Right to Bear Arms: Canada vs. US

You are confusing "ethnic group" with "specie".
Think about it.
Or perhaps breeds or subspecies.

The differentiating factors that cause biologists to split the Spotted Owl from the Barred Owl are far less than the differences between Negroids, Caucasians and Mongoloids.

The thing is, we are still the same species over all and the variance within a race is much larger than the variance between races, and so race as a biological concept is of much less importance than race as a cultural construct..
Curious. One race has been proven scientifically to generally have lower IQs than other races. One race has been scientifically proven to have a higher percentage of the 'warrior gene' than other races. Funnily enough it is this race which is committing the vast majority of violent crimes based on percent of the population and is unable to learn the basic curriculum which was designed for students with average IQs around 115-120.
This has to be merely a coincidence seeing as how all races are basically the same.
Average IQ is more around 100. I have no idea why it's so important to you to knock blacks as a race, but I'll continue to go on the way I was taught: judge an individual on his character, not the color of his skin. That's from Martin Luther King, Jr., you know. If that makes me an evil democrat, so be it.
The Right to Bear Arms is the right to be in the militia. Nothing else.

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” - Reagan

Then again I can prove EVERYTHING I say.

Can you? I bet you can't.

If you could, you'd have done it already, but you didn't, you just attacked.

You just proved you know nothing about this matter.

You said that the right to bear arms is the right to be in militia and nothing else. Really?

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The 2nd Amendment makes positive statement with the respect to a right of the people. The right is not granted by the Amendment, the existence of the right is assumed and shall not be infringed and that means that federal government has no say on this matter unless the Constitution is amended.

So, your whole point is build upon telling people they're wrong and looking at a text you don't understand and making assumptions about it that aren't true. And my view is built on the history of the country.

If you want to learn something, you can. If you want to just make yourself feel good, then you can go talk to someone else.

Actually, my point is that you know nothing on the subject. Copy and paste someone's words you imagined are correct, doesn't make you an expert. And when you get a reply to your nonsense you start sentence with "so". I guess you run out of copy/paste material.

On the subject: The right of the people to keep and bear arms is not conditioned upon weather or not a well regulated militia is necessary to security of the free State.

Here is grammatically identical example that even leftist idiot can understand.

"A well schooled electorate, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and read Books, shall not be infringed."

Now tell me, does it mean that only well-schooled people, such as high school or college graduates, are the only ones with the right to keep and read books? According to your understanding of the 2nd Amendment, it does.

And what knowledge of me do you have that I know nothing of the subject?

Firstly, if you'd read my posts, you'd see I know more than anyone else has dared to say on this subject. Second, you're ignoring what I said.

You're using grammar. Fine. Does the grammar change what I have said? No it does not.

The reality is the right to bear arms is the right to bear arms regardless of whether there is a comma in the middle of the sentence or not.

How does "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." have a different meaning to the term "bear arms" than "A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."???

Because the term "bear arms" is the same term in both of these for me. And we are, you do realise this right?, talking about the right to bear arms here.
You are confusing "ethnic group" with "specie".
Think about it.
Or perhaps breeds or subspecies.

The differentiating factors that cause biologists to split the Spotted Owl from the Barred Owl are far less than the differences between Negroids, Caucasians and Mongoloids.

The thing is, we are still the same species over all and the variance within a race is much larger than the variance between races, and so race as a biological concept is of much less importance than race as a cultural construct..
Curious. One race has been proven scientifically to generally have lower IQs than other races. One race has been scientifically proven to have a higher percentage of the 'warrior gene' than other races. Funnily enough it is this race which is committing the vast majority of violent crimes based on percent of the population and is unable to learn the basic curriculum which was designed for students with average IQs around 115-120.
This has to be merely a coincidence seeing as how all races are basically the same.
Average IQ is more around 100. I have no idea why it's so important to you to knock blacks as a race, but I'll continue to go on the way I was taught: judge an individual on his character, not the color of his skin. That's from Martin Luther King, Jr., you know. If that makes me an evil democrat, so be it.
You need to check out the studies on IQ more carefully. Negro IQ average in the low eighties. White's average between 115-120.
The fact is globally negroes are a failing race compared to other races.
You claim I want to "knock" negroes.
Ironically those who insist on pretending "all races are the same" are the real racists.
The US has a major problem within the negro community.
What's the first thing we do to fix a problem? Honestly identify the problem.
Things will only get worse and NEVER get better for the negro race until the 'truth-tellers' stand up and honest people listen and then do something. When over 70% of negroes kids are being raised without a father in the home there is something extremely wrong that must be fixed if the negro race is even going to survive.
You're point about judging a man by his deeds and not his color everyone can agree with. No one should feel anything but admiration for people who have had to work extra hard to overcome their obstacles in life whatever their race.
So how do you 'judge' the negro thugs roaming the inner cities committing crimes against their own neighbors? You and I know what these thugs call each other.
The negroes who have made the choice to live peaceful honest hard working lives DO NOT use that word to describe other peaceful honest hard working folk like them. They call each other 'Brother and Sister.
They too call the thugs what they are......n888888.
BTW I was born in what was then called Cook County Hospital. I have lived in some of the worst of the worst negro on negro crimes infested parts of Chicago.
I know the difference between a 'Brother' and a n88888.
Curious. One race has been proven scientifically to generally have lower IQs than other races. One race has been scientifically proven to have a higher percentage of the 'warrior gene' than other races. Funnily enough it is this race which is committing the vast majority of violent crimes based on percent of the population and is unable to learn the basic curriculum which was designed for students with average IQs around 115-120.
This has to be merely a coincidence seeing as how all races are basically the same.

These are snapshots of the ethnic groups in todays time frame, but in the past the same things you are saying about blacks were also said about the Irish, the Italians, the Jews and the Slavs.

The qualities, abilities and behavior of all groups, biological, social, cultural, what have you even football teams, that behavior is dynamic and changes from year to year, and generation to generation.

But our laws, courts and legal standards must remain just, unbiased and constant in their fairness or else they are broken instruments, suitable only for oppression and subjugation.
Why would you put quotation marks around the word 'species'. Did I use that word? No. I used the word "race". There are actually different 'races' on earth you know.
Within the various races there are 'ethnic groups'.

And it is the ethnic groupings that have the real value, and even then it is a very thin margin.

Which of these is the white person, Danny?




Answer they are all Caucasian and in fact all of them are ethnic Dravidians.

Considering that they have this amount of variation WITHIN THE SAME ETHNIC GROUP, it should be crystal clear that it is the individual that is the critical collection of data and behavior, not race or ethnicity and therefore all people need to be treated as individuals before the law and not as members of racial or ethnic groups.
You need to check out the studies on IQ more carefully. Negro IQ average in the low eighties. White's average between 115-120.
The fact is globally negroes are a failing race compared to other races.
You claim I want to "knock" negroes.
Ironically those who insist on pretending "all races are the same" are the real racists.
The US has a major problem within the negro community.
What's the first thing we do to fix a problem? Honestly identify the problem.
Things will only get worse and NEVER get better for the negro race until the 'truth-tellers' stand up and honest people listen and then do something. When over 70% of negroes kids are being raised without a father in the home there is something extremely wrong that must be fixed if the negro race is even going to survive.
You're point about judging a man by his deeds and not his color everyone can agree with. No one should feel anything but admiration for people who have had to work extra hard to overcome their obstacles in life whatever their race.
So how do you 'judge' the negro thugs roaming the inner cities committing crimes against their own neighbors? You and I know what these thugs call each other.
The negroes who have made the choice to live peaceful honest hard working lives DO NOT use that word to describe other peaceful honest hard working folk like them. They call each other 'Brother and Sister.
They too call the thugs what they are......n888888.
BTW I was born in what was then called Cook County Hospital. I have lived in some of the worst of the worst negro on negro crimes infested parts of Chicago.
I know the difference between a 'Brother' and a n88888.
All you have demonstrated is that in a fair and equal competition, an over representation of one race compared to other races does not prove that there is any discrimination or bias.

It doesnt prove that there SHOULD be discrimination and bias against any particular race or ethnicity.
You need to check out the studies on IQ more carefully. Negro IQ average in the low eighties. White's average between 115-120.
The fact is globally negroes are a failing race compared to other races.
You claim I want to "knock" negroes.
Ironically those who insist on pretending "all races are the same" are the real racists.
The US has a major problem within the negro community.
What's the first thing we do to fix a problem? Honestly identify the problem.
Things will only get worse and NEVER get better for the negro race until the 'truth-tellers' stand up and honest people listen and then do something. When over 70% of negroes kids are being raised without a father in the home there is something extremely wrong that must be fixed if the negro race is even going to survive.
You're point about judging a man by his deeds and not his color everyone can agree with. No one should feel anything but admiration for people who have had to work extra hard to overcome their obstacles in life whatever their race.
So how do you 'judge' the negro thugs roaming the inner cities committing crimes against their own neighbors? You and I know what these thugs call each other.
The negroes who have made the choice to live peaceful honest hard working lives DO NOT use that word to describe other peaceful honest hard working folk like them. They call each other 'Brother and Sister.
They too call the thugs what they are......n888888.
BTW I was born in what was then called Cook County Hospital. I have lived in some of the worst of the worst negro on negro crimes infested parts of Chicago.
I know the difference between a 'Brother' and a n88888.
All you have demonstrated is that in a fair and equal competition, an over representation of one race compared to other races does not prove that there is any discrimination or bias.

It doesnt prove that there SHOULD be discrimination and bias against any particular race or ethnicity.
You'll need to break that down for me. I'm not sure what you mean.
Why would you put quotation marks around the word 'species'. Did I use that word? No. I used the word "race". There are actually different 'races' on earth you know.
Within the various races there are 'ethnic groups'.

And it is the ethnic groupings that have the real value, and even then it is a very thin margin.

Which of these is the white person, Danny?




Answer they are all Caucasian and in fact all of them are ethnic Dravidians.

Considering that they have this amount of variation WITHIN THE SAME ETHNIC GROUP, it should be crystal clear that it is the individual that is the critical collection of data and behavior, not race or ethnicity and therefore all people need to be treated as individuals before the law and not as members of racial or ethnic groups.
OK that's fine. All races have the same IQs and the same allele profiles. It just us racist Whites who 'hate' negroes who are getting them to commit violent crimes against each other staggeringly higher than other 'races' based on percent of population. OK I'll never use the word 'races' again because they don't exist right? We don't want them to succeed in schools also.
I think the Government needs to dump in another trillions dollars to 'prove' negroes are just as smart and peaceful as other races. Just one more trillion for sure will solve the problem of 70% of negro children being raised in fatherless homes. Just one more trillion.
You are confusing "ethnic group" with "specie".
Think about it.
Or perhaps breeds or subspecies.

The differentiating factors that cause biologists to split the Spotted Owl from the Barred Owl are far less than the differences between Negroids, Caucasians and Mongoloids.

The thing is, we are still the same species over all and the variance within a race is much larger than the variance between races, and so race as a biological concept is of much less importance than race as a cultural construct..
Curious. One race has been proven scientifically to generally have lower IQs than other races. One race has been scientifically proven to have a higher percentage of the 'warrior gene' than other races. Funnily enough it is this race which is committing the vast majority of violent crimes based on percent of the population and is unable to learn the basic curriculum which was designed for students with average IQs around 115-120.
This has to be merely a coincidence seeing as how all races are basically the same.
Average IQ is more around 100. I have no idea why it's so important to you to knock blacks as a race, but I'll continue to go on the way I was taught: judge an individual on his character, not the color of his skin. That's from Martin Luther King, Jr., you know. If that makes me an evil democrat, so be it.
You need to check out the studies on IQ more carefully. Negro IQ average in the low eighties. White's average between 115-120.
The fact is globally negroes are a failing race compared to other races.
You claim I want to "knock" negroes.
Ironically those who insist on pretending "all races are the same" are the real racists.
The US has a major problem within the negro community.
What's the first thing we do to fix a problem? Honestly identify the problem.
Things will only get worse and NEVER get better for the negro race until the 'truth-tellers' stand up and honest people listen and then do something. When over 70% of negroes kids are being raised without a father in the home there is something extremely wrong that must be fixed if the negro race is even going to survive.
You're point about judging a man by his deeds and not his color everyone can agree with. No one should feel anything but admiration for people who have had to work extra hard to overcome their obstacles in life whatever their race.
So how do you 'judge' the negro thugs roaming the inner cities committing crimes against their own neighbors? You and I know what these thugs call each other.
The negroes who have made the choice to live peaceful honest hard working lives DO NOT use that word to describe other peaceful honest hard working folk like them. They call each other 'Brother and Sister.
They too call the thugs what they are......n888888.
BTW I was born in what was then called Cook County Hospital. I have lived in some of the worst of the worst negro on negro crimes infested parts of Chicago.
I know the difference between a 'Brother' and a n88888.

Danny, I'm basing my opinions on experience, as well. I've taught students of all races and some of them are dumb as rocks, some are impressively smart, most are average, but I've never noticed the variance had anything to do with race. And I would have noticed; I have a 'high' IQ. But you've actually taught me something I never learned in five years of teacher training. I Googled, and by golly, valid studies have shown a minor statistical difference. The studies also showed whites have lower IQ's than Asians. Is that why American students lag so behind the Japanese in their "grades"? Maybe we need to just give up on white kids' education; they can't help it, they were born with lower IQ's.

In short, it doesn't matter
Danny, I'm basing my opinions on experience, as well. I've taught students of all races and some of them are dumb as rocks, some are impressively smart, most are average, but I've never noticed the variance had anything to do with race. And I would have noticed; I have a 'high' IQ. But you've actually taught me something I never learned in five years of teacher training. I Googled, and by golly, valid studies have shown a minor statistical difference. The studies also showed whites have lower IQ's than Asians. Is that why American students lag so behind the Japanese in their "grades"? Maybe we need to just give up on white kids' education; they can't help it, they were born with lower IQ's.

The natural potential of each person is higher than they achieve in most cases, IMO.

If the impediments of poor schooling, poor parental support and an unsafe chaotic environment are piled on top of the first two, then the children will never come close to reaching their potential.

If blacks had better schools and safer neighborhoods with better access to good education, then they would be comparable to whites and all comparable to Asians.

Except the Han Chinese, who are simply superior physically and mentally to most other peoples due to the harsh environment they lived through during various imperial eras and times dominated by warlords and chaos and THEY STILL ACHIEVED AND ADVANCED. They have evolved to higher cultural output much like the survivors of the American plantation system have yielded the worlds greatest athletes, by and large.

That is why the Han Chinese are running circles around us in internet warfare and have greater cultural resilience to the toxic poison of modern media.
OK that's fine. All races have the same IQs and the same allele profiles. It just us racist Whites who 'hate' negroes who are getting them to commit violent crimes against each other staggeringly higher than other 'races' based on percent of population. OK I'll never use the word 'races' again because they don't exist right? We don't want them to succeed in schools also.
I think the Government needs to dump in another trillions dollars to 'prove' negroes are just as smart and peaceful as other races. Just one more trillion for sure will solve the problem of 70% of negro children being raised in fatherless homes. Just one more trillion.
Oh, dont retreat into sarcasm, Danny. I think your summary of arguments is useful and germane to tearing down Affirmative Action and lawsuits based on inequitable outcomes.

But it doesnt prove racial inferiority. There is too much variance in cultural conditions and economic opportunities to do that with a balanced comparison.
You are confusing "ethnic group" with "specie".
Think about it.
Or perhaps breeds or subspecies.

The differentiating factors that cause biologists to split the Spotted Owl from the Barred Owl are far less than the differences between Negroids, Caucasians and Mongoloids.

The thing is, we are still the same species over all and the variance within a race is much larger than the variance between races, and so race as a biological concept is of much less importance than race as a cultural construct..
Curious. One race has been proven scientifically to generally have lower IQs than other races. One race has been scientifically proven to have a higher percentage of the 'warrior gene' than other races. Funnily enough it is this race which is committing the vast majority of violent crimes based on percent of the population and is unable to learn the basic curriculum which was designed for students with average IQs around 115-120.
This has to be merely a coincidence seeing as how all races are basically the same.
Average IQ is more around 100. I have no idea why it's so important to you to knock blacks as a race, but I'll continue to go on the way I was taught: judge an individual on his character, not the color of his skin. That's from Martin Luther King, Jr., you know. If that makes me an evil democrat, so be it.
You need to check out the studies on IQ more carefully. Negro IQ average in the low eighties. White's average between 115-120.
The fact is globally negroes are a failing race compared to other races.
You claim I want to "knock" negroes.
Ironically those who insist on pretending "all races are the same" are the real racists.
The US has a major problem within the negro community.
What's the first thing we do to fix a problem? Honestly identify the problem.
Things will only get worse and NEVER get better for the negro race until the 'truth-tellers' stand up and honest people listen and then do something. When over 70% of negroes kids are being raised without a father in the home there is something extremely wrong that must be fixed if the negro race is even going to survive.
You're point about judging a man by his deeds and not his color everyone can agree with. No one should feel anything but admiration for people who have had to work extra hard to overcome their obstacles in life whatever their race.
So how do you 'judge' the negro thugs roaming the inner cities committing crimes against their own neighbors? You and I know what these thugs call each other.
The negroes who have made the choice to live peaceful honest hard working lives DO NOT use that word to describe other peaceful honest hard working folk like them. They call each other 'Brother and Sister.
They too call the thugs what they are......n888888.
BTW I was born in what was then called Cook County Hospital. I have lived in some of the worst of the worst negro on negro crimes infested parts of Chicago.
I know the difference between a 'Brother' and a n88888.

Danny, I'm basing my opinions on experience, as well. I've taught students of all races and some of them are dumb as rocks, some are impressively smart, most are average, but I've never noticed the variance had anything to do with race. And I would have noticed; I have a 'high' IQ. But you've actually taught me something I never learned in five years of teacher training. I Googled, and by golly, valid studies have shown a minor statistical difference. The studies also showed whites have lower IQ's than Asians. Is that why American students lag so behind the Japanese in their "grades"? Maybe we need to just give up on white kids' education; they can't help it, they were born with lower IQ's.

In short, it doesn't matter
If you've taught school and never noticed the difference in ability to learn in different races I wonder in what school?
If you have taught school you should be aware that the basic American school curriculum has been designed to enable students with IQs from 100 to 120 to learn the curriculum right? I mean there wasn't any point in designing school curriculum which only students with IQs of 160 could understand right?
It simple logic. Cars manufacturers WANT their customers to be able to drive vehicles safely and easily. They don't sell vehicles with Formula One steering wheels with a hundred electronic inputs on them do they?

I appreciate your honesty in agreeing that yes in fact some races do generally have higher IQs than other races according to valid studies.
Yes yes you were being facetious.
You just agreed that Asians in fact do generally have higher IQ's than Whites then you explain why.
Informed Whites aren't bitching about what science has proven. You may have noticed White students generally are doing just fine in the fields of higher science. Yes many Asians are that much smarter. Big fucking deal.
At least the Whites aren't in a constant state of childess denial like the negro apologists are.
In short it matters very much to the future of negroes in this country. The SC judge was right. Don't 'AA' negroes into universities too academically intense/advanced and then dishonestly question why they are failing at those institutions.
You'll need to break that down for me. I'm not sure what you mean.
OK, let me do it by analogy.

Say we have a mixed race PE class and the black kids keep winning all running competitions against all the Asian kids and white kids.

Well the data results do not prove that anyone is cheating against the Asian and white kids nor that they are being discriminated against if we have data that proves the white kids and Asian kids on average are simply not as fast runners.

But on the other hand it would be equally wrong to say that the Asian and white kids cannot compete, therefore we are removing them from all PE classes and making them sweep the halls or something directly discriminatory against them.

Back to our case, yes blacks are showing lower average IQs for a multitude of reasons, and while that data is useful for disproving discrimination when we observe the incongruous comparison of achievement and law abidingness, it does not justify discrimination against blacks either.
I've always been in favor of the right to bear arms. That being said....Do you think it's just a "coincidence" that the crime rate is lower in Canada who does NOT have the Right to Bear Arms?
Most Canadians think America's right to bear arms is insane.
Who would be stupid enough to invade Canada when it's right next door to the most powerful country on earth? Canadians benefit from that protection whether they realize it or not.

Canadians may not like America's Constitutional Rights (which doesn't mean sh*t), but they do LOVE Americas tax laws don't they? Especial the Florida Tax Laws eh Toro?
Indeed. Just like New Zealand. They dotn need a military so they can give their citizens all they want. But if something happened, they are the worlds bitches.
Danny, I'm basing my opinions on experience, as well. I've taught students of all races and some of them are dumb as rocks, some are impressively smart, most are average, but I've never noticed the variance had anything to do with race. And I would have noticed; I have a 'high' IQ. But you've actually taught me something I never learned in five years of teacher training. I Googled, and by golly, valid studies have shown a minor statistical difference. The studies also showed whites have lower IQ's than Asians. Is that why American students lag so behind the Japanese in their "grades"? Maybe we need to just give up on white kids' education; they can't help it, they were born with lower IQ's.

The natural potential of each person is higher than they achieve in most cases, IMO.

If the impediments of poor schooling, poor parental support and an unsafe chaotic environment are piled on top of the first two, then the children will never come close to reaching their potential.

If blacks had better schools and safer neighborhoods with better access to good education, then they would be comparable to whites and all comparable to Asians.

Except the Han Chinese, who are simply superior physically and mentally to most other peoples due to the harsh environment they lived through during various imperial eras and times dominated by warlords and chaos and THEY STILL ACHIEVED AND ADVANCED. They have evolved to higher cultural output much like the survivors of the American plantation system have yielded the worlds greatest athletes, by and large.

That is why the Han Chinese are running circles around us in internet warfare and have greater cultural resilience to the toxic poison of modern media.
Where to begin? First you claim negroes have the same IQs as Asians. Scientific studies have disproved your claim. Repeatedly. Then you equivocate and claim that in fact there is a group of people who possess superior abilities.You even mention their "superior" intelligence. But you claim all races are just as intelligent.
Blacks are NEVER going to have safer neighborhoods and better schools if the fucking LIB run teacher's union and negro run cities are left in charge. You must know that on some level.
Then you bring up the fact that negroes are superior athletes. But you just claimed everyone's abilities are the same right?
You left out the part where when the negro chiefs were selling their negro slaves to the Europeans the slaves were 'selected' based on their physical prowess. So yes a lot of negro athletes are 'superior' to other races based on their differences. Differences you continue to claim do not exist.......except you claim they do exist.
Then why isn't it the same for IQ among different races? One is physical prowess one is intellectual prowess right?
Why are you in denial while at the same time making the claim some groups in fact ARE superior in some fields of endeavor than others.
You can't have it both ways.
I've always been in favor of the right to bear arms. That being said....

Do you think it's just a "coincidence" that the crime rate is lower in Canada who does NOT have the Right to Bear Arms?

You've always been in favor of the Right to Bear Arms, but do you actually know what the Right to Bear Arms is?

Do I know exactly what it says in the Bill of Rights off the top of my head? No.
I actually didn't even know Canada did not have that in their Bill of Rights until yesterday (watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire) - how's that for a confession!

So, you think it has nothing to do with crime rate? yes or no?

The Right to Bear Arms is the right to be in the militia. Nothing else.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The right was given to the people, not the militia.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The right was given to the people in the militia, as made clear in Art. I, sec. 8, clause 15 & 16. Only THE PEOPLE acting under the authority of the officers appointed by the State and trained in the discipline prescribed by The Congress.

Notwithstanding the biased opinion of Scalia, the NRA and its followers.

You'll need to break that down for me. I'm not sure what you mean.
OK, let me do it by analogy.

Say we have a mixed race PE class and the black kids keep winning all running competitions against all the Asian kids and white kids.

Well the data results do not prove that anyone is cheating against the Asian and white kids nor that they are being discriminated against if we have data that proves the white kids and Asian kids on average are simply not as fast runners.

But on the other hand it would be equally wrong to say that the Asian and white kids cannot compete, therefore we are removing them from all PE classes and making them sweep the halls or something directly discriminatory against them.

Back to our case, yes blacks are showing lower average IQs for a multitude of reasons, and while that data is useful for disproving discrimination when we observe the incongruous comparison of achievement and law abidingness, it does not justify discrimination against blacks either.
I NEVER suggested that negroes "shouldn't compete". I agree with the SC judge that putting anyone into a situation simply for 'PC' reasons AKA 'AA' when they do not have the SAT/IQ scores to compete equally is setting them up for failure everytime.
What would you say to someone who was put into a 1500 meter race with the top ten runners in the world who had very equal times. This person was never able to come close to the other times. But because the LIB view is '"everyone is equal" so the slower runner has to be in the race. And each time he/she competes he/she comes in far back at the end of the race. How many times do you think that person is going to suffer those defeats until the say 'fuck it!. I'm not doing that again. This is happening to negroes in these Lib PC run schools.
The judge said basically take each runner's times and have them complete on a level playing field with runners with similar times.
Not everyone is an olympic athlete and not everyone is a MIT PHD graduate.
Indeed. Just like New Zealand. They dotn need a military so they can give their citizens all they want. But if something happened, they are the worlds bitches.

Think about it; a company of mercenaries could infiltrate into New Zealand as tourists and take over the country by forcing themselves into being the 'palace guard' and effectively holding the President hostage, lol.
Indeed. Just like New Zealand. They dotn need a military so they can give their citizens all they want. But if something happened, they are the worlds bitches.

Think about it; a company of mercenaries could infiltrate into New Zealand as tourists and take over the country by forcing themselves into being the 'palace guard' and effectively holding the President hostage, lol.
Meh. Maybe they have tasers and viscous Chihuahuas
I NEVER suggested that negroes "shouldn't compete". I agree with the SC judge that putting anyone into a situation simply for 'PC' reasons AKA 'AA' when they do not have the SAT/IQ scores to compete equally is setting them up for failure everytime.
What would you say to someone who was put into a 1500 meter race with the top ten runners in the world who had very equal times. This person was never able to come close to the other times. But because the LIB view is '"everyone is equal" so the slower runner has to be in the race. And each time he/she competes he/she comes in far back at the end of the race. How many times do you think that person is going to suffer those defeats until the say 'fuck it!. I'm not doing that again. This is happening to negroes in these Lib PC run schools.
The judge said basically take each runner's times and have them complete on a level playing field with runners with similar times.
Not everyone is an olympic athlete and not everyone is a MIT PHD graduate.
Then I agree with your premise, but I think you are arguing for in effect more than just 'letting the chips fall where they may'.

You are arguing that the chips cannot fall in certain ways; so whats the point of that? That sounds to me like an argument for segregation, not negating AA.

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