why don't you more your sorry ass to one of them?

Because I don't speak German or Japanese well.

And that isn't the point.

The point is- if you are doing something a way and getting exactly the opposite of your desired result, then you should look at what other people are doing if they are getting the desired result.

Let's stipulate for the sake of this conversation- the desired result is less murder and less crime. Got it.

Okay - The Germans and the Japanese have this problem solved. Limited gun ownership, only locking up the people who really need to be locked up, poverty relief programs that don't leave us with lots of desperate people. Hmmmm...

Maybe we ought to try that since we've been doing it your way for 30 years and it ain't workin'.

Jap prisons have extreme rules with harsh punishments for those that don't follow them.

Is Germany the same? if so, it makes things very clear.
And Reagan started Lifeline, which George W. Bush expanded to cellphones, which led to the "Obamaphone".

Ah, teaching Republicans history is fun.

I find it funny that you actually believe you're 'teaching' anyone anything. Seriously. Very fucking funny.

Funny? It's hilarious.

Monkeys will be teaching Shakespeare before the average nutball is ready to learn anything challenging nutball propaganda.

Am still laughing at the shock and dismay expressed in other threads as younger nutballs learned for the first time that Reagan, the great 'govamet' cutter, hired more civilian federales than any president before his terms other than FDR and that to this day NeoCon Ron is the SOLE post WWII president to triple the national debt in peacetime.

Peace time?


Ever hear of the Cold War?

It was Reagans spending, that forced the ussr to spend more than they could handle, that won the war.
Nixon would be a fine candidate for today's Democrats. Big government, high taxes and would do anything to win. He did have the decency to resign, which puts him above Clinton and Obama.
Reagan? Heck, I'd vote for him today. I dont care that he's dead. He'd still do a better job than the clown in the WH now.

Don't forget that your man-god Reagan supported the Brady Bill, but gave Iran anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles. I wonder why Republicans never bring that up? :eusa_whistle:

b/c it happened back in the 80's.

ya know

30 years ago

Why do retards never mention the fact that things have vastly changed in 30 years? :eusa_whistle:

Because "retards" keep holding Ronald Reagan up as some sort of hero.

He wasn't.

He was a lying treasonous piece of shit that should have been impeached and removed from office.
I find it funny that you actually believe you're 'teaching' anyone anything. Seriously. Very fucking funny.

Funny? It's hilarious.

Monkeys will be teaching Shakespeare before the average nutball is ready to learn anything challenging nutball propaganda.

Am still laughing at the shock and dismay expressed in other threads as younger nutballs learned for the first time that Reagan, the great 'govamet' cutter, hired more civilian federales than any president before his terms other than FDR and that to this day NeoCon Ron is the SOLE post WWII president to triple the national debt in peacetime.

Peace time?


Ever hear of the Cold War?

It was Reagans spending, that forced the ussr to spend more than they could handle
, that won the war.

Yeah..keep telling yourself that.

Dude America broke away from those countries We are better than they are and will never be like them. That';s the reality of the situation

Dude, a bunch of rich white slaveholders broke away from "those countries".

So they could keep raping their slaves in peace.

We are not "better", just different. We do some things right, we do a lot of things wrong.

You avoid the point. If Germany and Japan (Which I'm reasonably sure we didn't break away from) have acheived what we say we want to do, maybe we ought to look at what they are doing.

You don't deserve the freedoms they fought for you too have. I hope and pray that you die a painful death.

That's nice.

They didn't fight for any Freedom that I wouldn't have had they lost.

Guy, if you want to know what America would look like if Geo Washington and the rest of the Founding Slave-rapers lost, you can go to Canada. It's actually kind of nice. Except the weather sucks.

I really have to wonder about this American thing of a dying empire trying to still convince itself of its greatness instead of addressing its problems. We need to turn within, solve our own problems, and then we'll have greatness.

America wasn't great because George Washington didn't want to pay his taxes, it was great because FDR made sure the wealthy did and the government did things it was supposed to do.
You're so fucking infatuated with other countries why don't you more your sorry ass to one of them?

Because I don't speak German or Japanese well.

And that isn't the point.

The point is- if you are doing something a way and getting exactly the opposite of your desired result, then you should look at what other people are doing if they are getting the desired result.

Let's stipulate for the sake of this conversation- the desired result is less murder and less crime. Got it.

Okay - The Germans and the Japanese have this problem solved. Limited gun ownership, only locking up the people who really need to be locked up, poverty relief programs that don't leave us with lots of desperate people. Hmmmm...

Maybe we ought to try that since we've been doing it your way for 30 years and it ain't workin'.

Jap(ansese) prisons have extreme rules with harsh punishments for those that don't follow them.

Is Germany the same? if so, it makes things very clear.

Actually, German Prisons are pretty humane compared to ours.

German Joys: German Prisons Praised (Except for the Fixierung)

Tegel also has a therapeutic wing that has 195 places. There were no spy holes into the cells, and when I asked how they carried out surveillance on prisoners in their cells, the staff looked confused – why would they invade privacy like that? The phones are not tapped. The wing was not the most cheerful in décor; it was clean but painted in dull colours. But there were 20 therapists who each worked intensively with a small group of long term prisoners.

Prisoners are unlocked at 6.30 in the morning and normally locked up at about 8pm. They have televisions but have to have them sent in or pay for them.

I was told that prison officers in Germany have to complete school, have worked for a few years and then they have to undergo two years training. In contrast to our prison officers that are not required to have a single GCSE and have only a few weeks training. Managers told me that their philosophy was based on the idea that all staff, not just therapists, should be models for prisoners.

Now while it is true that the Japanese prisons have a lot more discipline than ours, they are also a lot safer. prison rape, drugs, weapons don't happen like they do in ours.

The key thing here is, however, that neither country locks that many people up, and certainly not for bullshit like stealing a slice of Pizza and getting a life sentence.

because the system failed

and let a crazy buy a firearm

the millions of honest folks

are expected to forfeit their rights

of firearm ownership

As George Carlin pointed out, there are no rights if they can be taken away. There are privilages.

Gun ownership is a privilage. Freedom of religion is a privilage. It is something you have because the majority of your fellow citizens agree you should have it.

Nor did the system "fail" in the case of Hinkley or Loughner or Lanza.

The system did exactly what it was designed to do. Make it easy to make a gun sale so that the gun industry could record a profit.

If the gun industry was held to account for the people maimed by their products like the tobacco industry or the automobile industry are, they'd really restrict their customer base to only those they can trust to not get them into that much trouble.

The constitutional republic we live in does not allow mob rule by the tyrannical majority.

Our constitution tells us that our rights are inalienable, not granted by the government. The government is granted the power to govern by the people, not the other way around comrade.

damn you are a big dumb moron......and have a poor grasp of our system of government.

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