Riddle me this how did the hated Trump get more popular votes then:

The Right needs to understand that regardless......
Either the left has the means to dominate every presidential election going forward......
They can steal them
Either way is bad news for the Right.

There is only one way the Right can reverse this.....and Thomas jefferson already told you about it
This is intriguing......

But I think we are ALL missing the Elephant in the room here.

If Biden gets into the WH, this will most certainly give China a HUGE boost.
In the grand scheme of things, I think we are witnessing a perfect storm in which things are aligning to propel China to a position of world dominance.

I think everything else is a sideshow......and the greatest impact on humanity is the rise of China and how this election and all that is happening is going to push China to a place that other nations may not be able to challenge or stop.
Obama the most beloved, glorious Messiah?

How about population growth. It steadily increases so you will have more votes than previous presidents. But in reality Biden has more vote than both Obama and Trump.
Still the number of voter significantly increased in 4 years.


How does Kanya get 66,000 votes? Stealing Trump votes
Look at your own chart only 9 million more voters from 2012 to 2016

The hated Trump got 73 million the beloved Obama got 69 million

Young people showed up this time.
Showed up where printing out ballots at home?

Something smells fishy and it's not coming from your crotch
Obama the most beloved, glorious Messiah?

How about population growth. It steadily increases so you will have more votes than previous presidents. But in reality Biden has more vote than both Obama and Trump.
Still the number of voter significantly increased in 4 years.


How does Kanya get 66,000 votes? Stealing Trump votes
Look at your own chart only 9 million more voters from 2012 to 2016

The hated Trump got 73 million the beloved Obama got 69 million

The chart is voter turn out for the election not a particular candidate. As voter turnout is just related to how many people decide to vote

Its not address who got the votes.

The number of voters is based on how large the population is and the population has grown each cycle. Well Biden got more votes than Obama and Trump

Obama the most beloved, glorious Messiah?

You're actually willing to go on the internets night after night repeating over and over how stupid you are?
So your the bright one and figure out how the hated Trump got more votes then the glorious leader Obama?

This one is simple. Higher voter turnout.

It continues to stupefy me that they're too dense to figure this out.

Should we tell them about how vote totals consistently go up with time because population goes up? Would it make their tiny little heads explode? Are they actually not aware that population increases with time?

Well at least they don't procreate.

Not sure how one brings oneself to this level of brain-dead. I don't get it.
Liberals have abortions on demand, us white supremacists don't, so please tell us how biden got more popular votes then Trump?

Trump was only slightly more popular than Herpes?
This is intriguing......

But I think we are ALL missing the Elephant in the room here.

If Biden gets into the WH, this will most certainly give China a HUGE boost.
In the grand scheme of things, I think we are witnessing a perfect storm in which things are aligning to propel China to a position of world dominance.

I think everything else is a sideshow......and the greatest impact on humanity is the rise of China and how this election and all that is happening is going to push China to a place that other nations may not be able to challenge or stop.

Ok. China is a huge threat. Because they are Socialist. They have the economy to afford a huge military. Because they are socialist. Hey. Look. A successful Socialist Nation!
So you're gonna kill your neighbors.....
I see

Reported. Malicious Slander. I said no such thing.

If that is left to stand, then that is indication it is ok at this forum to accuse anyone (including moderators and staff) that
they said they were going to kill someone.....whether true or not.

Thomas Jefferson said many things. You may not make statements like that based on your assumption.
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This is intriguing......

But I think we are ALL missing the Elephant in the room here.

If Biden gets into the WH, this will most certainly give China a HUGE boost.
In the grand scheme of things, I think we are witnessing a perfect storm in which things are aligning to propel China to a position of world dominance.

I think everything else is a sideshow......and the greatest impact on humanity is the rise of China and how this election and all that is happening is going to push China to a place that other nations may not be able to challenge or stop.

Ok. China is a huge threat. Because they are Socialist. They have the economy to afford a huge military. Because they are socialist. Hey. Look. A successful Socialist Nation!

No, they got rich because greedy America Liberals chose to do business there....robbing America of jobs for blacks and the needy here in America.

You must be so proud.

By the way.....China is Communist. Socialism on steroids.
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Aren't the Dems wanting to remove electoral votes and go with most popular? If so..then...Trump wins, right? :abgg2q.jpg:

Uhhhh nnnnnnno. He's over six million votes behind.

Braindead OP will note that the total votes counted, still not done, is already 20 million more than the total in 2016.
So 20 million more Americans then 2016??

Weird ..
That voted

More participation is a good thing.
But the lack of participation in the 2016 election was likely because both candidates were unpopular.
Which says something about our 2 party system?

The 55% turnout that year was roughly average for us, and yes I agree it's the effect of Duopoly. When the whole shebang is controlled by in effect a single party dressing up in alternate red and blue unis, that dominates elections and shuts out any intruders. And the WTA Electoral College keeps it that way. That's why none of us on this board regardless how old we are have ever seen a POTUS election that wasn't a choice between "Bad" and "Worse". When the syndicate runs a duopoly, neither side has a need to present a quality candidate -- all they need is to present one that's marginally above the other clown. And when the Electrical College creates these bogus concepts of "red states' and "blue states" most of us figure out that our vote is meaningless, conclude "what's the point" and don't bother.
This is intriguing......

But I think we are ALL missing the Elephant in the room here.

If Biden gets into the WH, this will most certainly give China a HUGE boost.
In the grand scheme of things, I think we are witnessing a perfect storm in which things are aligning to propel China to a position of world dominance.

I think everything else is a sideshow......and the greatest impact on humanity is the rise of China and how this election and all that is happening is going to push China to a place that other nations may not be able to challenge or stop.

Ok. China is a huge threat. Because they are Socialist. They have the economy to afford a huge military. Because they are socialist. Hey. Look. A successful Socialist Nation!

No, they got rich because greedy America Liberals chose to do business there....robbing America of jobs for blacks and the needy here in America.

You must be so proud.

By the way.....China is Communist. Socialism on steroids.

Communist is essentially absence of Government. No leaders, no followers. Everyone equal and votes on everything. Common ownership. Equal shares. So no. China is not Communist.

socialism is state control. The State owns everything, and through planned economy dictates everything. The Soviet Union. Or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was never Communist. Communism can’t work in a group larger than a few dozen.

And strictly speaking, China is not really socialist. Their economy is closer to capitalist free market, but not quite.

There were several things that led to China becoming an economic powerhouse. First was the American development of standardized shipping containers. The Sea Land containers were able to be preloaded at warehouses, and shipped intact.

Before the containers, it took a crew of Longshoremen all day to unload 40 tons. With the containers, it could be loaded in two minutes, max.

What this lower shipping cost meant was the advantage of domestic production was being lost, quickly. Before, American Made was cheaper. Because imported items were expensive, and the American Production was absent the huge shipping costs. When the huge shipping costs were no longer an issue, some protective tarriff’s were enacted to protect the American Jobs. These were destined to fail.

Let’s take cars. We were told that it cost too much for Americans to build the cars here. Yet, the Foreign Companies could set up American Subsidiaries, like Toyota, Nissan, or Volkswagen of America. Then they would build factories, and turn out cars, with American Labor, and mostly American sourced parts, and the cars sold.

But let’s talk about it honestly for a moment. The Gas Crunch of the 1970’s got Americans familiar with Foreign Cars. The small Toyota’s, and Datsun’s, and other makers. Small ugly econobox cars that ran twice or even three times as far on the gallon of gas. They cost less to buy, and cost less to operate. Suddenly the big American Car’s with their gas guzzling V-8’s were not making nearly as much sense. But the biggest killer was the greed of the American Corporations. The cars were designed to start falling apart, the American Cars, after a certain time. This worked to get people to trade in, and get a new car every few years.

The Japanese and other Foreign Cars were designed to last. They were small, ugly, and boring. But they got you from point A to point B reliably for a very long time. My first car, in the mid 1980s was a 1974 Toyota Corolla with more than a hundred thousand on the odometer. The car was ten years old, and ran fine. It had a Manual Transmission, and the car just went where you wanted it to, perhaps a little crowded with four inside, but it went.

The 1980’s saw these cars improve on styling, they were no longer quite so ugly. And the Pick Up Trucks began to take off. The “Mini Trucks”. Cheaper than the big Ford and Chevy’s. And with Four Wheel Drive, able to go about anywhere, again with great reliability, and very cheaply.

Now, think about this. You could buy a Pick Up Truck made in Japan, loaded on a ship, sent across six thousand miles of ocean over a month, unloaded at a dock, with all the fees and costs associated, cheaper than a Ford, Chevy, Dodge, or Jeep.

Foreign Companies built plants here, and turned profits while American Companies struggled.

My Toyota Van was built in Indiana with more than 85% of the parts and materials American Sourced. It cost less than an American Brand with even more Foreign Parts. A Toyota Truck built in Texas is about the same ratio of American Parts. Kia is building SUV’s here in Georgia with a majority of American Sourced Parts, not too far from where Ford shut down a plant that had been making the Taurus. Not Profitable for Ford, but somehow Profitable for Kia?

Capitalism is all about competition. And here is where protectionist policies hurt the people. The Market is supposed to decide who has the best product. Right now, that is the Ford F-150 Pick up. One is sold about every thirty seconds. Far more than the Toyota’s. Why? Why is the F-150 doing so well? Cost, style, and all the other things that buyers are looking for. Protectionist Policies, like restricted trade, is saying that your companies can not compete on the open market against anyone else.

Britain did not learn what Ford did. When they opened their markets about the same time we did, they did not adapt to the new reality. They continued down the same path, which is why British Cars are British in name only. The Bentley is a Volkswagen. The Jaguar is a Tata. The Mini is a BMW. Classic British cars in Name only. These brands did not up their game to compete, and they died out.

China learned during this period. They created a market demand for their products. Not Commie Stuff. But very inexpensive. Americans could do that too, but they aren’t. We’re too busy figuring out the next Stealth whatever.

We are being beaten, not because of sell out. We are being beaten because we are too busy roaring how great we are to take an honest look at the world, and our place. We’re awesome. We have Carriers. Yeah Bitches. Check us out. In the mean time the Carrier doesn’t work without components built in China.

Which by the way is how Japan ended up feeling threatened into World War II, their economy depended on American materials. Steel, Oil, and the rest.

Countries that have the protectionist policies you are claiming we should have had, are never the free ones. East Germany had such protectionist policies in place didn’t they? What kind of cars did they have? So did Russia, and their cars were similarly crap.

Blaming China for building stuff cheaper is stupid. Blaming Americans for buying similar quality for a lot less money is even dumber. Blaming American Corporations for adapting to survive is idiotic. If you want to blame someone, blame those same American Companies trying to survive, for not adapting decades ago.

China is passing us because they are willing to take on the impossible challenges. We did that before. The Moon race for one example. But a Dam like Three Gorges? We would never. The Tibetan Railroad? Virtually Impossible. China did it, we would not even try. It would be too expensive, too hard, and require too much money. How about the artificial island to build a new mega container port? We wouldn’t even consider it.

Pick one, say the Container Port. We want to build one like China has, and we have a Spot all picked out. Right off the coast of California. Republicans would argue that the Democrats in California were pumping the budget full of Pork Projects. The Island would never even get past the study part of the process.

And this is the last reason why China is kicked our asses. They are one nation. China. They are one people. Chinese. We are by comparison petty, argumentative, and determined to insure our own people fail, because of their political party affiliation.

Nancy Pelosi would not vote to find a Giant Dam in Republican Tennessee. No Republican would vote to build it in a Democratic Area.

You and your blaming of the other party for the situation, is exactly what I am talking about. It must be them. It must be they who are screwing us. It can’t be the guy in the mirror and his or her idiotic partisan bickering bullshit. What a change from when we went to the Moon. It wasn’t Democrats, or Republicans. It was Americans. Now, if you are an American, it depends not on where you live, or where you were born. It depends entirely on the letter identifying the political membership of the person as to if it is a good idea or bad one.
Aren't the Dems wanting to remove electoral votes and go with most popular? If so..then...Trump wins, right? :abgg2q.jpg:

Uhhhh nnnnnnno. He's over six million votes behind.

Braindead OP will note that the total votes counted, still not done, is already 20 million more than the total in 2016.
So 20 million more Americans then 2016??

Weird ..
That voted

More participation is a good thing.
But the lack of participation in the 2016 election was likely because both candidates were unpopular.
Which says something about our 2 party system?

The 55% turnout that year was roughly average for us, and yes I agree it's the effect of Duopoly. When the whole shebang is controlled by in effect a single party dressing up in alternate red and blue unis, that dominates elections and shuts out any intruders. And the WTA Electoral College keeps it that way. That's why none of us on this board regardless how old we are have ever seen a POTUS election that wasn't a choice between "Bad" and "Worse". When the syndicate runs a duopoly, neither side has a need to present a quality candidate -- all they need is to present one that's marginally above the other clown. And when the Electrical College creates these bogus concepts of "red states' and "blue states" most of us figure out that our vote is meaningless, conclude "what's the point" and don't bother.
Turnout this year was around 70%
Aren't the Dems wanting to remove electoral votes and go with most popular? If so..then...Trump wins, right? :abgg2q.jpg:

Uhhhh nnnnnnno. He's over six million votes behind.

Braindead OP will note that the total votes counted, still not done, is already 20 million more than the total in 2016.
So 20 million more Americans then 2016??

Weird ..
That voted

More participation is a good thing.
But the lack of participation in the 2016 election was likely because both candidates were unpopular.
Which says something about our 2 party system?

The 55% turnout that year was roughly average for us, and yes I agree it's the effect of Duopoly. When the whole shebang is controlled by in effect a single party dressing up in alternate red and blue unis, that dominates elections and shuts out any intruders. And the WTA Electoral College keeps it that way. That's why none of us on this board regardless how old we are have ever seen a POTUS election that wasn't a choice between "Bad" and "Worse". When the syndicate runs a duopoly, neither side has a need to present a quality candidate -- all they need is to present one that's marginally above the other clown. And when the Electrical College creates these bogus concepts of "red states' and "blue states" most of us figure out that our vote is meaningless, conclude "what's the point" and don't bother.
Turnout this year was around 70%

Highest voter participation since the 19th century..
The one positive Rump accomplishment even if it was reverse psychology.
This is intriguing......

But I think we are ALL missing the Elephant in the room here.

If Biden gets into the WH, this will most certainly give China a HUGE boost.
In the grand scheme of things, I think we are witnessing a perfect storm in which things are aligning to propel China to a position of world dominance.

I think everything else is a sideshow......and the greatest impact on humanity is the rise of China and how this election and all that is happening is going to push China to a place that other nations may not be able to challenge or stop.

Ok. China is a huge threat. Because they are Socialist. They have the economy to afford a huge military. Because they are socialist. Hey. Look. A successful Socialist Nation!

No, they got rich because greedy America Liberals chose to do business there....robbing America of jobs for blacks and the needy here in America.

You must be so proud.

By the way.....China is Communist. Socialism on steroids.

Communist is essentially absence of Government. No leaders, no followers. Everyone equal and votes on everything. Common ownership. Equal shares. So no. China is not Communist.

socialism is state control. The State owns everything, and through planned economy dictates everything. The Soviet Union. Or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was never Communist. Communism can’t work in a group larger than a few dozen.

And strictly speaking, China is not really socialist. Their economy is closer to capitalist free market, but not quite.

There were several things that led to China becoming an economic powerhouse. First was the American development of standardized shipping containers. The Sea Land containers were able to be preloaded at warehouses, and shipped intact.

Before the containers, it took a crew of Longshoremen all day to unload 40 tons. With the containers, it could be loaded in two minutes, max.

What this lower shipping cost meant was the advantage of domestic production was being lost, quickly. Before, American Made was cheaper. Because imported items were expensive, and the American Production was absent the huge shipping costs. When the huge shipping costs were no longer an issue, some protective tarriff’s were enacted to protect the American Jobs. These were destined to fail.

Let’s take cars. We were told that it cost too much for Americans to build the cars here. Yet, the Foreign Companies could set up American Subsidiaries, like Toyota, Nissan, or Volkswagen of America. Then they would build factories, and turn out cars, with American Labor, and mostly American sourced parts, and the cars sold.

But let’s talk about it honestly for a moment. The Gas Crunch of the 1970’s got Americans familiar with Foreign Cars. The small Toyota’s, and Datsun’s, and other makers. Small ugly econobox cars that ran twice or even three times as far on the gallon of gas. They cost less to buy, and cost less to operate. Suddenly the big American Car’s with their gas guzzling V-8’s were not making nearly as much sense. But the biggest killer was the greed of the American Corporations. The cars were designed to start falling apart, the American Cars, after a certain time. This worked to get people to trade in, and get a new car every few years.

The Japanese and other Foreign Cars were designed to last. They were small, ugly, and boring. But they got you from point A to point B reliably for a very long time. My first car, in the mid 1980s was a 1974 Toyota Corolla with more than a hundred thousand on the odometer. The car was ten years old, and ran fine. It had a Manual Transmission, and the car just went where you wanted it to, perhaps a little crowded with four inside, but it went.

The 1980’s saw these cars improve on styling, they were no longer quite so ugly. And the Pick Up Trucks began to take off. The “Mini Trucks”. Cheaper than the big Ford and Chevy’s. And with Four Wheel Drive, able to go about anywhere, again with great reliability, and very cheaply.

Now, think about this. You could buy a Pick Up Truck made in Japan, loaded on a ship, sent across six thousand miles of ocean over a month, unloaded at a dock, with all the fees and costs associated, cheaper than a Ford, Chevy, Dodge, or Jeep.

Foreign Companies built plants here, and turned profits while American Companies struggled.

My Toyota Van was built in Indiana with more than 85% of the parts and materials American Sourced. It cost less than an American Brand with even more Foreign Parts. A Toyota Truck built in Texas is about the same ratio of American Parts. Kia is building SUV’s here in Georgia with a majority of American Sourced Parts, not too far from where Ford shut down a plant that had been making the Taurus. Not Profitable for Ford, but somehow Profitable for Kia?

Capitalism is all about competition. And here is where protectionist policies hurt the people. The Market is supposed to decide who has the best product. Right now, that is the Ford F-150 Pick up. One is sold about every thirty seconds. Far more than the Toyota’s. Why? Why is the F-150 doing so well? Cost, style, and all the other things that buyers are looking for. Protectionist Policies, like restricted trade, is saying that your companies can not compete on the open market against anyone else.

Britain did not learn what Ford did. When they opened their markets about the same time we did, they did not adapt to the new reality. They continued down the same path, which is why British Cars are British in name only. The Bentley is a Volkswagen. The Jaguar is a Tata. The Mini is a BMW. Classic British cars in Name only. These brands did not up their game to compete, and they died out.

China learned during this period. They created a market demand for their products. Not Commie Stuff. But very inexpensive. Americans could do that too, but they aren’t. We’re too busy figuring out the next Stealth whatever.

We are being beaten, not because of sell out. We are being beaten because we are too busy roaring how great we are to take an honest look at the world, and our place. We’re awesome. We have Carriers. Yeah Bitches. Check us out. In the mean time the Carrier doesn’t work without components built in China.

Which by the way is how Japan ended up feeling threatened into World War II, their economy depended on American materials. Steel, Oil, and the rest.

Countries that have the protectionist policies you are claiming we should have had, are never the free ones. East Germany had such protectionist policies in place didn’t they? What kind of cars did they have? So did Russia, and their cars were similarly crap.

Blaming China for building stuff cheaper is stupid. Blaming Americans for buying similar quality for a lot less money is even dumber. Blaming American Corporations for adapting to survive is idiotic. If you want to blame someone, blame those same American Companies trying to survive, for not adapting decades ago.

China is passing us because they are willing to take on the impossible challenges. We did that before. The Moon race for one example. But a Dam like Three Gorges? We would never. The Tibetan Railroad? Virtually Impossible. China did it, we would not even try. It would be too expensive, too hard, and require too much money. How about the artificial island to build a new mega container port? We wouldn’t even consider it.

Pick one, say the Container Port. We want to build one like China has, and we have a Spot all picked out. Right off the coast of California. Republicans would argue that the Democrats in California were pumping the budget full of Pork Projects. The Island would never even get past the study part of the process.

And this is the last reason why China is kicked our asses. They are one nation. China. They are one people. Chinese. We are by comparison petty, argumentative, and determined to insure our own people fail, because of their political party affiliation.

Nancy Pelosi would not vote to find a Giant Dam in Republican Tennessee. No Republican would vote to build it in a Democratic Area.

You and your blaming of the other party for the situation, is exactly what I am talking about. It must be them. It must be they who are screwing us. It can’t be the guy in the mirror and his or her idiotic partisan bickering bullshit. What a change from when we went to the Moon. It wasn’t Democrats, or Republicans. It was Americans. Now, if you are an American, it depends not on where you live, or where you were born. It depends entirely on the letter identifying the political membership of the person as to if it is a good idea or bad one.

Actually absence of government is called "anarchy", not "communism". Communism is a system of wealth management, not a government.

As regards cars, those of us who took driving seriously did not need a "gas crunch" to know where the quality and efficiency was -- in Europe and Japan. My first car as a teenager was this:


--- hardly what could be called "ugly" -- although I was never crazy about the red.

Points about Detroit's planned obsolescence are well taken and it was known then too. That's why we avoided them except as a last resort.

And yet --- when the suits in the corporate office loosen their reins and let their people put pride into their product with some autonomy, the results are night and day. I had a 1993 Saturn that already had 200,000 miles on it when I bought it, which I took to be a track record. I proceeded to put another 200k+ on the same car driving it all over North America getting 40 mpg and better. It drove away with a new owner when I sold it and may still be on the road. But then the numbercrunchers came in and fucked the company over, because we can't have quality going on out there in Spring Hill Tennessee. That's not what General Motors is about.

As far as "in captialist competition the market decides who has the best product", that's a crock. Quality doesn't sell products --- marketing does. In other words it's all about psychology. It's not "what buyers want" so much as "what buyers are TOLD they want".

Oh by the way I have a MINI and it's not a BMW. BMW owns it but it's still British. With a German transmission and a Brazilian engine.
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This is intriguing......

But I think we are ALL missing the Elephant in the room here.

If Biden gets into the WH, this will most certainly give China a HUGE boost.
In the grand scheme of things, I think we are witnessing a perfect storm in which things are aligning to propel China to a position of world dominance.

I think everything else is a sideshow......and the greatest impact on humanity is the rise of China and how this election and all that is happening is going to push China to a place that other nations may not be able to challenge or stop.
Take a deep breath.

Obama the most beloved, glorious Messiah?

There are more people here now, and more voters. The record that Biden shattered with nearly 80,000,000 votes was set 12 years ago.

In 2008 there were 304 million Americans. In 2020, there are an estimate 331 million.

Why with an increase of 27 million Americans....why was Trump only able to beat Obama's record by less than 4 million?
Last edited:
Obama the most beloved, glorious Messiah?

There are more people here now, and more voters. The record that Biden shattered with nearly 80,000,000 votes was set 12 years ago.

In 2008 there were 304 million Americans. In 2020, there are an estimate 331 million.

Why with an increase of 27 million Americans....was Trump only able to beat Obama's record by less than 4 million?
How is that possible if liberals kill their young @ 500,000 a year?
Obama the most beloved, glorious Messiah?

There are more people here now, and more voters. The record that Biden shattered with nearly 80,000,000 votes was set 12 years ago.

In 2008 there were 304 million Americans. In 2020, there are an estimate 331 million.

Why with an increase of 27 million Americans....was Trump only able to beat Obama's record by less than 4 million?
I'm guessing, less Red Necks born?

Just a guess...

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