Right vs. Left is Logic vs. Emotion

Any system that helps those with prexisting conditions, ie CIVILIZED, has to include everyone. The GOP on this is run by Big Health, where money is more important than people. ACA will take a few years to solve it, but at least the poor were definitely helped.
You didn't answer my question, your socialize medicine does not require all of the participation in such fraud.
Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something that we will never use And/or benefit from
...until you do. No more freeloaders!
Whatever, good luck. I never had health care until I was 57...but we would be better with an actual system. And we should stop pandering to the rich. Trickle down is total bs and always was...
That is fine, keep your socialize medicine if you want just leave the rest of us out of it.
It does not require our participation... I will never pay for something that will never benefit me.
If you had a car accident or pneumonia you wouldn't have any choice...
I don't live that way, going through life scared. Like I said, you did not answer any of our my questions - why don't you keep socialized medicine to yourselves and leave the rest of us out of it? That should be easy for you to do - It does not require our participation.
ACA is going up in costs, every year we see it go up

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
News flash: The cost of health care has been rising than inflation and GDP for decades. When the Republicans last had control of Congress and the White House, they did NOTHING about it.

News flash: It has been over SEVEN YEARS since ObamaCare was enacted. In all that time, the Republicans came up with NOTHING to replace it. They just whined and whined and whined and whined and whined and...

Theater for you rubes.
Keep your socialized medicine to yourselves, just leave the rest of the side of it it does not require our participation
What you tards have not figured out yet, even at this late date, is that the GOP sold us all down the single payer health care river a looooong time ago.

Wakey wakey, chump! :lol:

Also, you have to be a special kind of tard to think I want single payer. I've posted hundreds of times what kind of health insurance system I believe we should have. You tards don't know a conservative, or a conservative principle, when one is kicking you in the balls.

Which is why I call you pseudocons.
People need to pay for their own shit… It does not take a village
See that's the problem, the control freaks that are the progressives - can not tolerate anybody disagreeing and with them. If their socialized medicine programs are so great to Themselves, the right thing would be to keep them to themselves and leave the rest of us out of it.
European/Canadian socialized medicine is absolutely intolerable to me and millions just like me...
The fact is there is always a problem with the leftist real NAZIs, they use the power of the government to FORCE, and intimidate anyone who does not follow in locked step, just as the Wehrmacht were forced to by their Feldmarschall. Heil dimshitscum, the most vile disgusting group of living things to ever inhabit the earth. Delusional, extortionist, treasonist, having no honor, personal responsibility, or intellectual capability. They have nothing but lies, labels, assaults, and their dictatorial ambitions to keep from killing themselves when they look in the mirror and see the piles of shit they are.
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See that's the problem, the control freaks that are the progressives - can not tolerate anybody disagreeing and with them. If their socialized medicine programs are so great to Themselves, the right thing would be to keep them to themselves and leave the rest of us out of it.
European/Canadian socialized medicine is absolutely intolerable to me and millions just like me...
They love their health care, we hate ours. Everything you know is wrong btw...
The fact is there is always a problem with the leftist real NAZIs, they use the power of the government to FORCE, and intimidate anyone who does not follow in locked step, just as the Wehrmacht were forced to by their Feldmarschall. Heil dimshitscum, the most vile disgusting group of living things to ever inhabit the earth. Delusional, extortionist, treasonist, having no honor, personal responsibility, or intellectual capability. They have nothing but lies labels, assaults, and their dictatorial ambitions to keep from killing themselves when they look in the mirror and see the piles of shit they are.
Nazis and fascists are RW. Change the channel, hater dupe.
See that's the problem, the control freaks that are the progressives - can not tolerate anybody disagreeing and with them. If their socialized medicine programs are so great to Themselves, the right thing would be to keep them to themselves and leave the rest of us out of it.
European/Canadian socialized medicine is absolutely intolerable to me and millions just like me...
They love their health care, we hate ours. Everything you know is wrong btw...
You and them can keep it for themselves/yourselves… Leave the rest of us out of it it does not require our participation
They love their health care, we hate ours. Everything you know is wrong btw...

Why do they come here when they have a serious problem to be cured, since theirs is so much better why don't YOU go there when you get sick? Everything you think post, and know is what is WRONG except when you look in the mirror and think, "I need to kill myself" You are completely right then because all of you liberal socialist liars are JOKES!!! Liberals are exactly like Hitlers Third Reich NAZI party. Their actions are completely parallel and historically proven to be so. Another joke by a liberal amoebic mentality.
Jimmy Kimmel's recent viral monologue is a prime example of how the left values irrational emotions over logic and reason. That is why the left supports failed ideologies such as socialism, communism, etc. Because it feels good to them. They could care less that it ends in poverty, misery, and collapse.

Jimmy Kimmel illustrated this universal truth once again when he cried during his monologue about his baby (who is ok now) and proclaimed how nobody should have to decide between saving their child's life and money (as if anyone has ever had to make that "choice"). Life saving procedures cannot be denied regardless of a person's ability to pay. In addition to that inconvenient little fact, there is this gem:
The care, technology, and life saving treatment his family experienced was made possible by two, privately funded organizations. Both Cedars Sinai and Children’s Hospital LA are non-profit, not government-run, hospitals. This isn’t a coincidence.

When individuals are allowed to fund programs they like without a government mandate, we end up with more efficient and effective services. Hospitals are only one very important example.
Jimmy Kimmel’s Moving Story Shows Why Private Charity Trumps Government
Those private hospitals are great, I'm sure, but they sure are more expensive than most of the population can afford. So explain to me again how our current healthcare system is accessible to all? People can't afford to visit a hospital when they've got Obamacare--their $10,000 + deductibles are prohibitive. Same with doctor's visits. Kimmel as a father has every right to tear up relating the close call his newborn went through. You guys slamming "emotion" vs. "logic" aren't doing so hot when it comes to finding an actual solution to the problem, though. More and more people can't afford to visit doctors. Fix it.
St Jude childrens hospital provides treatments for free, and they provide housing for the parents.
Supported with donations.
The difference being, conservatives give to charity, leftists do not.
St. Jude's is wonderful, but I did not know it was 100% a conservative organization. No leftists are allowed to contribute, huh? I thought it was a Mason's hospital. Am I confusing it with another one?

The question isn't whether leftists are ALLOWED to contribute. It's whether or not they DO. And studies have shown that leftists are much, MUCH worse about putting their own personal money where their mouths are.


Debunking the "Conservatives Give More to Charity" Myth

A recent MIT study countered it finding:

In this paper, we first show that conservatives and liberals are equally generous in their donation habits. This pattern holds at both the individual and state level, and contradicts the conventional wisdom that partisans differ in their generosity. Second, we show that while levels of giving are roughly equivalent, liberals are much more likely to donate to secular organizations, and conservatives are more likely to donate to religious causes, especially their own congregation.

However, there is another issue to address which is: what to count as charity? All of these studies use the IRS definition of "charity" rather than the biblical definition. In the bible, God defines charity as giving to the needy without receiving, or expecting to receive, anything in return. Most "charity" conservatives give is in the form of tithes to their church. The vast majority of that money goes to salaries and building expenses -- for people and buildings that provide the giver with services. A tiny, miniscule fraction goes to the poor and needy.

So, in actuality, it seems that liberals give quite a bit more to biblical charity than conservatives.


Debunking the "Conservatives Give More to Charity" Myth
They love their health care, we hate ours. Everything you know is wrong btw...

Why do they come here when they have a serious problem to be cured, since theirs is so much better why don't YOU go there when you get sick? Everything you think post, and know is what is WRONG except when you look in the mirror and think, "I need to kill myself" You are completely right then because all of you liberal socialist liars are JOKES!!! Liberals are exactly like Hitlers Third Reich NAZI party. Their actions are completely parallel and historically proven to be so. Another joke by a liberal amoebic mentality.

You mean the RICH do?


1.4 Million Americans Will Go Abroad for Medical Care This Year

“Medical tourism” was valued at about $439 billion last year in a new report by Visa and Oxford Economics, which projected that it could grow 25 percent a year over the next decade. This year, an estimated 1.4 million Americans will leave the country for a medical procedure, according to Patients Beyond Borders.

1.4 Million Americans Will Go Abroad for Medical Care This Year. Should You?
You are ok with paying for the irresponsible who choose to not have insurance?
I have never bought insurance in my life and I am not about to. What makes healthcare so expensive is Sue happy bastards with their frivolous lawsuits and their lawyers. Any type of mandatory insurance is nothing more than legalized extortion

So what happens if you get cancer? The hospitals will still treat you. Will just be the insured that ends up paying for it. Real personal responsibility you have.

Every month a portion of my insurance goes to subsidize Obamacare. Those that can't afford insurance, get it for free and I pay with increased premiums. Every visit to. A medical doctor or hospital a portion of my payment is to help pay for those with no insurance and can't afford to pay.

So I see no real advantage to having insurance or not.

Most people are paying for Obamacare.

Over the next 10 years we are going to be paying $1 trillion to help subsidize those that can not afford their full premiums.

Good, perhaps we can start paying people enough versus right wings constant demand to race to the bottom for everyone except the 1/10th of 1%???

You are ok with paying for the irresponsible who choose to not have insurance?
I have never bought insurance in my life and I am not about to. What makes healthcare so expensive is Sue happy bastards with their frivolous lawsuits and their lawyers. Any type of mandatory insurance is nothing more than legalized extortion

So what happens if you get cancer? The hospitals will still treat you. Will just be the insured that ends up paying for it. Real personal responsibility you have.

Every month a portion of my insurance goes to subsidize Obamacare. Those that can't afford insurance, get it for free and I pay with increased premiums. Every visit to. A medical doctor or hospital a portion of my payment is to help pay for those with no insurance and can't afford to pay.

So I see no real advantage to having insurance or not.

Most people are paying for Obamacare.

Over the next 10 years we are going to be paying $1 trillion to help subsidize those that can not afford their full premiums.


The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates the cost of these payments at $7 billion in fiscal year 2017, rising to $10 billion in 2018 and $16 billion by 2027.
They love their health care, we hate ours. Everything you know is wrong btw...

Why do they come here when they have a serious problem to be cured, since theirs is so much better why don't YOU go there when you get sick? Everything you think post, and know is what is WRONG except when you look in the mirror and think, "I need to kill myself" You are completely right then because all of you liberal socialist liars are JOKES!!! Liberals are exactly like Hitlers Third Reich NAZI party. Their actions are completely parallel and historically proven to be so. Another joke by a liberal amoebic mentality.
More bs GOP propaganda....they don't in any number.

PolitiFact statements about Health Care
Predictions about the federal health care law, Obamacare, were a dime a dozen ... of uninsuredAmericans, without dramatically disrupting the overall health care industry, ... Yank tax credits away from veterans unlike any other American.".►
5 Myths About Canadian Health Care - AARP
Apr 16, 2012 - Myth #1: Canadians are flocking to the United States to get medical care. ... wait times and rationing where they live, come to the United States for medical care? .... In fact, 42 percent of theAmericans surveyed did not express ...
Fact-Checking Trump: Are Canadians Swarming the Border to Get ...
Oct 10, 2016 - ... when something happens, they come into the United States in many cases, ... Donald Trump: Canada' health care system is catastrophic! ... The Commonwealth Fund, a private healthcare think tank based in the US, compares health ... easy" to get after hours care, compared to 39 percent ofAmericans.
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I have never bought insurance in my life and I am not about to. What makes healthcare so expensive is Sue happy bastards with their frivolous lawsuits and their lawyers. Any type of mandatory insurance is nothing more than legalized extortion

So what happens if you get cancer? The hospitals will still treat you. Will just be the insured that ends up paying for it. Real personal responsibility you have.

Every month a portion of my insurance goes to subsidize Obamacare. Those that can't afford insurance, get it for free and I pay with increased premiums. Every visit to. A medical doctor or hospital a portion of my payment is to help pay for those with no insurance and can't afford to pay.

So I see no real advantage to having insurance or not.

Most people are paying for Obamacare.

Over the next 10 years we are going to be paying $1 trillion to help subsidize those that can not afford their full premiums.

Good, perhaps we can start paying people enough versus right wings constant demand to race to the bottom for everyone except the 1/10th of 1%???

It's much easier to teach A man fish then give them fish every time they need it... The nanny state never has worked and never will work for the good of the people.
ACA is going up in costs, every year we see it go up

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
News flash: The cost of health care has been rising faster than inflation and GDP for DECADES. When the Republicans last had control of Congress and the White House, they did NOTHING about it.

Oh, wait. They did create a whole new trillion dollar government medical entitlement program, without paying for it.

News flash: It has been over SEVEN YEARS since ObamaCare was enacted. In all that time, the Republicans came up with NOTHING to replace it. They just whined and whined and whined and whined and whined and...

Theater for you rubes.

All caught up now?

You're welcome.

Newsflash! Until Obamacare the deductibles were far less. I'm at $1800 which was rare a few years ago and now is very common. I don't want it replaced, I want it gone.

Newsflash! We now have 1.3 trillion dollar healthcare program that isn't funded.

All caught up now?
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I have never bought insurance in my life and I am not about to. What makes healthcare so expensive is Sue happy bastards with their frivolous lawsuits and their lawyers. Any type of mandatory insurance is nothing more than legalized extortion

So what happens if you get cancer? The hospitals will still treat you. Will just be the insured that ends up paying for it. Real personal responsibility you have.

Every month a portion of my insurance goes to subsidize Obamacare. Those that can't afford insurance, get it for free and I pay with increased premiums. Every visit to. A medical doctor or hospital a portion of my payment is to help pay for those with no insurance and can't afford to pay.

So I see no real advantage to having insurance or not.

Most people are paying for Obamacare.

Over the next 10 years we are going to be paying $1 trillion to help subsidize those that can not afford their full premiums.

Good, perhaps we can start paying people enough versus right wings constant demand to race to the bottom for everyone except the 1/10th of 1%???


You love the middle class paying taxes.
I have never bought insurance in my life and I am not about to. What makes healthcare so expensive is Sue happy bastards with their frivolous lawsuits and their lawyers. Any type of mandatory insurance is nothing more than legalized extortion

So what happens if you get cancer? The hospitals will still treat you. Will just be the insured that ends up paying for it. Real personal responsibility you have.

Every month a portion of my insurance goes to subsidize Obamacare. Those that can't afford insurance, get it for free and I pay with increased premiums. Every visit to. A medical doctor or hospital a portion of my payment is to help pay for those with no insurance and can't afford to pay.

So I see no real advantage to having insurance or not.

Most people are paying for Obamacare.

Over the next 10 years we are going to be paying $1 trillion to help subsidize those that can not afford their full premiums.


The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates the cost of these payments at $7 billion in fiscal year 2017, rising to $10 billion in 2018 and $16 billion by 2027.

Take it up with Time magazine.

Here's How Many Billions Obamacare Will Cost in 2016
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So what happens if you get cancer? The hospitals will still treat you. Will just be the insured that ends up paying for it. Real personal responsibility you have.

Every month a portion of my insurance goes to subsidize Obamacare. Those that can't afford insurance, get it for free and I pay with increased premiums. Every visit to. A medical doctor or hospital a portion of my payment is to help pay for those with no insurance and can't afford to pay.

So I see no real advantage to having insurance or not.

Most people are paying for Obamacare.

Over the next 10 years we are going to be paying $1 trillion to help subsidize those that can not afford their full premiums.

Good, perhaps we can start paying people enough versus right wings constant demand to race to the bottom for everyone except the 1/10th of 1%???

It's much easier to teach A man fish then give them fish every time they need it... The nanny state never has worked and never will work for the good of the people.

Jonboy wants others to pay for his free stuff.
See that's the problem, the control freaks that are the progressives - can not tolerate anybody disagreeing and with them. If their socialized medicine programs are so great to Themselves, the right thing would be to keep them to themselves and leave the rest of us out of it.
European/Canadian socialized medicine is absolutely intolerable to me and millions just like me...
They love their health care, we hate ours. Everything you know is wrong btw...
You and them can keep it for themselves/yourselves… Leave the rest of us out of it it does not require our participation

And then when you need care the responsible people who have been paying for insurance have to pay more. Grow up.
ACA is going up in costs, every year we see it go up

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
News flash: The cost of health care has been rising faster than inflation and GDP for DECADES. When the Republicans last had control of Congress and the White House, they did NOTHING about it.

Oh, wait. They did create a whole new trillion dollar government medical entitlement program, without paying for it.

News flash: It has been over SEVEN YEARS since ObamaCare was enacted. In all that time, the Republicans came up with NOTHING to replace it. They just whined and whined and whined and whined and whined and...

Theater for you rubes.

All caught up now?

You're welcome.

Newsflash! Until Obamacare the deductibles were far less. I'm at $1800 which was rare a few years ago and now is very common. I don't want it replaced, I want it gone.

Newsflash! We now have 1.3 trillion dollar healthcare program that isn't funded.

All caught up now?

And you got almost nothing for your money. Healthcare was skyrocketing long before Obamacare.

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