Richel Maddow will repeat at 9pm pst/12am est on Msnbc

Fighting for freedom and against fascist like putin and his supporters is what I must do.

A bunch of traitors the republican party has become.
You have to be a truly mindless drone to sit in front of a tv with than mean, petty little man-bitch Madcow ranting and raving at the camera.

Twelve years ago, I totally stopped getting any of my news from TV/cable and get it all online. I've never watched Maddow, outside of seeing a few YouTube snippets here and there. However, from what I gather, she's a Clinton/democrat hardliner. I'm not missing anything.
Rachel Maddow will repeat at 9pm pst/12am est on Msnbc. You must watch as she explains what russia did to our election to a T. Google, Twitter and facebook are all coming out and admitting this shit.

It was a brainwashing campaign against the American voter.

Just cut the crap and SHOW ME the ads that were run. Nobody can do that. Nobody remembers them. Probably NOBODY clicked on them.
I gots more...View attachment 153495
Expecting triggered response in...5...4...3...2...1...
funny how you have these huge reams of propaganda...

Show me a dozen of them. Let ME decide if they're convincing.. No more of this dramatic allegations without the evidence....
You loved the right-wing ones... I didn't mind the left-wing ones I suppose.

Don't have a CLUE what garbage ads were "russian agi-prop".. And neither do you. Because for some damn reason, no one MAKING this allegation will provide SPECIFIC examples.

If you've got 'em --- SHOW 'em.. That's how this evidence thingy works. If you don't --- :anj_stfu:
Rachel Maddow will repeat at 9pm pst/12am est on Msnbc. You must watch as she explains what russia did to our election to a T. Google, Twitter and facebook are all coming out and admitting this shit.

It was a brainwashing campaign against the American voter.

Just cut the crap and SHOW ME the ads that were run. Nobody can do that. Nobody remembers them. Probably NOBODY clicked on them.

Show me a dozen of them. Let ME decide if they're convincing.. No more of this dramatic allegations without the evidence....

The show's on youtube...I watched about half of it. Maddow claims some ham-fisted internet memes with bad grammar like "we love texas shape" and a photo of Hillary with the caption "pure evil" had a significant impact on the way people voted.

Great -- are they traced back to Russian Agi-Prop? Can you link to them SOMEWHERE? Because obviously, they are so stupid and ridiculous that embarrasses the accusers to SHOW THEM..

Post them HERE...
Rachel Maddow will repeat at 9pm pst/12am est on Msnbc. You must watch as she explains what russia did to our election to a T. Google, Twitter and facebook are all coming out and admitting this shit.

It was a brainwashing campaign against the American voter.

Just cut the crap and SHOW ME the ads that were run. Nobody can do that. Nobody remembers them. Probably NOBODY clicked on them.

Show me a dozen of them. Let ME decide if they're convincing.. No more of this dramatic allegations without the evidence....

The show's on youtube...I watched about half of it. Maddow claims some ham-fisted internet memes with bad grammar like "we love texas shape" and a photo of Hillary with the caption "pure evil" had a significant impact on the way people voted.

Nice try, alt right cuck. Just the ones that have been uncovered where shared over 340 million times. And that's just from a few accounts.

Post them.. The ones with definite "Russian money" behind them. What is the big deal? Why can't we SEE THEM for ourselves? Are they suddenly Top Secret SCI???
Rachel Maddow will repeat at 9pm pst/12am est on Msnbc. You must watch as she explains what russia did to our election to a T. Google, Twitter and facebook are all coming out and admitting this shit.

It was a brainwashing campaign against the American voter.
Actually Maddow has run a successful brainwashing campaign you, jackass.
Rachel Maddow will repeat at 9pm pst/12am est on Msnbc. You must watch as she explains what russia did to our election to a T. Google, Twitter and facebook are all coming out and admitting this shit.

It was a brainwashing campaign against the American voter.

Just cut the crap and SHOW ME the ads that were run. Nobody can do that. Nobody remembers them. Probably NOBODY clicked on them.

Show me a dozen of them. Let ME decide if they're convincing.. No more of this dramatic allegations without the evidence....

The show's on youtube...I watched about half of it. Maddow claims some ham-fisted internet memes with bad grammar like "we love texas shape" and a photo of Hillary with the caption "pure evil" had a significant impact on the way people voted.

Nice try, alt right cuck. Just the ones that have been uncovered where shared over 340 million times. And that's just from a few accounts.

Post them.. The ones with definite "Russian money" behind them. What is the big deal? Why can't we SEE THEM for ourselves? Are they suddenly Top Secret SCI???

US tech giants oddly unhelpful on Russia
I challenge any conservative to watch this episode in full. You don't have to like Rachel, or even watch any other episodes...but watch this one. Man up. Put on your big boy pants and make it through this one. Can you do it? Or do you only want to live your life in your little right wing echo chamber?

Here it is:

US tech giants oddly unhelpful on Russia
Rachel Maddow will repeat at 9pm pst/12am est on Msnbc. You must watch as she explains what russia did to our election to a T. Google, Twitter and facebook are all coming out and admitting this shit.

It was a brainwashing campaign against the American voter.

Just cut the crap and SHOW ME the ads that were run. Nobody can do that. Nobody remembers them. Probably NOBODY clicked on them.

Show me a dozen of them. Let ME decide if they're convincing.. No more of this dramatic allegations without the evidence....

The show's on youtube...I watched about half of it. Maddow claims some ham-fisted internet memes with bad grammar like "we love texas shape" and a photo of Hillary with the caption "pure evil" had a significant impact on the way people voted.

Nice try, alt right cuck. Just the ones that have been uncovered where shared over 340 million times. And that's just from a few accounts.

Post them.. The ones with definite "Russian money" behind them. What is the big deal? Why can't we SEE THEM for ourselves? Are they suddenly Top Secret SCI???

US tech giants oddly unhelpful on Russia

WHERE is the link to Russia? And WHY would anybody care about opinion pieces that sound like whining?

Did YOU PERSONALLY find a "russian link" to any of this? Where's the FUCKING evidence????
Any rational person seeing those "testimonials" would NOT change their vote.
Just cut the crap and SHOW ME the ads that were run. Nobody can do that. Nobody remembers them. Probably NOBODY clicked on them.

Show me a dozen of them. Let ME decide if they're convincing.. No more of this dramatic allegations without the evidence....

The show's on youtube...I watched about half of it. Maddow claims some ham-fisted internet memes with bad grammar like "we love texas shape" and a photo of Hillary with the caption "pure evil" had a significant impact on the way people voted.

Nice try, alt right cuck. Just the ones that have been uncovered where shared over 340 million times. And that's just from a few accounts.

Post them.. The ones with definite "Russian money" behind them. What is the big deal? Why can't we SEE THEM for ourselves? Are they suddenly Top Secret SCI???

US tech giants oddly unhelpful on Russia

WHERE is the link to Russia? And WHY would anybody care about opinion pieces that sound like whining?

Did YOU PERSONALLY find a "russian link" to any of this? Where's the FUCKING evidence????
Any rational person seeing those "testimonials" would NOT change their vote.

Jesus....Just stop talking until you actually watch this segment. You're only making yourself look like a moron. You're better than that. Facebook themselves have admitted that Russians exploited their platform, dumbass.
Williams and Calvin.. According to Maddow "MAYBE they live in Atlanta, but MAYBE they live in Nigeria and were recruited and paid by the Russians"..


10.000 views on Youtube. Not even a respectable total for a kitty video.. The fact that Facebook removed them with an excuse is NOT ENOUGH to spawn a national witch hunt..

The show's on youtube...I watched about half of it. Maddow claims some ham-fisted internet memes with bad grammar like "we love texas shape" and a photo of Hillary with the caption "pure evil" had a significant impact on the way people voted.

Nice try, alt right cuck. Just the ones that have been uncovered where shared over 340 million times. And that's just from a few accounts.

Post them.. The ones with definite "Russian money" behind them. What is the big deal? Why can't we SEE THEM for ourselves? Are they suddenly Top Secret SCI???

US tech giants oddly unhelpful on Russia

WHERE is the link to Russia? And WHY would anybody care about opinion pieces that sound like whining?

Did YOU PERSONALLY find a "russian link" to any of this? Where's the FUCKING evidence????
Any rational person seeing those "testimonials" would NOT change their vote.

Jesus....Just stop talking until you actually watch this segment. You're only making yourself look like a moron. You're better than that. Facebook themselves have admitted that Russians exploited their platform, dumbass.

Gave you what Maddow said. There was a day in the ancient past when she WAS an investigative journalist. And she KNOWS what kind of PROOF is required to say CONCLUSIVELY that things are facts. Right now -- there are NO facts on this.

Crap opinion pieces. Wasn't anywhere close to campaign quality. What else ya got?
Besides pictures of Hillary as the Wicked Witch? Does that appeal to you?
Williams and Calvin.. According to Maddow "MAYBE they live in Atlanta, but MAYBE they live in Nigeria and were recruited and paid by the Russians"..


10.000 views on Youtube. Not even a respectable total for a kitty video.. The fact that Facebook removed them with an excuse is NOT ENOUGH to spawn a national witch hunt..

Again...shut up until you've seen the rest. You haven't even made it to the Facebook segment, tard. Christ almighty.
Williams and Calvin.. According to Maddow "MAYBE they live in Atlanta, but MAYBE they live in Nigeria and were recruited and paid by the Russians"..


10.000 views on Youtube. Not even a respectable total for a kitty video.. The fact that Facebook removed them with an excuse is NOT ENOUGH to spawn a national witch hunt..

Again...shut up until you've seen the rest. You haven't even made it to the Facebook segment, tard. Christ almighty.

4min36secs into Maddow.. Facebook shortens their public report (WSJournal) by SEVERAL PAGES and deletes all references to Russia on advice from their legal team...

WHY??? THought they had the story and the evidence dead to rights? This is INNUENDO. If FaceBook doesn't have the BALLS to stick to the story -- why should it be a National alert????

Facebook DENIED the connection for months following the reports. Ads for Jill Stein and Sanders tied to "russians".. It's all alphabet soup without a message or a conclusion..

SHOW ME THE FUCKING ADS that influenced voters. Maddow shows a facebook POST from a group allegedly based in Russia. OK -- it's content. They didn't like it. It was from Russia --- WHERE IS THE PROOF -- it was run by the Kremlin.

We have agitators from all over the world on USMB. Last thought in our minds is that they are govt agents.

Maddow -- "Facebook admits taking down 470 accounts that were owned by Russian Agents" .. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Does Maddow have a LIST of Russian Agents? USMB took down several "Russian accounts" during the last election cycle. For RULES VIOLATIONS. Never once did we declare that they were "Russian agents". Name the current "russian accounts" on this board... There is Russian Oligarchy and Russian Mafia and a lot of powerful people over there with interests in US policy. NOT JUST the Kremlin..
Rachel Maddow will repeat at 9pm pst/12am est on Msnbc. You must watch as she explains what russia did to our election to a T. Google, Twitter and facebook are all coming out and admitting this shit.

It was a brainwashing campaign against the American voter.

Just cut the crap and SHOW ME the ads that were run. Nobody can do that. Nobody remembers them. Probably NOBODY clicked on them.
I gots more...View attachment 153495
Expecting triggered response in...5...4...3...2...1...
funny how you have these huge reams of propaganda...

Show me a dozen of them. Let ME decide if they're convincing.. No more of this dramatic allegations without the evidence....
You loved the right-wing ones... I didn't mind the left-wing ones I suppose.

Don't have a CLUE what garbage ads were "russian agi-prop".. And neither do you. Because for some damn reason, no one MAKING this allegation will provide SPECIFIC examples.

If you've got 'em --- SHOW 'em.. That's how this evidence thingy works. If you don't --- :anj_stfu:
I've seen quite a few on CNN and MSNBC. Maybe you should change the channel and get some actual news, Dupe. You could even read something or Google it, but I'm sure that would be communist, Dupe. LOL
Yes Rhodes Scholars are stupid... Too bad she doesn't have your dupe common sense.

BFD. She's nothing but a stupid cow. Education doesn't cure stupid.
Ignorant people have been saying that forever, ignoramus. You brainwashed fools are a disgrace. Breaking for the dupes, Hillary the foundation Obama Pelosi have never been charged or close to it with anything that you people are sure have happened. The only reason you vote for the new BS GOP is that you're totally misinformed... Read something.
Nice try, alt right cuck. Just the ones that have been uncovered where shared over 340 million times. And that's just from a few accounts.

Post them.. The ones with definite "Russian money" behind them. What is the big deal? Why can't we SEE THEM for ourselves? Are they suddenly Top Secret SCI???

US tech giants oddly unhelpful on Russia

WHERE is the link to Russia? And WHY would anybody care about opinion pieces that sound like whining?

Did YOU PERSONALLY find a "russian link" to any of this? Where's the FUCKING evidence????
Any rational person seeing those "testimonials" would NOT change their vote.

Jesus....Just stop talking until you actually watch this segment. You're only making yourself look like a moron. You're better than that. Facebook themselves have admitted that Russians exploited their platform, dumbass.

Gave you what Maddow said. There was a day in the ancient past when she WAS an investigative journalist. And she KNOWS what kind of PROOF is required to say CONCLUSIVELY that things are facts. Right now -- there are NO facts on this.

Crap opinion pieces. Wasn't anywhere close to campaign quality. What else ya got?
Besides pictures of Hillary as the Wicked Witch? Does that appeal to you?
All the TV media spends way too much time on the newest Trump idiocy in their gabfests and don't spend anything basically on foreign offices and reporters. Al Jazeera has many more offices and reporters then all of our media combined... A disgrace, and the reason there's so many yokels in this country.

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