Right Way to Legalize Pot?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Consultant on drug policy recommends "right way to legalize pot"
arguing that "Colorado and Washington are doing it the wrong way, and the federal government's hands-off approach isn't making things any better."

The right way to legalize marijuana (no, we've been doing it wrong) - latimes.com

"Kleiman argues that now is precisely the right moment for Congress to step in with a federal law legalizing and regulating the pot industry. That's because the pot industry is still too small, poor and fragmented to lobby against effective federal regulation. But it's only going to get bigger and richer from here, and it won't be long before it has the deep pockets to block effective federal oversight, like the liquor industry. A federal law could leave most oversight to the states, but set parameters that would help them keep it under control, discourage interstate smuggling, and limit such downsides as drug abuse and unrestrained marketing.

Among Kleiman's specific recommendations: tax marijuana by weight or THC content, not by price. The latter system, which is the law in Washington and Colorado, won't keep prices high, which is important both for maximizing tax revenue and discouraging abuse.

He advocates selling marijuana only through state-owned stores, like the "ABC" stores that hold a monopoly on liquor sales in many states.

And he advises any states that take that route to house their marijuana sales agencies not in the tax or revenue department, which would have an incentive to expand sales as much as possible, but in the public health department, which would be inclined to keep a lid on the market."
With a presidential election "just around the corner": "Soon enough, candidates for president are going to be asked their positions on marijuana legalization. They’re going to need a good answer. I suggest something like this: 'I’m not against all legalization; I’m against dumb legalization.'"

NOTE: Given current debate over health care mandates and states rights, I would also push for states that choose to legalize marijuana
to implement normal guidelines for regulating prescription use and policing abuses as with other drugs; adding regulations similar to BAL limits for impaired driving under the influence;
and for combatting concerns about addiction by investing equal dollars in medical research on spiritual healing as a more natural alternative than pot with no health risks or side effects.

If taxpayers in a state do not agree to pay the costs of risks and liability added from legalizing pot in their state, measures should be set up to protect those interests, and hold taxpayers/voters/political party
members accountable who did push to implement legalization. Those advocates and supporters should be held responsible for the costs of studies on feasibility, law enforcement, and policing abuses
that opponents did not agree to shoulder.
This could possibly be set up through Party, such as if the Libertarian Party accepts legal responsibility for legalizing pot, and for redressing and paying for any grievances or complaints
regarding negligence, harm or other unintended costs or damages associated with legalization without first conducting studies on the consequences and full implications of such reforms.
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