Ricky Martin Urges Latinos To Unite Against Donald Trump

NaziCons, make fun of Latinos like Ricky Martin at your peril as you whistle past the political graveyard.
Take that Trump the chump!!!!

According to Pew Hispanic Center projections, Hispanics will account for 40% of the growth in the eligible electorate in the U.S. between now and 2030, at which time 40 million Hispanics will be eligible to vote, up from 23.7 million now.

An Awakened Giant: The Hispanic Electorate is Likely to Double by 2030
By 2030, the US as we know it will have ceased to exist. A whole bunch of people alive now--and most of those who were alive during "the good old days"--will be dead. It will be an entirely different world. It's already a different world than the one many grew up in.

C'est la vie.
Welcome to tomorrow...
NaziCons, make fun of Latinos like Ricky Martin at your peril as you whistle past the political graveyard.
That's the place that you go to get the dead to vote for Dems...............and I thought the place was just haunted................
Take that Trump the chump!!!!

According to Pew Hispanic Center projections, Hispanics will account for 40% of the growth in the eligible electorate in the U.S. between now and 2030, at which time 40 million Hispanics will be eligible to vote, up from 23.7 million now.

An Awakened Giant: The Hispanic Electorate is Likely to Double by 2030
By 2030, the US as we know it will have ceased to exist. A whole bunch of people alive now--and most of those who were alive during "the good old days"--will be dead. It will be an entirely different world. It's already a different world than the one many grew up in.

C'est la vie.
Welcome to tomorrow...

It will be a lot sooner that 2030.
When America falls the rest fall and then we will have the one World Order.
Then the One World Order will cease to exist in 7 years.
Take that Trump the chump!!!!

According to Pew Hispanic Center projections, Hispanics will account for 40% of the growth in the eligible electorate in the U.S. between now and 2030, at which time 40 million Hispanics will be eligible to vote, up from 23.7 million now.

An Awakened Giant: The Hispanic Electorate is Likely to Double by 2030
By 2030, the US as we know it will have ceased to exist. A whole bunch of people alive now--and most of those who were alive during "the good old days"--will be dead. It will be an entirely different world. It's already a different world than the one many grew up in.

C'est la vie.
Welcome to tomorrow...

It will be a lot sooner that 2030.
When America falls the rest fall and then we will have the one World Order.
Then the One World Order will cease to exist in 7 years.

One World Order beats the hell out of a NaziCon theocracy.
Take that Trump the chump!!!!

According to Pew Hispanic Center projections, Hispanics will account for 40% of the growth in the eligible electorate in the U.S. between now and 2030, at which time 40 million Hispanics will be eligible to vote, up from 23.7 million now.

An Awakened Giant: The Hispanic Electorate is Likely to Double by 2030
By 2030, the US as we know it will have ceased to exist. A whole bunch of people alive now--and most of those who were alive during "the good old days"--will be dead. It will be an entirely different world. It's already a different world than the one many grew up in.

C'est la vie.
Welcome to tomorrow...

It will be a lot sooner that 2030.
When America falls the rest fall and then we will have the one World Order.
Then the One World Order will cease to exist in 7 years.

One World Order beats the hell out of a NaziCon theocracy.

Yes everyone will love it, at least for the first three and a half years.
Then all hell will break loose.
Whites will need 65% of the vote to win with the hispanics, asians and blacks voting mostly democrat. They won't get more then 60% as white woman won't vote for it.

65% just to win like Bush...This isn't the 80's and your strategy sucks.

In fact, here is a handy-dandy calculator to figure it out.

Latino Decisions :: 2016 Calculator

Only once since all these metrics have been measure has a candidate won 66% of the White Vote, and that was Ronald Reagan in 1984.

Time for some simple math. Watch the numbers work.

Assuming a worst-case scenario, that the Latino vote only jumps from 10% of the electorate to just 10.5% of the electorate in 2016, and assuming (rightly so) that the White vote will again sink, from 72% in 2016 to as low as 69%, but let's say 70.5%, then to just break the 50% mark in the NPV, the GOP will need 47% of the Latino Vote, and that is already assuming that it also gets 12% of the Black vote, which has not happened for a long, long time. Only one Republican has ever come that close in both categories: Bush 43 in 2004, with 44% of the Latino vote and 10% of the Black vote. That is the absolute High-Water mark for the GOP in Latino metric (not in the black vote metric), and all indications are now that the GOP will do worse in the Latino vote in 2016 than it did in 2012. And the more Trump opens his mouth, the worse it is going to get.

Assuming that Hillary is going to sweep the Female vote across the country by about +20, regardless of all the Trump chatter right now and all the shit-flinging, I really don't see the GOP getting over 43%, maybe 44% of the NPV in 2016. It is going to do worse than it did in 2008. Because there is no way the GOP can get to 65% of the White Vote if Hillary is winning with even just +15 in the female vote, since 53% of White Voters are likely to be female.

So, let's calculate a Hillary +15 among White Female voters:

Hillary +15 = Hillary 56.5%, GOP 41.5%, other 2%

56% of 53% = 29.7%

Even if Hillary were to only get only 30% of the White male vote and the GOP were to get 68% of the White Male vote (which is the absolute upper limit for the GOP, BTW), then 30% of 47% = 14.4%

29.7 + 14.4 = 44.10% of the overall White Vote for Hillary, and that's assuming that she "only" gets to +15 in the female vote and that she loses in the White Male vote by 38 points, which, again, has never happened to a Democratic Presidential nominee ever since these metrics have been measured.

Let's see what it looks like if Hillary wins in the female vote by +22 overall and by "only" +18 in the White Vote.

Hillary +18 = Hillary 58% / GOP 40% / other 2%

58% of 53% = 30.74%.

And let's assume that she still loses the White Male vote by at least 40 points. Hell, let's say just for shits and grins that she loses the White Male vote by 42 points.

GOP +42 in the white male vote = GOP 71%, Hillary 29%, other 2%

29% of 47% = 13.63%

13.63 + 30.74 = 44.37%

Or, assuming that Hillary does only just as good in the female vote as Obama did in 2012 (+12), and assuming that that translates to "only" +10 for her in the White Female vote, then:

+10 = Hillary 54, GOP 44, other 2

54% * 53% = 28.7%

And let's assume that somehow, the GOP gets 74% of the White Male Vote in 2016, which has never happened and will never happen, then a +50 in the white male vote would be:

GOP +50 = GOP 74 / Hillary 24 / other 2

24% of 47% = 11.3%

28.7 + 11.3 = 40%.

There is no real mathematical way for me to get the GOP over 60% of the White Vote en toto, even if Hillary "only" wins the Female vote by +10 among whites, because no candidate EVER has taken 74% of the White Male vote, ever. The only way to get the GOP to 65% of the White vote, since Democrats have taken the permanent lead in the female vote, would be to take about 84% of the White male vote:

Hillary's +10 in the Female vote, from above, translates to 28.7

A GOP 84% of the White Male vote would mean Hillary 14% of the White Male vote (2% for "other"):

14% * 47% = 6.6%

28.7 + 6.6 = 35.3

Again, to get the GOP to 64% of the White Vote, assuming a bare Hillary +10 win in the White Female Vote, they would need 84% of the White Male vote.

I can tell you and the USMB membership right now: there is no mathematical path to get Hillary under 39-40% of the White Vote, and it is much more likely, especially on the crosstabs I am seeing in the RURAL vote, where she, even in the middle of the so-called "Email affair", is doing better than Obama ever did, and as we all know, most of rural America is very White, that she will do far better than 41% of the White Vote in 2016. Therefore, assuming that the GOP will be hard pressed to get to just 59% of the White vote, and it is really illusory to assume it is going to get 12% of the black vote or 30% of the Asian vote, but let's assume it, then yeah, just to break even, the GOP would have to get 47% of the Latino vote.

People like Ann Coulter are hoping and praying for an explosion in white voter registrations, in a country where older white folk are dying off and minorities are growing fast. There is a reason for why the White vote has gone from almost 90% of the electorate in 1976 to 72% in 2012. That's an 18% drop over 10 cycles, on average, 1.8% drop per cycle. So, it is logical, based on 72% white voter take of the total electorate in 2012, to assume at bare minimum, 70.5% this time around, but it really could drop to 69%. After all this hateful talk about Latinos, their take of the electorate in 2016 could just as easily jump to 13- 13.5%.

It's simple math.

Luddly Neddite

Wanted you guys to see the numbers roll...

“Why would he assume he has the right to make absurd, incoherent, and ignorant comments about us?”

Ricky Martin has had enough of Donald Trump’s “xenophobic” rhetoric against Latinos. And the singer wants Latinos to do something about it.

After the Republican presidential candidate removed Hispanic journalist Jorge Ramos from a press conference in Iowa on Tuesday, Martin felt compelled to write a scathing op-ed against Trump.

“The fact that a person like Donald Trump… has the gall to continue to freely harass the Latino community day after day makes my blood boil,” the 43-year-old wrote in his piece, published Wednesday in Spanish on Univision and in English on Fusion, the sister networks that Ramos works for. “Why would he assume he has the right to make absurd, incoherent, and ignorant comments about us?”

“I am not surprised Trump would aim so low,” he continued. “I am surprised that we Hispanics continue to accept these aggressions and accusations by individuals like Trump who continue to attack our dignity.”

Martin continued to urge Latinos to stand together against the presidential candidate.

“Let’s not tolerate any politician using insults in the campaign,” he wrote. “Let’s respect those first-generation Latinos that arrived in the U.S. and opened a path for all of us. Each right that we have today, we have fought for.”

Reggaeton star Wisin later joined Martin with a rallying cry of his own against Trump via a press release.

Read Ricky Martin's full op-ed on Fusion.

More: Ricky Martin Urges Latinos To Unite Against Donald Trump In Op-Ed

I applaud Latinos for fighting back against Trump.
celebrities and what they say are so important to some people... for normal people, though, who cares what an empty headed "celebrity" "thinks"?

“Why would he assume he has the right to make absurd, incoherent, and ignorant comments about us?”

Ricky Martin has had enough of Donald Trump’s “xenophobic” rhetoric against Latinos. And the singer wants Latinos to do something about it.

After the Republican presidential candidate removed Hispanic journalist Jorge Ramos from a press conference in Iowa on Tuesday, Martin felt compelled to write a scathing op-ed against Trump.

“The fact that a person like Donald Trump… has the gall to continue to freely harass the Latino community day after day makes my blood boil,” the 43-year-old wrote in his piece, published Wednesday in Spanish on Univision and in English on Fusion, the sister networks that Ramos works for. “Why would he assume he has the right to make absurd, incoherent, and ignorant comments about us?”

“I am not surprised Trump would aim so low,” he continued. “I am surprised that we Hispanics continue to accept these aggressions and accusations by individuals like Trump who continue to attack our dignity.”

Martin continued to urge Latinos to stand together against the presidential candidate.

“Let’s not tolerate any politician using insults in the campaign,” he wrote. “Let’s respect those first-generation Latinos that arrived in the U.S. and opened a path for all of us. Each right that we have today, we have fought for.”

Reggaeton star Wisin later joined Martin with a rallying cry of his own against Trump via a press release.

Read Ricky Martin's full op-ed on Fusion.

More: Ricky Martin Urges Latinos To Unite Against Donald Trump In Op-Ed

I applaud Latinos for fighting back against Trump.
celebrities and what they say are so important to some people... for normal people, though, who cares what an empty headed "celebrity" "thinks"?
Like Ronald Reagan? Ted Nugent?


“Why would he assume he has the right to make absurd, incoherent, and ignorant comments about us?”

Ricky Martin has had enough of Donald Trump’s “xenophobic” rhetoric against Latinos. And the singer wants Latinos to do something about it.

After the Republican presidential candidate removed Hispanic journalist Jorge Ramos from a press conference in Iowa on Tuesday, Martin felt compelled to write a scathing op-ed against Trump.

“The fact that a person like Donald Trump… has the gall to continue to freely harass the Latino community day after day makes my blood boil,” the 43-year-old wrote in his piece, published Wednesday in Spanish on Univision and in English on Fusion, the sister networks that Ramos works for. “Why would he assume he has the right to make absurd, incoherent, and ignorant comments about us?”

“I am not surprised Trump would aim so low,” he continued. “I am surprised that we Hispanics continue to accept these aggressions and accusations by individuals like Trump who continue to attack our dignity.”

Martin continued to urge Latinos to stand together against the presidential candidate.

“Let’s not tolerate any politician using insults in the campaign,” he wrote. “Let’s respect those first-generation Latinos that arrived in the U.S. and opened a path for all of us. Each right that we have today, we have fought for.”

Reggaeton star Wisin later joined Martin with a rallying cry of his own against Trump via a press release.

Read Ricky Martin's full op-ed on Fusion.

More: Ricky Martin Urges Latinos To Unite Against Donald Trump In Op-Ed

I applaud Latinos for fighting back against Trump.
celebrities and what they say are so important to some people... for normal people, though, who cares what an empty headed "celebrity" "thinks"?

“Why would he assume he has the right to make absurd, incoherent, and ignorant comments about us?”

Ricky Martin has had enough of Donald Trump’s “xenophobic” rhetoric against Latinos. And the singer wants Latinos to do something about it.

After the Republican presidential candidate removed Hispanic journalist Jorge Ramos from a press conference in Iowa on Tuesday, Martin felt compelled to write a scathing op-ed against Trump.

“The fact that a person like Donald Trump… has the gall to continue to freely harass the Latino community day after day makes my blood boil,” the 43-year-old wrote in his piece, published Wednesday in Spanish on Univision and in English on Fusion, the sister networks that Ramos works for. “Why would he assume he has the right to make absurd, incoherent, and ignorant comments about us?”

“I am not surprised Trump would aim so low,” he continued. “I am surprised that we Hispanics continue to accept these aggressions and accusations by individuals like Trump who continue to attack our dignity.”

Martin continued to urge Latinos to stand together against the presidential candidate.

“Let’s not tolerate any politician using insults in the campaign,” he wrote. “Let’s respect those first-generation Latinos that arrived in the U.S. and opened a path for all of us. Each right that we have today, we have fought for.”

Reggaeton star Wisin later joined Martin with a rallying cry of his own against Trump via a press release.

Read Ricky Martin's full op-ed on Fusion.

More: Ricky Martin Urges Latinos To Unite Against Donald Trump In Op-Ed

I applaud Latinos for fighting back against Trump.

He looks like a white guy to me, plus he's a Puerto Rican, American citizen, not an illegal
Whites will need 65% of the vote to win with the hispanics, asians and blacks voting mostly democrat. They won't get more then 60% as white woman won't vote for it.

65% just to win like Bush...This isn't the 80's and your strategy sucks.

In fact, here is a handy-dandy calculator to figure it out.

Latino Decisions :: 2016 Calculator

Only once since all these metrics have been measure has a candidate won 66% of the White Vote, and that was Ronald Reagan in 1984.

Time for some simple math. Watch the numbers work.

Assuming a worst-case scenario, that the Latino vote only jumps from 10% of the electorate to just 10.5% of the electorate in 2016, and assuming (rightly so) that the White vote will again sink, from 72% in 2016 to as low as 69%, but let's say 70.5%, then to just break the 50% mark in the NPV, the GOP will need 47% of the Latino Vote, and that is already assuming that it also gets 12% of the Black vote, which has not happened for a long, long time. Only one Republican has ever come that close in both categories: Bush 43 in 2004, with 44% of the Latino vote and 10% of the Black vote. That is the absolute High-Water mark for the GOP in Latino metric (not in the black vote metric), and all indications are now that the GOP will do worse in the Latino vote in 2016 than it did in 2012. And the more Trump opens his mouth, the worse it is going to get.

Assuming that Hillary is going to sweep the Female vote across the country by about +20, regardless of all the Trump chatter right now and all the shit-flinging, I really don't see the GOP getting over 43%, maybe 44% of the NPV in 2016. It is going to do worse than it did in 2008. Because there is no way the GOP can get to 65% of the White Vote if Hillary is winning with even just +15 in the female vote, since 53% of White Voters are likely to be female.

So, let's calculate a Hillary +15 among White Female voters:

Hillary +15 = Hillary 56.5%, GOP 41.5%, other 2%

56% of 53% = 29.7%

Even if Hillary were to only get only 30% of the White male vote and the GOP were to get 68% of the White Male vote (which is the absolute upper limit for the GOP, BTW), then 30% of 47% = 14.4%

29.7 + 14.4 = 44.10% of the overall White Vote for Hillary, and that's assuming that she "only" gets to +15 in the female vote and that she loses in the White Male vote by 38 points, which, again, has never happened to a Democratic Presidential nominee ever since these metrics have been measured.

Let's see what it looks like if Hillary wins in the female vote by +22 overall and by "only" +18 in the White Vote.

Hillary +18 = Hillary 58% / GOP 40% / other 2%

58% of 53% = 30.74%.

And let's assume that she still loses the White Male vote by at least 40 points. Hell, let's say just for shits and grins that she loses the White Male vote by 42 points.

GOP +42 in the white male vote = GOP 71%, Hillary 29%, other 2%

29% of 47% = 13.63%

13.63 + 30.74 = 44.37%

Or, assuming that Hillary does only just as good in the female vote as Obama did in 2012 (+12), and assuming that that translates to "only" +10 for her in the White Female vote, then:

+10 = Hillary 54, GOP 44, other 2

54% * 53% = 28.7%

And let's assume that somehow, the GOP gets 74% of the White Male Vote in 2016, which has never happened and will never happen, then a +50 in the white male vote would be:

GOP +50 = GOP 74 / Hillary 24 / other 2

24% of 47% = 11.3%

28.7 + 11.3 = 40%.

There is no real mathematical way for me to get the GOP over 60% of the White Vote en toto, even if Hillary "only" wins the Female vote by +10 among whites, because no candidate EVER has taken 74% of the White Male vote, ever. The only way to get the GOP to 65% of the White vote, since Democrats have taken the permanent lead in the female vote, would be to take about 84% of the White male vote:

Hillary's +10 in the Female vote, from above, translates to 28.7

A GOP 84% of the White Male vote would mean Hillary 14% of the White Male vote (2% for "other"):

14% * 47% = 6.6%

28.7 + 6.6 = 35.3

Again, to get the GOP to 64% of the White Vote, assuming a bare Hillary +10 win in the White Female Vote, they would need 84% of the White Male vote.

I can tell you and the USMB membership right now: there is no mathematical path to get Hillary under 39-40% of the White Vote, and it is much more likely, especially on the crosstabs I am seeing in the RURAL vote, where she, even in the middle of the so-called "Email affair", is doing better than Obama ever did, and as we all know, most of rural America is very White, that she will do far better than 41% of the White Vote in 2016. Therefore, assuming that the GOP will be hard pressed to get to just 59% of the White vote, and it is really illusory to assume it is going to get 12% of the black vote or 30% of the Asian vote, but let's assume it, then yeah, just to break even, the GOP would have to get 47% of the Latino vote.

People like Ann Coulter are hoping and praying for an explosion in white voter registrations, in a country where older white folk are dying off and minorities are growing fast. There is a reason for why the White vote has gone from almost 90% of the electorate in 1976 to 72% in 2012. That's an 18% drop over 10 cycles, on average, 1.8% drop per cycle. So, it is logical, based on 72% white voter take of the total electorate in 2012, to assume at bare minimum, 70.5% this time around, but it really could drop to 69%. After all this hateful talk about Latinos, their take of the electorate in 2016 could just as easily jump to 13- 13.5%.

It's simple math.

Luddly Neddite

Wanted you guys to see the numbers roll...

Hillary in a landslide!!!..LOL you need help man really:cuckoo:

“Why would he assume he has the right to make absurd, incoherent, and ignorant comments about us?”

Ricky Martin has had enough of Donald Trump’s “xenophobic” rhetoric against Latinos. And the singer wants Latinos to do something about it.

After the Republican presidential candidate removed Hispanic journalist Jorge Ramos from a press conference in Iowa on Tuesday, Martin felt compelled to write a scathing op-ed against Trump.

“The fact that a person like Donald Trump… has the gall to continue to freely harass the Latino community day after day makes my blood boil,” the 43-year-old wrote in his piece, published Wednesday in Spanish on Univision and in English on Fusion, the sister networks that Ramos works for. “Why would he assume he has the right to make absurd, incoherent, and ignorant comments about us?”

“I am not surprised Trump would aim so low,” he continued. “I am surprised that we Hispanics continue to accept these aggressions and accusations by individuals like Trump who continue to attack our dignity.”

Martin continued to urge Latinos to stand together against the presidential candidate.

“Let’s not tolerate any politician using insults in the campaign,” he wrote. “Let’s respect those first-generation Latinos that arrived in the U.S. and opened a path for all of us. Each right that we have today, we have fought for.”

Reggaeton star Wisin later joined Martin with a rallying cry of his own against Trump via a press release.

Read Ricky Martin's full op-ed on Fusion.

More: Ricky Martin Urges Latinos To Unite Against Donald Trump In Op-Ed

I applaud Latinos for fighting back against Trump.
celebrities and what they say are so important to some people... for normal people, though, who cares what an empty headed "celebrity" "thinks"?

With regard to Ricky Martin - Hispanics, Latinos and LGBTs care.
Hillary in a landslide!!!..LOL you need help man really:cuckoo:
It's the demographics, bub, and the numbers. We don't have them if we keep going the way we are. I think HRC will fall away and be replaced by Biden with Warren.

If we don't reach out honestly to women and minorities, the dems will slaughter us.
The great thing about Ricky Martin is that he appeals to Hispanics, Latinos and LGBTs. He has a lot of clout. He could sink Trump.
You really are a simple, gullible, naive hopey-changey type, aren't you?
It isn't just Ricky Martin. Black New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow says enough is enough.

Enough Is Enough by Charles M. Blow

When Donald Trump’s security escorted the Univision anchor Jorge Ramos out of a news conference on Tuesday, I decided that I was officially done.

Maybe I should have been long before that.

Maybe I should have been done the one and only time I ever met Trumpand his first words to me were a soliloquy about how black people loved him, and he was the most popular white man among black people.

Maybe I should have been done when Trump demanded to see the president’s birth certificate.

Maybe I should have been done any number of times over the years when Trump made any number of racist, sexist comments.

Earlier this month, Politico rounded up 199 of his greatest — and vilest — hits. Here are just a few from the magazine:

More: Enough Is Enough - The New York Times

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