Rick Perry Cites Joan Rivers' Death In Defense Of Controversial Anti-abortion Law

Rivers would have lived if the clinic had an intubator and ventilator, or access to a nearby hospital that had one.

"According to a source close to the family, Rivers was given a clean bill of health prior to the surgery, and insiders believe she could have lived if the procedure that ultimately killed her had taken place at a hospital instead of an out-patient clinic."

Radar Online The Secret Reason Insiders Believe Joan Could Have Survived Surgery

The comparison makes perfect sense to anyone with critical thinking skills...unfortunately that excludes most liberals.

So, are you saying Rick Perry is a smart man?

Well, he easily figure this out and you couldn't, so if he isn't smart, what does that make you?

It warms my heart that Perry is so concerned for the health of pregnant women seeking abortions. God bless him.

Lakhota we know you are a guy trying to be a woman and first nations and make this situation even worse than forever when you attempt to jet yourself in to a woman's topic.

I'm not sure of the mileage but I would think it would only be prudent that an abortion clinic would be within a certain radius of a hospital to protect the patient.

Yeah, because the alternative is a coat hanger in a back alley.
Give us a break, drama queen. That expression is so old it has mold growing on it.
a controversial anti abortion

JUST who is it controversial to? maybe you people who make up these titles can tell us who they are?

you left wingers are so disingenuous with your titles
Every American who understands and respects the Constitution and its case law.

Every American who understand that the Fifth and 14th Amendments protect the individual liberty of each American to make personal, private decisions absent interference from the state.

Every American who understands the importance limiting the authority and reach of government into citizens' private lives.

And every American who acknowledges the fact that prior to birth an embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections, that abortion is not 'murder,' and where citizens are at liberty to seek to end the practice of abortion in accordance with the Constitution and its case law.

Those are the people to whom this proposed measure is controversial.
a controversial anti abortion

JUST who is it controversial to? maybe you people who make up these titles can tell us who they are?

you left wingers are so disingenuous with your titles
Every American who understands and respects the Constitution and its case law.

Every American who understand that the Fifth and 14th Amendments protect the individual liberty of each American to make personal, private decisions absent interference from the state.

Every American who understands the importance limiting the authority and reach of government into citizens' private lives.

And every American who acknowledges the fact that prior to birth an embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections, that abortion is not 'murder,' and where citizens are at liberty to seek to end the practice of abortion in accordance with the Constitution and its case law.

Those are the people to whom this proposed measure is controversial.

So when have you Obama supporters gave a hoot for the constitution. they can still go kill their babies. No one is chaining down
You know whats highly funny and I mean in the ironic way not the humorous one is how the left loves to see those who are pro life as having a hatred of or a war on women yet these same people who are generally pro choice don't see themselves as having a hatred of or war on children.
You know whats highly funny and I mean in the ironic way not the humorous one is how the left loves to see those who are pro life as having a hatred of or a war on women yet these same people who are generally pro choice don't see themselves as having a hatred of or war on children.

I can assure you that lefties care much more about "children" than righties. Righties only care about the fetus - after that it's tough shit - you're on your own.
You know whats highly funny and I mean in the ironic way not the humorous one is how the left loves to see those who are pro life as having a hatred of or a war on women yet these same people who are generally pro choice don't see themselves as having a hatred of or war on children.

I can assure you that lefties care much more about "children" than righties. Righties only care about the fetus - after that it's tough shit - you're on your own.
I can assure you that you are full of more shit than a port a potty at a diarrhea convention having others pay for raising another's child is not caring that's called passing the buck and the responsibility shitting bull.
You know whats highly funny and I mean in the ironic way not the humorous one is how the left loves to see those who are pro life as having a hatred of or a war on women yet these same people who are generally pro choice don't see themselves as having a hatred of or war on children.

I can assure you that lefties care much more about "children" than righties. Righties only care about the fetus - after that it's tough shit - you're on your own.
Why, because we're not willing to give financial support from cradle to grave because the irresponsible mother isn't willing to?
You know whats highly funny and I mean in the ironic way not the humorous one is how the left loves to see those who are pro life as having a hatred of or a war on women yet these same people who are generally pro choice don't see themselves as having a hatred of or war on children.

I can assure you that lefties care much more about "children" than righties. Righties only care about the fetus - after that it's tough shit - you're on your own.
Why, because we're not willing to give financial support from cradle to grave because the irresponsible mother isn't willing to?

Sadly, you know absolutely nothing about the mental/physical/financial health of pregnant women seeking abortions - and you NaziCons don't want to. To you - they are just incubators...birthing pods.
You know whats highly funny and I mean in the ironic way not the humorous one is how the left loves to see those who are pro life as having a hatred of or a war on women yet these same people who are generally pro choice don't see themselves as having a hatred of or war on children.

I can assure you that lefties care much more about "children" than righties. Righties only care about the fetus - after that it's tough shit - you're on your own.
Why, because we're not willing to give financial support from cradle to grave because the irresponsible mother isn't willing to?

Sadly, you know absolutely nothing about the mental/physical/financial health of pregnant women seeking abortions - and you NaziCons don't want to. To you - they are just incubators...birthing pods.
Got news for you neither do you and the rest of your phony liberals to you they are nothing more than than a voting block to be used and exploited from election to election in between you could not and do not care less.
You know whats highly funny and I mean in the ironic way not the humorous one is how the left loves to see those who are pro life as having a hatred of or a war on women yet these same people who are generally pro choice don't see themselves as having a hatred of or war on children.

I can assure you that lefties care much more about "children" than righties. Righties only care about the fetus - after that it's tough shit - you're on your own.
Why, because we're not willing to give financial support from cradle to grave because the irresponsible mother isn't willing to?

Sadly, you know absolutely nothing about the mental/physical/financial health of pregnant women seeking abortions - and you NaziCons don't want to. To you - they are just incubators...birthing pods.
Wrong. I don't want to see them reproduce at all. I want them to be responsible and practice birth control but idiots like you think that's too much to ask.
"Rick Perry Cites Joan Rivers' Death In Defense Of Controversial Anti-abortion Law"

No further confirmation was needed of Perry's ignorance and stupidity.

States are required to enact measures in good faith that comport with the Constitution and its case law. This Texas measure is proposed in bad faith, seeking not to protect the lives of women but rather to violate their civil liberties.

The regulations advocated by Perry and others on the right hostile to the privacy rights of women are unwarranted and burdensome, as well as being devoid of any objective, documented evidence in support of restricting a woman's fundamental right to privacy, where the proposed measure is consequently un-Constitutional.

You're stupidity is unwarranted but you have the right to express it...

It never ceases to amaze me how far someone will go to justify abortion...

How many women have died due to bad abortion practitioners dumbass?

How many of these young ladies mothers would you tell the facility was safe, prepared to deal with the problem?

You mean like before Roe v. Wade?

You realize women are still dying with the current situation?
While speaking on HB2, a controversial law that would have required abortion facilities in Texas to meet hospital-level operating standards, Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) wondered if a similar law might have saved comedian Joan Rivers' life.

A federal judge halted the Texas abortion restrictions in late August, but the state isappealing the ruling. Perry signed the law in 2013 and defended it Sunday at theTexas Tribune Festival.

"Clearly, the will of the Texas Legislature -- which I agree with -- that it is a state's right to put particular types of considerations into place, to put rules and regulations into place, to make a clinic be as safe as a hospital," Perry said. "It was interesting that, when Joan Rivers, and the procedure that she had done where she died, that was a clinic. It's a curious thought that if they had had that type of regulations in place, whether or not that individual would be still alive."

The audience at the Tribune Festival can be heard murmuring in the video above after Perry's comments on Rivers. (The question starts at 1:00:41.)

More: Rick Perry Cites Joan Rivers Death In Defense Of Controversial Anti-Abortion Law

I understand his anti-choice agenda - but I fail to see any "logical" comparison.
So you think making clinics safer is a bad thing?

and that JR might have lived had she been in a hospital is a reach?

leftist, the inability to think is somehow to be da awesumstuff
a controversial anti abortion

JUST who is it controversial to? maybe you people who make up these titles can tell us who they are?

you left wingers are so disingenuous with your titles
Every American who understands and respects the Constitution and its case law.

Every American who understand that the Fifth and 14th Amendments protect the individual liberty of each American to make personal, private decisions absent interference from the state.

Every American who understands the importance limiting the authority and reach of government into citizens' private lives.

And every American who acknowledges the fact that prior to birth an embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections, that abortion is not 'murder,' and where citizens are at liberty to seek to end the practice of abortion in accordance with the Constitution and its case law.

Those are the people to whom this proposed measure is controversial.

So when have you Obama supporters gave a hoot for the constitution. they can still go kill their babies. No one is chaining down

Kill babies? Democratic Policies care about babies. Republicans only care about the fetus. Once the fetus becomes a baby, that baby is fucked trying to get any help from the GOP. Even you know that.
a controversial anti abortion

JUST who is it controversial to? maybe you people who make up these titles can tell us who they are?

you left wingers are so disingenuous with your titles
Every American who understands and respects the Constitution and its case law.

Every American who understand that the Fifth and 14th Amendments protect the individual liberty of each American to make personal, private decisions absent interference from the state.

Every American who understands the importance limiting the authority and reach of government into citizens' private lives.

And every American who acknowledges the fact that prior to birth an embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections, that abortion is not 'murder,' and where citizens are at liberty to seek to end the practice of abortion in accordance with the Constitution and its case law.

Those are the people to whom this proposed measure is controversial.

So when have you Obama supporters gave a hoot for the constitution. they can still go kill their babies. No one is chaining down

Kill babies? Democratic Policies care about babies. Republicans only care about the fetus. Once the fetus becomes a baby, that baby is fucked trying to get any help from the GOP. Even you know that.

This could not be any clearer, your definition of "Help" and the real definition are completely different...

Having your hand out and learning to provide for yourself says it all...
While speaking on HB2, a controversial law that would have required abortion facilities in Texas to meet hospital-level operating standards, Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) wondered if a similar law might have saved comedian Joan Rivers' life.

A federal judge halted the Texas abortion restrictions in late August, but the state isappealing the ruling. Perry signed the law in 2013 and defended it Sunday at theTexas Tribune Festival.

"Clearly, the will of the Texas Legislature -- which I agree with -- that it is a state's right to put particular types of considerations into place, to put rules and regulations into place, to make a clinic be as safe as a hospital," Perry said. "It was interesting that, when Joan Rivers, and the procedure that she had done where she died, that was a clinic. It's a curious thought that if they had had that type of regulations in place, whether or not that individual would be still alive."

The audience at the Tribune Festival can be heard murmuring in the video above after Perry's comments on Rivers. (The question starts at 1:00:41.)

More: Rick Perry Cites Joan Rivers Death In Defense Of Controversial Anti-Abortion Law

I understand his anti-choice agenda - but I fail to see any "logical" comparison.

You wouldn't recognize logic if it climbed out of your firewater and bit you in your red ass.

Comparing one type of a clinic to another is completely logical.
While speaking on HB2, a controversial law that would have required abortion facilities in Texas to meet hospital-level operating standards, Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) wondered if a similar law might have saved comedian Joan Rivers' life.

A federal judge halted the Texas abortion restrictions in late August, but the state isappealing the ruling. Perry signed the law in 2013 and defended it Sunday at theTexas Tribune Festival.

"Clearly, the will of the Texas Legislature -- which I agree with -- that it is a state's right to put particular types of considerations into place, to put rules and regulations into place, to make a clinic be as safe as a hospital," Perry said. "It was interesting that, when Joan Rivers, and the procedure that she had done where she died, that was a clinic. It's a curious thought that if they had had that type of regulations in place, whether or not that individual would be still alive."

The audience at the Tribune Festival can be heard murmuring in the video above after Perry's comments on Rivers. (The question starts at 1:00:41.)

More: Rick Perry Cites Joan Rivers Death In Defense Of Controversial Anti-Abortion Law

I understand his anti-choice agenda - but I fail to see any "logical" comparison.

You wouldn't recognize logic if it climbed out of your firewater and bit you in your red ass.

Comparing one type of a clinic to another is completely logical.

Firewater? Red ass? Why must you be such a racist? Why do you hate Native Americans? Why do you lie so much?
While speaking on HB2, a controversial law that would have required abortion facilities in Texas to meet hospital-level operating standards, Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) wondered if a similar law might have saved comedian Joan Rivers' life.

A federal judge halted the Texas abortion restrictions in late August, but the state isappealing the ruling. Perry signed the law in 2013 and defended it Sunday at theTexas Tribune Festival.

"Clearly, the will of the Texas Legislature -- which I agree with -- that it is a state's right to put particular types of considerations into place, to put rules and regulations into place, to make a clinic be as safe as a hospital," Perry said. "It was interesting that, when Joan Rivers, and the procedure that she had done where she died, that was a clinic. It's a curious thought that if they had had that type of regulations in place, whether or not that individual would be still alive."

The audience at the Tribune Festival can be heard murmuring in the video above after Perry's comments on Rivers. (The question starts at 1:00:41.)

More: Rick Perry Cites Joan Rivers Death In Defense Of Controversial Anti-Abortion Law

I understand his anti-choice agenda - but I fail to see any "logical" comparison.

You wouldn't recognize logic if it climbed out of your firewater and bit you in your red ass.

Comparing one type of a clinic to another is completely logical.

Firewater? Red ass? Why must you be such a racist? Why do you hate Native Americans? Why do you lie so much?

Whatever, you're no more an Indian that Barrack Obama is.

Now tell me more about the Washington Kikes.....
Kill babies? Democratic Policies care about babies. Republicans only care about the fetus. Once the fetus becomes a baby, that baby is fucked trying to get any help from the GOP. Even you know that.
How do you care for babies when your solution is their death before being born and the lucky ones that survive get a lifetime of democrat poverty to look forward to?

You care about children so much you support a baby killing machine before they can be born.

You care about children so much you have a welfare check for them for the rest of their worthless lives as long as they keep voting for that check.

You care about children so much you will force them into a union run failing public school instead of giving them options.

You care about children so much...actually you don't give a fuck about children. You care about pawns.
While speaking on HB2, a controversial law that would have required abortion facilities in Texas to meet hospital-level operating standards, Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) wondered if a similar law might have saved comedian Joan Rivers' life.

A federal judge halted the Texas abortion restrictions in late August, but the state isappealing the ruling. Perry signed the law in 2013 and defended it Sunday at theTexas Tribune Festival.

"Clearly, the will of the Texas Legislature -- which I agree with -- that it is a state's right to put particular types of considerations into place, to put rules and regulations into place, to make a clinic be as safe as a hospital," Perry said. "It was interesting that, when Joan Rivers, and the procedure that she had done where she died, that was a clinic. It's a curious thought that if they had had that type of regulations in place, whether or not that individual would be still alive."

The audience at the Tribune Festival can be heard murmuring in the video above after Perry's comments on Rivers. (The question starts at 1:00:41.)

More: Rick Perry Cites Joan Rivers Death In Defense Of Controversial Anti-Abortion Law

I understand his anti-choice agenda - but I fail to see any "logical" comparison.

You wouldn't recognize logic if it climbed out of your firewater and bit you in your red ass.

Comparing one type of a clinic to another is completely logical.

Firewater? Red ass? Why must you be such a racist? Why do you hate Native Americans? Why do you lie so much?
We just hate the fake indians.... in other words you.
While speaking on HB2, a controversial law that would have required abortion facilities in Texas to meet hospital-level operating standards, Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) wondered if a similar law might have saved comedian Joan Rivers' life.

A federal judge halted the Texas abortion restrictions in late August, but the state isappealing the ruling. Perry signed the law in 2013 and defended it Sunday at theTexas Tribune Festival.

"Clearly, the will of the Texas Legislature -- which I agree with -- that it is a state's right to put particular types of considerations into place, to put rules and regulations into place, to make a clinic be as safe as a hospital," Perry said. "It was interesting that, when Joan Rivers, and the procedure that she had done where she died, that was a clinic. It's a curious thought that if they had had that type of regulations in place, whether or not that individual would be still alive."

The audience at the Tribune Festival can be heard murmuring in the video above after Perry's comments on Rivers. (The question starts at 1:00:41.)

More: Rick Perry Cites Joan Rivers Death In Defense Of Controversial Anti-Abortion Law

I understand his anti-choice agenda - but I fail to see any "logical" comparison.

I think we've seen all we need to see of Rick Perry, he's just as big an idiot as Sarah Palin and neither one has enough where with all to see how much they embarrass themselves.

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