Richer and much richer? Why arent you?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Welcome to the billionaire economy
More billionaires were minted in 2017 than in any other year in history, according to a new report from the charity Oxfam International, which will present its findings at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. While the world's economies are growing, four-fifths of the wealth created in 2017 was claimed by the top 1 percent of income earners, the report found.
Just love it when the lickspittle, liberal, lapdog, Lame Stream Media once again starts the victimhood of the poor.
Why are they poor? Don't they invest in the stock market that under Obama was printing 4 trillion dollars of FAUX money so Warrant Buffet and Steve Jobs could borrow at zero percent income?
There are victims of liberalism who the Democrats pander to, because those stupid fucks wont ever move out of poverty which requires hard work and investing.
There are middleclass workers, who don't understand that investing in the stock market over the long term is their way up to the 1%ers, but have others(like Chelsea Clinton HedgeFund Managers)who invest for them, while providing a 7% return while the rest of the 93% go to the managers.
There is the rich, who started investing in the stock market(like I did with HD in 1987) and have played long, thus in 1999 with Bill Clinton in office, $300,000 dollars were wiped out of my portfolio with the Enron, MCI/World Com, and Dot Com bubble burst that left George Bush a mini recession he inherited but with George's tax breaks, worked that loss back into a huge proft.. I used feel pity for the poor, but not anymore, because if you are poor, then you vote for the very people who keep you poor..Elections have consequences..

I'm doing ok.

A comfortable middle class life style with an investment strategy that looks like it should result is a comfortable retirement and a nice inheritance for the child.

I'm NOT busting my ass to become rich. I've lived on deferred gratification for long enough.
People do not realize that saving a modest amount on a regular basis can add up to significant wealth over the course of your average working life.

100 dollars a month from the age of 20 to 65 saved in a balanced portfolio will grow to over half a million dollars by retirement

If both you and your spouse do this you would have over 1 million dollars saved at age 65.

That money if invested very conservatively aiming for a 5% return would provide a monthly income of 5000 dollars for almost 50 years

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