...riffing off of another thread....James' seizing property....

No victim. Period.


No money was fraudulently obtained, as the banks did their due diligence and filled out the paperwork with THEIR numbers.

Yes. About half a billion dollars was fraudulently obtained (minus interest).

Where did the banks get those numbers?

As they testified to. This will get completely tossed on appeal and James will look dumber than usual.
And when it doesn't? Will you accept the decision?
Do yourself a favor, shut the fuck up. You are harassing me for no reason.
Why is pointing out that the AG went on a personal witch-hunt to target Trump, in order to ruin him and keep him from the presidency, and the best she could come up with was a victimless civil “crime” where there were no damages and no complaints….harassing YOU?
Why not?...
Because this is a thread about Trumps' property being seized.

Not sure how a video on Trump supporter cancel culture that they laughably think will bring New York's economy to it's knees all based on the fact that Trump committed fraud and is suffering the legal consequences.

Can you explain the relevance?

Do you think they should drop the legal consequences because of an economic threat...even if it wasn't laughable?
I think Congress needs tomake a law that the judicial department must not wound executive branch members with political thefts that Latecia James and her partner in this blatant criminalization of a good President because they hate Republicans and Republican leaders who displease their self-serving Democrat political party members. The sad thing about this party-worshipping judiciary error is they are paving a stick-in the-mud gargantuean extortion for revenge. They ought to lay off the insistence of breaching the separation of powers, which the United States Constitution suggests is unacceptable. If they don't, then the people of this country should nudge their Congresspersons to stop Leticia James' whoring her AG power to destroy a former President by firing her sorry behind. She is a disgrace to civility.

Congress, please stop this self-gratifying witch hunt against the honorable President Donald John Trump. He didn't deserve to have his country steal his fortune because a wanton woman wants to destroy him, with no mercy whatsoever.
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I think Congress needs tomake a law that the judicial department must not wound executive branch members with political thefts that Latecia James and her partner in this blatant criminalization of a good President because they hate Republicans and Republican leaders who displease their self-serving Democrat political party members. The sad thing about this party-worshipping judiciary error is they are paving a stick-in the-mud gargantuean extortion for revenge. They ought to lay off the insistence of breaching the separation of powers, which the United States Constitution suggests is unacceptable. If they don't, then the people of this country should nudge their Congresspersons to stop Leticia James' whoring her AG power to destroy a former President by firing her sorry behind. She is a disgrace to civility.

She can't be fired. She is an elected official.

Congress, please stop this self-gratifying witch hunt against the honorable President Donald John Trump. He didn't deserve to have his country steal his fortune because a wanton woman wants to destroy him, with no mercy whatsoever.
Trump should not have committed fraud.

Besides, he is only required to pay back what his fraud garnered him. Tje money he earned honestly is his to keep.
Well, she is getting even, and will start turning Manhattan into a ghetto. The state even Prog controlled needs to get involved and nip this in the bud. The governor already has done turnarounds on a couple of issues that she helped to cause. Some corporate interest leaving New York City though is not easy to have them return.
NYC despises Trump. He used to crash charity galas, make a big pledge and never send any money.
"what did he do ton deserve a half billion in fines ?"

Fortunately for the favored narrative of the two posters above, Yidnar & Concerned American, it is not.. it is NOT a fine.

It is a 'disgorgement' of profits derived from a fraud.

(Ps....read the ruling from the court.)

It is a clawback of profits that should not have been garnered.


Fortunately for the favored narrative of the two posters above, Yidnar & Concerned American, it is not.. it is NOT a fine.

It is a 'disgorgement' of profits derived from a fraud.

(Ps....read the ruling from the court.)

It is a clawback of profits that should not have been garnered.

Who did he defraud? Where are the plaintiffs? What method did you and your avatar pull out of your nether regions to determine how much he profited from the non-fraud? Claw that back.

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