Rick Perry Is Not The Rep. Messiah

Show us an issue he is strong on other then padding his wallet ? Obama is a great talker to. Talked the nation out of there pants and screwed it . Be careful of fast talkers.

I already gave you an issue he's strong on. His Job-Creation numbers are by far the best in the Country. No other Governor/President even comes close. But like i said,he's not an ideal Conservative. I do like his fire though. And he is better than anyone the Democrats are offering.

Just like Arlen Specter right ? And you provided your opinion, not facts. The Facts are, people have lost jobs here, and the picture is not as rosy as it appears here. perry is nothing then a political closet monster like Obama.

It's not just my opinion. Rick Perry's Job-Creation Numbers are the highest in the Country. It's actually fact. He does have a Spending/Debt problem though. That's why i said he's not an ideal Conservative. But i'll put his Job-Creation Record up against any other Governor/President in this Country. And guess what? Perry will win every time. The Democrats have nobody better to offer. They've only given us the Massive Spending/Debt but without the Jobs. Perry beats them hands-down.
Show us an issue he is strong on other then padding his wallet ? Obama is a great talker to. Talked the nation out of there pants and screwed it . Be careful of fast talkers.

I already gave you an issue he's strong on. His Job-Creation numbers are by far the best in the Country. No other Governor/President even comes close. But like i said,he's not an ideal Conservative. I do like his fire though. And he is better than anyone the Democrats are offering.

Just like Arlen Specter right ? And you provided your opinion, not facts. The Facts are, people have lost jobs here, and the picture is not as rosy as it appears here. perry is nothing then a political closet monster like Obama.

Rick Perry is like Arlen Specter? Are you drunk?

What is it you have against Perry? Did he screw your sister or something?
Perry is a strong 10thA advocate, strong on gun rights, strong on fiscal discipline, strong on low regs, and the job numbers in TX (which obviously don't include you) show it.
He is the anti-Obama. We know where he was born.
The worst five Job-Producing States all voted for Barack Obama in 2008...California,Michigan,Ohio,Illinois,and New Jersey.

Perry/Texas has created far more Jobs than anyone else in this country. It's not even close.
Go head and link all that up. And dont be so hard on your fellow Democrats.

Again? OK.


Notice, at the end of the document are all the links.

Ware did the PDF come from ?I will give you the point on education. Shamefully, my oldest Son is part of that statistic. And DUI ? I am not sure, but I think we lead the nation for that. We also lead in the number of re-offenders to. This is due to 99% to straight ticket voters who dont know there candidates. As far as pollution, you should dig more. I mean, its not like we have ever had rivers burst into flames or anything. It aint perfect, but better then most.

It's not where the PDF came from, Mr. Bulbisdim, it's whether the information contained is correct. Nearly all came from US Census data. Deny all you want, but that info comes from "hard data".

Instead of crying "foul", you could prove that data incorrect. But we both know you won't even try.
Mocking people of faith does not, in fact, make them the fool instead of you.

Mocking Republicans who created the majority of problems facing the nation and then feeling the problems they created and "too big" and so God needs to "bail us out" deserves to be mocked. And derided. And scorned.

God won't "bail us out". Our problems are "man made". Problems like Iraq and tax cuts for billionaires and cutting funding for education. All disastrous and ruinous policies.

You know what God would tell you? He would say, "I commandeth thou to stop pandering to billionaires and corporations. I commandeth thou to stop whining, rebuild your country, and GO TO SCHOOL!"

Def. of DERIDE:

: to laugh at contemptuously

: to subject to usually bitter or contemptuous ridicule

Obama. 14 Trillion in debt in two years and 3 wars. Nuff said.

Thank Gawd Republicans had no part in all that, right? Republicans even got Bin Laden and make up the bulk of scientists.
I've never seen the right put a candidate on a pedestal prior to reflecting back on his presidency. The left on the other had gets leg tingles, and faints at the sheer awesomness of the presence of their candidates before, during and after they're in office.

So tell me again who the messiah is?

You mean like Ronald Reagan.

Just kidding. We know his legacy was entirely invented.

And we know the Right doesn't like Dwight D. Eisenhower, the last Republican president who left office with a balanced budget. A president who worked with a tax rate of 90% on the richest Americans. He would be run out of the Party.
Mocking Republicans who created the majority of problems facing the nation and then feeling the problems they created and "too big" and so God needs to "bail us out" deserves to be mocked. And derided. And scorned.

God won't "bail us out". Our problems are "man made". Problems like Iraq and tax cuts for billionaires and cutting funding for education. All disastrous and ruinous policies.

You know what God would tell you? He would say, "I commandeth thou to stop pandering to billionaires and corporations. I commandeth thou to stop whining, rebuild your country, and GO TO SCHOOL!"

Def. of DERIDE:

: to laugh at contemptuously

: to subject to usually bitter or contemptuous ridicule

Obama. 14 Trillion in debt in two years and 3 wars. Nuff said.

Thank Gawd Republicans had no part in all that, right? Republicans even got Bin Laden and make up the bulk of scientists.

I thought Obama and the Democrats ran on ending hte failed policies of George W Bush.
We see how that turned out.
Three years in total control of the government with 2 years in control of Congress prior and this is where we find ourselves, being lectured on fiscal discipline by the Czechs.
Go with Rick Perry if it's him against the Democrats. Him & Texas have created Jobs while the Democrats have only lost Millions. He's not as Conservative i would like but he's certainly better than the Democrats.

I do like the article. I will be honest and say that Perry is not MY choice. I also believe that Texas has more going for it and takes care of its self more then the politicians do. What has Perry him self done to keep unemployment low here.

And btw,there are no "Messiahs" in Politics. I think we've had enough of that stuff. How has the Hopey Changey One Messiah worked out? Perry's no Messiah or ideal Conservative but he's still better than anyone the Democrats are offering.
Obama. 14 Trillion in debt in two years and 3 wars. Nuff said.

Thank Gawd Republicans had no part in all that, right? Republicans even got Bin Laden and make up the bulk of scientists.

I thought Obama and the Democrats ran on ending hte failed policies of George W Bush.
We see how that turned out.
Three years in total control of the government with 2 years in control of Congress prior and this is where we find ourselves, being lectured on fiscal discipline by the Czechs.

Total control of the Government?

Democrats have these creatures called "Blue Dogs". They say they vote with the Democrats but really vote Republican.

Then you have the "filibuster Republicans".

Saying that Democrats had total control of the government is like saying Republicans had total control of the government during the first 6 years of the Bush administration. Oh wait, Republicans really did have total control of the government. And look at all the great things they did:

On immigration (nothing)
On health care (nothing)
On getting the worst terrorist to ever hit our country (they lost interest after letting him go)
On the economy (moved the wealth of the nation to the top 3%)
On the environment (removed EPA regs and disemboweled OSHA)
On Wall Street (de regulated leading to world economy meltdown)
On war (Why did we invade Iraq? Let Bin Laden go - said that)

Even today, Republicans were screaming for Obama to help the people of Libya. Now they say the opposite.

Republicans, after 8 disastrous years, have fought the president more than al Qaeda ever could. Not to mention they did more damage.
The worst five Job-Producing States all voted for Barack Obama in 2008...California,Michigan,Ohio,Illinois,and New Jersey.

Perry/Texas has created far more Jobs than anyone else in this country. It's not even close.

Texas has 8% unemployment. That's about 23rd in the nation.

Let's see Governor Perry find enough fingers to hold up when he chants where Texas ranks on UE.

'We're no. 23!!! We're no. 23!"
Thank Gawd Republicans had no part in all that, right? Republicans even got Bin Laden and make up the bulk of scientists.

I thought Obama and the Democrats ran on ending hte failed policies of George W Bush.
We see how that turned out.
Three years in total control of the government with 2 years in control of Congress prior and this is where we find ourselves, being lectured on fiscal discipline by the Czechs.

Total control of the Government?

Democrats have these creatures called "Blue Dogs". They say they vote with the Democrats but really vote Republican.

Then you have the "filibuster Republicans".

Saying that Democrats had total control of the government is like saying Republicans had total control of the government during the first 6 years of the Bush administration. Oh wait, Republicans really did have total control of the government. And look at all the great things they did:

On immigration (nothing)
On health care (nothing)
On getting the worst terrorist to ever hit our country (they lost interest after letting him go)
On the economy (moved the wealth of the nation to the top 3%)
On the environment (removed EPA regs and disemboweled OSHA)
On Wall Street (de regulated leading to world economy meltdown)
On war (Why did we invade Iraq? Let Bin Laden go - said that)

Even today, Republicans were screaming for Obama to help the people of Libya. Now they say the opposite.

Republicans, after 8 disastrous years, have fought the president more than al Qaeda ever could. Not to mention they did more damage.

So the Blue Dogs, who voted overwhelmingly for Obamacare btw, are responsible for this mess? Reallly?
The Dems could pass any legislation they wanted without a single GOP vote. This despite the presence of such RINOs as Olympia Snowe. And yet they failed to get a single GOP vote ona lot of their legislation.

What did the GOP accomplish:
Ended the 2001 recession.
No attacks on American soil
Unemployment under 6%
Inflation under 3%
GDP growth
Successful action making Iraq the only Arab democracy in the Middle East.

I do like the article. I will be honest and say that Perry is not MY choice. I also believe that Texas has more going for it and takes care of its self more then the politicians do. What has Perry him self done to keep unemployment low here.

You've bought the lies. Unemployment is NOT LOW in Texas.

Vermont has low unemployment. Massachusetts has low unemployment.
The worst five Job-Producing States all voted for Barack Obama in 2008...California,Michigan,Ohio,Illinois,and New Jersey.

Perry/Texas has created far more Jobs than anyone else in this country. It's not even close.

Texas has 8% unemployment. That's about 23rd in the nation.

Let's see Governor Perry find enough fingers to hold up when he chants where Texas ranks on UE.

'We're no. 23!!! We're no. 23!"

Below the national average with good job creation.
Yeah, he'll run on that. Let's see how Obama does in Florida and Ohio.
Rick Perry has done more for helping the impoverished and unemployed in his State than any other Governor/President in this Country has. While not perfect,he has created Jobs while all others have lost Millions. The Perry-Haters can go on hating but they really should take a look at their own and their records. I'll put Perry up against anyone the Democrats offer up. Bring it on.
I thought Obama and the Democrats ran on ending hte failed policies of George W Bush.
We see how that turned out.
Three years in total control of the government with 2 years in control of Congress prior and this is where we find ourselves, being lectured on fiscal discipline by the Czechs.

Total control of the Government?

Democrats have these creatures called "Blue Dogs". They say they vote with the Democrats but really vote Republican.

Then you have the "filibuster Republicans".

Saying that Democrats had total control of the government is like saying Republicans had total control of the government during the first 6 years of the Bush administration. Oh wait, Republicans really did have total control of the government. And look at all the great things they did:

On immigration (nothing)
On health care (nothing)
On getting the worst terrorist to ever hit our country (they lost interest after letting him go)
On the economy (moved the wealth of the nation to the top 3%)
On the environment (removed EPA regs and disemboweled OSHA)
On Wall Street (de regulated leading to world economy meltdown)
On war (Why did we invade Iraq? Let Bin Laden go - said that)

Even today, Republicans were screaming for Obama to help the people of Libya. Now they say the opposite.

Republicans, after 8 disastrous years, have fought the president more than al Qaeda ever could. Not to mention they did more damage.

So the Blue Dogs, who voted overwhelmingly for Obamacare btw, are responsible for this mess? Reallly?
The Dems could pass any legislation they wanted without a single GOP vote. This despite the presence of such RINOs as Olympia Snowe. And yet they failed to get a single GOP vote ona lot of their legislation.

What did the GOP accomplish:
Ended the 2001 recession.
No attacks on American soil
Unemployment under 6%
Inflation under 3%
GDP growth
Successful action making Iraq the only Arab democracy in the Middle East.

Dude. Seriously.
Mocking people of faith does not, in fact, make them the fool instead of you.

‘People of faith’ are not being mocked per se, rather it’s the inane notion that prayer can supplant good governance as a viable option to solving problems.

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