RICO Prosecution of Climate Chaos Skeptics

If that day ever comes, it means this country has devolved into a Stalinist dictatorship.
A woman just won something like $24 billion from one of the tobacco companies. Go figure, underhanded shit has consequences.

the plaintiffs were the ones guilty of underhanded shit. Anyone who claims they didn't know cigarettes were bad for your health is a liar. There's no way anyone could be stupid enough to not know that.

If Exxon deserves to be prosecuted for AGW, then so does every dumbass liberal who puts gas in his car and turns on his computer so he can post idiocies about AGW on the internet.

You're a global warming criminal, dumbass.
How would those people have known that cigarettes were bad? Not from government funded research or anything like that. Nope, couldn't have been.

You needed a government funded research to tell you smoking is bad?

Are you serious?????????????

I bet you needed a government funded research to tell you sticking your hand on fire would hurt you also.

My body has told me that cigarettes don't agree with me. Many people apparently don't feel that way or they wouldn't smoke.

All people know by now and most are like you that know/knew with out a government study, speaking of this found an article that they knew at leat 400 years ago. Also you have to remember Hitler even banned smoking in Germany.

Doctors Warned of Smoking Dangers 400 Years Ago

A doctor's letter written more than 400 years ago has revealed medics were even then concerned about the dangers of young people smoking.

The letter, by Dr. Eleazar Duncon, concluded that tobacco "is so hurtful and dangerous to youth ... that it was as well known by the name of Youths-bane as by the name of tobacco.”

The letter was unearthed by library staff at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (RCPE) as they prepared for an exhibition. Professor Sir Neil Douglas, the president of the RCPE, said that the letter "provides a fascinating insight into historical medical concerns about the addictive nature of smoking and young people, and shows that this issue has been of concern for over four centuries."

A woman just won something like $24 billion from one of the tobacco companies. Go figure, underhanded shit has consequences.

the plaintiffs were the ones guilty of underhanded shit. Anyone who claims they didn't know cigarettes were bad for your health is a liar. There's no way anyone could be stupid enough to not know that.

If Exxon deserves to be prosecuted for AGW, then so does every dumbass liberal who puts gas in his car and turns on his computer so he can post idiocies about AGW on the internet.

You're a global warming criminal, dumbass.
How would those people have known that cigarettes were bad? Not from government funded research or anything like that. Nope, couldn't have been.

You needed a government funded research to tell you smoking is bad?

Are you serious?????????????

I bet you needed a government funded research to tell you sticking your hand on fire would hurt you also.

My body has told me that cigarettes don't agree with me. Many people apparently don't feel that way or they wouldn't smoke.

All people know by now and most are like you that know/knew with out a government study, speaking of this found an article that they knew at leat 400 years ago. Also you have to remember Hitler even banned smoking in Germany.

Doctors Warned of Smoking Dangers 400 Years Ago

A doctor's letter written more than 400 years ago has revealed medics were even then concerned about the dangers of young people smoking.

The letter, by Dr. Eleazar Duncon, concluded that tobacco "is so hurtful and dangerous to youth ... that it was as well known by the name of Youths-bane as by the name of tobacco.”

The letter was unearthed by library staff at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (RCPE) as they prepared for an exhibition. Professor Sir Neil Douglas, the president of the RCPE, said that the letter "provides a fascinating insight into historical medical concerns about the addictive nature of smoking and young people, and shows that this issue has been of concern for over four centuries."

40 years from now, it will also be obvious that humans were fucking up the environment but it'll be too late to do anything about it. The people of that time will look back at all the warnings and be similarly sympathetic to the AGW warming denialiists of today.
Again with the new Nasa C02 satellite most the C02 is coming from the Southern hemisphere... Not from fossil fuel

View attachment 69892

That's seasonal agricultural burning, dumbass, and it matched the models closely. That is, the science had it 100% correct, again.

As this illustrates once more, you always fail hard at every single bit of the science. Every denier here is simply a rather dimwitted human being, which is why their cult masters are constantly able to play them for Useful Idiots.

Again, there's no conspiracy. You deniers are just paranoid cult morons.
The leftwing douche bags in this forum will all claim they believe in freedom of speech. However, the vast majority of them support this Stalinist crap. when they can't win in the marketplace of ideas, the resort to the police state:

It’s been a rough stretch for Climate Armageddon religionists and totalitarians.

Real World science, climate and weather events just don’t support their manmade cataclysm narrative. The horrid consequences of anti-fossil fuel energy policies are increasingly in the news. And despite campaigns by the $1.5-trillion-per-year government-industry-activist-scientific Climate Crisis Consortium, Americans consistently rank global warming at the very bottom of their serious concerns.

But instead of debating their critics, or marshaling a more persuasive, evidence-based case that we really do face a manmade climate catastrophe, alarmists have ramped up their shrill rhetoric, imposed more anti-hydrocarbon edicts by executive fiat and unratified treaty – and launched RICO attacks on their critics.

Spurred on by Senator Sheldon “Torquemada” Whitehouse (D-RI), Jagadish Shukla and his RICO-20 agitators, and their comrades, 16 of the nation’s 18 Democratic attorneys general (the other 32 are Republican) announced on March 29 that they are going after those who commit the unpardonable offense of questioning “consensus” climate science.

If companies are “committing fraud,” by “knowingly deceiving” the public about the threat of man-made carbon dioxide emissions and climate change, New York AG Eric Schneiderman intoned, “we want to expose it and pursue them to the fullest extent of the law,” under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. “The First Amendment does not give you the right to commit fraud.”

Their initial target is ExxonMobil, but other companies, think tanks like CFACT and the Heartland Institute (with which I am affiliated), and even independent researchers and analysts (like myself) will be in their crosshairs. Even United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch says her office has “discussed” similar actions and “referred [the matter] to the FBI.”

These RICO investigations and prosecutions are chilling, unprecedented and blatantly un-American. They abuse our legal and judicial processes and obliterate the First Amendment freedom of speech rights of anyone who questions the catechism of climate cataclysm. The AGs’ actions are intended to browbeat skeptics into silence, bankrupt them with monumental legal fees and fines – and unjustly jail a few.

It is the campus “crime” of “unwelcome ideas” and “micro-aggression” on steroids. It is the inevitable result of President Obama’s determination to “fundamentally transform” the United States, ensure that electricity rates “necessarily skyrocket,” and carve his energy and climate policy legacy in granite.

If you call yourself a scientist and then put out non-science... you are a fraud.

That's what deniers are -- criminal frauds.
Again with the new Nasa C02 satellite most the C02 is coming from the Southern hemisphere... Not from fossil fuel

View attachment 69892

That's seasonal agricultural burning, dumbass, and it matched the models closely. That is, the science had it 100% correct, again.

As this illustrates once more, you always fail hard at every single bit of the science. Every denier here is simply a rather dimwitted human being, which is why their cult masters are constantly able to play them for Useful Idiots.

Again, there's no conspiracy. You deniers are just paranoid cult morons.

Bwhahahahaha..... Just seasonal? Also includes Forrest fires and makes up more then all the cars and trucks in the WORLD combined.

So again you never told us on How that peer review is going on your theory that deniers planted all those Ice age is coming story's in the 70s?
Bwhahahahaha..... Just seasonal? Also includes Forrest fires and makes up more then all the cars and trucks in the WORLD combined.

Um, no. Where do you get all these crazy ideas?

Here's a hint for you. Don't just look at a single snapshot. Look at how CO2 varies over the planet the whole year, and understand how CO2 sinks change over the year.

So again you never told us on How that peer review is going on your theory that deniers planted all those Ice age is coming story's in the 70s?

What theory? If you go back to those 1970s ice age quotes, most of them come from Reid Bryson, who was a hardcore global warming denier up until his death in 2008. The other scientists of the era were almost all pointing out that Bryson was wrong.
A woman just won something like $24 billion from one of the tobacco companies. Go figure, underhanded shit has consequences.

the plaintiffs were the ones guilty of underhanded shit. Anyone who claims they didn't know cigarettes were bad for your health is a liar. There's no way anyone could be stupid enough to not know that.

If Exxon deserves to be prosecuted for AGW, then so does every dumbass liberal who puts gas in his car and turns on his computer so he can post idiocies about AGW on the internet.

You're a global warming criminal, dumbass.
How would those people have known that cigarettes were bad? Not from government funded research or anything like that. Nope, couldn't have been.

You needed a government funded research to tell you smoking is bad?

Are you serious?????????????

I bet you needed a government funded research to tell you sticking your hand on fire would hurt you also.

My body has told me that cigarettes don't agree with me. Many people apparently don't feel that way or they wouldn't smoke.

All people know by now and most are like you that know/knew with out a government study, speaking of this found an article that they knew at leat 400 years ago. Also you have to remember Hitler even banned smoking in Germany.

Doctors Warned of Smoking Dangers 400 Years Ago

A doctor's letter written more than 400 years ago has revealed medics were even then concerned about the dangers of young people smoking.

The letter, by Dr. Eleazar Duncon, concluded that tobacco "is so hurtful and dangerous to youth ... that it was as well known by the name of Youths-bane as by the name of tobacco.”

The letter was unearthed by library staff at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (RCPE) as they prepared for an exhibition. Professor Sir Neil Douglas, the president of the RCPE, said that the letter "provides a fascinating insight into historical medical concerns about the addictive nature of smoking and young people, and shows that this issue has been of concern for over four centuries."

Hitler was also a vegetarian, a socialist, and hated Israel (obviously).

Oh wait, Israel did not actually exist as a country during his time. Oh, I am sure he would have been a big fan of israel.

He sure had a lot in common with........
The leftwing douche bags in this forum will all claim they believe in freedom of speech. However, the vast majority of them support this Stalinist crap. when they can't win in the marketplace of ideas, the resort to the police state:

It’s been a rough stretch for Climate Armageddon religionists and totalitarians.

Real World science, climate and weather events just don’t support their manmade cataclysm narrative. The horrid consequences of anti-fossil fuel energy policies are increasingly in the news. And despite campaigns by the $1.5-trillion-per-year government-industry-activist-scientific Climate Crisis Consortium, Americans consistently rank global warming at the very bottom of their serious concerns.

But instead of debating their critics, or marshaling a more persuasive, evidence-based case that we really do face a manmade climate catastrophe, alarmists have ramped up their shrill rhetoric, imposed more anti-hydrocarbon edicts by executive fiat and unratified treaty – and launched RICO attacks on their critics.

Spurred on by Senator Sheldon “Torquemada” Whitehouse (D-RI), Jagadish Shukla and his RICO-20 agitators, and their comrades, 16 of the nation’s 18 Democratic attorneys general (the other 32 are Republican) announced on March 29 that they are going after those who commit the unpardonable offense of questioning “consensus” climate science.

If companies are “committing fraud,” by “knowingly deceiving” the public about the threat of man-made carbon dioxide emissions and climate change, New York AG Eric Schneiderman intoned, “we want to expose it and pursue them to the fullest extent of the law,” under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. “The First Amendment does not give you the right to commit fraud.”

Their initial target is ExxonMobil, but other companies, think tanks like CFACT and the Heartland Institute (with which I am affiliated), and even independent researchers and analysts (like myself) will be in their crosshairs. Even United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch says her office has “discussed” similar actions and “referred [the matter] to the FBI.”

These RICO investigations and prosecutions are chilling, unprecedented and blatantly un-American. They abuse our legal and judicial processes and obliterate the First Amendment freedom of speech rights of anyone who questions the catechism of climate cataclysm. The AGs’ actions are intended to browbeat skeptics into silence, bankrupt them with monumental legal fees and fines – and unjustly jail a few.

It is the campus “crime” of “unwelcome ideas” and “micro-aggression” on steroids. It is the inevitable result of President Obama’s determination to “fundamentally transform” the United States, ensure that electricity rates “necessarily skyrocket,” and carve his energy and climate policy legacy in granite.

If you call yourself a scientist and then put out non-science... you are a fraud.

That's what deniers are -- criminal frauds.

Cult members who worship abracadabra don't get to determine what science is. If there was ever a clear cut case of scientific fraud, then Michael Mann should be prosecuted.
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I think it's safe to say that these persecutions won't get very far.

There's absolutely no basis in law to charge anyone and there isn't a judge, anywhere that would allow this dog and pony show to take place in his court.

True but one wonders that if these were really liberals would they really care if someone didn't agree with climate change at all? It is a point that I have been making for a long time. I know what liberal looks and feels like but it seems like every new generation of 'liberals' become less and less liberal in how they treat other people who oppose them.
I think it's safe to say that these persecutions won't get very far.

There's absolutely no basis in law to charge anyone and there isn't a judge, anywhere that would allow this dog and pony show to take place in his court.

True but one wonders that if these were really liberals would they really care if someone didn't agree with climate change at all? It is a point that I have been making for a long time. I know what liberal looks and feels like but it seems like every new generation of 'liberals' become less and less liberal in how they treat other people who oppose them.

There are no more liberals. This current crop of leftists are pure Stalinist. If you knew what they were teaching in our universities you would be horrified. It's virtually indistinguishable from what they taught in Soviet universities.
I think it's safe to say that these persecutions won't get very far.

There's absolutely no basis in law to charge anyone and there isn't a judge, anywhere that would allow this dog and pony show to take place in his court.

True but one wonders that if these were really liberals would they really care if someone didn't agree with climate change at all? It is a point that I have been making for a long time. I know what liberal looks and feels like but it seems like every new generation of 'liberals' become less and less liberal in how they treat other people who oppose them.

If you're saying that Liberals abhor our freedoms and liberties, you're absolutely correct.
The leftwing douche bags in this forum will all claim they believe in freedom of speech. However, the vast majority of them support this Stalinist crap. when they can't win in the marketplace of ideas, the resort to the police state:

It’s been a rough stretch for Climate Armageddon religionists and totalitarians.

Real World science, climate and weather events just don’t support their manmade cataclysm narrative. The horrid consequences of anti-fossil fuel energy policies are increasingly in the news. And despite campaigns by the $1.5-trillion-per-year government-industry-activist-scientific Climate Crisis Consortium, Americans consistently rank global warming at the very bottom of their serious concerns.

But instead of debating their critics, or marshaling a more persuasive, evidence-based case that we really do face a manmade climate catastrophe, alarmists have ramped up their shrill rhetoric, imposed more anti-hydrocarbon edicts by executive fiat and unratified treaty – and launched RICO attacks on their critics.

Spurred on by Senator Sheldon “Torquemada” Whitehouse (D-RI), Jagadish Shukla and his RICO-20 agitators, and their comrades, 16 of the nation’s 18 Democratic attorneys general (the other 32 are Republican) announced on March 29 that they are going after those who commit the unpardonable offense of questioning “consensus” climate science.

If companies are “committing fraud,” by “knowingly deceiving” the public about the threat of man-made carbon dioxide emissions and climate change, New York AG Eric Schneiderman intoned, “we want to expose it and pursue them to the fullest extent of the law,” under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. “The First Amendment does not give you the right to commit fraud.”

Their initial target is ExxonMobil, but other companies, think tanks like CFACT and the Heartland Institute (with which I am affiliated), and even independent researchers and analysts (like myself) will be in their crosshairs. Even United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch says her office has “discussed” similar actions and “referred [the matter] to the FBI.”

These RICO investigations and prosecutions are chilling, unprecedented and blatantly un-American. They abuse our legal and judicial processes and obliterate the First Amendment freedom of speech rights of anyone who questions the catechism of climate cataclysm. The AGs’ actions are intended to browbeat skeptics into silence, bankrupt them with monumental legal fees and fines – and unjustly jail a few.

It is the campus “crime” of “unwelcome ideas” and “micro-aggression” on steroids. It is the inevitable result of President Obama’s determination to “fundamentally transform” the United States, ensure that electricity rates “necessarily skyrocket,” and carve his energy and climate policy legacy in granite.

If you call yourself a scientist and then put out non-science... you are a fraud.

That's what deniers are -- criminal frauds.

What crime did they commit?

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