...riffing off of another thread....James' seizing property....

The cost to the NY tax payer for all of this must be in the millions of dollars already... all to be tossed out on appeal....
Not to mention all the businesses that are moving because of her. You would be an idiot to do any business in New York, when the DA can set the fines on exactly how much money you're worth.
OK, thank you, poster Rambunctious.
That is the first here who is advocating that the State actually seize the real-estate properties.
The poster makes no mention of the $400+ million in cash.

Any other thoughts by any other posters?
Eighth Amendment
No. Their are no penalties. (From the same link).

Where, as here, there is a claim based on fraudulent activity,
disgorgement may be available as an equitable remedy,
notwithstanding the absence of loss to individuals or independent
claims for restitution. Disgorgement is distinct from the remedy of
restitution because it focuses on the gain to the wrongdoer as
opposed to the loss to the victim. Thus, disgorgement aims to deter
wrongdoing by preventing the wrongdoer from retaining ill-gotten
gains from fraudulent conduct. Accordingly , the remedy of
disgorgement does not require a showing or allegation of direct.losses to consumers or the public; the source ofthe ill- gotten gains
is immaterial.

Trump is simply paying back what his fraudulent activities garnered him...plus appropriate interest.

How much of the fraudulently obtained money do you think Trump should get to keep.

I don't know how many others have been convicted of fraud but here are some...

No victim. Period. No money was fraudulently obtained, as the banks did their due diligence and filled out the paperwork with THEIR numbers. As they testified to. This will get completely tossed on appeal and James will look dumber than usual.
In a nearby thread (revived from years ago)...the thread 'Why Trump Should Not Be President', there is post #13 that offers a headline suggesting that Trump won't pay on Monday, March 25th the money he owes for pursuing an appeal of the $450,000,000+ judgement against his corporation, himself, and his two sons.

The headline suggests that instead of paying he'll simply let the State of New York seize Trump Tower.

Personally, I'm not so sure that is the way it would play out.
But, if he refuses to pony up the bond money, what then?

[This could be a useful thread to inform us all on how the machinations of big money, big court judgements, can possibly play out. It'll be a high-stakes chess game, IMO. Most especially, if no financial-angel drops in to fund the surety bond(s). And USMB may have informed contributors here who are familiar with such judgments and are willing to share their insights?]

I welcome other's opinions on how this can play out this upcoming week.

Here is what I could possibly envision:

  1. Trump refuses to pay on Monday. In short, challenging the State to back up the threat to seize assets.

  2. So, the State begins to seize. But they don't go after iconic 'Trump Tower'...with the public-'splashiness' that would entail. Nor do they go after all assets.
  3. Instead they go after less well-known properties. But those that are known to be profitable. The more profitable the more likely to be seized. Of course, the details and messiness of managing any real-estate property will be part of the calculus too. After all, who wants to immerse themselves in the weeds of 'Tee-Times' and golf-cart maintenance?

  4. So then, the State could most likely go after this 'stated' $400,000,000+ in cash (or cash equivalents) that Don Trump revealed he had in a deposition to the State in 2023. THOSE funds would be relatively easily secured.....just order the bank to lock the accounts, and turn the cash over to the State Treasurer or Court, whichever is applicable. Minimum 'hands-on management' of that cash would be required. Most certainly a lot less than seizing an office building with it's tenants, tax-generation burden, and maintenance.

So, get the cash first. And if that is not enough.....go for the most profitable/easily managed pieces.

Anyway, if I was sitting in the decision-maker's seat......I'd look first at those avenues.

Yes. Seems like the smart, less cumbersome way to go about it.
I think cash first and then any asset likely to flip pretty easily. Golf clubs, jets, yacht…
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His considerations were more about money than they were about race. When it comes to real estate,In the U.S. Demographics unfortunately = cash flow and viability.

tell you what. if you had 3 million to invest and were going to buy a CVS rental property and your choices came down to one in baltimore where the WHite poulation was 5 %... or a location in Florida where the white population was 95%.... which one would you choose from simply an economic perspective? leave feelings out of it. You have only one shot and thats your whole life savings.. DO you pay attention to the demographics? or do you toss it aside? honest answer.

The only thing P01135809 cares about is money. My comment was on irony of racist shit head who just lost a huge chunk of money because Black Woman won a case against him. It was P01135809's policy never to rent to African-Americans, and it was an African-Woman who kicked his white racist ass in court.
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No victim. Period. No money was fraudulently obtained, as the banks did their due diligence and filled out the paperwork with THEIR numbers. As they testified to. This will get completely tossed on appeal and James will look dumber than usual.
Not going to happen.

Yeah , because you can’t answer the question. It actually has nothing to do with racism , but everything about , you are not going to invest your money in a building that the corporation might close down in five years.

So like a little kid , you put your fingers in your ears
Yes it was.

Yes. It was fraud. I have never sold a house but the above scenario is not what happened.

I have never done this either; have you?

Donald Trump’s Triplex Apartment at Trump Tower, New York, NY
Valuations of this property were calculated using objectively false numbers. For
example, the apartment was valued as being 30,000 square feet when it was actually
10,996 square feet. As a result, in 2015, the apartment was valued at $327 million in
total, or $29,738 per square foot. That price was absurd given the fact that at that point
only one apartment in New York City had ever sold for even $100 million, at a price per
square foot of less than $10,000, and that sale was in a newly built, ultra-tall tower. In
the 30 year-old Trump Tower, the record sale at that time was a mere $16.5 million at a
price of less than $4,500 per square foot.

Make a thread about Biden if you want.

This thread is about Trump.
Yeah , because you can’t answer the question. It actually has nothing to do with racism , but everything about , you are not going to invest your money in a building that the corporation might close down in five years.

So like a little kid , you put your fingers in your ears

It is NOT my fault that you do not like my answer. I do not have to conform to some stylized answer just for you. I answer the way I want, not the way you want. Live with it or not I dont give a shit.
Yeah , because you can’t answer the question. It actually has nothing to do with racism , but everything about , you are not going to invest your money in a building that the corporation might close down in five years.

So like a little kid , you put your fingers in your ears

My investment practices are NOT any of your fucking business. I do not discuss with them with people I do not know.

Moving on:

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The only thing P01135809 cares about is money. My comment was on irony of racist shit head who just lost a huge chunk of money because Black Woman won a case against him. It was P01135809's policy never to rent to African-Americans, and it was an African-Woman who kicked his white racist ass in court.

OK fine. And i was looking at it analitiacally. I'm not a commercial real estate investor but I know a few of them and a few others who know more of them, and one thing I know is that the successful ones use demographics as part of their formula, as uncomfortable as it can be at times.
So I know damned well, that a young DOnald Trump was trained in real estate this way. Its for sure. In my estimation, Trump is no more racist than a guy like Joe Biden who was AGAINST school busing of minority kids and said he didnt want his own growing up in a racial jungle.

I would say the odd are great that at least Trump who spent the remainder of his life since that time, working in the private sector, at least hhad the chance to open his mind and evolve. Biden on the other hand, has lived in a sheltered coccoon his entire adult life and does no more than change is opinion publically depending on which way the polls are blowing.

The real irony is that a Black woman who ran her campaign on convicting Trump before any evidence was ever disclosed or existed and then had to manufacture a crime by searching where there were no complaints or victims involved.... has actually commited one of the worst crimes against our own legal process, and the idea of property rights for citizens of the United States.
Shes obviously a moron who knows nothing about real estate , if she actually believes he could liquidate property in less than 30 days, to com eup with money.
But you see.. that time table was purposly made unrealistic, because the entire thing is a political hit job. Not a criminal case.
She hates Trump worse than a car jacker who would shoot a mother of three point blank in the head. I know which one she would let walk out on bail first. This type of politics being practiced by the Democrat GOOD OLD BOY ESTABLISHMENT, is pure sickness, aimed to intimidate everyone else.
OK fine. And i was looking at it analitiacally. I'm not a commercial real estate investor but I know a few of them and a few others who know more of them, and one thing I know is that the successful ones use demographics as part of their formula, as uncomfortable as it can be at times.
So I know damned well, that a young DOnald Trump was trained in real estate this way. Its for sure. In my estimation, Trump is no more racist than a guy like Joe Biden who was AGAINST school busing of minority kids and said he didnt want his own growing up in a racial jungle.

I would say the odd are great that at least Trump who spent the remainder of his life since that time, working in the private sector, at least hhad the chance to open his mind and evolve. Biden on the other hand, has lived in a sheltered coccoon his entire adult life and does no more than change is opinion publically depending on which way the polls are blowing.

The real irony is that a Black woman who ran her campaign on convicting Trump before any evidence was ever disclosed or existed and then had to manufacture a crime by searching where there were no complaints or victims involved.... has actually commited one of the worst crimes against our own legal process, and the idea of property rights for citizens of the Unityed States.
Shes obviously a moron who knows nothing about real estate , if she actually believes he could liquidate property in less than 30 days, to com eup with money.
But you see.. that time table was purposly made unrealistic, because the entire thing is a political hit job. Not a criminal case.
She hates Trump worse than a car jacker who would shoot a mother of three point blank in the head. I know which one she would let walk out on bail first. This type of politics being practiced by the Democrat GOOD OLD BOY ESTABLISHMENT, is pure sickness, aimed to intimidate everyone else.

Do yourself a favor, shut the fuck up. You are harassing me for no reason.

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