Right to Bear Arms: Canada vs. US

The nature v nurture debate has swung toward the reasonable conclusion that both play a role. We can't change genes, yet, so what can we change to prevent more generations from growing up in inner city war zones? The Democrats that you seem to feel are 'on their side' haven't done much of a job, have they?
For decades the DEMs have used the negro 'block vote' by making promises the DEMs never have any intention of keeping.
Recently the negro voters though they had died and gone to heaven when Obama was elected. The sad irony is Obama has set race relations back forty years.
Of course after the last midterms the negro voters stayed at home. And look what happened across the country?The DEMS were slaughtered.
DEM 'solution'? Find another 'Special Needs' group to block vote for the DEMs. So Obama opens the borders to let as many in as he can. Within these Latinos are budding DEMs who the DEMs hope will vote DEM.. some day.
(Want to witness a Latino go from leaning DEM to a REP overnight?
The Latino by through his hard work starts a business and succeeds. He/she are able to move into the middle class. There they watch the fucking LIBs giving away hard earned tax dollars towards supporting loser programs. Can you all say Solyndra?)
Promise them the fucking moon and when you don't deliver blame the REPs.
Yes the "Nature versus Nurture debate has been ongoing BUT with the advances in science and genotyping the facts have become irrefutable visa vi negro violence and alleles.
Ironic that when the LIBs use science to prove something they claim the REPs are anti-science. When the scientists prove something the LIBs don't want to acknowledge then the scientists are "racists".
I understand this is a political message board, so a lot of folks contributing will view the issues through a Dem/Rep lens. You lost me, no fault of your own. Your concluding statements, though, don't really take the nature v nurture debate into account. Maybe genetic studies have shown more blacks than whites are born with the warrior gene. What's your point? Do you plan to do something with that information or just use it to smear the black race as a whole; add grist to the hate mill? I'm probably on the wrong thread.
Someone here put up a thread: Why do blacks commit more crime than whites'?
That's where I thought I was posting a response to. Someone took down the thread.
Is it "hate" to simply post scientific facts?
IMO the only way the negro race has any viable future globally is to acknowledge scientific facts and then do something positive to help. For example I would offer any negro free medication to relieve the impulse to commit violence. NOT MANDATE IT. I'm NOT suggesting they walk around like fucking zombies. Just something to take off the 'edge'.
I'd open schools with curriculums designed for students with IQ's in the low eighties. Many more would succeed in school and their self esteem would be raised. Just as the SC judge recently advised.
All positive things.
The 'deniers' will scream 'racism'! Ya that's right. There really are differences in the races. Just as there are differences in different animal species.
It's like 'pretending' all four legged animals can run as fast as any other four legged animal which is the fucking LIBs mantra: "PC". "We're all the same. Everyone deserves a trophy. There are no winners or losers". And on and fucking on.
The world, nature, the universe, isn't fair--which is why humans should strive to be. It's truly unfair to treat an entire group--African Americans--like shit for 300 years and then wonder why they're dysfunctional. Jesum Crow. There are factors other than genes at work here. But thank you for explaining.
The nature v nurture debate has swung toward the reasonable conclusion that both play a role. We can't change genes, yet, so what can we change to prevent more generations from growing up in inner city war zones? The Democrats that you seem to feel are 'on their side' haven't done much of a job, have they?
For decades the DEMs have used the negro 'block vote' by making promises the DEMs never have any intention of keeping.
Recently the negro voters though they had died and gone to heaven when Obama was elected. The sad irony is Obama has set race relations back forty years.
Of course after the last midterms the negro voters stayed at home. And look what happened across the country?The DEMS were slaughtered.
DEM 'solution'? Find another 'Special Needs' group to block vote for the DEMs. So Obama opens the borders to let as many in as he can. Within these Latinos are budding DEMs who the DEMs hope will vote DEM.. some day.
(Want to witness a Latino go from leaning DEM to a REP overnight?
The Latino by through his hard work starts a business and succeeds. He/she are able to move into the middle class. There they watch the fucking LIBs giving away hard earned tax dollars towards supporting loser programs. Can you all say Solyndra?)
Promise them the fucking moon and when you don't deliver blame the REPs.
Yes the "Nature versus Nurture debate has been ongoing BUT with the advances in science and genotyping the facts have become irrefutable visa vi negro violence and alleles.
Ironic that when the LIBs use science to prove something they claim the REPs are anti-science. When the scientists prove something the LIBs don't want to acknowledge then the scientists are "racists".
I understand this is a political message board, so a lot of folks contributing will view the issues through a Dem/Rep lens. You lost me, no fault of your own. Your concluding statements, though, don't really take the nature v nurture debate into account. Maybe genetic studies have shown more blacks than whites are born with the warrior gene. What's your point? Do you plan to do something with that information or just use it to smear the black race as a whole; add grist to the hate mill? I'm probably on the wrong thread.
Someone here put up a thread: Why do blacks commit more crime than whites'?
That's where I thought I was posting a response to. Someone took down the thread.
Is it "hate" to simply post scientific facts?
IMO the only way the negro race has any viable future globally is to acknowledge scientific facts and then do something positive to help. For example I would offer any negro free medication to relieve the impulse to commit violence. NOT MANDATE IT. I'm NOT suggesting they walk around like fucking zombies. Just something to take off the 'edge'.
I'd open schools with curriculums designed for students with IQ's in the low eighties. Many more would succeed in school and their self esteem would be raised. Just as the SC judge recently advised.
All positive things.
The 'deniers' will scream 'racism'! Ya that's right. There really are differences in the races. Just as there are differences in different animal species.
It's like 'pretending' all four legged animals can run as fast as any other four legged animal which is the fucking LIBs mantra: "PC". "We're all the same. Everyone deserves a trophy. There are no winners or losers". And on and fucking on.
The world, nature, the universe, isn't fair--which is why humans should strive to be. It's truly unfair to treat an entire group--African Americans--like shit for 300 years and then wonder why they're dysfunctional. Jesum Crow. There are factors other than genes at work here. But thank you for explaining.
That's right the world isn't fair.
"Striving to be fair" means in fact first coming to terms with certain realities and then doing what is "fair". Is it "fair" to be dishonest about negro lower IQ's than other races?
Is it really honestly "fair" to pretend alleles do not have an affect on human behaviour". What's really 'fair" is to be honest then move forward.
What is happening now globally is the negro race is becoming marginalized and left behind. Is that "fair"?
The Chinese basically own all the mineral wealth in Africa. They paid trible chiefs what amounted to pieces of broken mirror for the trillions in mineral wealth.
Now the Chinese basically have a continent of negro slave labor to do the work. Is that "fair". No. But it's the world we live in here and now.
'Adapt or perish' pertains to every life form on the planet. Can' adapt? You perish.
The nature v nurture debate has swung toward the reasonable conclusion that both play a role. We can't change genes, yet, so what can we change to prevent more generations from growing up in inner city war zones? The Democrats that you seem to feel are 'on their side' haven't done much of a job, have they?
For decades the DEMs have used the negro 'block vote' by making promises the DEMs never have any intention of keeping.
Recently the negro voters though they had died and gone to heaven when Obama was elected. The sad irony is Obama has set race relations back forty years.
Of course after the last midterms the negro voters stayed at home. And look what happened across the country?The DEMS were slaughtered.
DEM 'solution'? Find another 'Special Needs' group to block vote for the DEMs. So Obama opens the borders to let as many in as he can. Within these Latinos are budding DEMs who the DEMs hope will vote DEM.. some day.
(Want to witness a Latino go from leaning DEM to a REP overnight?
The Latino by through his hard work starts a business and succeeds. He/she are able to move into the middle class. There they watch the fucking LIBs giving away hard earned tax dollars towards supporting loser programs. Can you all say Solyndra?)
Promise them the fucking moon and when you don't deliver blame the REPs.
Yes the "Nature versus Nurture debate has been ongoing BUT with the advances in science and genotyping the facts have become irrefutable visa vi negro violence and alleles.
Ironic that when the LIBs use science to prove something they claim the REPs are anti-science. When the scientists prove something the LIBs don't want to acknowledge then the scientists are "racists".
I understand this is a political message board, so a lot of folks contributing will view the issues through a Dem/Rep lens. You lost me, no fault of your own. Your concluding statements, though, don't really take the nature v nurture debate into account. Maybe genetic studies have shown more blacks than whites are born with the warrior gene. What's your point? Do you plan to do something with that information or just use it to smear the black race as a whole; add grist to the hate mill? I'm probably on the wrong thread.
Someone here put up a thread: Why do blacks commit more crime than whites'?
That's where I thought I was posting a response to. Someone took down the thread.
Is it "hate" to simply post scientific facts?
IMO the only way the negro race has any viable future globally is to acknowledge scientific facts and then do something positive to help. For example I would offer any negro free medication to relieve the impulse to commit violence. NOT MANDATE IT. I'm NOT suggesting they walk around like fucking zombies. Just something to take off the 'edge'.
I'd open schools with curriculums designed for students with IQ's in the low eighties. Many more would succeed in school and their self esteem would be raised. Just as the SC judge recently advised.
All positive things.
The 'deniers' will scream 'racism'! Ya that's right. There really are differences in the races. Just as there are differences in different animal species.
It's like 'pretending' all four legged animals can run as fast as any other four legged animal which is the fucking LIBs mantra: "PC". "We're all the same. Everyone deserves a trophy. There are no winners or losers". And on and fucking on.
The world, nature, the universe, isn't fair--which is why humans should strive to be. It's truly unfair to treat an entire group--African Americans--like shit for 300 years and then wonder why they're dysfunctional. Jesum Crow. There are factors other than genes at work here. But thank you for explaining.
That's right the world isn't fair.
"Striving to be fair" means in fact first coming to terms with certain realities and then doing what is "fair". Is it "fair" to be dishonest about negro lower IQ's than other races?
Is it really honestly "fair" to pretend alleles do not have an affect on human behaviour". What's really 'fair" is to be honest then move forward.
What is happening now globally is the negro race is becoming marginalized and left behind. Is that "fair"?
The Chinese basically own all the mineral wealth in Africa. They paid trible chiefs what amounted to pieces of broken mirror for the trillions in mineral wealth.
Now the Chinese basically have a continent of negro slave labor to do the work. Is that "fair". No. But it's the world we live in here and now.
'Adapt or perish' pertains to every life form on the planet. Can' adapt? You perish.
It's news to me that the African race has lower IQ's. Is that from your allele study, as well? Scalia brought up an issue I have wondered about, too, but not in relation to black students alone--just students of all colors who received a less than adequate high school education. Getting thrown in the deep end for those students can be discouraging and lead them to drop out. I don't pretend to know what he was thinking when he said that, but I wouldn't put it on your banner.
For decades the DEMs have used the negro 'block vote' by making promises the DEMs never have any intention of keeping.
Recently the negro voters though they had died and gone to heaven when Obama was elected. The sad irony is Obama has set race relations back forty years.
Of course after the last midterms the negro voters stayed at home. And look what happened across the country?The DEMS were slaughtered.
DEM 'solution'? Find another 'Special Needs' group to block vote for the DEMs. So Obama opens the borders to let as many in as he can. Within these Latinos are budding DEMs who the DEMs hope will vote DEM.. some day.
(Want to witness a Latino go from leaning DEM to a REP overnight?
The Latino by through his hard work starts a business and succeeds. He/she are able to move into the middle class. There they watch the fucking LIBs giving away hard earned tax dollars towards supporting loser programs. Can you all say Solyndra?)
Promise them the fucking moon and when you don't deliver blame the REPs.
Yes the "Nature versus Nurture debate has been ongoing BUT with the advances in science and genotyping the facts have become irrefutable visa vi negro violence and alleles.
Ironic that when the LIBs use science to prove something they claim the REPs are anti-science. When the scientists prove something the LIBs don't want to acknowledge then the scientists are "racists".
I understand this is a political message board, so a lot of folks contributing will view the issues through a Dem/Rep lens. You lost me, no fault of your own. Your concluding statements, though, don't really take the nature v nurture debate into account. Maybe genetic studies have shown more blacks than whites are born with the warrior gene. What's your point? Do you plan to do something with that information or just use it to smear the black race as a whole; add grist to the hate mill? I'm probably on the wrong thread.
Someone here put up a thread: Why do blacks commit more crime than whites'?
That's where I thought I was posting a response to. Someone took down the thread.
Is it "hate" to simply post scientific facts?
IMO the only way the negro race has any viable future globally is to acknowledge scientific facts and then do something positive to help. For example I would offer any negro free medication to relieve the impulse to commit violence. NOT MANDATE IT. I'm NOT suggesting they walk around like fucking zombies. Just something to take off the 'edge'.
I'd open schools with curriculums designed for students with IQ's in the low eighties. Many more would succeed in school and their self esteem would be raised. Just as the SC judge recently advised.
All positive things.
The 'deniers' will scream 'racism'! Ya that's right. There really are differences in the races. Just as there are differences in different animal species.
It's like 'pretending' all four legged animals can run as fast as any other four legged animal which is the fucking LIBs mantra: "PC". "We're all the same. Everyone deserves a trophy. There are no winners or losers". And on and fucking on.
The world, nature, the universe, isn't fair--which is why humans should strive to be. It's truly unfair to treat an entire group--African Americans--like shit for 300 years and then wonder why they're dysfunctional. Jesum Crow. There are factors other than genes at work here. But thank you for explaining.
That's right the world isn't fair.
"Striving to be fair" means in fact first coming to terms with certain realities and then doing what is "fair". Is it "fair" to be dishonest about negro lower IQ's than other races?
Is it really honestly "fair" to pretend alleles do not have an affect on human behaviour". What's really 'fair" is to be honest then move forward.
What is happening now globally is the negro race is becoming marginalized and left behind. Is that "fair"?
The Chinese basically own all the mineral wealth in Africa. They paid trible chiefs what amounted to pieces of broken mirror for the trillions in mineral wealth.
Now the Chinese basically have a continent of negro slave labor to do the work. Is that "fair". No. But it's the world we live in here and now.
'Adapt or perish' pertains to every life form on the planet. Can' adapt? You perish.
It's news to me that the African race has lower IQ's. Is that from your allele study, as well? Scalia brought up an issue I have wondered about, too, but not in relation to black students alone--just students of all colors who received a less than adequate high school education. Getting thrown in the deep end for those students can be discouraging and lead them to drop out. I don't pretend to know what he was thinking when he said that, but I wouldn't put it on your banner.
The scientific fact that negroes have generally lower IQs the other races is not in dispute.
Here's a NYTs article. Goggle: Blacks have lower IQs than other races. Should take you a month to read all the scientific studies.
The Black-White Test Score Gap
You must have been living under a rock pal.
As for them "getting thrown in the deep end" you can blame fucking 'AA' for that stupidity.
Monoamine oxidase A - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Scroll to the 'warrior gene'.
Science isn't 'racist' it's reality.
For some science is ignored to support their subjective view of reality.

But the study you cited your own self said that there was only a 4.7% incidence of this allele.

So what?

The other 95% of blacks should lose their civil rights on the basis of something that occurs only in 1/20th of their population?

That just strikes me as ludicrous as well as unjust.
The scientific fact that negroes have generally lower IQs the other races is not in dispute.
Here's a NYTs article. Goggle: Blacks have lower IQs than other races. Should take you a month to read all the scientific studies.
The Black-White Test Score Gap
You must have been living under a rock pal.
As for them "getting thrown in the deep end" you can blame fucking 'AA' for that stupidity.

Danny, this is part of the nature vrs nurture debate.

Did you know that the Anglo elites used to make the same arguments against the Irish, Jews and Italians? For a long time these ethnic groups scored low on IQ tests also, but as they assimilated into the culture the IQ disappeared.
The nature v nurture debate has swung toward the reasonable conclusion that both play a role. We can't change genes, yet, so what can we change to prevent more generations from growing up in inner city war zones? The Democrats that you seem to feel are 'on their side' haven't done much of a job, have they?
For decades the DEMs have used the negro 'block vote' by making promises the DEMs never have any intention of keeping.
Recently the negro voters though they had died and gone to heaven when Obama was elected. The sad irony is Obama has set race relations back forty years.
Of course after the last midterms the negro voters stayed at home. And look what happened across the country?The DEMS were slaughtered.
DEM 'solution'? Find another 'Special Needs' group to block vote for the DEMs. So Obama opens the borders to let as many in as he can. Within these Latinos are budding DEMs who the DEMs hope will vote DEM.. some day.
(Want to witness a Latino go from leaning DEM to a REP overnight?
The Latino by through his hard work starts a business and succeeds. He/she are able to move into the middle class. There they watch the fucking LIBs giving away hard earned tax dollars towards supporting loser programs. Can you all say Solyndra?)
Promise them the fucking moon and when you don't deliver blame the REPs.
Yes the "Nature versus Nurture debate has been ongoing BUT with the advances in science and genotyping the facts have become irrefutable visa vi negro violence and alleles.
Ironic that when the LIBs use science to prove something they claim the REPs are anti-science. When the scientists prove something the LIBs don't want to acknowledge then the scientists are "racists".
I understand this is a political message board, so a lot of folks contributing will view the issues through a Dem/Rep lens. You lost me, no fault of your own. Your concluding statements, though, don't really take the nature v nurture debate into account. Maybe genetic studies have shown more blacks than whites are born with the warrior gene. What's your point? Do you plan to do something with that information or just use it to smear the black race as a whole; add grist to the hate mill? I'm probably on the wrong thread.
Someone here put up a thread: Why do blacks commit more crime than whites'?
That's where I thought I was posting a response to. Someone took down the thread.
Is it "hate" to simply post scientific facts?
IMO the only way the negro race has any viable future globally is to acknowledge scientific facts and then do something positive to help. For example I would offer any negro free medication to relieve the impulse to commit violence. NOT MANDATE IT. I'm NOT suggesting they walk around like fucking zombies. Just something to take off the 'edge'.
I'd open schools with curriculums designed for students with IQ's in the low eighties. Many more would succeed in school and their self esteem would be raised. Just as the SC judge recently advised.
All positive things.
The 'deniers' will scream 'racism'! Ya that's right. There really are differences in the races. Just as there are differences in different animal species.
It's like 'pretending' all four legged animals can run as fast as any other four legged animal which is the fucking LIBs mantra: "PC". "We're all the same. Everyone deserves a trophy. There are no winners or losers". And on and fucking on.
The world, nature, the universe, isn't fair--which is why humans should strive to be. It's truly unfair to treat an entire group--African Americans--like shit for 300 years and then wonder why they're dysfunctional. Jesum Crow. There are factors other than genes at work here. But thank you for explaining.

Only the democrats treat them like crap....and they continue to vote democrat over 95%.
The scientific fact that negroes have generally lower IQs the other races is not in dispute.
Here's a NYTs article. Goggle: Blacks have lower IQs than other races. Should take you a month to read all the scientific studies.
The Black-White Test Score Gap
You must have been living under a rock pal.
As for them "getting thrown in the deep end" you can blame fucking 'AA' for that stupidity.

Danny, this is part of the nature vrs nurture debate.

Did you know that the Anglo elites used to make the same arguments against the Irish, Jews and Italians? For a long time these ethnic groups scored low on IQ tests also, but as they assimilated into the culture the IQ disappeared.
So that means when the negroes "assimilate" into the culture they too will have the same IQ's as other races right?
Any idea when that is going to happen?
You are confusing what are "ethnic groups" with race.
Think about that.
So that means when the negroes "assimilate" into the culture they too will have the same IQ's as other races right?
Any idea when that is going to happen?
You are confusing what are "ethnic groups" with race.
Think about that.
First, thanks for being calm and rational on this emotional topic. That is rare these days.

Second, I cant prdict the future on this because there are so many flipping variables. The Identity Politics demand that minorities stay genuine and stop assimilating is the root problem, IMO, and so no one knows how long it will take these populations to assimilate in the large scale view.

I do know that the great black neighbors I have in my neighborhood and had when I lived in the People's Republic of Maryland prove to me that blacks can be as erudite and rational as any other race or ethnicity given the opportunity and education they need.
So that means when the negroes "assimilate" into the culture they too will have the same IQ's as other races right?
Any idea when that is going to happen?
You are confusing what are "ethnic groups" with race.
Think about that.
You are confusing "ethnic group" with "specie".
Think about it.
You are confusing "ethnic group" with "specie".
Think about it.
Or perhaps breeds or subspecies.

The differentiating factors that cause biologists to split the Spotted Owl from the Barred Owl are far less than the differences between Negroids, Caucasians and Mongoloids.

The thing is, we are still the same species over all and the variance within a race is much larger than the variance between races, and so race as a biological concept is of much less importance than race as a cultural construct..
I've always been in favor of the right to bear arms. That being said....

Do you think it's just a "coincidence" that the crime rate is lower in Canada who does NOT have the Right to Bear Arms?

You've always been in favor of the Right to Bear Arms, but do you actually know what the Right to Bear Arms is?

Do I know exactly what it says in the Bill of Rights off the top of my head? No.
I actually didn't even know Canada did not have that in their Bill of Rights until yesterday (watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire) - how's that for a confession!

So, you think it has nothing to do with crime rate? yes or no?

The Right to Bear Arms is the right to be in the militia. Nothing else.
Another yokel that doesn't understand the function of a comma

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk

And what the hell does a comma have to do with this? I think you need to go read some of my later posts.

Amendment II: House of Representatives, Amendments to the Constitution

Read this too, you might learn something that doesn't appear in commas.
The Right to Bear Arms is the right to be in the militia. Nothing else.

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” - Reagan

Then again I can prove EVERYTHING I say.

Can you? I bet you can't.

If you could, you'd have done it already, but you didn't, you just attacked.

You just proved you know nothing about this matter.

You said that the right to bear arms is the right to be in militia and nothing else. Really?

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The 2nd Amendment makes positive statement with the respect to a right of the people. The right is not granted by the Amendment, the existence of the right is assumed and shall not be infringed and that means that federal government has no say on this matter unless the Constitution is amended.
The Right to Bear Arms is the right to be in the militia. Nothing else.

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” - Reagan

Then again I can prove EVERYTHING I say.

Can you? I bet you can't.

If you could, you'd have done it already, but you didn't, you just attacked.

You just proved you know nothing about this matter.

You said that the right to bear arms is the right to be in militia and nothing else. Really?

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The 2nd Amendment makes positive statement with the respect to a right of the people. The right is not granted by the Amendment, the existence of the right is assumed and shall not be infringed and that means that federal government has no say on this matter unless the Constitution is amended.

So, your whole point is build upon telling people they're wrong and looking at a text you don't understand and making assumptions about it that aren't true. And my view is built on the history of the country.

If you want to learn something, you can. If you want to just make yourself feel good, then you can go talk to someone else.
I've always been in favor of the right to bear arms. That being said....

Do you think it's just a "coincidence" that the crime rate is lower in Canada who does NOT have the Right to Bear Arms?

Lower population and no black or Hispanic gang members who commit 80% of the violent crime in the USA.
You are confusing "ethnic group" with "specie".
Think about it.
Or perhaps breeds or subspecies.

The differentiating factors that cause biologists to split the Spotted Owl from the Barred Owl are far less than the differences between Negroids, Caucasians and Mongoloids.

The thing is, we are still the same species over all and the variance within a race is much larger than the variance between races, and so race as a biological concept is of much less importance than race as a cultural construct..
Curious. One race has been proven scientifically to generally have lower IQs than other races. One race has been scientifically proven to have a higher percentage of the 'warrior gene' than other races. Funnily enough it is this race which is committing the vast majority of violent crimes based on percent of the population and is unable to learn the basic curriculum which was designed for students with average IQs around 115-120.
This has to be merely a coincidence seeing as how all races are basically the same.
The Right to Bear Arms is the right to be in the militia. Nothing else.

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” - Reagan

Then again I can prove EVERYTHING I say.

Can you? I bet you can't.

If you could, you'd have done it already, but you didn't, you just attacked.

You just proved you know nothing about this matter.

You said that the right to bear arms is the right to be in militia and nothing else. Really?

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The 2nd Amendment makes positive statement with the respect to a right of the people. The right is not granted by the Amendment, the existence of the right is assumed and shall not be infringed and that means that federal government has no say on this matter unless the Constitution is amended.

So, your whole point is build upon telling people they're wrong and looking at a text you don't understand and making assumptions about it that aren't true. And my view is built on the history of the country.

If you want to learn something, you can. If you want to just make yourself feel good, then you can go talk to someone else.

Actually, my point is that you know nothing on the subject. Copy and paste someone's words you imagined are correct, doesn't make you an expert. And when you get a reply to your nonsense you start sentence with "so". I guess you run out of copy/paste material.

On the subject: The right of the people to keep and bear arms is not conditioned upon weather or not a well regulated militia is necessary to security of the free State.

Here is grammatically identical example that even leftist idiot can understand.

"A well schooled electorate, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and read Books, shall not be infringed."

Now tell me, does it mean that only well-schooled people, such as high school or college graduates, are the only ones with the right to keep and read books? According to your understanding of the 2nd Amendment, it does.
So that means when the negroes "assimilate" into the culture they too will have the same IQ's as other races right?
Any idea when that is going to happen?
You are confusing what are "ethnic groups" with race.
Think about that.
You are confusing "ethnic group" with "specie".
Think about it.
Why would you put quotation marks around the word 'species'. Did I use that word? No. I used the word "race". There are actually different 'races' on earth you know.
Within the various races there are 'ethnic groups'.

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