Right vs. Left is Logic vs. Emotion

Are you mandated to buy car insurance? Does it come from corporation?
I can choose not to drive, snowflake. Obamacare forces me to purchase insurance just for being alive. Ever notice that the left cannot accomplish anything unless it is at the barrel of a gun?

Their policies are so idiotic, so incompetent, so ineffective that they can only get people to do it at the barrel of a gun. Speaks volumes.
Who used a gun, Mr.s Rational? That's correct, no one. And having the mandate is a conservative idea. Otherwise free riders would kill the system.
So .... eliminate free riders.

Seems like a simple solution to me.
Jimmy Kimmel's recent viral monologue is a prime example of how the left values irrational emotions over logic and reason. That is why the left supports failed ideologies such as socialism, communism, etc. Because it feels good to them. They could care less that it ends in poverty, misery, and collapse.

Jimmy Kimmel illustrated this universal truth once again when he cried during his monologue about his baby (who is ok now) and proclaimed how nobody should have to decide between saving their child's life and money (as if anyone has ever had to make that "choice"). Life saving procedures cannot be denied regardless of a person's ability to pay. In addition to that inconvenient little fact, there is this gem:
The care, technology, and life saving treatment his family experienced was made possible by two, privately funded organizations. Both Cedars Sinai and Children’s Hospital LA are non-profit, not government-run, hospitals. This isn’t a coincidence.

When individuals are allowed to fund programs they like without a government mandate, we end up with more efficient and effective services. Hospitals are only one very important example.
Jimmy Kimmel’s Moving Story Shows Why Private Charity Trumps Government
Those private hospitals are great, I'm sure, but they sure are more expensive than most of the population can afford. So explain to me again how our current healthcare system is accessible to all? People can't afford to visit a hospital when they've got Obamacare--their $10,000 + deductibles are prohibitive. Same with doctor's visits. Kimmel as a father has every right to tear up relating the close call his newborn went through. You guys slamming "emotion" vs. "logic" aren't doing so hot when it comes to finding an actual solution to the problem, though. More and more people can't afford to visit doctors. Fix it.
St Jude childrens hospital provides treatments for free, and they provide housing for the parents.
Supported with donations.
The difference being, conservatives give to charity, leftists do not.

Bill and Melinda Gates have pledged almost all of their wealth to charity, in addition to what they've already given.

How much will you be giving to charity when you kick the bucket?
And people legally holding visas or with approved refugee status. Listen it's okay if you don't want to believe me. We'll let the courts handle this. :beer:
If that were even remotely true - then people with visas could vote in our election. Only U.S. citizens have constitutional rights.

But that's not the discussion here. THe discussion is whether the president can discriminate against a group of non-citizens and prevent them from accessing the U.S. And the answer of course, is yes. Yes, he can.
Bill and Melinda Gates have pledged almost all of their wealth to charity, in addition to what they've already given. Billions.
Bingo! And Warren Buffett likewise - along with a whole lot of other millionaires and billionaires.

Just imagine what we could do if we could get rid of all of the government socialism and leave a lot more money in the pockets of citizens.
Capitalism in'ts about fairness, it's about making a buck and what the market will bear. You paid up, and they more than happily cashed the check. That works just great, for many (but not all) things. To make it really cheap everyone has to pay up. Free Riders don't hence the mandates.

How does it get cheap just because everyone pays up? Still costs the same ---- it's just a matter of how you divide the bill (and who pays the tip).
Rates can, but might not, go down when more people buy spreading out the risk pool. Fewer claims means they make better profits and some of that can be returned to the policy holders but if only a few buy, and most free ride, oh boy do you have trouble now. You are paying for you and the free riders. It's why Obamacare had a mandate, trying to knock out the free riders.

Obama care didn't cover the 30 milion free riders ...the illegals using the ER so it was a farce...

30 million my butt. 11-12 million. Now they can use their easily faked GOP SS cards and get preventive care and pay what they can with subsidies. Because the male illegals are basically all working (94%), 67% pay taxes, and 35% own homes. (Pew, 2007).

The rate of increase in costs is already bending down and would more without GOP/Big Health crony sabotage. The real problem is the ridiculous expensiveness of the GOP/Big Health scam system we had...at least now we see the true costs and the old scam policies...Fix it and let it work.

Yes they are working undercutting poor workers pay dupe, throw them out and watch wages rise.

The democrats are advocating for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, instead.
And people legally holding visas or with approved refugee status. Listen it's okay if you don't want to believe me. We'll let the courts handle this. :beer:
If that were even remotely true - then people with visas could vote in our election. Only U.S. citizens have constitutional rights.

But that's not the discussion here. THe discussion is whether the president can discriminate against a group of non-citizens and prevent them from accessing the U.S. And the answer of course, is yes. Yes, he can.
We have a Commerce Clause; tourism is not immigration.
We have a Commerce Clause; tourism is not immigration.
Snowflake...the "Commerce Clause" does not grant constitutional rights to non-citizens, nor does it override the president's authority when it comes to national security.

Why do you say such bizarre and random things? Is this your attempt at trolling or something?
We have a Commerce Clause
You know what else we have that is far more important to the discussion? We have the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.
Section 212(f), states: "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate."
It's so bizarre how the left hate the U.S. Constitution, hates U.S. laws, and is always looking to secure rights for foreigners while attempting to circumvent them with citizens.
But, how can that be, the rich get a capital gains preference to help ensure, Jobs Booms.
Because idiotic left-wing policy always destroys jobs and collapses economies. The federal taxes and state taxes of California are brutal. The labor regulations are brutal. And now they've made even minimum wage brutal.
The democrats are advocating for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, instead.
Yep. Which takes minimum wage jobs and turns them into no wage jobs. If only the left were capable of learning basic economics.

Surprise, San Francisco Restaurant Workers! Minimum Wage Hike Is Killing Restaurants By The Dozens
Henry Ford was able to double autoworker wages not minimum wages; we merely need better capitalists. Lousy management should be, "downsized" if they cannot make like Henry Ford, and hire someone who can.
Capitalism in'ts about fairness, it's about making a buck and what the market will bear. You paid up, and they more than happily cashed the check. That works just great, for many (but not all) things. To make it really cheap everyone has to pay up. Free Riders don't hence the mandates.

How does it get cheap just because everyone pays up? Still costs the same ---- it's just a matter of how you divide the bill (and who pays the tip).
Rates can, but might not, go down when more people buy spreading out the risk pool. Fewer claims means they make better profits and some of that can be returned to the policy holders but if only a few buy, and most free ride, oh boy do you have trouble now. You are paying for you and the free riders. It's why Obamacare had a mandate, trying to knock out the free riders.

Obama care didn't cover the 30 milion free riders ...the illegals using the ER so it was a farce...

30 million my butt. 11-12 million. Now they can use their easily faked GOP SS cards and get preventive care and pay what they can with subsidies. Because the male illegals are basically all working (94%), 67% pay taxes, and 35% own homes. (Pew, 2007).

The rate of increase in costs is already bending down and would more without GOP/Big Health crony sabotage. The real problem is the ridiculous expensiveness of the GOP/Big Health scam system we had...at least now we see the true costs and the old scam policies...Fix it and let it work.

Yes they are working undercutting poor workers pay dupe, throw them out and watch wages rise.

Give the worthy ones papers as they do work Americans don't want and make an SS card that's unfakable so NO MORE ILLEGALS. But the GOP dupes you with BS rhetoric, stupid wall, and unconstitutional harassment laws.
We have a Commerce Clause; tourism is not immigration.
Snowflake...the "Commerce Clause" does not grant constitutional rights to non-citizens, nor does it override the president's authority when it comes to national security.

Why do you say such bizarre and random things? Is this your attempt at trolling or something?
dear, simply being clueless and Causeless does nothing to establish confidence in your sincerity.

Tourism is not immigration. There is no authority for our president to deny or disparage tourists.
We have a Commerce Clause
You know what else we have that is far more important to the discussion? We have the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.
Section 212(f), states: "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate."
It's so bizarre how the left hate the U.S. Constitution, hates U.S. laws, and is always looking to secure rights for foreigners while attempting to circumvent them with citizens.
You have to prove it is immigration and not tourism.
But, how can that be, the rich get a capital gains preference to help ensure, Jobs Booms.
Because idiotic left-wing policy always destroys jobs and collapses economies. The federal taxes and state taxes of California are brutal. The labor regulations are brutal. And now they've made even minimum wage brutal.
End the capital gains tax preference until there is a Jobs Boom, or else, be denied and disparaged, steak and lobster privileges as well.

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