Riddle me this how did the hated Trump get more popular votes then:

Remember it took Georgia 6 days to handcount their votes.
You can't statistically hand count votes and call it Fair
Georgia sat two people to a table, to verify each ballot. Multiplied by hundreds of tables, over 6 days of counting.

They verified that there was no tabulation error in Bidens victory. Since they counted by hand, there they also proved dominion software didn't change the tabulation.

It's statistically impossible to do it by hand, human error always comes into play..

Dr. W. Edwards Deming

Born on October 14, 1900, Dr. W. Edwards Deming was an eminent scholar and teacher in American academia for more than half a century. He published hundreds of original papers, articles and books covering a wide range of interrelated subjects—from statistical variance, to systems and systems thinking, to human psychology. He was a consultant to business leaders, major corporations, and governments around the world. His efforts lead to the transformation of management that has profoundly impacted manufacturing and service organizations around the world.

Considered by many to be the master of continual improvement of quality, as well as their overall operation, Deming is best known for his pioneering work in Japan. Beginning in the summer of 1950, he taught top managers and engineers the methods for improving how they worked and learned together. His focus was both internally, between departments, and externally, with their suppliers and customers. As a trusted consultant, Deming significantly contributed to the dramatic turnaround of post-war Japanese industry, and their rise to a world economic power. Dr. Deming’s role as the architect of Japan’s post-World War II industrial transformation is regarded by many Western business schools and economists as one of the most significant achievements of the 20th century (LA Times, 10/25/99.) He is often called the “father of the third wave of the industrial revolution.”
Obama also left office with lower unemployment than Trump.
Smaller deficits than Trump
And a much higher job approval than Trump.
How did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling, anti business president obama do it?

Please be specific....
It's like asking a magician how he made the rabbit disappear. That's not the point.
He's judged on what he did, not how he did it.

It's called x bar R charts , histograms..

If you got out in the work place you would know it by now.
Georgia sat two people to a table, to verify each ballot. Multiplied by hundreds of tables, over 6 days of counting.

They verified that there was no tabulation error in Bidens victory. Since they counted by hand, there they also proved dominion software didn't change the tabulation.

It's statistically impossible to do it by hand, human error always comes into play..
That's why they use the 2 person method. If the statistical error of one person is 1 in a thousand. The statistical error of two people is 1 in a million.

That's 99.9999% statistically correct.
I believe Trump gathered all those votes because first of all many more states made mail-in voting an option which increased voter participation. Secondly, Trump playing the election fraud card was great for getting out the voters from both sides.
Georgia sat two people to a table, to verify each ballot. Multiplied by hundreds of tables, over 6 days of counting.

They verified that there was no tabulation error in Bidens victory. Since they counted by hand, there they also proved dominion software didn't change the tabulation.

It's statistically impossible to do it by hand, human error always comes into play..
That's why they use the 2 person method. If the statistical error of one person is 1 in a thousand. The statistical error of two people is 1 in a million.

That's 99.9999% statistically correct.

Again you don't know squat about statistically quality control, do you really fucking think we use humans to check your damn ketchup bottle caps, to make sure millions of them are the same?
You don't know shit about human error, I do

I know everything to ask about r bar and x charts/histograms been doing it for over 50 years.
I’m being punked right? Every right wing nut on here is a parody of a right wing nut. No way this many people are this dumb.
I’m being punked right? Every right wing nut on here is a parody of a right wing nut. No way this many people are this dumb.

You're awake, so try me..
Bar chart this... a smaller percent of a larger number can be a bigger number. So Trump is even less popular with more votes. Hmm. Seems easy. Why is this thread longer than a one post answer?
I’m being punked right? Every right wing nut on here is a parody of a right wing nut. No way this many people are this dumb.

You're awake, so try me..
Bar chart this... a smaller percent of a larger number can be a bigger number. So Trump is even less popular with more votes. Hmm. Seems easy. Why is this thread longer than a one post answer?

A human can not give you, your diapers your children wear always the same, it's statistics ..
Obama the most beloved, glorious Messiah?

You're actually willing to go on the internets night after night repeating over and over how stupid you are?
So your the bright one and figure out how the hated Trump got more votes then the glorious leader Obama?

This one is simple. Higher voter turnout.

It continues to stupefy me that they're too dense to figure this out.

Should we tell them about how vote totals consistently go up with time because population goes up? Would it make their tiny little heads explode? Are they actually not aware that population increases with time?

Well at least they don't procreate.

Not sure how one brings oneself to this level of brain-dead. I don't get it.
Pogo! What the fuck dude! I'm diggin the avatar! Oh, by the way, brain-dead is replete in the Orange Universe.
Aren't the Dems wanting to remove electoral votes and go with most popular? If so..then...Trump wins, right? :abgg2q.jpg:
You can't be serious? DJT actively solicited to have electoral votes recast. What universe do you delude in? Oh, never mind...

Aren't the Dems wanting to remove electoral votes and go with most popular? If so..then...Trump wins, right? :abgg2q.jpg:

He's still close to 6 million votes behind in the popular vote too:

It ain't over yet.
This is intriguing......

But I think we are ALL missing the Elephant in the room here.

If Biden gets into the WH, this will most certainly give China a HUGE boost.
In the grand scheme of things, I think we are witnessing a perfect storm in which things are aligning to propel China to a position of world dominance.

I think everything else is a sideshow......and the greatest impact on humanity is the rise of China and how this election and all that is happening is going to push China to a place that other nations may not be able to challenge or stop.
You're late to the show. There is no grand scheme. The US brought China into the world economy decades ago.

Obama the most beloved, glorious Messiah?

"Obama the most beloved, glorious President of the United States."
That has a much better ring to it. Plus, it is true. Snowflake.
Obama the most beloved, glorious Messiah?
Because voter turnout was significantly higher. Obviously. Was this a trick question?

And now popular vote matters to you guys? I thought Electoral Votes were all that mattered. Of course, unlike Trump, Biden won both with room to spare.

You guys are flailing, you're leaking hair dye, and it's not pretty. The people have spoken. Again. We have corrected our terrible mistake.
Obama the most beloved, glorious Messiah?
Because voter turnout was significantly higher. Obviously. Was this a trick question?

And now popular vote matters to you guys? I thought Electoral Votes were all that mattered. Of course, unlike Trump, Biden won both with room to spare.

You guys are flailing, you're leaking hair dye, and it's not pretty. The people have spoken. Again. We have corrected our terrible mistake.
LMAO! "you're leaking hair dye" I gotta remember that one.

Macky in the House, Beotchez!

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