Right vs. Left is Logic vs. Emotion

Single payer is always cheaper. We have the most expensive healthcare now.

Cheaper by what metric?

Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries

Pearson: Whether measured relative to its population or its economy, the United States spends by far the most in the world on health care.

The U.S. spent $8,233 on health per person in 2010. Norway, the Netherlands and Switzerland are the next highest spenders, but in the same year, they all spent at least $3,000 less per person. The average spending on health care among the other 33 developed OECD countries was $3,268 per person.
Single payer would be the most expensive to those that have to pay for it. Deadbeats and the like would not have to pay nothing.
Why do you believe that would be the case, if taxes for health care can come from anywhere, not just employment compensation.
Anytime a pool is paid into it is abused, people should not be forced into something they will never use and never benefit from.
Nothing but red herrings; we are discussing the Public Sector.

Why do you believe that would be the case, if taxes for health care can come from anywhere, not just employment compensation.
Single payer is always cheaper. We have the most expensive healthcare now.

Cheaper by what metric?

Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries

Pearson: Whether measured relative to its population or its economy, the United States spends by far the most in the world on health care.

The U.S. spent $8,233 on health per person in 2010. Norway, the Netherlands and Switzerland are the next highest spenders, but in the same year, they all spent at least $3,000 less per person. The average spending on health care among the other 33 developed OECD countries was $3,268 per person.
Single payer would be the most expensive to those that have to pay for it. Deadbeats and the like would not have to pay nothing.
Why do you believe that would be the case, if taxes for health care can come from anywhere, not just employment compensation.
Anytime a pool is paid into it is abused, people should not be forced into something they will never use and never benefit from.
That's why they call it insurance. Everyone is at risk. ACA and single payer both have mechanisms to lower costs, Trumpcare will go back to no such thing, and scams to hide costs...
Cheaper by what metric?

Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries

Pearson: Whether measured relative to its population or its economy, the United States spends by far the most in the world on health care.

The U.S. spent $8,233 on health per person in 2010. Norway, the Netherlands and Switzerland are the next highest spenders, but in the same year, they all spent at least $3,000 less per person. The average spending on health care among the other 33 developed OECD countries was $3,268 per person.
Single payer would be the most expensive to those that have to pay for it. Deadbeats and the like would not have to pay nothing.
Why do you believe that would be the case, if taxes for health care can come from anywhere, not just employment compensation.
Anytime a pool is paid into it is abused, people should not be forced into something they will never use and never benefit from.
That's why they call it insurance. Everyone is at risk. ACA and single payer both have mechanisms to lower costs, Trumpcare will go back to no such thing, and scams to hide costs...
Keep your Obamacare, pools and single-payer to yourselves… Leave the rest of us out of it
Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries

Pearson: Whether measured relative to its population or its economy, the United States spends by far the most in the world on health care.

The U.S. spent $8,233 on health per person in 2010. Norway, the Netherlands and Switzerland are the next highest spenders, but in the same year, they all spent at least $3,000 less per person. The average spending on health care among the other 33 developed OECD countries was $3,268 per person.
Single payer would be the most expensive to those that have to pay for it. Deadbeats and the like would not have to pay nothing.
Why do you believe that would be the case, if taxes for health care can come from anywhere, not just employment compensation.
Anytime a pool is paid into it is abused, people should not be forced into something they will never use and never benefit from.
That's why they call it insurance. Everyone is at risk. ACA and single payer both have mechanisms to lower costs, Trumpcare will go back to no such thing, and scams to hide costs...
Keep your Obamacare, pools and single-payer to yourselves… Leave the rest of us out of it
Don't like thinking much? So going back to the nonsystem that gave us 45k dead/year due to no insurance, costs 50% higher than anywhere else, and cutoffs, scams, and horror stories galore is fine? And no solutions? I see you're outstanding in your field, whistling past the graveyard, no doctor, no preventive medicine, great plan....
Single payer would be the most expensive to those that have to pay for it. Deadbeats and the like would not have to pay nothing.
Why do you believe that would be the case, if taxes for health care can come from anywhere, not just employment compensation.
Anytime a pool is paid into it is abused, people should not be forced into something they will never use and never benefit from.
That's why they call it insurance. Everyone is at risk. ACA and single payer both have mechanisms to lower costs, Trumpcare will go back to no such thing, and scams to hide costs...
Keep your Obamacare, pools and single-payer to yourselves… Leave the rest of us out of it
Don't like thinking much? So going back to the nonsystem that gave us 45k dead/year due to no insurance, costs 50% higher than anywhere else, and cutoffs, scams, and horror stories galore is fine? And no solutions? I see you're outstanding in your field, whistling past the graveyard, no doctor, no preventive medicine, great plan....
If your stuff is so great that you speak of - like single payer, pools and Obamacare why don't you guys just keep it to yourselves? Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something we will never use and never benefit from
Why do you believe that would be the case, if taxes for health care can come from anywhere, not just employment compensation.
Anytime a pool is paid into it is abused, people should not be forced into something they will never use and never benefit from.
That's why they call it insurance. Everyone is at risk. ACA and single payer both have mechanisms to lower costs, Trumpcare will go back to no such thing, and scams to hide costs...
Keep your Obamacare, pools and single-payer to yourselves… Leave the rest of us out of it
Don't like thinking much? So going back to the nonsystem that gave us 45k dead/year due to no insurance, costs 50% higher than anywhere else, and cutoffs, scams, and horror stories galore is fine? And no solutions? I see you're outstanding in your field, whistling past the graveyard, no doctor, no preventive medicine, great plan....
If your stuff is so great that you speak of - like single payer, pools and Obamacare why don't you guys just keep it to yourselves? Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something we will never use and never benefit from
Go get a doctor for your kids and stop gambling with your life and theirs. The GOP "plan" is a catastrophe, just like the system before ACA. Not covered in Dupeworld...
Why do you believe that would be the case, if taxes for health care can come from anywhere, not just employment compensation.
Anytime a pool is paid into it is abused, people should not be forced into something they will never use and never benefit from.
That's why they call it insurance. Everyone is at risk. ACA and single payer both have mechanisms to lower costs, Trumpcare will go back to no such thing, and scams to hide costs...
Keep your Obamacare, pools and single-payer to yourselves… Leave the rest of us out of it
Don't like thinking much? So going back to the nonsystem that gave us 45k dead/year due to no insurance, costs 50% higher than anywhere else, and cutoffs, scams, and horror stories galore is fine? And no solutions? I see you're outstanding in your field, whistling past the graveyard, no doctor, no preventive medicine, great plan....
If your stuff is so great that you speak of - like single payer, pools and Obamacare why don't you guys just keep it to yourselves? Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something we will never use and never benefit from
Any system that helps those with prexisting conditions, ie CIVILIZED, has to include everyone. The GOP on this is run by Big Health, where money is more important than people. ACA will take a few years to solve it, but at least the poor were definitely helped, and cost were being controlled for the first time...
Anytime a pool is paid into it is abused, people should not be forced into something they will never use and never benefit from.
That's why they call it insurance. Everyone is at risk. ACA and single payer both have mechanisms to lower costs, Trumpcare will go back to no such thing, and scams to hide costs...
Keep your Obamacare, pools and single-payer to yourselves… Leave the rest of us out of it
Don't like thinking much? So going back to the nonsystem that gave us 45k dead/year due to no insurance, costs 50% higher than anywhere else, and cutoffs, scams, and horror stories galore is fine? And no solutions? I see you're outstanding in your field, whistling past the graveyard, no doctor, no preventive medicine, great plan....
If your stuff is so great that you speak of - like single payer, pools and Obamacare why don't you guys just keep it to yourselves? Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something we will never use and never benefit from
Any system that helps those with prexisting conditions, ie CIVILIZED, has to include everyone. The GOP on this is run by Big Health, where money is more important than people. ACA will take a few years to solve it, but at least the poor were definitely helped.
You didn't answer my question, your socialize medicine does not require all of the participation in such fraud.
Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something that we will never use And/or benefit from
That's why they call it insurance. Everyone is at risk. ACA and single payer both have mechanisms to lower costs, Trumpcare will go back to no such thing, and scams to hide costs...
Keep your Obamacare, pools and single-payer to yourselves… Leave the rest of us out of it
Don't like thinking much? So going back to the nonsystem that gave us 45k dead/year due to no insurance, costs 50% higher than anywhere else, and cutoffs, scams, and horror stories galore is fine? And no solutions? I see you're outstanding in your field, whistling past the graveyard, no doctor, no preventive medicine, great plan....
If your stuff is so great that you speak of - like single payer, pools and Obamacare why don't you guys just keep it to yourselves? Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something we will never use and never benefit from
Any system that helps those with prexisting conditions, ie CIVILIZED, has to include everyone. The GOP on this is run by Big Health, where money is more important than people. ACA will take a few years to solve it, but at least the poor were definitely helped.
You didn't answer my question, your socialize medicine does not require all of the participation in such fraud.
Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something that we will never use And/or benefit from
...until you do. No more freeloaders!
Keep your Obamacare, pools and single-payer to yourselves… Leave the rest of us out of it
Don't like thinking much? So going back to the nonsystem that gave us 45k dead/year due to no insurance, costs 50% higher than anywhere else, and cutoffs, scams, and horror stories galore is fine? And no solutions? I see you're outstanding in your field, whistling past the graveyard, no doctor, no preventive medicine, great plan....
If your stuff is so great that you speak of - like single payer, pools and Obamacare why don't you guys just keep it to yourselves? Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something we will never use and never benefit from
Any system that helps those with prexisting conditions, ie CIVILIZED, has to include everyone. The GOP on this is run by Big Health, where money is more important than people. ACA will take a few years to solve it, but at least the poor were definitely helped.
You didn't answer my question, your socialize medicine does not require all of the participation in such fraud.
Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something that we will never use And/or benefit from
...until you do. No more freeloaders!
I have never bought insurance on my life and never claimed anything off insurance and I'm not about to. So just keep your socialize medicine to yourselves leave the rest of us out of it - it does not require our participation.
Keep your Obamacare, pools and single-payer to yourselves… Leave the rest of us out of it
Don't like thinking much? So going back to the nonsystem that gave us 45k dead/year due to no insurance, costs 50% higher than anywhere else, and cutoffs, scams, and horror stories galore is fine? And no solutions? I see you're outstanding in your field, whistling past the graveyard, no doctor, no preventive medicine, great plan....
If your stuff is so great that you speak of - like single payer, pools and Obamacare why don't you guys just keep it to yourselves? Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something we will never use and never benefit from
Any system that helps those with prexisting conditions, ie CIVILIZED, has to include everyone. The GOP on this is run by Big Health, where money is more important than people. ACA will take a few years to solve it, but at least the poor were definitely helped.
You didn't answer my question, your socialize medicine does not require all of the participation in such fraud.
Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something that we will never use And/or benefit from
...until you do. No more freeloaders!
Whatever, good luck. I never had health care until I was 57...but we would be better with an actual system. And we should stop pandering to the rich. Trickle down is total bs and always was...
ACA is going up in costs, every year we see it go up

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
News flash: The cost of health care has been rising faster than inflation and GDP for DECADES. When the Republicans last had control of Congress and the White House, they did NOTHING about it.

Oh, wait. They did create a whole new trillion dollar government medical entitlement program, without paying for it.

News flash: It has been over SEVEN YEARS since ObamaCare was enacted. In all that time, the Republicans came up with NOTHING to replace it. They just whined and whined and whined and whined and whined and...

Theater for you rubes.

All caught up now?

You're welcome.
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Don't like thinking much? So going back to the nonsystem that gave us 45k dead/year due to no insurance, costs 50% higher than anywhere else, and cutoffs, scams, and horror stories galore is fine? And no solutions? I see you're outstanding in your field, whistling past the graveyard, no doctor, no preventive medicine, great plan....
If your stuff is so great that you speak of - like single payer, pools and Obamacare why don't you guys just keep it to yourselves? Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something we will never use and never benefit from
Any system that helps those with prexisting conditions, ie CIVILIZED, has to include everyone. The GOP on this is run by Big Health, where money is more important than people. ACA will take a few years to solve it, but at least the poor were definitely helped.
You didn't answer my question, your socialize medicine does not require all of the participation in such fraud.
Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something that we will never use And/or benefit from
...until you do. No more freeloaders!
Whatever, good luck. I never had health care until I was 57...but we would be better with an actual system. And we should stop pandering to the rich. Trickle down is total bs and always was...
That is fine, keep your socialize medicine if you want just leave the rest of us out of it.
It does not require our participation... I will never pay for something that will never benefit me.
ACA is going up in costs, every year we see it go up

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
News flash: The cost of health care has been rising than inflation and GDP for decades. When the Republicans last had control of Congress and the White House, they did NOTHING about it.

News flash: It has been over SEVEN YEARS since ObamaCare was enacted. In all that time, the Republicans came up with NOTHING to replace it. They just whined and whined and whined and whined and whined and...

Theater for you rubes.
Keep your socialized medicine to yourselves, just leave the rest of the side of it it does not require our participation
Don't like thinking much? So going back to the nonsystem that gave us 45k dead/year due to no insurance, costs 50% higher than anywhere else, and cutoffs, scams, and horror stories galore is fine? And no solutions? I see you're outstanding in your field, whistling past the graveyard, no doctor, no preventive medicine, great plan....
If your stuff is so great that you speak of - like single payer, pools and Obamacare why don't you guys just keep it to yourselves? Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something we will never use and never benefit from
Any system that helps those with prexisting conditions, ie CIVILIZED, has to include everyone. The GOP on this is run by Big Health, where money is more important than people. ACA will take a few years to solve it, but at least the poor were definitely helped.
You didn't answer my question, your socialize medicine does not require all of the participation in such fraud.
Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something that we will never use And/or benefit from
...until you do. No more freeloaders!
I have never bought insurance on my life and never claimed anything off insurance and I'm not about to. So just keep your socialize medicine to yourselves leave the rest of us out of it - it does not require our participation.
If you got sick or had a bad accident, or anyone in your family, and had to got to the hospital for weeks or months, you would lose everything. With ACA, you'd lose a manageable amount.

ACA recognizes our health system is a huge GOP/Big health ridiculously expensive mess and starts to do something about it. The old way suqs.
If your stuff is so great that you speak of - like single payer, pools and Obamacare why don't you guys just keep it to yourselves? Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something we will never use and never benefit from
Any system that helps those with prexisting conditions, ie CIVILIZED, has to include everyone. The GOP on this is run by Big Health, where money is more important than people. ACA will take a few years to solve it, but at least the poor were definitely helped.
You didn't answer my question, your socialize medicine does not require all of the participation in such fraud.
Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something that we will never use And/or benefit from
...until you do. No more freeloaders!
Whatever, good luck. I never had health care until I was 57...but we would be better with an actual system. And we should stop pandering to the rich. Trickle down is total bs and always was...
That is fine, keep your socialize medicine if you want just leave the rest of us out of it.
It does not require our participation... I will never pay for something that will never benefit me.
If you had a car accident or pneumonia you wouldn't have any choice...
If your stuff is so great that you speak of - like single payer, pools and Obamacare why don't you guys just keep it to yourselves? Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something we will never use and never benefit from
Any system that helps those with prexisting conditions, ie CIVILIZED, has to include everyone. The GOP on this is run by Big Health, where money is more important than people. ACA will take a few years to solve it, but at least the poor were definitely helped.
You didn't answer my question, your socialize medicine does not require all of the participation in such fraud.
Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something that we will never use And/or benefit from
...until you do. No more freeloaders!
I have never bought insurance on my life and never claimed anything off insurance and I'm not about to. So just keep your socialize medicine to yourselves leave the rest of us out of it - it does not require our participation.
If you got sick or had a bad accident, or anyone in your family, and had to got to the hospital for weeks or months, you would lose everything. With ACA, you'd lose a manageable amount.

ACA recognizes our health system is a huge GOP/Big health ridiculously expensive mess and starts to do something about it. The old way suqs.
I am not a progressive so Obama care would do nothing for me. Anyway, just leave the rest of us out of it - keep it for yourselves it does not require our participation.
ACA is going up in costs, every year we see it go up

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
News flash: The cost of health care has been rising than inflation and GDP for decades. When the Republicans last had control of Congress and the White House, they did NOTHING about it.

News flash: It has been over SEVEN YEARS since ObamaCare was enacted. In all that time, the Republicans came up with NOTHING to replace it. They just whined and whined and whined and whined and whined and...

Theater for you rubes.
Keep your socialized medicine to yourselves, just leave the rest of the side of it it does not require our participation
What you tards have not figured out yet, even at this late date, is that the GOP sold us all down the single payer health care river a looooong time ago.

Wakey wakey, chump! :lol:

Also, you have to be a special kind of tard to think I want single payer. I've posted hundreds of times what kind of health insurance system I believe we should have. You tards don't know a conservative, or a conservative principle, when one is kicking you in the balls.

Which is why I call you pseudocons.

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