Richest 1 percent will own more than rest combined by 2016: report

Lol I love how RWs denied this issue was even true when the Occupied protests were happening. Nowadays they acknowledge it but say "so what?" or they just it's all Obama's fault.

Ah you gotta love republicans.

Thats their reaction to everything. First they dont believe it, then when they finally accept facts (which is difficult by itself) they're new stance is indifference
Well, increasing taxes on the rich could have terrible economic repercussions. Some poor guy who builds car elevators for Jay Leno and Mitt may have to find another line of work....
I sure hope that you are getting a check from the Koch brothers every month. I would hate to think that you are doing this for them for free!!

If you are on welfare you are getting a check from Soros's little trained monkey aren't you?
I sure hope that you are getting a check from the Koch brothers every month. I would hate to think that you are doing this for them for free!!

If you are on welfare you are getting a check from Soros's little trained monkey aren't you?

No, Flash. I was a republican for 40 years. That's where I learned how to game the system. I have not had to work since 2005. I live off of my investment income, which is, BTW, tax free! Thanks!
I sure hope that you are getting a check from the Koch brothers every month. I would hate to think that you are doing this for them for free!!

If you are on welfare you are getting a check from Soros's little trained monkey aren't you?

The super rich are also getting a huge break on taxes and allowed to move their money to other countries to shield it from taxes.
Look at the right wing nutters. Red States are the poorest filled with food stampers living in trailers and they think wealthy Blue States are full of greed and envy. Well, if poor, uneducated Republicans are satisfied with mobile homes, who am I to try and help them? I say stop wasting money trying to get them into school and stop giving them food stamps. Grits and gravy are cheap.

Typical Libtard bigotry.

Two of the three wealthiest states are southern and the third western one is living off the wealth created decades ago when it wasn't so Left Wing.

It really sucks to be a Libtard and know that everything you believe in has failed, doesn't it?
Which states are you talking about and what did they produce to make them wealthy?
The super rich are also getting a huge break on taxes and allowed to move their money to other countries to shield it from taxes.

Shielding your money from taxes is a good thing. I do it every year when I take as many deductions as I can. I would much rather spend the money I make rather than give it some corrupt bureaucrat, elected by special interest groups, to spend on stupid things.

If the government wasn't taking so much money out of the productive economy and if they didn't regulate everything out of business and if taxes weren't so high then there would be no need to go overseas to more business friendly countries.

Overseas business flight is the consequence of failed Left Wing economic polices.
I sure hope that you are getting a check from the Koch brothers every month. I would hate to think that you are doing this for them for free!!

If you are on welfare you are getting a check from Soros's little trained monkey aren't you?

No, Flash. I was a republican for 40 years. That's where I learned how to game the system. I have not had to work since 2005. I live off of my investment income, which is, BTW, tax free! Thanks!

The people that are gaming the system are those 48% of people in the US that don't have to pay any income tax while the rest of us carry their burden and the one third of Americans that receive some kind of government welfare and the special interest groups like the filthy unions that elect shitheads like Obama to raid the treasury for them.

The problem in this country is not that some people make money but that there tens of millions of shitheads that are not productive and use the government to steal money on their behalf.
The richest 80 individuals in the world had the same wealth as the poorest 50 percent of the entire population, some 3.5 billion people, Oxfam said. This was an even bigger concentration at the top than a year ago, when half the world's wealth was in the hands of 85 of the ultra rich.

Richest 1 percent will own more than rest combined by 2016 report Al Jazeera America

Rich getting richer Wealth increasingly concentrated in hands of few Oxfam says CTV News

At the same time, one in nine people don't have enough to eat and more than a billion people live on less than $1.25 a day, Oxfam said, ticking off statistics that paint a grim picture for all but the world's richest.

The charity is calling for a crackdown on tax avoidance by corporations and rich people, as well as increased investment in health and education and equal pay legislation.


Republicans think inherited wealth is earned and everyone has an equal opportunity. They see this as a "job well done".
Since you have all the facts, GERTRUDE, tell me what percent of the world's wealth is controlled by governments.
From this thread I can tell Oligarchies are good..No one seems to really know why tho

^ from that post I can see that ClosedMinded likes to pretend that we have an "oligarchy" in America.

Silly stuff.

Pretty silly except I havent heard of any reasons why less people having more of the wealth is a bad thing

I haven't heard any reason for why fewer people having more wealth is a bad thing either.

And none of that has anything to do with "oligarchy."

Sorry I was under the impression that money is power

Money is not power, although it has much to do with power in lots of situations. That being the case, nothing you have said has ANY bearing on your claim that we live in an oligarchy.

I am afraid I must inform you that words still have meaning.
I sure hope that you are getting a check from the Koch brothers every month. I would hate to think that you are doing this for them for free!!

If you are on welfare you are getting a check from Soros's little trained monkey aren't you?

No, Flash. I was a republican for 40 years. That's where I learned how to game the system. I have not had to work since 2005. I live off of my investment income, which is, BTW, tax free! Thanks!

The people that are gaming the system are those 48% of people in the US that don't have to pay any income tax while the rest of us carry their burden and the one third of Americans that receive some kind of government welfare and the special interest groups like the filthy unions that elect shitheads like Obama to raid the treasury for them.

The problem in this country is not that some people make money but that there tens of millions of shitheads that are not productive and use the government to steal money on their behalf.

Let me see if I have this straight, Flash. You condemn me for living on tax free income, while I vote for democrats who want to raise taxes on my income?
The real problem is we have too many working full time living on poverty wages. They work 40 hours per week and still qualify for gov't assistance. I support them getting that assistance too as one can't feed themselves making $7.25 an hour, nor can they afford a car, place to live, etc. And there are some who criticize them. If they all had college degrees we wouldn't need low wage workers. Those jobs (not really jobs but they call them that) could be left unfilled.
The real problem is we have too many working full time living on poverty wages. They work 40 hours per week and still qualify for gov't assistance. I support them getting that assistance too as one can't feed themselves making $7.25 an hour, nor can they afford a car, place to live, etc. And there are some who criticize them. If they all had college degrees we wouldn't need low wage workers. Those jobs (not really jobs but they call them that) could be left unfilled.

Here's an idea: Don't work for minimum wage.
The richest 80 individuals in the world had the same wealth as the poorest 50 percent of the entire population, some 3.5 billion people, Oxfam said. This was an even bigger concentration at the top than a year ago, when half the world's wealth was in the hands of 85 of the ultra rich.

Richest 1 percent will own more than rest combined by 2016 report Al Jazeera America

Rich getting richer Wealth increasingly concentrated in hands of few Oxfam says CTV News

At the same time, one in nine people don't have enough to eat and more than a billion people live on less than $1.25 a day, Oxfam said, ticking off statistics that paint a grim picture for all but the world's richest.

The charity is calling for a crackdown on tax avoidance by corporations and rich people, as well as increased investment in health and education and equal pay legislation.


Republicans think inherited wealth is earned and everyone has an equal opportunity. They see this as a "job well done".

Well, it is their money. It's not your money. You didn't earn their money nor did you risk any of their money to make their money.
The real problem is we have too many working full time living on poverty wages. They work 40 hours per week and still qualify for gov't assistance. I support them getting that assistance too as one can't feed themselves making $7.25 an hour, nor can they afford a car, place to live, etc. And there are some who criticize them. If they all had college degrees we wouldn't need low wage workers. Those jobs (not really jobs but they call them that) could be left unfilled.

Here's an idea: Don't work for minimum wage.

Right. No one is holding a gun on anyone and forcing them to work for minimum wages. If you're gonna work 40 hours a week anyways, why not make $30.00 per hour? It's the same amount of time.
The real problem is we have too many working full time living on poverty wages. They work 40 hours per week and still qualify for gov't assistance. I support them getting that assistance too as one can't feed themselves making $7.25 an hour, nor can they afford a car, place to live, etc. And there are some who criticize them. If they all had college degrees we wouldn't need low wage workers. Those jobs (not really jobs but they call them that) could be left unfilled.

Here's an idea: Don't work for minimum wage.

Right. No one is holding a gun on anyone and forcing them to work for minimum wages. If you're gonna work 40 hours a week anyways, why not make $30.00 per hour? It's the same amount of time.

I doubt someone making minimum wage has $30/hr anytime soon. But those people do have it within their power to not settle for a job paying only minimum wage.
Let me see if I have this straight, Flash. You condemn me for living on tax free income, while I vote for democrats who want to raise taxes on my income?

Voting for Democrats makes you worthy of condemnation. They are the scum of America.
The richest 80 individuals in the world had the same wealth as the poorest 50 percent of the entire population, some 3.5 billion people, Oxfam said. This was an even bigger concentration at the top than a year ago, when half the world's wealth was in the hands of 85 of the ultra rich.

Richest 1 percent will own more than rest combined by 2016 report Al Jazeera America

Rich getting richer Wealth increasingly concentrated in hands of few Oxfam says CTV News

At the same time, one in nine people don't have enough to eat and more than a billion people live on less than $1.25 a day, Oxfam said, ticking off statistics that paint a grim picture for all but the world's richest.

The charity is calling for a crackdown on tax avoidance by corporations and rich people, as well as increased investment in health and education and equal pay legislation.


Republicans think inherited wealth is earned and everyone has an equal opportunity. They see this as a "job well done".
Since you have all the facts, GERTRUDE, tell me what percent of the world's wealth is controlled by governments.
Let me see if I have this straight, Flash. You condemn me for living on tax free income, while I vote for democrats who want to raise taxes on my income?

Voting for Democrats makes you worthy of condemnation. They are the scum of America.

Sorry, Flash. When the republicans put baby Bush in the White house, they and I had to part company. Then the inmates took over the asylum, and offered us Palin. and then Mitt. I may be getting old, but I don't have dementia yet. I'll reconsider the republican party when I come down with Alzheimer's.....

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