Right to healthcare, an auto, a home, food,etc.??

Maybe I am That stupid or...Maybe you are. I've asked you very nicely for a link. So prove I am That stupid. Without a link proves you're That stupid...Link Please~~

Do I really need to explain that people who receive public assistance do so because of need and that EVERYONE does not receive it?

If I do, then you are indeed quite stupid and are wasting my time

Your Quote was "We are a NEEDs BASED SYSTEM"
I ask for a link proving We are a Needs based system. You cannot provide a link ~
FAIL ~~~
We are NOT a needs based system we are a capitalist system but we are also very charitable nation.

LINK ~ Capitalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You really should not call others Stupid without any facts to back it up~~~

You have removed all doubt.

You are that stupid. Thanks for playing
Right to healthcare, an auto, a home, food,etc.??

You have the right to breathe air. You need to earn the rest of it all by yourself. Nobody owes you anything.
Do I really need to explain that people who receive public assistance do so because of need and that EVERYONE does not receive it?

If I do, then you are indeed quite stupid and are wasting my time

Your Quote was "We are a NEEDs BASED SYSTEM"
I ask for a link proving We are a Needs based system. You cannot provide a link ~
FAIL ~~~
We are NOT a needs based system we are a capitalist system but we are also very charitable nation.

LINK ~ Capitalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You really should not call others Stupid without any facts to back it up~~~

You have removed all doubt.

You are that stupid. Thanks for playing
Without a single link you still calling me names ~ Shame on You ~~
You make a bold statement I prove you wrong and you call me names ~ Fail
Typical Lib Behavior...I'm used to it...
Your Quote was "We are a NEEDs BASED SYSTEM"
I ask for a link proving We are a Needs based system. You cannot provide a link ~
FAIL ~~~
We are NOT a needs based system we are a capitalist system but we are also very charitable nation.

LINK ~ Capitalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You really should not call others Stupid without any facts to back it up~~~

You have removed all doubt.

You are that stupid. Thanks for playing
Without a single link you still calling me names ~ Shame on You ~~
You make a bold statement I prove you wrong and you call me names ~ Fail
Typical Lib Behavior...I'm used to it...

I am not going to debate that welfare goes to those in need any more than I am going to debate that the sky is blue

The only thing worse than being stupid, is being stubborn and stupid
You have removed all doubt.

You are that stupid. Thanks for playing
Without a single link you still calling me names ~ Shame on You ~~
You make a bold statement I prove you wrong and you call me names ~ Fail
Typical Lib Behavior...I'm used to it...

I am not going to debate that welfare goes to those in need any more than I am going to debate that the sky is blue

The only thing worse than being stupid, is being stubborn and stupid

Still can't prove your Quote "We are a Needs Based System" and still calling me names while now trying to change the subject...You Stilll Fail ~ Accept it and move on...
I'm going shoping knowing that RW fails and then changes the subject :D:D:D
I agree. Just leave the government out of it.

Private charities cannot handle it....PERIOD[/QUOTE

Private charities have handled it in the past before we had a nanny state.

If the citizens & businesses weren't being looted, via taxation, some 30% and more of their earnings, there would be more charitable donations.
BTW, you're free to donate all you want...you won't be stopped.
Last edited:
Private charities cannot handle it....PERIOD[/QUOTE

Private charities have handled it in the past before we had a nanny state.

If the citizens & businesses weren't being looted, via taxation, some 30% and more of their earnings, there would be more charitable donations.
BTW, you're free to donate all you want...you won't be stopped.

Interesting theory

Sounds a lot like trickle down charity
You have removed all doubt.

You are that stupid. Thanks for playing
Without a single link you still calling me names ~ Shame on You ~~
You make a bold statement I prove you wrong and you call me names ~ Fail
Typical Lib Behavior...I'm used to it...

I am not going to debate that welfare goes to those in need any more than I am going to debate that the sky is blue

The only thing worse than being stupid, is being stubborn and stupid

No, most welfare goes to those who could, and should, earn their own way. Self-inflicted "need" is invalid. If there weren't so many entitled, lazy, POS lemmings who have been enslaved by the welfare mentality, who have allowed themselves to buy into the myth that they are too stupid, lazy, or otherwise incapable of providing for themselves, charitable organizations could very easily handle those whose need was real.
Without a single link you still calling me names ~ Shame on You ~~
You make a bold statement I prove you wrong and you call me names ~ Fail
Typical Lib Behavior...I'm used to it...

I am not going to debate that welfare goes to those in need any more than I am going to debate that the sky is blue

The only thing worse than being stupid, is being stubborn and stupid

No, most welfare goes to those who could, and should, earn their own way. Self-inflicted "need" is invalid. If there weren't so many entitled, lazy, POS lemmings who have been enslaved by the welfare mentality, who have allowed themselves to buy into the myth that they are too stupid, lazy, or otherwise incapable of providing for themselves, charitable organizations could very easily handle those whose need was real.

Conservative mythology
Right to healthcare, an auto, a home, food,etc.??

You have the right to breathe air. You need to earn the rest of it all by yourself. Nobody owes you anything.

What's sad, and frankly evil, is that the natural human impulse to altruism is used as a lever to subjugate us.
I am not going to debate that welfare goes to those in need any more than I am going to debate that the sky is blue

The only thing worse than being stupid, is being stubborn and stupid

No, most welfare goes to those who could, and should, earn their own way. Self-inflicted "need" is invalid. If there weren't so many entitled, lazy, POS lemmings who have been enslaved by the welfare mentality, who have allowed themselves to buy into the myth that they are too stupid, lazy, or otherwise incapable of providing for themselves, charitable organizations could very easily handle those whose need was real.

Conservative mythology

Much better than liberal shit-for-brains, talking-points, brain-dead chanting.
But carry on, no one with one functioning brain cell will credit you with anything more than you spew. It's OK, we understand your obvious shortcomings.
I'll chime in here:

Liberals claim they are pro-choice on abortion. Well, it isn't much of a choice if you're asking the government to make it for you.

On a different note:

Nobody is entitled to anything of mine, nor am I entitled to anything of yours. I have a right to my property, as do you to yours.

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