Ricky Martin Urges Latinos To Unite Against Donald Trump


Will Trump be known as Mr. Negative 51%? Is Trump really dumber than Romney?

And the old, wrinkled Squaw asks this about a multi-Billionaire...:ahole-1:...
No he's actually rallying them. The Republican establishment, whom most everyone despises, are being shat on. Republican's, Independents and Libertarians LOVE it. Don't mistake the establishment for the real Republican's. The republican establishment is just a bunch of horses asses.
He's got maybe 30% that claim they are GOP. That means 70% have someone else to vote for. And there is very little sentiment for Trump among the centrists.
No he's actually rallying them. The Republican establishment, whom most everyone despises, are being shat on. Republican's, Independents and Libertarians LOVE it. Don't mistake the establishment for the real Republican's. The republican establishment is just a bunch of horses asses.
He's got maybe 30% that claim they are GOP. That means 70% have someone else to vote for. And there is very little sentiment for Trump among the centrists.

And when he WINS the nomination, everyone going to vote for Biden, the World's Dumbest Politician?....too fucking easy
Funny how people who hate Obama say he's caused splits within the country because he's black, yet love Trump who is deliberately going out and causing rifts between people.

Exactly! Adolf Trump is splitting the Republican Party all to hell. I love it...
No he's actually rallying them. The Republican establishment, whom most everyone despises, are being shat on. Republican's, Independents and Libertarians LOVE it. Don't mistake the establishment for the real Republican's. The republican establishment is just a bunch of horses asses.

Okay, so establishment Republicans are horses asses. I won't argue that - but at least they're reasonably sane. However, those other NaziCon clowns on the far right like Ted Cruz are much bigger horses asses than establishment Republicans. BTW, who are the "real" Republicans? The "don't tread on me" and "we want out country back" folks?
No he's actually rallying them. The Republican establishment, whom most everyone despises, are being shat on. Republican's, Independents and Libertarians LOVE it. Don't mistake the establishment for the real Republican's. The republican establishment is just a bunch of horses asses.
He's got maybe 30% that claim they are GOP. That means 70% have someone else to vote for. And there is very little sentiment for Trump among the centrists.
Says the Fifth-Columnist Uber-Leftist in Conservative's clothing.
Hillary in a landslide!!!..LOL you need help man really:cuckoo:
It's the demographics, bub, and the numbers. We don't have them if we keep going the way we are. I think HRC will fall away and be replaced by Biden with Warren.

If we don't reach out honestly to women and minorities, the dems will slaughter us.
I don't understand this comment: "If we don't honestly reach out to women and minorities...."

Women, minorities, aliens, canine's aren't being left out so there's no reaching out. Making America great has nothing to do with one group or another. It has to do with us as a nation.....Everyone. There's no need to reach out to any one group, when your message is for everyone. We've seen these slubs pander to these groups and it comes off as total BS, because it is. When you work to improve things for the entire nation EVERYONE benefits.

Which is exactly what Reagan did..oh Jake didn't Support Reagan
Voted for him in 1980, and was overseas in a hospital four years later.

Yeah? You hate Reagan, You're a Ford guy, you've said it many times
Yup, I did not like Reagan, but did not like the Dem candidates more.
As long as Hillary is the nominee, Republicans don't need the so called "hispanic vote". She's an untrustworthy liar who WHITE people do not trust.

Just 3-in-10 white women said Hillary is honest and trustworthy — including only 34 percent of white women with a college degree, a constituency crucial to repairing Democrats’ numbers among whites.Her ratings are woeful among white independents: Only 21 percent said she’s honest. Young white voters are also a big challenge: Just 22 percent said Clinton is honest and trustworthy, versus 73 percent who said she isn’t.

Can Hillary overcome the ‘liar’ factor?
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Funny how people who hate Obama say he's caused splits within the country because he's black, yet love Trump who is deliberately going out and causing rifts between people.

Exactly! Adolf Trump is splitting the Republican Party all to hell. I love it...
No he's actually rallying them. The Republican establishment, whom most everyone despises, are being shat on. Republican's, Independents and Libertarians LOVE it. Don't mistake the establishment for the real Republican's. The republican establishment is just a bunch of horses asses.

Okay, so establishment Republicans are horses asses. I won't argue that - but at least they're reasonably sane. However, those other NaziCon clowns on the far right like Ted Cruz are much bigger horses asses than establishment Republicans. BTW, who are the "real" Republicans? The "don't tread on me" and "we want out country back" folks?
Cruz has a message for you, Old, wrinkled Squaw....
As long as Hillary is the nominee, Republicans need the so called "hispanic vote". She's an untrustworthy liar who WHITE people do not trust.

Just 3-in-10 white women said Hillary is honest and trustworthy — including only 34 percent of white women with a college degree, a constituency crucial to repairing Democrats’ numbers among whites.Her ratings are woeful among white independents: Only 21 percent said she’s honest. Young white voters are also a big challenge: Just 22 percent said Clinton is honest and trustworthy, versus 73 percent who said she isn’t.

Can Hillary overcome the ‘liar’ factor?
Good points. The truble is that the millenails don't like the GOP much.
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As long as Hillary is the nominee, Republicans need the so called "hispanic vote". She's an untrustworthy liar who WHITE people do not trust.

Just 3-in-10 white women said Hillary is honest and trustworthy — including only 34 percent of white women with a college degree, a constituency crucial to repairing Democrats’ numbers among whites.Her ratings are woeful among white independents: Only 21 percent said she’s honest. Young white voters are also a big challenge: Just 22 percent said Clinton is honest and trustworthy, versus 73 percent who said she isn’t.

Can Hillary overcome the ‘liar’ factor?

White women don't like Hillary much

WSJ/NBC Poll: Majority of White Women Voters Now Dislike Hillary
As long as Hillary is the nominee, Republicans need the so called "hispanic vote". She's an untrustworthy liar who WHITE people do not trust.

Just 3-in-10 white women said Hillary is honest and trustworthy — including only 34 percent of white women with a college degree, a constituency crucial to repairing Democrats’ numbers among whites.Her ratings are woeful among white independents: Only 21 percent said she’s honest. Young white voters are also a big challenge: Just 22 percent said Clinton is honest and trustworthy, versus 73 percent who said she isn’t.

Can Hillary overcome the ‘liar’ factor?
Good points. The truble is that the millenails don't like the GOP much.
Wrong, Those kids cant find good jobs, because of almost unlimited immigration allowed by the liberals and establishment Republicans. they'll be voting more for Trump or any Republican then you think
View attachment 48584
As long as Hillary is the nominee, Republicans need the so called "hispanic vote". She's an untrustworthy liar who WHITE people do not trust.

Just 3-in-10 white women said Hillary is honest and trustworthy — including only 34 percent of white women with a college degree, a constituency crucial to repairing Democrats’ numbers among whites.Her ratings are woeful among white independents: Only 21 percent said she’s honest. Young white voters are also a big challenge: Just 22 percent said Clinton is honest and trustworthy, versus 73 percent who said she isn’t.

Can Hillary overcome the ‘liar’ factor?
Good points. The truble is that the millenails don't like the GOP much.
old poll is meaningless
Trump Preaching to Shrinking White Electorate Creates Problems for GOP

His anti-immigrant rhetoric and visceral stance on citizenship rights are forcing Republicans into opposing corners.

Exactly 19 years ago this week Bob Dole, as the recently chosen 1996 Republican presidential nominee, faced the same question that Donald Trump has presented his rivals today: whether to support ending the Constitution's guarantee of automatic citizenship for all children born in the U.S.

At the national convention that nominated Dole and Jack Kemp that summer, the party's platform called for revoking the provision in the 14th Amendment that ensured citizenship for all U.S.-born children, regardless of their parents' immigration status. Dole had remained vague on that plank during the convention, but in an appearance with Kemp before the National Association of Black Journalists on Aug. 23, 1996, the new nominee briskly rejected the idea.

''For generations, white children of white immigrants, regardless of their status, enjoyed citizenship,'' one reporter said to him, according to The New York Times. ''Now that the new immigrants are black and brown, would you support a constitutional amendment denying them citizenship?'' Dole's reply was unequivocal: "No."

For Dole, the choice of defending the 14th Amendment's promise of birthright citizenship "was a no-brainer," recalled Scott Reed, his campaign manager. "There were a handful of issues Dole just didn't agree with [in the platform] and he wasn't going to roll along without saying something."

Trump is proposing more sweeping change than the 1996 platform Dole repudiated.

The businessman argues that the 14th Amendment does not, in fact, guarantee citizenship to the estimated 4.5 million U.S. children born of undocumented immigrants; if the courts agreed, that presumably would make those children subject to the deportation he pledges to pursueagainst all those here illegally.

But in responding to Trump, the 2016 Republicans have wavered far more than Dole did. About half of the GOP field (including Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, and Ben Carson) has also endorsed ending birthright citizenship, at least prospectively. Scott Walker quickly embraced the idea before backpedaling to reject it. Even the two candidates who most forthrightly rejected Trump's call could not completely escape his gravitational pull.

Marco Rubio said he would not seek to change the Constitution, but would take unspecified steps to combat those "taking advantage of the 14th Amendment." Jeb Bush, while also rejecting constitutional change and praising America's "diversity," courted Trump's constituency by adopting his incendiary "anchor babies" language.

This rightward lurch—behind an almost certainly hopeless cause of constitutional change—captures the core GOP dilemma now unfolding in the party's nomination contest.

The Republican electoral coalition now relies on preponderant majorities from the groups most unsettled by demographic and cultural change: older, noncollege, and rural whites. There are no longer enough of those voters to guarantee Republicans a national majority; that's why Democrats have won the popular vote in five of the past six presidential elections. Yet, as Trump's rise shows, many of those voters militantly oppose the policies (like immigration reform) that might help the party expand its coalition.

More: Trump Preaching to Shrinking White Electorate Creates Problems for GOP

Those older, noncollege rural whites can't seem to accept that change is inevitable. Adapt or die.
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Jroc is substitutig his opinions for fact. And, yes, the poll is very relevant, only a year old. Even more so, all the millennials areeligible to vote next year.
President Trump will end the non-living and Illegals voting Democrat. Watch Dems drop down to Green Party numbers after that

“Why would he assume he has the right to make absurd, incoherent, and ignorant comments about us?”

Ricky Martin has had enough of Donald Trump’s “xenophobic” rhetoric against Latinos. And the singer wants Latinos to do something about it.

After the Republican presidential candidate removed Hispanic journalist Jorge Ramos from a press conference in Iowa on Tuesday, Martin felt compelled to write a scathing op-ed against Trump.

“The fact that a person like Donald Trump… has the gall to continue to freely harass the Latino community day after day makes my blood boil,” the 43-year-old wrote in his piece, published Wednesday in Spanish on Univision and in English on Fusion, the sister networks that Ramos works for. “Why would he assume he has the right to make absurd, incoherent, and ignorant comments about us?”

“I am not surprised Trump would aim so low,” he continued. “I am surprised that we Hispanics continue to accept these aggressions and accusations by individuals like Trump who continue to attack our dignity.”

Martin continued to urge Latinos to stand together against the presidential candidate.

“Let’s not tolerate any politician using insults in the campaign,” he wrote. “Let’s respect those first-generation Latinos that arrived in the U.S. and opened a path for all of us. Each right that we have today, we have fought for.”

Reggaeton star Wisin later joined Martin with a rallying cry of his own against Trump via a press release.

Read Ricky Martin's full op-ed on Fusion.

More: Ricky Martin Urges Latinos To Unite Against Donald Trump In Op-Ed

I applaud Latinos for fighting back against Trump.

Besides......KKK David Duke has endorsed Tchump......that ought to say a lot about those who are supporting Tchump.

(and conservatives claim KKK is Democratic...:badgrin:)

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