Rick Perry - Handicapping the GOP Hopefuls

Sounds like you sucked at what you did.

No, it sounds like I had a medical issue that ran up a lot of bills, and this company had a habit of firing people who got sick, injured or pregnant.

Prove it.

Well, I had six years of perfect reviews, but after I got sick, I was the first one they let go.

Oh, yeah, and they paid me $10,000 in "Please don't sue us" money.

Again, prove it you tired hack.

I just did.

Nice try, considering you keep quoting Kellerman I take anything you post as a potential characterization to to an outright lie.
So no dogs get carsick? Good to know, I guess that was fake crap in my sister's back seat from her two pitbulls.

Also, they had issues with the dog getting out constantly, so they gave the dog to his sister on a ranch where it lived to a ripe old age.

Its just a window into your hate filled little pea brained "mind"

yeah, I totally get that, the poor dog wanted to get away from the Mormon cultists. I don't blame it a bit.

Obviously, the dog stuff is petty, what he did to Joe Soptic's wife and all the AmPad workers was a lot worse.

Then why bring it up you tard?

I didn't, Dot did, and you immediately flung into "The dog totally had it coming mode".
So no dogs get carsick? Good to know, I guess that was fake crap in my sister's back seat from her two pitbulls.

Also, they had issues with the dog getting out constantly, so they gave the dog to his sister on a ranch where it lived to a ripe old age.

Its just a window into your hate filled little pea brained "mind"

yeah, I totally get that, the poor dog wanted to get away from the Mormon cultists. I don't blame it a bit.

Obviously, the dog stuff is petty, what he did to Joe Soptic's wife and all the AmPad workers was a lot worse.

Then why bring it up you tard?

I didn't, Dot did, and you immediately flung into "The dog totally had it coming mode".

You, Dot, same idiotic coin. You were the one who went into 'Mormons bad unga bunga mode"
Nice try, considering you keep quoting Kellerman I take anything you post as a potential characterization to to an outright lie.

You mean a peer reviewed study that was so devastating the National Rampage Association moved to block all further studies?

you use peer reviewed like it is some sort of talisman. When the peers are of the same viewpoint, peer review is a meaningless term.
Or prosecute them to satisfy your sick fantasies of making everyone in the world think like you, and I use "think" lightly.

Hey, you are more than welcome to hate gays in the privacy of your own home.

Take that shit out in public, htough, and you will be sorry.

Hey, Marty, I hear these guys have an opening, maybe you can sign up.

you use peer reviewed like it is some sort of talisman. When the peers are of the same viewpoint, peer review is a meaningless term.

No, it means other experts looked at the data and said, "Yup, guns in the house are more likely to kill people in the house th an bad guys.

But the telling thing was how the NRA reacted. They banned further gun studies. That's kind of like you do a study linking smoking to cancer, and the tobacco companies try to get further studies stopped.
Or prosecute them to satisfy your sick fantasies of making everyone in the world think like you, and I use "think" lightly.

Hey, you are more than welcome to hate gays in the privacy of your own home.

Take that shit out in public, htough, and you will be sorry.

Hey, Marty, I hear these guys have an opening, maybe you can sign up.


it would be apt if I actually hated gays, which I don't. Like I said I would vote for gay marriage if it came up, and would never refuse a gay person service. What I am against is forcing it onto other people using the government.

So all that westboro shit doesn't fly.
you use peer reviewed like it is some sort of talisman. When the peers are of the same viewpoint, peer review is a meaningless term.

No, it means other experts looked at the data and said, "Yup, guns in the house are more likely to kill people in the house th an bad guys.

But the telling thing was how the NRA reacted. They banned further gun studies. That's kind of like you do a study linking smoking to cancer, and the tobacco companies try to get further studies stopped.

So the NRA can stop anyone from doing further gun studies? ANYONE?

Again you have to lie to make your "point" which means you don't have much of a point.
it would be apt if I actually hated gays, which I don't. Like I said I would vote for gay marriage if it came up, and would never refuse a gay person service. What I am against is forcing it onto other people using the government.

So all that westboro shit doesn't fly.

Again, Public Accomedation has been the law for 50 years now. It's not an issue. You don't have a leg to stand on.
it would be apt if I actually hated gays, which I don't. Like I said I would vote for gay marriage if it came up, and would never refuse a gay person service. What I am against is forcing it onto other people using the government.

So all that westboro shit doesn't fly.

Again, Public Accomedation has been the law for 50 years now. It's not an issue. You don't have a leg to stand on.

Again, you accuse me of hating gays, and then drop it when you realize that dog doesn't hunt. And PA laws have been warped past their original intent because the writers never figured some assholes would sue a bakery over a wedding cake. They were worried about hotels, and trains, and grocery stores.
Again, you accuse me of hating gays, and then drop it when you realize that dog doesn't hunt. And PA laws have been warped past their original intent because the writers never figured some assholes would sue a bakery over a wedding cake. They were worried about hotels, and trains, and grocery stores.

Frankly, you are the first one to side with them. You lie down with dogs you wake up with fleas, and I had the same attitude towards the ACLU when they got into bed with the Nazis.

The PA laws are doing exactly what they were designed to do, which is why there is no cry to update them.
Lol, now the Mormons are taking over the republican party.

A picture of Joe at home with his only friend.

Hey, nominating Romney was a terrible idea. And you guys did it anyway.

and we are paying for you assholes nominating Obama to this day.

Really? Frankly, all the damage that's been done to my life in recent years happened thanks to your boy George W. Stupid. I'd LOVE to have my life from 2000 back.
Again, you accuse me of hating gays, and then drop it when you realize that dog doesn't hunt. And PA laws have been warped past their original intent because the writers never figured some assholes would sue a bakery over a wedding cake. They were worried about hotels, and trains, and grocery stores.

Frankly, you are the first one to side with them. You lie down with dogs you wake up with fleas, and I had the same attitude towards the ACLU when they got into bed with the Nazis.

The PA laws are doing exactly what they were designed to do, which is why there is no cry to update them.

Just wait, when more people realize they can be sued for following their morals, you will end up on the wrong side of the argument.
Lol, now the Mormons are taking over the republican party.

A picture of Joe at home with his only friend.

Hey, nominating Romney was a terrible idea. And you guys did it anyway.

and we are paying for you assholes nominating Obama to this day.

Really? Frankly, all the damage that's been done to my life in recent years happened thanks to your boy George W. Stupid. I'd LOVE to have my life from 2000 back.

and the obligatory bush bash. You really are a 2-3 trick pony.

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