Riddle me this how did the hated Trump get more popular votes then:

Obama the most beloved, glorious Messiah?

They cheated. Everyone cheats the president says it is so. Plus there are more people today in the US that actually voted compared to previous periods.
Let's think logical us white supremacists reproduce, liberals have abortions, blacks are in jail, gays can't reproduce..

So how does the hated Trump get more votes then Obama?

When the children of white supremacists grow up, they utterly reject your loser philosphy. It's why you hate to see your kids go to school. You b
Obama the most beloved, glorious Messiah?

You're actually willing to go on the internets night after night repeating over and over how stupid you are?
So your the bright one and figure out how the hated Trump got more votes then the glorious leader Obama?

This one is simple. Higher voter turnout.

It continues to stupefy me that they're too dense to figure this out.

Should we tell them about how vote totals consistently go up with time because population goes up? Would it make their tiny little heads explode? Are they actually not aware that population increases with time?

Well at least they don't procreate.

Not sure how one brings oneself to this level of brain-dead. I don't get it.

Republicans keep trying to sell themselves to "rural" America and pit the "rural voters" against the "urban" voters. The problem for Republicans is that the "rural" population is declining, and as the population of the states increases, it's increasing in the towns and cities, not the rural population. So increasingly, as the urban population rises in cities and towns, the states are turning blue.

When the Founders wrote the Constitution, the country was an agrarian nation. The Constitution gave more rights to the states, because their climate, growing seasons, and the needs of their citizens were entirely different. In a nation where most people are born, grow up, living and die within a 50 mile radius, there was little need for "national stategies".

Things are much different today, and national approaches to some issues are necessary to ensure the "general welfare". A national pandemic is one of those issues.
A) US Population increased

B) Trump pardoned enough nonviolent drug convicts that his popularity grew among certain demographics

C) Newly naturalized slavic immigrants

A) the population did not increase by much in just 4 years. And Infants can't vote.
B) Trump only pardoned 5 drug offenders, and few drug offenders are under federal jurisdiction.
C) Most immigrants are not allowed to vote, and it takes over 5 years to become naturalized.
Aren't the Dems wanting to remove electoral votes and go with most popular? If so..then...Trump wins, right? :abgg2q.jpg:

Uhhhh nnnnnnno. He's over six million votes behind.

Braindead OP will note that the total votes counted, still not done, is already 20 million more than the total in 2016.
So 20 million more Americans then 2016??

Weird ..
That voted

More participation is a good thing.
But the lack of participation in the 2016 election was likely because both candidates were unpopular.
Which says something about our 2 party system?
With all due respect to the OP, the answer to this question is quite simple:



Of course it seems to me a difference of over 20 million new voters is the simple answer to the OPs “riddle”.
It's not possible that Trump has turned off enough people that they got out and voted against him?

No, its not you dope. He received more votes than any sitting president. That includes Reagan and Obama
And millions less than Biden...so...yea...he lost...bigly
I'm pretty sure that's just fake news.

That's how that universe works.

You're pretty sure Trump is a great President too, which shows just how off-kilter and bad your judgement truly is.
He received more votes than any sitting president. That includes Reagan and Obama
I'm struggling to find out why this matters.

He got more votes than Pat Paulsen too. So?

It matters because it shows Biden does not have a mandate to do whatever he wants.
He is supposed to represent all people.

Unlike the current President, Biden will represent all of the people, and do what is right for THEM, instead of weighing what's best for his re-election chances, as Trump has done consistently.

Even now, as the corona virus rages out of control, Trump is looking to do as much damage on his way out the door as he possibly can. Who cares what it does to the American people, or the economy. As long as Trump can stick it to the Democrats, that's really all you fools elected him to do anyway.
It's not possible that Trump has turned off enough people that they got out and voted against him?

No, its not you dope. He received more votes than any sitting president. That includes Reagan and Obama
And millions less than Biden...so...yea...he lost...bigly
I'm pretty sure that's just fake news.

That's how that universe works.

You're pretty sure Trump is a great President too, which shows just how off-kilter and bad your judgement truly is.
Um, quite the opposite.
It's not possible that Trump has turned off enough people that they got out and voted against him?

No, its not you dope. He received more votes than any sitting president. That includes Reagan and Obama
And millions less than Biden...so...yea...he lost...bigly
I'm pretty sure that's just fake news.

That's how that universe works.

You're pretty sure Trump is a great President too, which shows just how off-kilter and bad your judgement truly is.
Um, quite the opposite.

You voted for the worst President in American history - twice. You voted for a proven conman who lied to you more than 25,000 times, and you believed every single lie.

You voted for a man whose failure to address the pandemic resulted in more than a quarter of a million Americans dying, and the who oversaw the worst economic crash since the Great Depression.

That none of the other first world, high tech countries suffered anywhere near the levels of death, disease or economic displacement that is currently going on in the USA, is a testament to the catastrophic failures of the Trump Presidency.

And we haven't begun to discuss his failures in trade, immigration or race relations.

The mere fact that I have to explain this to you shows what a gullible fool you really are. Because you still believe in the conman who destroyed your country.
It's not possible that Trump has turned off enough people that they got out and voted against him?

No, its not you dope. He received more votes than any sitting president. That includes Reagan and Obama
And millions less than Biden...so...yea...he lost...bigly
I'm pretty sure that's just fake news.

That's how that universe works.

You're pretty sure Trump is a great President too, which shows just how off-kilter and bad your judgement truly is.
Um, quite the opposite.

You voted for the worst President in American history - twice. You voted for a proven conman who lied to you more than 25,000 times, and you believed every single lie.

You voted for a man whose failure to address the pandemic resulted in more than a quarter of a million Americans dying, and the who oversaw the worst economic crash since the Great Depression.

That none of the other first world, high tech countries suffered anywhere near the levels of death, disease or economic displacement that is currently going on in the USA, is a testament to the catastrophic failures of the Trump Presidency.

And we haven't begun to discuss his failures in trade, immigration or race relations.

The mere fact that I have to explain this to you shows what a gullible fool you really are. Because you still believe in the conman who destroyed your country.
I voted for Hillary and Biden. I think Trump is a dangerous, embarrassing buffoon. I think you misunderstood my post.
From the link..

Get unlimited access to Newsweek
Donald Trump's 73.6 Million Popular Votes Is Over 7 Million More Than Any Sitting President in History
President Donald Trump has so far received 73.6 million popular votes in the 2020 election, surpassing the previous record set by President Barack Obama by more than 7 million, giving him the most votes of any sitting president in U.S. history.

As of Thursday morning, Trump has received a total of 73,559,030 votes and counting, according to The New York Times.
That number has set the record for the most votes ever received by a sitting president, surpassing Obama's 65,915,795 popular votes in his 2012 incumbent victory against Republican challenger Mitt Romney.

Unfortunately for Trump, Biden is closing in on 80 Million votes. In fact, he needs fewer than 175,000 additional votes to top 80 Million.

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