CDZ RIGGED ELECTION: Let's see if we can imagine a new way to gather and count votes

I'm not expecting a terribly vibrant thread, but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. So here goes:

I wonder if we could toss out a few ideas on how we can count votes in the future. Leaving (or at least trying to leave) your political affiliation out of this, let's see your ideas on how the states might best do the following:
  • Make voting as easy as possible, particular in rural, less dense areas
  • Minimize the need for recounts
  • Create voting systems (voting & counting) that maximize security
I'll start: Let's begin by dragging ourselves away from this need to know who won a state by the end of Election Day. Let's have an automatic audit confirmation process that counts the vote multiple (two or three different) ways on Election Night and the next day. That way we can minimize the need for recounts after the fact.

Also, while each state will certainly have its own rules, maybe we can find SOME common methods so that we can standardize them for better efficiency and accountability.

Okay, go. Let's try "imagining" instead of just repeating.
Standardization. I am gonna have a really hard time trusting results from certain states that have recently enacted laws that seem designed to allow them to throw out however many votes they need to get the outcome they want.
I'd like to see as much of that as possible, for sure. As we're seeing, individual states can be controlled by maniacs.
I'm not expecting a terribly vibrant thread, but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. So here goes:

I wonder if we could toss out a few ideas on how we can count votes in the future. Leaving (or at least trying to leave) your political affiliation out of this, let's see your ideas on how the states might best do the following:
  • Make voting as easy as possible, particular in rural, less dense areas
  • Minimize the need for recounts
  • Create voting systems (voting & counting) that maximize security
I'll start: Let's begin by dragging ourselves away from this need to know who won a state by the end of Election Day. Let's have an automatic audit confirmation process that counts the vote multiple (two or three different) ways on Election Night and the next day. That way we can minimize the need for recounts after the fact.

Also, while each state will certainly have its own rules, maybe we can find SOME common methods so that we can standardize them for better efficiency and accountability.

Okay, go. Let's "imagine" instead of repeating.
We need a month of voting with the Tuesday following the first Monday in November as the final day of voting; use the same principal as having 4/15 be the last day to file your taxes...not the "one day" to file your taxes.

Voting should be done in-person unless you request ballots to be mailed to you at the time of registry. Early voting should be an option nationwide for 30 days before election day.

Voting registry must be done in person once every-so-often. No more than 8 years I'd say.

Vote tabulation should happen as votes come in.

Any contest that has a 3% or lower margin of victory should have an automatic re-count to be done by hand. In the case of the general election, the re-count would be only on a state by state basis meaning that the STATES that have a 3% or lower margin of victory undergo automatic hand re-counts...

And we need a constitutional amendment with penalties spelled out for losers who simply choose not to leave office.
Excellent news. They are going to have a 2nd audit too. An audit to audit the audit......This is so great

Everybody. This is such excellent news.
More excellent news everybody.

These forensic audits will be growing and growing. Excellent news everyone
Standardization. I am gonna have a really hard time trusting results from certain states that have recently enacted laws that seem designed to allow them to throw out however many votes they need to get the outcome they want.
That's exactly what Pennsylvania did, and why it went to the highest court in the land. Of course they didn't hear the case... But that was the underlying problem. They didn't change the rules the way they were supposed to. Or... "Lawfully" as you will.

If republicans ever get into office there... You ok with them having that kind of power?
National standards.

You want voter ID? Cool, let's have a nationally issued voter ID. Hell, you could put their gun ownership status on there too.

Universal mail in ballot by request, regulation on how many polling places percapita and per area, that's kinda stuff.
Standardization. I am gonna have a really hard time trusting results from certain states that have recently enacted laws that seem designed to allow them to throw out however many votes they need to get the outcome they want.
That's exactly what Pennsylvania did, and why it went to the highest court in the land. Of course they didn't hear the case... But that was the underlying problem. They didn't change the rules the way they were supposed to. Or... "Lawfully" as you will.

If republicans ever get into office there... You ok with them having that kind of power?
look up who controlled the legislative in PA.
Standardization. I am gonna have a really hard time trusting results from certain states that have recently enacted laws that seem designed to allow them to throw out however many votes they need to get the outcome they want.
That's exactly what Pennsylvania did, and why it went to the highest court in the land. Of course they didn't hear the case... But that was the underlying problem. They didn't change the rules the way they were supposed to. Or... "Lawfully" as you will.

If republicans ever get into office there... You ok with them having that kind of power?
look up who controlled the legislative in PA.
If the legislative branch was involved in said changes we wouldn't be having the conversation. But that doesn't really change the point at all... It happened... That's the point.
I'm not expecting a terribly vibrant thread, but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. So here goes:

I wonder if we could toss out a few ideas on how we can count votes in the future. Leaving (or at least trying to leave) your political affiliation out of this, let's see your ideas on how the states might best do the following:
  • Make voting as easy as possible, particular in rural, less dense areas
  • Minimize the need for recounts
  • Create voting systems (voting & counting) that maximize security
I'll start: Let's begin by dragging ourselves away from this need to know who won a state by the end of Election Day. Let's have an automatic audit confirmation process that counts the vote multiple (two or three different) ways on Election Night and the next day. That way we can minimize the need for recounts after the fact.

Also, while each state will certainly have its own rules, maybe we can find SOME common methods so that we can standardize them for better efficiency and accountability.

Okay, go. Let's try "imagining" instead of just repeating.
National voting id-----complete with fingerprint on each ballot and people only allowed to vote where they pay federal taxes.
National standards.

You want voter ID? Cool, let's have a nationally issued voter ID. Hell, you could put their gun ownership status on there too.

Universal mail in ballot by request, regulation on how many polling places percapita and per area, that's kinda stuff.
I've posted what I want so many times on these forums it's not funny. Doesn't fix everything... But it's a start. I personally don't have a problem with any of those suggestions.
National voting id-----complete with fingerprint on each ballot and people only allowed to vote where they pay federal taxes.
Can't... Or... Won't. You'll never get the mass population to go for the fingerprint. Having filed for state/federal taxes that year... Maybe.
Standardization. I am gonna have a really hard time trusting results from certain states that have recently enacted laws that seem designed to allow them to throw out however many votes they need to get the outcome they want.
That's exactly what Pennsylvania did, and why it went to the highest court in the land. Of course they didn't hear the case... But that was the underlying problem. They didn't change the rules the way they were supposed to. Or... "Lawfully" as you will.

If republicans ever get into office there... You ok with them having that kind of power?
look up who controlled the legislative in PA.
If the legislative branch was involved in said changes we wouldn't be having the conversation. But that doesn't really change the point at all... It happened... That's the point.
act 77 was passed by a GOP led house.
If the legislative branch was involved in said changes we wouldn't be having the conversation. But that doesn't really change the point at all... It happened... That's the point.
act 77 was passed by a GOP led house.
If the legislative branch was involved in said changes we wouldn't be having the conversation. But that doesn't really change the point at all... It happened... That's the point.
If the legislative branch was involved in said changes we wouldn't be having the conversation. But that doesn't really change the point at all... It happened... That's the point.
act 77 was passed by a GOP led house.
If the legislative branch was involved in said changes we wouldn't be having the conversation. But that doesn't really change the point at all... It happened... That's the point.
by this time you had ample opportunity to read up. you are now merely spamming and concern trolling.
by this time you had ample opportunity to read up. you are now merely spamming and concern trolling.
Yes. So have you. And... If you don't actually do that... I don't see any reason not to repeat what you don't address.
Yeah, that's fine. Whatever works.
Frankly, I think you're trying to jump too far ahead with your ideas. Your country and it's politics is too corrupt in many other ways with hating and racism to be trying to re-invent democracy.

The world's leading democracies all have ways of dealing with elections that work in making sure the will of the people is respected and adhered to.

The fact is, likely about a third of your population don't want non-white people to vote because their interests aren't consistent with the Trump agenda and the Trump *crazies.

* people in other countries need to call it truthfully, like it is.

In the interest of your attempt here, can you take the issue back to the basics of dealing with the vicious hating and racism, as it applies to running fair elections?

There can be no starting point when people like Trump, Sydney Powell, Gaitz, Marjorie, and other mentally ill characters like them are being given such a large audience.
by this time you had ample opportunity to read up. you are now merely spamming and concern trolling.
Yes. So have you. And... If you don't actually do that... I don't see any reason not to repeat what you don't address.
so, you try to whine that the legislative and Republicans had no input into the voting rule changes in pa, get schooled, then troll and obfuscate. take a nap.
Yeah, that's fine. Whatever works.
Frankly, I think you're trying to jump too far ahead with your ideas. Your country and it's politics is too corrupt in many other ways with hating and racism to be trying to re-invent democracy.

The world's leading democracies all have ways of dealing with elections that work in making sure the will of the people is respected and adhered to.

The fact is, likely about a third of your population don't want non-white people to vote because their interests aren't consistent with the Trump agenda and the Trump *crazies.

* people in other countries need to call it truthfully, like it is.

In the interest of your attempt here, can you take the issue back to the basics of dealing with the vicious hating and racism, as it applies to running fair elections?

There can be no starting point when people like Trump, Sydney Powell, Gaitz, Marjorie, and other mentally ill characters like them are being given such a large audience.
I'm afraid I can't argue with that. I guess this is more of an exercise in wishful thinking than any kind of expectation.

Sometimes I just like to imagine that we're capable of collaboration and innovation, like America used to be.
by this time you had ample opportunity to read up. you are now merely spamming and concern trolling.
Yes. So have you. And... If you don't actually do that... I don't see any reason not to repeat what you don't address.
so, you try to whine that the legislative and Republicans had no input into the voting rule changes in pa, get schooled, then troll and obfuscate. take a nap.
If the legislative branch was involved in said changes we wouldn't be having the conversation. But that doesn't really change the point at all... It happened... That's the point.

You chose one where they were.. *shrugs* This is the wrong thread for this.
It’s a trade off

If we prevent tens of thousands of legitimate voters from voting just on the CHANCE there may be fraud, we are CREATING a problem
And if tens of thousands of votes are suspect because adequate security measures were not taken, we have a problem.
Has that ever happened? Seriously?

Five states (I think there may be more) do nothing but mail-in voting. Some have done so for a long time.

Absolutely none of the right wingers here have uttered a word about any of the elections in these states being illegitimate. None of the losers have alleged this voter fraud.

In November 2020, Trump and about 8,000 other candidates for federal, state, and local offices lost. The only one complaining about fraud is Trump.

Its comical that this is even still being discussed.
Without proper security, how would we know? With something as important as an election, we should think like a hacker, If there is a weakness in the security of a voting system, someone is likely to exploit it. Billions of dollars are spent on elections, so if someone can find a way to cheat the system, they will. So question shouldn't be ,"Has someone been caught trying to cheat the system in a particular way before." The question should be "If a person tries A,B,C,D.....Z" will it be detected and will he be caught to be prosecuted. Don't give Trump any wiggle room to claim fraud.
Which criterion is the most important, making voting as easy as possible or maximizing security?
Most important? Security. But the world is not binary. We should strive for both, not just one or the other.
I agree; however, those that scream voter suppression at any every measure to enhance security seem to put ease of voting ahead of security, security be damned!
I'm afraid I can't argue with that. I guess this is more of an exercise in wishful thinking than any kind of expectation.

Sometimes I just like to imagine that we're capable of collaboration and innovation, like America used to be.
It's still important that decent people like you not stop trying. I'm just asking you to deal with the issues that need to be addressed first, before trying to move on to election reform.

The crazies I mentioned and those like them need to be locked up somewhere away from humanity first. Nothing can get better when they have such a large audience.

America must stop the damage and the march toward fascism very, very soon!

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