Rick Perry Is Not The Rep. Messiah

Oh, and those job numbers are also nicer for illegals from Mexico. They have done real nice under Perry.
Rick Perry is most famous for embarrassing himself by condemning federal spending and then begging Obama for stimulus money to balance his own budget, cover unemployment, fight wildfires and the swine flu, and keep up with all that federal pork in Texas. But there is so much more. An intellectual featherweight, he couldn’t even handle the almost-ceremonial job of Texas Governor without getting into incredible amounts of trouble: gerrymandering, endless vetoes, threats to kill the entire school budget, stealing elections with illegal donations, trying to hide the paperwork on millions of dollars worth of foreign trips, taking a bribe to approve cancer treatments, blocking health care for teachers, firing people who proved he executed an innocent man, trying to give away huge amounts of money to road builders, and gambling millions on an insurance firm that collapsed. According to polls, if he ran for the White House, he would be crushed even in the Texas primary.
Rick Perry is most famous for embarrassing himself by condemning federal spending and then begging Obama for stimulus money to balance his own budget, cover unemployment, fight wildfires and the swine flu, and keep up with all that federal pork in Texas. But there is so much more. An intellectual featherweight, he couldn’t even handle the almost-ceremonial job of Texas Governor without getting into incredible amounts of trouble: gerrymandering, endless vetoes, threats to kill the entire school budget, stealing elections with illegal donations, trying to hide the paperwork on millions of dollars worth of foreign trips, taking a bribe to approve cancer treatments, blocking health care for teachers, firing people who proved he executed an innocent man, trying to give away huge amounts of money to road builders, and gambling millions on an insurance firm that collapsed. According to polls, if he ran for the White House, he would be crushed even in the Texas primary.

and there we see all the talking points of the Left. Doubtless every one of them is made up, fraudulent, a half truth, or spin.
Texas is a "right to work" state and 48% of all jobs in America were created there since 2009. I don't expect any candidate to be perfect and am happy this governor of Texas wants a prosperous state and happy families with jobs. *****

"In fact since becoming a buzzworthy could-be candidate, Perry's only major interview was with Fox News' Neil Cavuto, who's not exactly Woodward or Bernstein. "Methinks they think you're the guy," Cavuto mused Tuesday when Perry came on the show. For the most part, Cavuto let Perry extoll the virtues of the "Texas model"—low taxes and pro-business approaches. When Cavuto asked how Perry had lured Carl's Jr. restaurants to Texas, the governor flashed a trademark smile. "They love the smell of freedom," he explained. Public policy via olfaction! Perry even got in a couple plugs for his book, Fed Up! before heading over to Glenn Beck's stage for an ostensibly unscripted moment. "How many jobs did you create?" Beck asked as he finished drawing a chalk portrait of Perry. "Since June 2009, about 48 percent of all the jobs created in America were in Texas," Perry responded—before walking off set.

What National Reporters Aren't Asking Rick Perry (Yet) - The Texas Observer
WSJ lauds Texas economy, marked by jobs (including a lot of low-paying ones) | The Washington Independent
From 2007-2010, number of Texans earning minimum wage or less rose 150 percent, or 330,000 jobs

During the recession, average weekly wages stayed fairly stable in New York, California and the U.S. as a whole, while Texas’ dropped to $750 per week, a drop of about 5.5 percent. Since the end of the recession, wages have generally risen in all of those regions. From December 2007 to April 2011, weekly wages in Texas increased 0.6 percent, compared to 2.5 percent in New York, 9.3 percent in California and 5.0 percent in the U.S.

As of April 2011, the average weekly wage was $790 in Texas ($41,000), $900 in New York ($47,000), $930 in California ($48,000) and $790 in the U.S. ($41,000).

Additionally, Texas has by far the largest number of employees working at or below the federal minimum wage ($7.25 per hour in 2010) compared to any state, according to a BLS report.

In 2010, about 550,000 Texans were working at or below minimum wage, or about 9.5 percent of all workers paid by the hour in the state. Texas tied with Mississippi for the greatest percentage of minimum wage workers, while California had among the fewest (less than 2 percent).
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Rick Perry is most famous for embarrassing himself by condemning federal spending and then begging Obama for stimulus money to balance his own budget, cover unemployment, fight wildfires and the swine flu, and keep up with all that federal pork in Texas. But there is so much more. An intellectual featherweight, he couldn’t even handle the almost-ceremonial job of Texas Governor without getting into incredible amounts of trouble: gerrymandering, endless vetoes, threats to kill the entire school budget, stealing elections with illegal donations, trying to hide the paperwork on millions of dollars worth of foreign trips, taking a bribe to approve cancer treatments, blocking health care for teachers, firing people who proved he executed an innocent man, trying to give away huge amounts of money to road builders, and gambling millions on an insurance firm that collapsed. According to polls, if he ran for the White House, he would be crushed even in the Texas primary.

and there we see all the talking points of the Left. Doubtless every one of them is made up, fraudulent, a half truth, or spin.

The article is pretty true. Dick Perry also takes allot of credit for what the State reps pass. The state congress deserves the credit not Dick. Go head and vote for the Rhino, and just like the majority of the country who voted for hope and change, You will be disappointed.
Rick Perry is most famous for embarrassing himself by condemning federal spending and then begging Obama for stimulus money to balance his own budget, cover unemployment, fight wildfires and the swine flu, and keep up with all that federal pork in Texas. But there is so much more. An intellectual featherweight, he couldn’t even handle the almost-ceremonial job of Texas Governor without getting into incredible amounts of trouble: gerrymandering, endless vetoes, threats to kill the entire school budget, stealing elections with illegal donations, trying to hide the paperwork on millions of dollars worth of foreign trips, taking a bribe to approve cancer treatments, blocking health care for teachers, firing people who proved he executed an innocent man, trying to give away huge amounts of money to road builders, and gambling millions on an insurance firm that collapsed. According to polls, if he ran for the White House, he would be crushed even in the Texas primary.

and there we see all the talking points of the Left. Doubtless every one of them is made up, fraudulent, a half truth, or spin.

The article is pretty true. Dick Perry also takes allot of credit for what the State reps pass. The state congress deserves the credit not Dick. Go head and vote for the Rhino, and just like the majority of the country who voted for hope and change, You will be disappointed.

He must have screwed your sister or something. No way could anyone else be this vindictive.
I still don't see anyone better coming from the Democrats. Rick Perry has been busy creating Jobs in his State. What are Democrats doing? All they've given us is the Massive Spending/Debt and no Jobs. Show me a Democratic Candidate who's better than Perry on creating Jobs. Rick Perry beats all Democrats hands-down. He's not my ideal Conservative but he's definitely better than what the Democrats are offering.
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I still don't see anyone better coming from the Democrats. Rick Perry has been busy creating Jobs in his State. What are Democrats doing? All they've given us is the Massive Spending/Debt and no Jobs. Rick Perry beats all Democrats hands-down. He's not my ideal Conservative but he's definitely better than what the Democrats are offering.

Well, Mitt Romney is better than what Dems are offering. It's a low bar there.

But Perry is very exciting. His themes on the 10thA are very good and true.
I still don't see anyone better coming from the Democrats. Rick Perry has been busy creating Jobs in his State. What are Democrats doing? All they've given us is the Massive Spending/Debt and no Jobs. Rick Perry beats all Democrats hands-down. He's not my ideal Conservative but he's definitely better than what the Democrats are offering.

Well, Mitt Romney is better than what Dems are offering. It's a low bar there.

But Perry is very exciting. His themes on the 10thA are very good and true.

Yea i hear ya. The man has fire. I like that. I just don't get how these people can rip Perry so much. The Democrats are a monumental failure at this point. The have no Candidate who works as hard as Perry on creating Jobs. His record speaks for itself. Democrats are the last people who should be criticizing Perry. What have they done for the People?
and there we see all the talking points of the Left. Doubtless every one of them is made up, fraudulent, a half truth, or spin.

The article is pretty true. Dick Perry also takes allot of credit for what the State reps pass. The state congress deserves the credit not Dick. Go head and vote for the Rhino, and just like the majority of the country who voted for hope and change, You will be disappointed.

He must have screwed your sister or something. No way could anyone else be this vindictive.

Na, he fucked your Mom in the ass. Its you morons who dont have a clue what your talking about and are allowed to vote thats going to get us 4 more years of corrupt leadership and drive the final nail in Americas coffin. All because you like the guys hair.
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I still don't see anyone better coming from the Democrats. Rick Perry has been busy creating Jobs in his State. What are Democrats doing? All they've given us is the Massive Spending/Debt and no Jobs. Rick Perry beats all Democrats hands-down. He's not my ideal Conservative but he's definitely better than what the Democrats are offering.

Well, Mitt Romney is better than what Dems are offering. It's a low bar there.

But Perry is very exciting. His themes on the 10thA are very good and true.

Yea i hear ya. The man has fire. I like that. I just don't get how these people can rip Perry so much. The Democrats are a monumental failure at this point. The have no Candidate who works as hard as Perry on creating Jobs. His record speaks for itself. Democrats are the last people who should be criticizing Perry. What have they done for the People?

So post up his legislation that has done Texas so much good ?

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