Richel Maddow will repeat at 9pm pst/12am est on Msnbc

Post them.. The ones with definite "Russian money" behind them. What is the big deal? Why can't we SEE THEM for ourselves? Are they suddenly Top Secret SCI???

US tech giants oddly unhelpful on Russia

WHERE is the link to Russia? And WHY would anybody care about opinion pieces that sound like whining?

Did YOU PERSONALLY find a "russian link" to any of this? Where's the FUCKING evidence????
Any rational person seeing those "testimonials" would NOT change their vote.

Jesus....Just stop talking until you actually watch this segment. You're only making yourself look like a moron. You're better than that. Facebook themselves have admitted that Russians exploited their platform, dumbass.

Gave you what Maddow said. There was a day in the ancient past when she WAS an investigative journalist. And she KNOWS what kind of PROOF is required to say CONCLUSIVELY that things are facts. Right now -- there are NO facts on this.

Crap opinion pieces. Wasn't anywhere close to campaign quality. What else ya got?
Besides pictures of Hillary as the Wicked Witch? Does that appeal to you?
All the TV media spends way too much time on the newest Trump idiocy in their gabfests and don't spend anything basically on foreign offices and reporters. Al Jazeera has many more offices and reporters then all of our media combined... A disgrace, and the reason there's so many yokels in this country.
And no I don't hate you LOL, most of my friends are yokels and I love them my County voted 73% Trump I don't even mind Trump except when he tries to pass ridiculous legislation based on Fox and Rush Limbaugh misinformation.
I challenge any conservative to watch this episode in full. You don't have to like Rachel, or even watch any other episodes...but watch this one. Man up. Put on your big boy pants and make it through this one. Can you do it? Or do you only want to live your life in your little right wing echo chamber?

Here it is:

US tech giants oddly unhelpful on Russia

It's really annoying how so many seemingly intelligent lefties like you and the others in this thread (aside from Science Rocks who is a fucking idiot) constantly bitch about fox news as if it's far right extremist hate propaganda, then have the temerity to accuse us of living in a right wing echo chamber. Obviously you've never watched the channel. Fox news is the definition of cuckservative.
I challenge any conservative to watch this episode in full. You don't have to like Rachel, or even watch any other episodes...but watch this one. Man up. Put on your big boy pants and make it through this one. Can you do it? Or do you only want to live your life in your little right wing echo chamber?

Here it is:

US tech giants oddly unhelpful on Russia

It's really annoying how so many seemingly intelligent lefties like you and the others in this thread (aside from Science Rocks who is a fucking idiot) constantly bitch about fox news as if it's far right extremist hate propaganda, then have the temerity to accuse us of living in a right wing echo chamber. Obviously you've never watched the channel. Fox news is the definition of cuckservative.

I watch Fox news occasionally. I find it entertaining as hell. Especially from a production standpoint, those guys are good. The way they direct Tucker to make that condescending stink face as he stares into the camera, the way they have Hannity look into the camera as he’s mocking his guests like he and his audience are BFF’s, the deliberate casting of smoking hot chicks, it’s fantastic. The expertly crafted graphics designed to capture your attention and keep the viewer in perpetual panic mode...Those guys are brilliant propagandists.
I challenge any conservative to watch this episode in full. You don't have to like Rachel, or even watch any other episodes...but watch this one. Man up. Put on your big boy pants and make it through this one. Can you do it? Or do you only want to live your life in your little right wing echo chamber?

Here it is:

US tech giants oddly unhelpful on Russia

It's really annoying how so many seemingly intelligent lefties like you and the others in this thread (aside from Science Rocks who is a fucking idiot) constantly bitch about fox news as if it's far right extremist hate propaganda, then have the temerity to accuse us of living in a right wing echo chamber. Obviously you've never watched the channel. Fox news is the definition of cuckservative.

I watch Fox news occasionally. I find it entertaining as hell. Especially from a production standpoint, those guys are good. The way they direct Tucker to make that condescending stink face as he stares into the camera, the way they have Hannity look into the camera as he’s mocking his guests like he and his audience are BFF’s, the deliberate casting of smoking hot chicks, it’s fantastic. The expertly crafted graphics designed to capture your attention and keep the viewer in perpetual panic mode...Those guys are brilliant propagandists.

Fox news is terrified of offending the left. They perpetually walk on eggshells to avoid saying anything remotely controversial. Compare that to MSNBC and CNN where all they ever do is demonize mainstream conservative voters as Nazi sympathizers.
I challenge any conservative to watch this episode in full. You don't have to like Rachel, or even watch any other episodes...but watch this one. Man up. Put on your big boy pants and make it through this one. Can you do it? Or do you only want to live your life in your little right wing echo chamber?

Here it is:

US tech giants oddly unhelpful on Russia

It's really annoying how so many seemingly intelligent lefties like you and the others in this thread (aside from Science Rocks who is a fucking idiot) constantly bitch about fox news as if it's far right extremist hate propaganda, then have the temerity to accuse us of living in a right wing echo chamber. Obviously you've never watched the channel. Fox news is the definition of cuckservative.

I watch Fox news occasionally. I find it entertaining as hell. Especially from a production standpoint, those guys are good. The way they direct Tucker to make that condescending stink face as he stares into the camera, the way they have Hannity look into the camera as he’s mocking his guests like he and his audience are BFF’s, the deliberate casting of smoking hot chicks, it’s fantastic. The expertly crafted graphics designed to capture your attention and keep the viewer in perpetual panic mode...Those guys are brilliant propagandists.

Fox news is terrified of offending the left. They perpetually walk on eggshells to avoid saying anything remotely controversial. Compare that to MSNBC and CNN where all they ever do is demonize mainstream conservative voters as Nazi sympathizers.

I challenge any conservative to watch this episode in full. You don't have to like Rachel, or even watch any other episodes...but watch this one. Man up. Put on your big boy pants and make it through this one. Can you do it? Or do you only want to live your life in your little right wing echo chamber?

Here it is:

US tech giants oddly unhelpful on Russia

It's really annoying how so many seemingly intelligent lefties like you and the others in this thread (aside from Science Rocks who is a fucking idiot) constantly bitch about fox news as if it's far right extremist hate propaganda, then have the temerity to accuse us of living in a right wing echo chamber. Obviously you've never watched the channel. Fox news is the definition of cuckservative.

I watch Fox news occasionally. I find it entertaining as hell. Especially from a production standpoint, those guys are good. The way they direct Tucker to make that condescending stink face as he stares into the camera, the way they have Hannity look into the camera as he’s mocking his guests like he and his audience are BFF’s, the deliberate casting of smoking hot chicks, it’s fantastic. The expertly crafted graphics designed to capture your attention and keep the viewer in perpetual panic mode...Those guys are brilliant propagandists.

Fox news is terrified of offending the left. They perpetually walk on eggshells to avoid saying anything remotely controversial. Compare that to MSNBC and CNN where all they ever do is demonize mainstream conservative voters as Nazi sympathizers.


Tucker Carlson won't even question the legitimacy of the bullshit "systemic racism" angle the NFL protests are based on, he says things like "I agree this is an important discussion the country needs to have". He constantly reminds everyone that he LOVES IMMIGRANTS and can only attack the left's open borders mantra from a standpoint of how much it costs american tax payers and nothing about how it degrades our culture.
I challenge any conservative to watch this episode in full. You don't have to like Rachel, or even watch any other episodes...but watch this one. Man up. Put on your big boy pants and make it through this one. Can you do it? Or do you only want to live your life in your little right wing echo chamber?

Here it is:

US tech giants oddly unhelpful on Russia

It's really annoying how so many seemingly intelligent lefties like you and the others in this thread (aside from Science Rocks who is a fucking idiot) constantly bitch about fox news as if it's far right extremist hate propaganda, then have the temerity to accuse us of living in a right wing echo chamber. Obviously you've never watched the channel. Fox news is the definition of cuckservative.

I watch Fox news occasionally. I find it entertaining as hell. Especially from a production standpoint, those guys are good. The way they direct Tucker to make that condescending stink face as he stares into the camera, the way they have Hannity look into the camera as he’s mocking his guests like he and his audience are BFF’s, the deliberate casting of smoking hot chicks, it’s fantastic. The expertly crafted graphics designed to capture your attention and keep the viewer in perpetual panic mode...Those guys are brilliant propagandists.

Fox news is terrified of offending the left. They perpetually walk on eggshells to avoid saying anything remotely controversial. Compare that to MSNBC and CNN where all they ever do is demonize mainstream conservative voters as Nazi sympathizers.


Tucker Carlson won't even question the legitimacy of the bullshit "systemic racism" angle the NFL protests are based on, he says things like "I agree this is an important discussion the country needs to have". He constantly reminds everyone that he LOVES IMMIGRANTS and can only attack the left's open borders mantra from a standpoint of how much it costs american tax payers and nothing about how it degrades our culture.

You’re drifting off topic into stupid alt-right racist cuck territory. Stay on topic. The topic is about how Russian operatives medeled and influenced our election by employing one of the most sophisticated trolling operations on social media and ad display networks that we’ve ever seen, and we’re only beginning to uncover the lengths they went to do so. This is actually quite terrifying.
You’re drifting off topic into stupid alt-right racist cuck territory. Stay on topic. The topic is about how Russian operatives medeled and influenced our election by employing one of the most sophisticated trolling operations on social media and ad display networks that we’ve ever seen, and we’re only beginning to uncover the lengths they went to do so. This is actually quite terrifying.


Anyway, back on topic...

Maddow has become the left's Alex Jones and I find it all immensely entertaining how lame her conspiracy theories are and how terrified you are of cringe-inducing memes being shared on social media. Why would russia resort to such tactics when they have RT? Have you ever watched RT? It's not exactly a far-right outlet or anything. The best way to describe their agenda is not right-wing but "anti-american".

The left wing media here won't report on the true extent of Russia's social media propaganda campaign, such as the race-baiting, pro-black militancy, the anti-cop, anti-capitalism stuff...because that is all too close to the ideals they hold dear. They'll only focus on the anti-hillary crap to promote the idea that Russia wanted Trump to win.
Yes Rhodes Scholars are stupid... Too bad she doesn't have your dupe common sense.

BFD. She's nothing but a stupid cow. Education doesn't cure stupid.
Ignorant people have been saying that forever, ignoramus. You brainwashed fools are a disgrace. Breaking for the dupes, Hillary the foundation Obama Pelosi have never been charged or close to it with anything that you people are sure have happened. The only reason you vote for the new BS GOP is that you're totally misinformed... Read something.

Breaking news, Franco. All those Clintons and Obama are guilty as hell for all sorts of murders and evil for years and as long as I think so, is all that counts. I know it, they know it and the whole world knows it but the Progressive Liberal Pukestains know it and deny it.
Yes Rhodes Scholars are stupid... Too bad she doesn't have your dupe common sense.

BFD. She's nothing but a stupid cow. Education doesn't cure stupid.
Ignorant people have been saying that forever, ignoramus. You brainwashed fools are a disgrace. Breaking for the dupes, Hillary the foundation Obama Pelosi have never been charged or close to it with anything that you people are sure have happened. The only reason you vote for the new BS GOP is that you're totally misinformed... Read something.

Breaking news, Franco. All those Clintons and Obama are guilty as hell for all sorts of murders and evil for years and as long as I think so, is all that counts. I know it, they know it and the whole world knows it but the Progressive Liberal Pukestains know it and deny it.
Sure, poop, it's a huge conspiracy of the US justice department all the cops and police in the country and all the journalists and politicians... They are all lying and only the bought off cokehead DJ's on Fox and Rush Limbaugh know the truth. Brilliant!!!
I challenge any conservative to watch this episode in full. You don't have to like Rachel, or even watch any other episodes...but watch this one. Man up. Put on your big boy pants and make it through this one. Can you do it? Or do you only want to live your life in your little right wing echo chamber?

Here it is:

US tech giants oddly unhelpful on Russia

It's really annoying how so many seemingly intelligent lefties like you and the others in this thread (aside from Science Rocks who is a fucking idiot) constantly bitch about fox news as if it's far right extremist hate propaganda, then have the temerity to accuse us of living in a right wing echo chamber. Obviously you've never watched the channel. Fox news is the definition of cuckservative.
It's all the same crap Fox Rush Limbaugh beck and God knows what..
All paid for by greedy idiot GOP billionaires and You dupes... And you don't care that you are absolutely full of s***...
You’re drifting off topic into stupid alt-right racist cuck territory. Stay on topic. The topic is about how Russian operatives medeled and influenced our election by employing one of the most sophisticated trolling operations on social media and ad display networks that we’ve ever seen, and we’re only beginning to uncover the lengths they went to do so. This is actually quite terrifying.


Anyway, back on topic...

Maddow has become the left's Alex Jones and I find it all immensely entertaining how lame her conspiracy theories are and how terrified you are of cringe-inducing memes being shared on social media. Why would russia resort to such tactics when they have RT? Have you ever watched RT? It's not exactly a far-right outlet or anything. The best way to describe their agenda is not right-wing but "anti-american".

The left wing media here won't report on the true extent of Russia's social media propaganda campaign, such as the race-baiting, pro-black militancy, the anti-cop, anti-capitalism stuff...because that is all too close to the ideals they hold dear. They'll only focus on the anti-hillary crap to promote the idea that Russia wanted Trump to win.
Actually what you call left-wing are journalists, and they report that the Russians supported both fringes left and right. I've seen many BLM supposed advertisements paid for by Russians on MSNBC and CNN. As usual you're Clueless.
I challenge any conservative to watch this episode in full. You don't have to like Rachel, or even watch any other episodes...but watch this one. Man up. Put on your big boy pants and make it through this one. Can you do it? Or do you only want to live your life in your little right wing echo chamber?

Here it is:

US tech giants oddly unhelpful on Russia

It's really annoying how so many seemingly intelligent lefties like you and the others in this thread (aside from Science Rocks who is a fucking idiot) constantly bitch about fox news as if it's far right extremist hate propaganda, then have the temerity to accuse us of living in a right wing echo chamber. Obviously you've never watched the channel. Fox news is the definition of cuckservative.
It's all the same crap Fox Rush Limbaugh beck and God knows what..
All paid for by greedy idiot GOP billionaires and You dupes... And you don't care that you are absolutely full of s***...

I dont watch fox news, its obnoxious and annoying. Also cucked beyond belief.
You’re drifting off topic into stupid alt-right racist cuck territory. Stay on topic. The topic is about how Russian operatives medeled and influenced our election by employing one of the most sophisticated trolling operations on social media and ad display networks that we’ve ever seen, and we’re only beginning to uncover the lengths they went to do so. This is actually quite terrifying.


Anyway, back on topic...

Maddow has become the left's Alex Jones and I find it all immensely entertaining how lame her conspiracy theories are and how terrified you are of cringe-inducing memes being shared on social media. Why would russia resort to such tactics when they have RT? Have you ever watched RT? It's not exactly a far-right outlet or anything. The best way to describe their agenda is not right-wing but "anti-american".

The left wing media here won't report on the true extent of Russia's social media propaganda campaign, such as the race-baiting, pro-black militancy, the anti-cop, anti-capitalism stuff...because that is all too close to the ideals they hold dear. They'll only focus on the anti-hillary crap to promote the idea that Russia wanted Trump to win.
Actually what you call left-wing are journalists, and they report that the Russians supported both fringes left and right. I've seen many BLM supposed advertisements paid for by Russians on MSNBC and CNN. As usual you're Clueless.

Are you seriously going to sit there and pretend that MSNBC and CNN are unbiased?
I challenge any conservative to watch this episode in full. You don't have to like Rachel, or even watch any other episodes...but watch this one. Man up. Put on your big boy pants and make it through this one. Can you do it? Or do you only want to live your life in your little right wing echo chamber?

Here it is:

US tech giants oddly unhelpful on Russia

It's really annoying how so many seemingly intelligent lefties like you and the others in this thread (aside from Science Rocks who is a fucking idiot) constantly bitch about fox news as if it's far right extremist hate propaganda, then have the temerity to accuse us of living in a right wing echo chamber. Obviously you've never watched the channel. Fox news is the definition of cuckservative.
It's all the same crap Fox Rush Limbaugh beck and God knows what..
All paid for by greedy idiot GOP billionaires and You dupes... And you don't care that you are absolutely full of s***...

I dont watch fox news, its obnoxious and annoying. Also cucked beyond belief.
Whatever you watch it's the same b******* only more so. Fox is another gab Fest but at least sometimes it has liberal views even if the Cowardly ones. Right-wing talk radio is non stop garbage I'm sure that's what you like...
You’re drifting off topic into stupid alt-right racist cuck territory. Stay on topic. The topic is about how Russian operatives medeled and influenced our election by employing one of the most sophisticated trolling operations on social media and ad display networks that we’ve ever seen, and we’re only beginning to uncover the lengths they went to do so. This is actually quite terrifying.


Anyway, back on topic...

Maddow has become the left's Alex Jones and I find it all immensely entertaining how lame her conspiracy theories are and how terrified you are of cringe-inducing memes being shared on social media. Why would russia resort to such tactics when they have RT? Have you ever watched RT? It's not exactly a far-right outlet or anything. The best way to describe their agenda is not right-wing but "anti-american".

The left wing media here won't report on the true extent of Russia's social media propaganda campaign, such as the race-baiting, pro-black militancy, the anti-cop, anti-capitalism stuff...because that is all too close to the ideals they hold dear. They'll only focus on the anti-hillary crap to promote the idea that Russia wanted Trump to win.
Actually what you call left-wing are journalists, and they report that the Russians supported both fringes left and right. I've seen many BLM supposed advertisements paid for by Russians on MSNBC and CNN. As usual you're Clueless.

Are you seriously going to sit there and pretend that MSNBC and CNN are unbiased?
They don't lie like fox does but I mean it's a Non-Stop gabfest and I think that all of them should ignore Trump's tweets and garbage. Al Jazeera has more foreign offices and reporters than all our media combined... They never report on what is going on in Libya or the Ukraine pretty pathetic...
Whatever you watch it's the same b******* only more so. Fox is another gab Fest but at least sometimes it has liberal views even if the Cowardly ones. Right-wing talk radio is non stop garbage I'm sure that's what you like...

Lol, wrong again. Who the fuck listens to the radio? Old baby boomers, that's who. The same people who sold out and threw my generation under the bus of cultural marxism to avoid being called racist by people who are going to call them that anyway. Is it really so hard for you to fathom that I get my news from the same places as you do?
Hannity buried her the first week.

Still is.
Fox is the only Channel you brainwashed fools can handle...

Oh dear.

I watch MSNBC and CNN far more than I do FOX. FOX will mainly tell me what I already know. The others tell me what you idiots are thinking.

so true....only that's why I watch FOX every once in a while, to see what ya'll are being told to think! :D

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