Right vs. Left is Logic vs. Emotion

Yep, back to divert and deflect. You seem to do that well, however you practice that all the time.
Where is the drug war in your Republican doctrine? Can't find it; don't waste our time asking for cuts to social spending; because, we do have a general welfare clause not any form of drug war clause.

So you can't answer my questions, so you divert and deflect. Don't expect me to answer any of your questions when you aren't honest enough to answer any of mine.
Talk about deflection; your question is irrelevant or I would have answered already. I am not a right winger.

Where is the drug war in your Republican doctrine?

Can't find it; don't waste our time asking for cuts to social spending; because, we do have a general welfare clause not any form of drug war clause.

More deflecting and not answering my question. I don't support the drug war, but the Democrats have done nothing to stop it. Not a damn thing, so until you walk the walk, you need to shut up your BS.

I'm for legalizing all drugs and run them through pharmacies, and taxing the, stated that a long time ago dumb ass. Care to answer my question? Of course not because you are a damn idiot and are not capable of giving a straight answer.
Y'all are all, political talk and no political action. Slackers.

Still not answering my question even after I answered yours, you are just trolling again. Sad, you have no conviction that you can't answer your beliefs when challenged.
Where is the drug war in your Republican doctrine? Can't find it; don't waste our time asking for cuts to social spending; because, we do have a general welfare clause not any form of drug war clause.

So you can't answer my questions, so you divert and deflect. Don't expect me to answer any of your questions when you aren't honest enough to answer any of mine.
Talk about deflection; your question is irrelevant or I would have answered already. I am not a right winger.

Where is the drug war in your Republican doctrine?

Can't find it; don't waste our time asking for cuts to social spending; because, we do have a general welfare clause not any form of drug war clause.

More deflecting and not answering my question. I don't support the drug war, but the Democrats have done nothing to stop it. Not a damn thing, so until you walk the walk, you need to shut up your BS.

I'm for legalizing all drugs and run them through pharmacies, and taxing the, stated that a long time ago dumb ass. Care to answer my question? Of course not because you are a damn idiot and are not capable of giving a straight answer.
Y'all are all, political talk and no political action. Slackers.

Still not answering my question even after I answered yours, you are just trolling again. Sad, you have no conviction that you can't answer your beliefs when challenged.
Talk about deflection; your question is irrelevant or I would have answered already. I am not a right winger.

Where is the drug war in your Republican doctrine?

Can't find it; don't waste our time asking for cuts to social spending; because, we do have a general welfare clause not any form of drug war clause.
So you can't answer my questions, so you divert and deflect. Don't expect me to answer any of your questions when you aren't honest enough to answer any of mine.
Talk about deflection; your question is irrelevant or I would have answered already. I am not a right winger.

Where is the drug war in your Republican doctrine?

Can't find it; don't waste our time asking for cuts to social spending; because, we do have a general welfare clause not any form of drug war clause.

More deflecting and not answering my question. I don't support the drug war, but the Democrats have done nothing to stop it. Not a damn thing, so until you walk the walk, you need to shut up your BS.

I'm for legalizing all drugs and run them through pharmacies, and taxing the, stated that a long time ago dumb ass. Care to answer my question? Of course not because you are a damn idiot and are not capable of giving a straight answer.
Y'all are all, political talk and no political action. Slackers.

Still not answering my question even after I answered yours, you are just trolling again. Sad, you have no conviction that you can't answer your beliefs when challenged.
Talk about deflection; your question is irrelevant or I would have answered already. I am not a right winger.

Where is the drug war in your Republican doctrine?

Can't find it; don't waste our time asking for cuts to social spending; because, we do have a general welfare clause not any form of drug war clause.

Again, I was asking why when the DEMOCRATIC PARTY, not the Republican Party, had a majority, did not end the war on drugs. Deflect all you care to, you are full of it and can't answer the question because they didn't want to touch it. It is obvious that they don't care about changing it.
don't waste our time asking for cuts to social spending; because, we do have a general welfare clause not any form of drug war clause.
We have no "general welfare" clause in the context you pretend we do. The "general welfare" is explicitly limited to the 18 enumerated powers. And since social spending is not an enumerated power, the "general welfare" clause does not apply.

Congress had not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but were restrained to those specifically enumerated; and that, as it was never meant they should provide for that welfare but by the exercise of the enumerated powers, so it could not have been meant they should raise money for purposes which the enumeration did not place under their action” - Thomas Jefferson (June 6, 1817)

“[We] disavow, and declare to be most false and unfounded, the doctrine that the [Constitution], in authorizing its federal branch to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States, has given them thereby a power to do whatever they may think, or pretend, would promote the general welfare–which construction would make that of itself a complete government, without limitation of powers.… The plain sense and obvious meaning were that they might levy the taxes necessary to provide for the general welfare by the various acts of power therein specified and delegated to them, and by no others. – Thomas Jefferson (December 24, 1825)
Talk about deflection; your question is irrelevant or I would have answered already. I am not a right winger.

Where is the drug war in your Republican doctrine?

Can't find it; don't waste our time asking for cuts to social spending; because, we do have a general welfare clause not any form of drug war clause.

More deflecting and not answering my question. I don't support the drug war, but the Democrats have done nothing to stop it. Not a damn thing, so until you walk the walk, you need to shut up your BS.

I'm for legalizing all drugs and run them through pharmacies, and taxing the, stated that a long time ago dumb ass. Care to answer my question? Of course not because you are a damn idiot and are not capable of giving a straight answer.
Y'all are all, political talk and no political action. Slackers.

Still not answering my question even after I answered yours, you are just trolling again. Sad, you have no conviction that you can't answer your beliefs when challenged.
Talk about deflection; your question is irrelevant or I would have answered already. I am not a right winger.

Where is the drug war in your Republican doctrine?

Can't find it; don't waste our time asking for cuts to social spending; because, we do have a general welfare clause not any form of drug war clause.

Again, I was asking why when the DEMOCRATIC PARTY, not the Republican Party, had a majority, did not end the war on drugs. Deflect all you care to, you are full of it and can't answer the question because they didn't want to touch it. It is obvious that they don't care about changing it.
Pander to their constituency which includes Labor?
government jobs are practically, middle class.

Whence any objection to ending the Waste of that form of Government, from the Right Wing who have a Majority in Congress and the hold the Executive branch, ostensibly.

Where is a War on Drugs specifically enumerated in our federal Constitution?
More deflecting and not answering my question. I don't support the drug war, but the Democrats have done nothing to stop it. Not a damn thing, so until you walk the walk, you need to shut up your BS.

I'm for legalizing all drugs and run them through pharmacies, and taxing the, stated that a long time ago dumb ass. Care to answer my question? Of course not because you are a damn idiot and are not capable of giving a straight answer.
Y'all are all, political talk and no political action. Slackers.

Still not answering my question even after I answered yours, you are just trolling again. Sad, you have no conviction that you can't answer your beliefs when challenged.
Talk about deflection; your question is irrelevant or I would have answered already. I am not a right winger.

Where is the drug war in your Republican doctrine?

Can't find it; don't waste our time asking for cuts to social spending; because, we do have a general welfare clause not any form of drug war clause.

Again, I was asking why when the DEMOCRATIC PARTY, not the Republican Party, had a majority, did not end the war on drugs. Deflect all you care to, you are full of it and can't answer the question because they didn't want to touch it. It is obvious that they don't care about changing it.
Pander to their constituency which includes Labor?
government jobs are practically, middle class.

Whence any objection to ending the Waste of that form of Government, from the Right Wing who have a Majority in Congress and the hold the Executive branch, ostensibly.

Where is a War on Drugs specifically enumerated in our federal Constitution?

I am asking and you still sidestep the question, When the DEMOCRATIC PARTY had a majority, they (the Democratic Party) did not end the war on drugs. Why?
By the way . Both sides use emotion.

Dems use compassion.

Cons use fear.
/----/ You mean like we're all gonna die from Goreball Warming? You mean like the GOP wants sick people to die? You mean like the Republicans want to starve children? You mean like that?
I am asking and you still sidestep the question, When the DEMOCRATIC PARTY had a majority, they (the Democratic Party) did not end the war on drugs. Why?
And...why didn't Daniel whine about it when the Dumbocrats refused to do it?

That is my point. His precious party could have fixed it all and yet they did nothing because they didn't care about it. Daniel just can't accept it and tries to blame others, typical six year old response.
By the way . Both sides use emotion.

Dems use compassion.

Cons use fear.
/----/ You mean like we're all gonna die from Goreball Warming? You mean like the GOP wants sick people to die? You mean like the Republicans want to starve children? You mean like that?

Little Timmy's post is just stupid and wrong, even he can't be stupid enough to buy his own BS. Both sides use fear and they know how to use it to their advantage. To say otherwise is plain dishonest, which little Timmy is.
Y'all are all, political talk and no political action. Slackers.

Still not answering my question even after I answered yours, you are just trolling again. Sad, you have no conviction that you can't answer your beliefs when challenged.
Talk about deflection; your question is irrelevant or I would have answered already. I am not a right winger.

Where is the drug war in your Republican doctrine?

Can't find it; don't waste our time asking for cuts to social spending; because, we do have a general welfare clause not any form of drug war clause.

Again, I was asking why when the DEMOCRATIC PARTY, not the Republican Party, had a majority, did not end the war on drugs. Deflect all you care to, you are full of it and can't answer the question because they didn't want to touch it. It is obvious that they don't care about changing it.
Pander to their constituency which includes Labor?
government jobs are practically, middle class.

Whence any objection to ending the Waste of that form of Government, from the Right Wing who have a Majority in Congress and the hold the Executive branch, ostensibly.

Where is a War on Drugs specifically enumerated in our federal Constitution?

I am asking and you still sidestep the question, When the DEMOCRATIC PARTY had a majority, they (the Democratic Party) did not end the war on drugs. Why?
Union votes? What is Your excuse, right wingers? There is no drug war clause in the republican doctrine.
Nothing ends in poverty and misery like left-wing policy...

Only in right wing fantasy.

State’s unemployment rate falls to a historic low

Just left-wing public policy exceeding short run expectations.

Why are you pointing to a city enjoying a conservative federal government when we are talking about Venezuela and how left-wing policy collapsed it? :dunno:

Apples and oranges. We have our form of socialism via our social Contract, they have theirs.

What a difference a Constitution makes.

It is why I am so glad our Founding Fathers did such an Most Excellent job with our Constitution and social Contract.
your question is irrelevant or I would have answered already.
Ah yes...the battle cry of the thoroughly defeated everywhere!
dude, you are the one begging the question.
Yep...and you are the one running from it like a coward.
Running from what? I am on the left and advocating for an end to the drug war.

The right wing never advances any form of "second wave" if they can try to cut social services for the poor, instead.

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