Right to Bear Arms: Canada vs. US

I've always been in favor of the right to bear arms. That being said....

Do you think it's just a "coincidence" that the crime rate is lower in Canada who does NOT have the Right to Bear Arms?

Canadians do have the right to have arms.

They just have proper safety laws to own a gun. Laws we don't have here.

Gun politics in Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I will say, they don't have open carry or concealed carry. Guns have to be properly stored.

Interesting, not all Canadians are armed. They have a lot less guns in Canada than we have.

They also have a small fraction of the gun crime we have too.

The answer isn't arming everyone. The answer is proper safety laws and regulations on those guns.

Safety laws and regulations isn't banning guns. It's not taking guns from anyone. It's proper laws for safety and regulations.

The gun nuts scream that they're coming for your guns! Yet that has not happened. They scream about bans and confiscation when even one word of suggesting proper safety laws for guns.

They change the subject from an adult mature discussion about safety laws to banning guns all for the purpose to make sure the only thing that's done is more guns sold.

More guns won't make anyone safer. If they did then we should be the safest nation in the world and all other nations should have the same problems with guns we have now.

America wasn't armed to the teeth until the last couple decades. America also didn't have the same mass shootings and problems with guns we have now. The difference? We had some safety laws, not everyone had guns and the guns most people had were rifles used for hunting or sport.
You're a liar. Gun ownership has been on the decline, not up. More guns are sold to gun owners. Like I said, we always had them but progressives rammed their immorality down ou throats and think the problem is with the tools. If anything we need guns now more than ever when we are at risk of becoming wards of the state. Everything liberals touch turns to shit.
I've always been in favor of the right to bear arms. That being said....

Do you think it's just a "coincidence" that the crime rate is lower in Canada who does NOT have the Right to Bear Arms?

Canadians do have the right to have arms.

They just have proper safety laws to own a gun. Laws we don't have here.

Gun politics in Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I will say, they don't have open carry or concealed carry. Guns have to be properly stored.

Interesting, not all Canadians are armed. They have a lot less guns in Canada than we have.

They also have a small fraction of the gun crime we have too.

The answer isn't arming everyone. The answer is proper safety laws and regulations on those guns.

Safety laws and regulations isn't banning guns. It's not taking guns from anyone. It's proper laws for safety and regulations.

The gun nuts scream that they're coming for your guns! Yet that has not happened. They scream about bans and confiscation when even one word of suggesting proper safety laws for guns.

They change the subject from an adult mature discussion about safety laws to banning guns all for the purpose to make sure the only thing that's done is more guns sold.

More guns won't make anyone safer. If they did then we should be the safest nation in the world and all other nations should have the same problems with guns we have now.

America wasn't armed to the teeth until the last couple decades. America also didn't have the same mass shootings and problems with guns we have now. The difference? We had some safety laws, not everyone had guns and the guns most people had were rifles used for hunting or sport.
You're a liar. Gun ownership has been on the decline, not up. More guns are sold to gun owners. Like I said, we always had them but progressives rammed their immorality down ou throats and think the problem is with the tools. If anything we need guns now more than ever when we are at risk of becoming wards of the state. Everything liberals touch turns to shit.

"Everything liberals touch turns to shit."

They put on good theater.

I've always been in favor of the right to bear arms. That being said....

Do you think it's just a "coincidence" that the crime rate is lower in Canada who does NOT have the Right to Bear Arms?
This is why it's pointless to compare the United States to other Western nations, to do so indeed fails as a fallacy.

The United States is unique in the West with regard to how it perceives violence, where American society is more inherently violent, and where violence is considered a legitimate means of conflict resolution.

Moreover, the United State's lack of comprehensive healthcare along with the cultural stigma associated with mental health treatment makes it difficult to identify mental health issues for early treatment and the prevention of more serious disorders which could likely lead to acts of criminal violence with firearms.

Consequently, the availability of firearms in the Untied States and the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment have very little to do with mass shootings and other acts of gun violence – if anything at all; mass shootings and gun violence are the result of our Nation's unwillingness to acknowledge the violent nature of American society and the unwillingness to make a meaningful, sincere effort to invest in healthcare in general and mental healthcare in particular.

No....certain criminals in inner cities are inherently violent..the rest of the country is very peaceful. Get a handle on criminals, and you get a handle on gun violence....law abiding gun owners are not a problem.
I've always been in favor of the right to bear arms. That being said....

Do you think it's just a "coincidence" that the crime rate is lower in Canada who does NOT have the Right to Bear Arms?

Canadians do have the right to have arms.

They just have proper safety laws to own a gun. Laws we don't have here.

Gun politics in Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I will say, they don't have open carry or concealed carry. Guns have to be properly stored.

Interesting, not all Canadians are armed. They have a lot less guns in Canada than we have.

They also have a small fraction of the gun crime we have too.

The answer isn't arming everyone. The answer is proper safety laws and regulations on those guns.

Safety laws and regulations isn't banning guns. It's not taking guns from anyone. It's proper laws for safety and regulations.

The gun nuts scream that they're coming for your guns! Yet that has not happened. They scream about bans and confiscation when even one word of suggesting proper safety laws for guns.

They change the subject from an adult mature discussion about safety laws to banning guns all for the purpose to make sure the only thing that's done is more guns sold.

More guns won't make anyone safer. If they did then we should be the safest nation in the world and all other nations should have the same problems with guns we have now.

America wasn't armed to the teeth until the last couple decades. America also didn't have the same mass shootings and problems with guns we have now. The difference? We had some safety laws, not everyone had guns and the guns most people had were rifles used for hunting or sport.
You're a liar. Gun ownership has been on the decline, not up. More guns are sold to gun owners. Like I said, we always had them but progressives rammed their immorality down ou throats and think the problem is with the tools. If anything we need guns now more than ever when we are at risk of becoming wards of the state. Everything liberals touch turns to shit.

"Everything liberals touch turns to shit."

They put on good theater.

But then they think they are gods and feel the need to re-educate us in their ways.
I've always been in favor of the right to bear arms. That being said....

Do you think it's just a "coincidence" that the crime rate is lower in Canada who does NOT have the Right to Bear Arms?

Canadians do have the right to have arms.

They just have proper safety laws to own a gun. Laws we don't have here.

Gun politics in Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I will say, they don't have open carry or concealed carry. Guns have to be properly stored.

Interesting, not all Canadians are armed. They have a lot less guns in Canada than we have.

They also have a small fraction of the gun crime we have too.

The answer isn't arming everyone. The answer is proper safety laws and regulations on those guns.

Safety laws and regulations isn't banning guns. It's not taking guns from anyone. It's proper laws for safety and regulations.

The gun nuts scream that they're coming for your guns! Yet that has not happened. They scream about bans and confiscation when even one word of suggesting proper safety laws for guns.

They change the subject from an adult mature discussion about safety laws to banning guns all for the purpose to make sure the only thing that's done is more guns sold.

More guns won't make anyone safer. If they did then we should be the safest nation in the world and all other nations should have the same problems with guns we have now.

America wasn't armed to the teeth until the last couple decades. America also didn't have the same mass shootings and problems with guns we have now. The difference? We had some safety laws, not everyone had guns and the guns most people had were rifles used for hunting or sport.
You're a liar. Gun ownership has been on the decline, not up. More guns are sold to gun owners. Like I said, we always had them but progressives rammed their immorality down ou throats and think the problem is with the tools. If anything we need guns now more than ever when we are at risk of becoming wards of the state. Everything liberals touch turns to shit.

"Everything liberals touch turns to shit."

They put on good theater.

But then they think they are gods and feel the need to re-educate us in their ways.

Then ignore them. That really pisses them off.

I've always been in favor of the right to bear arms. That being said....

Do you think it's just a "coincidence" that the crime rate is lower in Canada who does NOT have the Right to Bear Arms?
I think it has more to do with the British culture they inherited. The Brits and the Canadians just don't have the same adoration of guns that Americans do. Until America can change its gun and violence loving culture, no amount of regulations in the world will solve the problem.
I saw my first open carry by a civilian this morning at the diner. Hated it. I live in a state with a very high rate of gun ownership but one of the lowest death-by-gun rates in the country. Mr. John Q. Citizen doesn't need a gun in this community unless he's messed with someone's lobster traps. I hate it. Don't need it. Put it back in the nightstand.

Well...the Europeans seem to have an adoration for mass murder and war....Considering they went to war twice and we had to bail them out and then they murdered 12 million innocent men, women and children (of all ages)......and if you take the dead from just the murder of innocent civilians, they far out do the United States in death....At least for us, the majority of those doing gun murder are violent criminals murdering other violent criminals, not normal people shooting each other.

That is the key that the gun grabbers want to hide and ignore. We do not have normal gun owners shooting other people. The majority of our gun crime and murder is committed by a small group of violent criminals who murder each other to the tune of 8,124 in 2014......the majority anyway.....

And the gun grabbers had better stop being so smug.......the British, the Continental Europeans and Australians....are beginning to see increases in their gun crime rates...after confiscation, and with extreme gun control laws......
To clarify, the right to bear arms is not in Canada's bill of rights (as it is in ours). At least, that was my understanding....


There is no right to bear arms in Canada.

Gun advocates like to say that the murder rate is higher in America because of more black people, urbanization and sheer population.

But the murder rate in lily-white Idaho has been 50% higher than in Canada over the past 15 years despite Canada having a lower rate of white people, more people and higher urbanization.

This isn't argument against guns per se. Rather, it's an argument against society being safer with widespread gun ownership. One can feel safer and be safer owning guns individually, but it doesn't mean everyone is safer with widespread gun ownership.

Please show that link on Idaho.....too often the anti gun people mix in suicide to increase their numbers....

We have widespread gun ownership...357 million guns in private hands and only 8,124 gun murders....with over 13 million people carrying guns for self defense...

Do you guys ever stop to contemplate those numbers....and how vastly different the normal gun owners are and how little violence they commit with all of those guns in private hands.....

You guys read those numbers and don't think about them...you should...because they show how wrong you are....

More Americans own and carry guns than ever before according to Gallup and Zogby polling......and our gun murder rate is going down.....
To clarify, the right to bear arms is not in Canada's bill of rights (as it is in ours). At least, that was my understanding....


There is no right to bear arms in Canada.

Gun advocates like to say that the murder rate is higher in America because of more black people, urbanization and sheer population.

But the murder rate in lily-white Idaho has been 50% higher than in Canada over the past 15 years despite Canada having a lower rate of white people, more people and higher urbanization.

This isn't argument against guns per se. Rather, it's an argument against society being safer with widespread gun ownership. One can feel safer and be safer owning guns individually, but it doesn't mean everyone is safer with widespread gun ownership.

And then there is this....

Toronto's gun crime stats have spiked

TORONTO - Welcome to Toronto’s Summer of the Gun 2015.

It’s a headline neither Toronto Police nor city hall want to see.

There is no question statistics can be made to look a lot of different ways, but some statistics are just plain ugly.

Scary, actually.

For example, 36 more people have been shot so far this year in Toronto than at this point last year.

Toronto Police statistics show a 90% increase in people wounded by gunfire and a 48% increase in shootings (135 compared to 91).

And there have been 106 more shooting victims (those hit by gunfire, as well as those victimized by it).

In fact, the 227 shooting victims so far this year is 31 more than the total for all of 2014.

It’s true not all shooting victims have been hit by gunfire, but as Deputy Chief Peter Sloly points out, every gun shot, whether into the air or a tree, is one that could ricochet and strike an innocent victim like we saw in 2012 when a two-year-old was hit.

If you add the death and injury statistics, Toronto has seen 88 dead or wounded by gunfire in 2015 compared to 53 at this time last year. That’s a 66% increase.

It’s a big spike.

Shocking, horrifying numbers that seem to have just snuck up on us.

Many seem worried about the controversial carding issue, but these scary stats aren’t getting the same media attention. It doesn’t feel like a particularly violent summer, but the stats indicate otherwise.
Gun crime and Toronto...shootings we don't hear about in the States...

Shooting deaths, injuries up over 58 per cent so far in 2015

The concern over rising gun violence in Toronto is again making headlines following a mass shooting at an OVO Fest after-party.

Two people were killed and three others were injured in the overnight shooting that began inside a packed Toronto nightclub.

Following the shooting, Deputy Police Chief Peter Sloly confirmed there has been an “uptick” in shootings throughout 2015.


The statistics

The latest year-to-date police statistics show that shooting injuries and deaths in Toronto are up over 58 per cent so far this year, when compared to 2014.

As of Aug. 4, 95 people have been killed or injured in shootings this year, up from 60 in July 2014. Of those 95 victims, 12 were killed and 83 were injured.


The number of shooting occurrences (when someone is shot or shot at) in 2015 is also much higher than in 2014. There have been 147 shooting occurrences so far this year, compared to 106 at this time in 2014.

Police say the number of victims who were shot or shot at in 2015 is up an alarming 84 per cent compared to 2014. So far in 2015, there have been 244 shooting victims. By July of 2014, there were 132.
And this is what I mean.....Canadians shouldn't be too smug about American gun crime.....your gun crime is increasing, and like Europe, and Australia...it is following immigrants.......

MacDonald George murder weapon tells story of guns in city

Twenty-one years later, Toronto drug dealer Shamsa Noor used that same semi-automatic pistol to shoot MacDonald George five times in ten seconds on a downtown street in Saskatoon.

George had come to Saskatoon to work at a flour mill. He was at a downtown club for its reggae night and was killed trying to break up a fight on the street in front of the club. Police described him as an innocent victim.

Police recovered the pistol in a car used by Noor to try and escape. He eventually pleaded guilty to manslaughter. He never did say where the gun came from.


Guns and drugs
Sgt. Ken Kane has spent the last 13 years as a member of the police emergency response team. He's watched the growth of gun violence in the city up close.

He said the history of the handgun in the George case is typical of what's happening in the drug scene.

"They're more concealable and I guess sort of are part of their defence package.""When we're dealing with some of the drug dealers, especially out of town crews, we're finding they have a preference for handguns," Kane said.
I've always been in favor of the right to bear arms. That being said....

Do you think it's just a "coincidence" that the crime rate is lower in Canada who does NOT have the Right to Bear Arms?

The population of Canada is 35 million people which is less than ten percent of the U.S. population, so they will have lower gun deaths than us.

Plus Canada is not a melting pot nation like the U.S. and the conflict between cultures is less likely than here in the U.S. ...

It's not just lower population, but hunting rifles only and no handguns that affects lower gun deaths. Canada also institutes correlating punishment for broken laws, something we don't readily do. Canada is a melting pot just like the U.S., taking in nearly as many immigrants. Conflict between cultures isn't much of a problem as they have a great influx of Asians, East Indians, Muslims, etc.
Canadians don't want anything to do with American gun culture.

Anecdotal stories about Canada posted by American gun nuts are posted to make the gun nuts feel better about themselves, not a reflection of what Canadians think.


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Canadians don't want anything to do with American gun culture.

Anecdotal stories about Canada posted by American gun nuts are posted to make the gun nuts feel better about themselves, not a reflection of what Canadians think.
When the fuck did Canadians elect shitheads like you to speak for them, doofus?
Canadians don't want anything to do with American gun culture.

Anecdotal stories about Canada posted by American gun nuts are posted to make the gun nuts feel better about themselves, not a reflection of what Canadians think.

No....their criminals certainly do....and they get guns easily...and the crime rate is startting to go up there as well........criminals need guns to defend their drug turf and kill rivals.....even in Canada.
Canadians don't want anything to do with American gun culture.

Anecdotal stories about Canada posted by American gun nuts are posted to make the gun nuts feel better about themselves, not a reflection of what Canadians think.

No....their criminals certainly do....and they get guns easily...and the crime rate is startting to go up there as well........criminals need guns to defend their drug turf and kill rivals.....even in Canada.
99% of gun violence in Canada is between recent negro immigrants. The crimes are 100% gang related or concerning intercultural tensions.
Basically they bring their culture of violence with them to play out in their own communities.
Hand guns are smuggled in through indian reservations just like the heroin/meth and cigarettes are.
It's just like everywhere negroes live on the planet. Their negro on negro endemic violence skews the gun violence stats and our 'gun-grabbers' conveniently forget to add a footnote to the stats: "Note these numbers neglect to point out that very small pockets of the population are the source for 99% of the gun violence. These small pockets are always in negro communities which are all run by Democrate officials".
99% of gun violence in Canada is between recent negro immigrants. The crimes are 100% gang related or concerning intercultural tensions.
Basically they bring their culture of violence with them to play out in their own communities.
Hand guns are smuggled in through indian reservations just like the heroin/meth and cigarettes are.
It's just like everywhere negroes live on the planet. Their negro on negro endemic violence skews the gun violence stats and our 'gun-grabbers' conveniently forget to add a footnote to the stats: "Note these numbers neglect to point out that very small pockets of the population are the source for 99% of the gun violence. These small pockets are always in negro communities which are all run by Democrate officials".
Do you really think that this crime is intrinsic to the DNA of blacks, that it is cultural in nature or that it is an economic driven set of causal forces?
99% of gun violence in Canada is between recent negro immigrants. The crimes are 100% gang related or concerning intercultural tensions.
Basically they bring their culture of violence with them to play out in their own communities.
Hand guns are smuggled in through indian reservations just like the heroin/meth and cigarettes are.
It's just like everywhere negroes live on the planet. Their negro on negro endemic violence skews the gun violence stats and our 'gun-grabbers' conveniently forget to add a footnote to the stats: "Note these numbers neglect to point out that very small pockets of the population are the source for 99% of the gun violence. These small pockets are always in negro communities which are all run by Democrate officials".
Do you really think that this crime is intrinsic to the DNA of blacks, that it is cultural in nature or that it is an economic driven set of causal forces?
I believe in science.
Does the MAOA gene help explain why blacks are more violent than whites and Asians?

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