RICO Prosecution of Climate Chaos Skeptics

How and where?????

Again with the new Nasa C02 satellite most the C02 is coming from the Southern hemisphere... Not from fossil fuel

View attachment 69892
Looks equatorial to me. Almost like atmospheric currents carried it from other places


So you are playing fucking stupid and don't have a clue about deforestation in the southern hemisphere?

Ok stick with that if you wish.....
I have no idea where your image came from. Probably a cherry picked anomaly if you work by the same rules as most right wingers. If you go to the link I provided, you'll see that the highest concentrations are on the equator. So tell me genius, what big industrial co2 sources are there in equatorial Africa?

I already told you deforestation ...Damn you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you?

Nasa C02 sattilite 2014

Deforestation in equatorial Africa... A place that hasn't had any significant forests in a few thousand years. Yeah, let's go with that.

Godamn now you are becoming just fucking stupid.

Talk about someone who just drinks the AGW cult koolaid and never picked up a science , history book or even a Damn newspaper.

Deforestation in Africa's Congo Basin rainforest slows - BBC News

Sprawling across the heart of Africa, the Congo Basin rainforest is second only to the Amazon in size. It covers nearly 2 million sq km (800,000 sq miles).
Oil companies will face the same type of lawsuits that tobacco companies are facing today. Knowing the effects of using their product but denying and serving up misinformation in an attempt to save their industry.

Knowing the effects of using their product

Cheap, reliable energy that allows our modern economy to thrive.
Yeah, we need to eliminate those effects, quickly! Durr.
LOL, yeah, too bad it's also killing the planet.

You're a delusional crackpot. CO2 is beneficial to the planet. The ideal concentration of CO2 for plants is 2000 ppm, not 400 ppm.
Too bad humans don't like heat and humidity that are off the charts. Not to mention ocean acidification, rising sea level and superstorms. I'll bet most programmers hate you for making them look like idiots through association.
Looks equatorial to me. Almost like atmospheric currents carried it from other places


So you are playing fucking stupid and don't have a clue about deforestation in the southern hemisphere?

Ok stick with that if you wish.....
I have no idea where your image came from. Probably a cherry picked anomaly if you work by the same rules as most right wingers. If you go to the link I provided, you'll see that the highest concentrations are on the equator. So tell me genius, what big industrial co2 sources are there in equatorial Africa?

I already told you deforestation ...Damn you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you?

Nasa C02 sattilite 2014

Deforestation in equatorial Africa... A place that hasn't had any significant forests in a few thousand years. Yeah, let's go with that.

Godamn now you are becoming just fucking stupid.

Talk about someone who just drinks the AGW cult koolaid and never picked up a science , history book or even a Damn newspaper.

Deforestation in Africa's Congo Basin rainforest slows - BBC News

Sprawling across the heart of Africa, the Congo Basin rainforest is second only to the Amazon in size. It covers nearly 2 million sq km (800,000 sq miles).
Jeezus, you fucking inbreed retard, the Congo is in south-central Africa, not equatorial. What other subjects besides geography did you flunk?
So you are playing fucking stupid and don't have a clue about deforestation in the southern hemisphere?

Ok stick with that if you wish.....
I have no idea where your image came from. Probably a cherry picked anomaly if you work by the same rules as most right wingers. If you go to the link I provided, you'll see that the highest concentrations are on the equator. So tell me genius, what big industrial co2 sources are there in equatorial Africa?

I already told you deforestation ...Damn you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you?

Nasa C02 sattilite 2014

Deforestation in equatorial Africa... A place that hasn't had any significant forests in a few thousand years. Yeah, let's go with that.

Godamn now you are becoming just fucking stupid.

Talk about someone who just drinks the AGW cult koolaid and never picked up a science , history book or even a Damn newspaper.

Deforestation in Africa's Congo Basin rainforest slows - BBC News

Sprawling across the heart of Africa, the Congo Basin rainforest is second only to the Amazon in size. It covers nearly 2 million sq km (800,000 sq miles).
Jeezus, you fucking inbreed retard, the Congo is in south-central Africa, not equatorial. What other subjects besides geography did you flunk?

It's in the Southern hemisphere dip shit.

God are you always this stupid?

Deforestation Adds More Atmospheric CO2 than the Sum Total of Cars & Trucks on the World's Roads

Deforestation in tropical rainforests adds more carbon dioxide to the Earth’s atmosphere than the sum total of cars and trucks on the world’s roads. Cars and trucks account for 14% of global carbon emissions, while most analysts attribute 15% to deforestation.

One of the reasons why logging is bad for the climate is that when the trees are felled, they release the carbon that they are storing into the atmosphere, where it will mingle with greenhouse gases from other sources. This effect contributes to global warming and preventing deforestation would help decrease emissions as much as increasing fuel efficiency and reducing automobile usage does.

32 million acres of tropical rainforest were cut down each year between 2000 and 2009, and the pace of deforestation continues to accelerate. Forest clearing will put another 200 billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere in the coming decades, according to the Environmental Defense Fund, a leading green group.
Knowing the effects of using their product

Cheap, reliable energy that allows our modern economy to thrive.
Yeah, we need to eliminate those effects, quickly! Durr.
LOL, yeah, too bad it's also killing the planet.

How and where?????

Again with the new Nasa C02 satellite most the C02 is coming from the Southern hemisphere... Not from fossil fuel

View attachment 69892
Looks equatorial to me. Almost like atmospheric currents carried it from other places


So you are playing fucking stupid and don't have a clue about deforestation in the southern hemisphere?

Ok stick with that if you wish.....
I have no idea where your image came from. Probably a cherry picked anomaly if you work by the same rules as most right wingers. If you go to the link I provided, you'll see that the highest concentrations are on the equator. So tell me genius, what big industrial co2 sources are there in equatorial Africa?

So tell me genius, what big industrial co2 sources are there in equatorial Africa

Lmfao....this is going to crack me up for awhile, God Damn the AGW cult minions are dumb as hell....
I have no idea where your image came from. Probably a cherry picked anomaly if you work by the same rules as most right wingers. If you go to the link I provided, you'll see that the highest concentrations are on the equator. So tell me genius, what big industrial co2 sources are there in equatorial Africa?

I already told you deforestation ...Damn you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you?

Nasa C02 sattilite 2014

Deforestation in equatorial Africa... A place that hasn't had any significant forests in a few thousand years. Yeah, let's go with that.

Godamn now you are becoming just fucking stupid.

Talk about someone who just drinks the AGW cult koolaid and never picked up a science , history book or even a Damn newspaper.

Deforestation in Africa's Congo Basin rainforest slows - BBC News

Sprawling across the heart of Africa, the Congo Basin rainforest is second only to the Amazon in size. It covers nearly 2 million sq km (800,000 sq miles).
Jeezus, you fucking inbreed retard, the Congo is in south-central Africa, not equatorial. What other subjects besides geography did you flunk?

It's in the Southern hemisphere dip shit.

God are you always this stupid?

Deforestation Adds More Atmospheric CO2 than the Sum Total of Cars & Trucks on the World's Roads

Deforestation in tropical rainforests adds more carbon dioxide to the Earth’s atmosphere than the sum total of cars and trucks on the world’s roads. Cars and trucks account for 14% of global carbon emissions, while most analysts attribute 15% to deforestation.

One of the reasons why logging is bad for the climate is that when the trees are felled, they release the carbon that they are storing into the atmosphere, where it will mingle with greenhouse gases from other sources. This effect contributes to global warming and preventing deforestation would help decrease emissions as much as increasing fuel efficiency and reducing automobile usage does.

32 million acres of tropical rainforest were cut down each year between 2000 and 2009, and the pace of deforestation continues to accelerate. Forest clearing will put another 200 billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere in the coming decades, according to the Environmental Defense Fund, a leading green group.
Trucks on the worlds roads... Isn't that nice. What about cars, industry and power plants which dwarf truck emissions?
Oil companies will face the same type of lawsuits that tobacco companies are facing today. Knowing the effects of using their product but denying and serving up misinformation in an attempt to save their industry.

If that day ever comes, it means this country has devolved into a Stalinist dictatorship.
A woman just won something like $24 billion from one of the tobacco companies. Go figure, underhanded shit has consequences.

the plaintiffs were the ones guilty of underhanded shit. Anyone who claims they didn't know cigarettes were bad for your health is a liar. There's no way anyone could be stupid enough to not know that.

If Exxon deserves to be prosecuted for AGW, then so does every dumbass liberal who puts gas in his car and turns on his computer so he can post idiocies about AGW on the internet.

You're a global warming criminal, dumbass.
LOL, yeah, too bad it's also killing the planet.

How and where?????

Again with the new Nasa C02 satellite most the C02 is coming from the Southern hemisphere... Not from fossil fuel

View attachment 69892
Looks equatorial to me. Almost like atmospheric currents carried it from other places


So you are playing fucking stupid and don't have a clue about deforestation in the southern hemisphere?

Ok stick with that if you wish.....
I have no idea where your image came from. Probably a cherry picked anomaly if you work by the same rules as most right wingers. If you go to the link I provided, you'll see that the highest concentrations are on the equator. So tell me genius, what big industrial co2 sources are there in equatorial Africa?

So tell me genius, what big industrial co2 sources are there in equatorial Africa

Lmfao....this is going to crack me up for awhile, God Damn the AGW cult minions are dumb as hell....

Whatever it is, I'm sure America is at fault somehow.
I already told you deforestation ...Damn you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you?

Nasa C02 sattilite 2014

Deforestation in equatorial Africa... A place that hasn't had any significant forests in a few thousand years. Yeah, let's go with that.

Godamn now you are becoming just fucking stupid.

Talk about someone who just drinks the AGW cult koolaid and never picked up a science , history book or even a Damn newspaper.

Deforestation in Africa's Congo Basin rainforest slows - BBC News

Sprawling across the heart of Africa, the Congo Basin rainforest is second only to the Amazon in size. It covers nearly 2 million sq km (800,000 sq miles).
Jeezus, you fucking inbreed retard, the Congo is in south-central Africa, not equatorial. What other subjects besides geography did you flunk?

It's in the Southern hemisphere dip shit.

God are you always this stupid?

Deforestation Adds More Atmospheric CO2 than the Sum Total of Cars & Trucks on the World's Roads

Deforestation in tropical rainforests adds more carbon dioxide to the Earth’s atmosphere than the sum total of cars and trucks on the world’s roads. Cars and trucks account for 14% of global carbon emissions, while most analysts attribute 15% to deforestation.

One of the reasons why logging is bad for the climate is that when the trees are felled, they release the carbon that they are storing into the atmosphere, where it will mingle with greenhouse gases from other sources. This effect contributes to global warming and preventing deforestation would help decrease emissions as much as increasing fuel efficiency and reducing automobile usage does.

32 million acres of tropical rainforest were cut down each year between 2000 and 2009, and the pace of deforestation continues to accelerate. Forest clearing will put another 200 billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere in the coming decades, according to the Environmental Defense Fund, a leading green group.
Trucks on the worlds roads... Isn't that nice. What about cars, industry and power plants which dwarf truck emissions?

Again look at the C02 map...


Spin spin spin ......

Oil companies will face the same type of lawsuits that tobacco companies are facing today. Knowing the effects of using their product but denying and serving up misinformation in an attempt to save their industry.

Knowing the effects of using their product

Cheap, reliable energy that allows our modern economy to thrive.
Yeah, we need to eliminate those effects, quickly! Durr.
LOL, yeah, too bad it's also killing the planet.

You're a delusional crackpot. CO2 is beneficial to the planet. The ideal concentration of CO2 for plants is 2000 ppm, not 400 ppm.
Too bad humans don't like heat and humidity that are off the charts. Not to mention ocean acidification, rising sea level and superstorms. I'll bet most programmers hate you for making them look like idiots through association.

That's why they buy air conditioners. There isn't a shred of evidence that CO2 is causing the planet to warm or the oceans to acidify.
It's a pretty open-and-shut case with Exxon. Exxon's own documents show they knew global warming scence was good, and chose to deliberately lie about it, in order to increase their own profits. That's textbook racketeering, and is thus is covered by RICO.

However, financial motive is not required for racketeering. For example, if a denier think tank deliberately lied about the science, as they all do, in order to gain political power, that could also be considered to be racketeering.

Fortunately for deniers, rank stupidity is a valid defense, as racketeering does require intent. There has to be proof, as is present with the Exxon case, that the deniers knew they were lying about the science. And since most of the individual denier cultists here are just hysterical, stupid and thoroughly brainwashed, they're all off the hook.

Also, as individuals with no power, it's essentially impossible for single deniers to be guilty of racketeering. Acting like a crazy person on a message board may be immoral, but it will never be illegal.
Where's your link? Oh, that's right the GW crowd doesn't need to prove their whacko theories, all they need is jackbooted thugs in government to ram GW down our throats.
So you are playing fucking stupid and don't have a clue about deforestation in the southern hemisphere?

Ok stick with that if you wish.....
I have no idea where your image came from. Probably a cherry picked anomaly if you work by the same rules as most right wingers. If you go to the link I provided, you'll see that the highest concentrations are on the equator. So tell me genius, what big industrial co2 sources are there in equatorial Africa?

I already told you deforestation ...Damn you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you?

Nasa C02 sattilite 2014

Deforestation in equatorial Africa... A place that hasn't had any significant forests in a few thousand years. Yeah, let's go with that.

Godamn now you are becoming just fucking stupid.

Talk about someone who just drinks the AGW cult koolaid and never picked up a science , history book or even a Damn newspaper.

Deforestation in Africa's Congo Basin rainforest slows - BBC News

Sprawling across the heart of Africa, the Congo Basin rainforest is second only to the Amazon in size. It covers nearly 2 million sq km (800,000 sq miles).
Jeezus, you fucking inbreed retard, the Congo is in south-central Africa, not equatorial. What other subjects besides geography did you flunk?

The equator goes right through the middle of the Congo, dumbass:

How and where?????

Again with the new Nasa C02 satellite most the C02 is coming from the Southern hemisphere... Not from fossil fuel

View attachment 69892
Looks equatorial to me. Almost like atmospheric currents carried it from other places


So you are playing fucking stupid and don't have a clue about deforestation in the southern hemisphere?

Ok stick with that if you wish.....
I have no idea where your image came from. Probably a cherry picked anomaly if you work by the same rules as most right wingers. If you go to the link I provided, you'll see that the highest concentrations are on the equator. So tell me genius, what big industrial co2 sources are there in equatorial Africa?

So tell me genius, what big industrial co2 sources are there in equatorial Africa

Lmfao....this is going to crack me up for awhile, God Damn the AGW cult minions are dumb as hell....

Whatever it is, I'm sure America is at fault somehow.

So true hard to extort money from guys running around half naked living in mud huts.
Oil companies will face the same type of lawsuits that tobacco companies are facing today. Knowing the effects of using their product but denying and serving up misinformation in an attempt to save their industry.

If that day ever comes, it means this country has devolved into a Stalinist dictatorship.
A woman just won something like $24 billion from one of the tobacco companies. Go figure, underhanded shit has consequences.

the plaintiffs were the ones guilty of underhanded shit. Anyone who claims they didn't know cigarettes were bad for your health is a liar. There's no way anyone could be stupid enough to not know that.

If Exxon deserves to be prosecuted for AGW, then so does every dumbass liberal who puts gas in his car and turns on his computer so he can post idiocies about AGW on the internet.

You're a global warming criminal, dumbass.
How would those people have known that cigarettes were bad? Not from government funded research or anything like that. Nope, couldn't have been.
Oil companies will face the same type of lawsuits that tobacco companies are facing today. Knowing the effects of using their product but denying and serving up misinformation in an attempt to save their industry.

If that day ever comes, it means this country has devolved into a Stalinist dictatorship.
A woman just won something like $24 billion from one of the tobacco companies. Go figure, underhanded shit has consequences.

the plaintiffs were the ones guilty of underhanded shit. Anyone who claims they didn't know cigarettes were bad for your health is a liar. There's no way anyone could be stupid enough to not know that.

If Exxon deserves to be prosecuted for AGW, then so does every dumbass liberal who puts gas in his car and turns on his computer so he can post idiocies about AGW on the internet.

You're a global warming criminal, dumbass.
How would those people have known that cigarettes were bad? Not from government funded research or anything like that. Nope, couldn't have been.

They would know because everyone knew. They have been calling cigarettes "coffin nails" since the 19th Century. When the lawsuit was filed there had been warnings for about 20 years printed right on the pack that said "smoking is dangerous to your health."

Tell me how anyone who isn't suffering from brain damage could not know that cigarettes are dangerous to your health?
I have no idea where your image came from. Probably a cherry picked anomaly if you work by the same rules as most right wingers. If you go to the link I provided, you'll see that the highest concentrations are on the equator. So tell me genius, what big industrial co2 sources are there in equatorial Africa?

I already told you deforestation ...Damn you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you?

Nasa C02 sattilite 2014

Deforestation in equatorial Africa... A place that hasn't had any significant forests in a few thousand years. Yeah, let's go with that.

Godamn now you are becoming just fucking stupid.

Talk about someone who just drinks the AGW cult koolaid and never picked up a science , history book or even a Damn newspaper.

Deforestation in Africa's Congo Basin rainforest slows - BBC News

Sprawling across the heart of Africa, the Congo Basin rainforest is second only to the Amazon in size. It covers nearly 2 million sq km (800,000 sq miles).
Jeezus, you fucking inbreed retard, the Congo is in south-central Africa, not equatorial. What other subjects besides geography did you flunk?

The equator goes right through the middle of the Congo, dumbass:

Unfortunately, I have to concede the point. This time.
Oil companies will face the same type of lawsuits that tobacco companies are facing today. Knowing the effects of using their product but denying and serving up misinformation in an attempt to save their industry.

If that day ever comes, it means this country has devolved into a Stalinist dictatorship.
A woman just won something like $24 billion from one of the tobacco companies. Go figure, underhanded shit has consequences.

the plaintiffs were the ones guilty of underhanded shit. Anyone who claims they didn't know cigarettes were bad for your health is a liar. There's no way anyone could be stupid enough to not know that.

If Exxon deserves to be prosecuted for AGW, then so does every dumbass liberal who puts gas in his car and turns on his computer so he can post idiocies about AGW on the internet.

You're a global warming criminal, dumbass.
How would those people have known that cigarettes were bad? Not from government funded research or anything like that. Nope, couldn't have been.

You needed a government funded research to tell you smoking is bad?

Are you serious?????????????

I bet you needed a government funded research to tell you sticking your hand on fire would hurt you also.

Oil companies will face the same type of lawsuits that tobacco companies are facing today. Knowing the effects of using their product but denying and serving up misinformation in an attempt to save their industry.

If that day ever comes, it means this country has devolved into a Stalinist dictatorship.
A woman just won something like $24 billion from one of the tobacco companies. Go figure, underhanded shit has consequences.

the plaintiffs were the ones guilty of underhanded shit. Anyone who claims they didn't know cigarettes were bad for your health is a liar. There's no way anyone could be stupid enough to not know that.

If Exxon deserves to be prosecuted for AGW, then so does every dumbass liberal who puts gas in his car and turns on his computer so he can post idiocies about AGW on the internet.

You're a global warming criminal, dumbass.
How would those people have known that cigarettes were bad? Not from government funded research or anything like that. Nope, couldn't have been.

They would know because everyone knew. They have been calling cigarettes "coffin nails" since the 19th Century. When the lawsuit was filed there had been warnings for about 20 years printed right on the pack that said "smoking is dangerous to your health."

Tell me how anyone who isn't suffering from brain damage could not know that cigarettes are dangerous to your health?
I don't have a great deal of sympathy for people who ignore the 'obvious' but the tobacco companies fed the public a ton of misinformation about their product in the same way that the oil companies are doing now.
If that day ever comes, it means this country has devolved into a Stalinist dictatorship.
A woman just won something like $24 billion from one of the tobacco companies. Go figure, underhanded shit has consequences.

the plaintiffs were the ones guilty of underhanded shit. Anyone who claims they didn't know cigarettes were bad for your health is a liar. There's no way anyone could be stupid enough to not know that.

If Exxon deserves to be prosecuted for AGW, then so does every dumbass liberal who puts gas in his car and turns on his computer so he can post idiocies about AGW on the internet.

You're a global warming criminal, dumbass.
How would those people have known that cigarettes were bad? Not from government funded research or anything like that. Nope, couldn't have been.

They would know because everyone knew. They have been calling cigarettes "coffin nails" since the 19th Century. When the lawsuit was filed there had been warnings for about 20 years printed right on the pack that said "smoking is dangerous to your health."

Tell me how anyone who isn't suffering from brain damage could not know that cigarettes are dangerous to your health?
I don't have a great deal of sympathy for people who ignore the 'obvious' but the tobacco companies fed the public a ton of misinformation about their product in the same way that the oil companies are doing now.

The oil companies aren't feeding anyone misinformation, the AGW kooks are.
Oil companies will face the same type of lawsuits that tobacco companies are facing today. Knowing the effects of using their product but denying and serving up misinformation in an attempt to save their industry.

If that day ever comes, it means this country has devolved into a Stalinist dictatorship.
A woman just won something like $24 billion from one of the tobacco companies. Go figure, underhanded shit has consequences.

the plaintiffs were the ones guilty of underhanded shit. Anyone who claims they didn't know cigarettes were bad for your health is a liar. There's no way anyone could be stupid enough to not know that.

If Exxon deserves to be prosecuted for AGW, then so does every dumbass liberal who puts gas in his car and turns on his computer so he can post idiocies about AGW on the internet.

You're a global warming criminal, dumbass.
How would those people have known that cigarettes were bad? Not from government funded research or anything like that. Nope, couldn't have been.

You needed a government funded research to tell you smoking is bad?

Are you serious?????????????

I bet you needed a government funded research to tell you sticking your hand on fire would hurt you also.

My body has told me that cigarettes don't agree with me. Many people apparently don't feel that way or they wouldn't smoke.

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