Richel Maddow will repeat at 9pm pst/12am est on Msnbc

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Hannity buried her the first week.
the truth you mean? At any rate s*******foxes what the brainwash right watches all the time, and I doubt your veracity as always... It would be nice if all of them cut the gabfests and did some journalism had some foreign offices and some reporters in foreign countries so we had some clue as to what's going on in the world... Did you know Isis is hiding somewhere in the Libyan Desert, and for that matter the Iraq desert, dope?

Still is.
Fox is the only Channel you brainwashed fools can handle...

Oh dear.

I watch MSNBC and CNN far more than I do FOX. FOX will mainly tell me what I already know. The others tell me what you idiots are thinking.
truth you mean? At any rate s*******fox is what the brainwashed right watches all the time, and I doubt your veracity as always... It would be nice if all of them cut the gabfests and did some journalism had some foreign offices and some reporters in foreign countries so we had some clue as to what's going on in the world... Did you know Isis is hiding somewhere in the Libyan Desert, and for that matter the Iraq desert, dope?
Rachel Maddow will repeat at 9pm pst/12am est on Msnbc. You must watch as she explains what russia did to our election to a T. Google, Twitter and facebook are all coming out and admitting this shit.

It was a brainwashing campaign against the American voter.

Who got brain washed? Democrats? It's called an enema. Dems have squeaky clean brains.
I gots more...b63add0a8ef996d1349ea0bf4a11d0a867511967994032e332396d027472b264.jpg
Expecting triggered response in...5...4...3...2...1...
Rachel Maddow will repeat at 9pm pst/12am est on Msnbc. You must watch as she explains what russia did to our election to a T. Google, Twitter and facebook are all coming out and admitting this shit.

It was a brainwashing campaign against the American voter.

Just cut the crap and SHOW ME the ads that were run. Nobody can do that. Nobody remembers them. Probably NOBODY clicked on them.

Show me a dozen of them. Let ME decide if they're convincing.. No more of this dramatic allegations without the evidence....

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