Ricky Martin Urges Latinos To Unite Against Donald Trump

Whites will need 65% of the vote to win with the hispanics, asians and blacks voting mostly democrat. They won't get more then 60% as white woman won't vote for it.

65% just to win like Bush...This isn't the 80's and your strategy sucks.

But that's because Whites split their vote between the two parties, whereas the majority of Blacks and Hispanics tend to vote only for one.

Piss off enough White Folk and they may shift dramatically in one direction or the other, and change the dynamic.

In any event, we're going to find out, fairly soon, now.

Some hispanics are white, everyone knows this right?

Racial and ethnic minorities accounted for 91.7% of the nation’s growth over the decade; non-Hispanic whites accounted for the remaining 8.3%.

Hispanics, who can be of any race, are the nation’s largest minority group. Looking at the major groups of single-race non-Hispanics in 2010, 196.8 million (63.7%) were white; 37.7 million (12.2%) were black; and 14.5 million (4.7%) were Asian. There were 6 million non-Hispanics, or 1.9% of the U.S. population, who checked more than one race.

By race, more than half of Hispanics—53%, or 26.7 million people—identified themselves as white alone, an increase from 2000 when 47.9% did. The next largest group, 36.7% or 18.5 million Hispanics, identified themselves as “some other race,” a decline from 2000, when 42.2% did. An additional 6%, compared with 6.3% in 2000, checked multiple races.

Hispanics Account for More than Half of Nation’s Growth in Past Decade

“Why would he assume he has the right to make absurd, incoherent, and ignorant comments about us?”

Ricky Martin has had enough of Donald Trump’s “xenophobic” rhetoric against Latinos. And the singer wants Latinos to do something about it.

After the Republican presidential candidate removed Hispanic journalist Jorge Ramos from a press conference in Iowa on Tuesday, Martin felt compelled to write a scathing op-ed against Trump.

“The fact that a person like Donald Trump… has the gall to continue to freely harass the Latino community day after day makes my blood boil,” the 43-year-old wrote in his piece, published Wednesday in Spanish on Univision and in English on Fusion, the sister networks that Ramos works for. “Why would he assume he has the right to make absurd, incoherent, and ignorant comments about us?”

“I am not surprised Trump would aim so low,” he continued. “I am surprised that we Hispanics continue to accept these aggressions and accusations by individuals like Trump who continue to attack our dignity.”

Martin continued to urge Latinos to stand together against the presidential candidate.

“Let’s not tolerate any politician using insults in the campaign,” he wrote. “Let’s respect those first-generation Latinos that arrived in the U.S. and opened a path for all of us. Each right that we have today, we have fought for.”

Reggaeton star Wisin later joined Martin with a rallying cry of his own against Trump via a press release.

Read Ricky Martin's full op-ed on Fusion.

More: Ricky Martin Urges Latinos To Unite Against Donald Trump In Op-Ed

I applaud Latinos for fighting back against Trump.

Seems like a waste of political energy. Most people realize that the emperor has no clothes.
...Some hispanics are white, everyone knows this right?
Yep. Separate census demographic, too. But, when minority race-baiting types start lumping-together Hispanics of all racial-ethnic admixtures, you respond in kind.

Good point, though... and timely.
I'm not worried because eventually they will figure out that the democratic party's economic philosophy doesn't work.
Take that Trump the chump!!!!

According to Pew Hispanic Center projections, Hispanics will account for 40% of the growth in the eligible electorate in the U.S. between now and 2030, at which time 40 million Hispanics will be eligible to vote, up from 23.7 million now.

An Awakened Giant: The Hispanic Electorate is Likely to Double by 2030

And democrats want to suck up all those votes...
And our GOP doesn't? We need those votes. The demographic change is the future of America, not what we thought in the 1970s.
Great, a gay beaner starting a movement. Why would any media outlet even publish this asshole's thoughts? (Rhetorical)
Take that Trump the chump!!!!

According to Pew Hispanic Center projections, Hispanics will account for 40% of the growth in the eligible electorate in the U.S. between now and 2030, at which time 40 million Hispanics will be eligible to vote, up from 23.7 million now.

An Awakened Giant: The Hispanic Electorate is Likely to Double by 2030

And democrats want to suck up all those votes...

Believe it or not a lot of hispanic families and traditions are more on the conservative side of thinking. Trump is just an idiot. He doesn't really represent republicans or conservatives, trump mostly represents corporatives.
Puerto Rican, Enrique Morales picked the anglo name of Ricky Martin and now the freaking singer presumes to lecture Americans about the mess created by ten million illegal immigrants. Only in America.
Puerto Rican, Enrique Morales picked the anglo name of Ricky Martin and now the freaking singer presumes to lecture Americans about the mess created by ten million illegal immigrants. Only in America.
The GOP needs Hispanic votes, whitehall. Lecturing them, making fun of them, getting mad because they won't be brown whites ~ ain't going to work, podjo.
Why is so hard for the libtards to make the distinction between legal and illegal immigrants.

Because their leaders told them that the word illegal was racist.
Everyone must use the word undocumented immiigrants.
The left are all Morons.
The great thing about Ricky Martin is that he appeals to Hispanics, Latinos and LGBTs. He has a lot of clout. He could sink Trump.
Whites will need 65% of the vote to win with the hispanics, asians and blacks voting mostly democrat. They won't get more then 60% as white woman won't vote for it.

65% just to win like Bush...This isn't the 80's and your strategy sucks.

But that's because Whites split their vote between the two parties, whereas the majority of Blacks and Hispanics tend to vote only for one.

Piss off enough White Folk and they may shift dramatically in one direction or the other, and change the dynamic.

In any event, we're going to find out, fairly soon, now.

Some hispanics are white, everyone knows this right?

Racial and ethnic minorities accounted for 91.7% of the nation’s growth over the decade; non-Hispanic whites accounted for the remaining 8.3%.

Hispanics, who can be of any race, are the nation’s largest minority group. Looking at the major groups of single-race non-Hispanics in 2010, 196.8 million (63.7%) were white; 37.7 million (12.2%) were black; and 14.5 million (4.7%) were Asian. There were 6 million non-Hispanics, or 1.9% of the U.S. population, who checked more than one race.

By race, more than half of Hispanics—53%, or 26.7 million people—identified themselves as white alone, an increase from 2000 when 47.9% did. The next largest group, 36.7% or 18.5 million Hispanics, identified themselves as “some other race,” a decline from 2000, when 42.2% did. An additional 6%, compared with 6.3% in 2000, checked multiple races.

Hispanics Account for More than Half of Nation’s Growth in Past Decade
Technically, all Hispanics are white. Don't tell them that, though. :eusa_shhh:
This thread reminds me of Frank Zappa's quote "There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life". In short when people base their political decisions on what actors and popular musicians say how can they make an informed decision?

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