Right Wing Americans are a World class Embarrassment

You are asking for disappointment. I don't think you are going to get anything but their feelings and statements of "I just can't believe bla, bla, bla". The extreme right has pretty well walled themselves off from logical thought requiring proof of theory, on damned near everything they think or believe. It reminds me of cattle. When one moos, bunches of others moo to emotionally keep them company, no logical reason involved.

Russian collusion. Who believed that? You have zero room to talk.
We just sat through another slow motion election theft.

While 2020 remains the Greatest Political Crime in American history, the weeklong '22 midterm elections are a close second. In democrat stronghold cities, they just kept counting until they found enough ballots to put their criminals on top - and that's apart from having the entire operation funded by the now confirmed Ukrainian Money Laundering Operation (I've been saying that for MONTHS now)

Record Inflation where people must choose between groceries or filling the gas tank and on the verge of WWIII, but we're to believe democrats had historic, unprecedented midterm support?

In Canada, the truckers took to the street to push back against Fidel's Bastard son Benito Trudeau, in Brazil MILLIONS take to the streets to protest the "victory" of Communist criminal Lula; in America - Meh - NOTHING.

No March on Phoenix or Philly, No Real Oversight of the Maricopa Vote Manufacturing Facilities - nothing, Nothing, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING!

You have to be dumber than Fetterman to expect the RNC is going to do ANYHTING about the election theft; they are the democrat's junior partner in crime. Trump didn't do anything even he had the perfect opportunity to counter the Russian Election Interference narrative by insisting on secure elections, neither will McConnell or McCarthy - electing the same failed leaders over and over and expecting different results; there's a name for that.


Ok since you seem to have all this deep insight and knowledge, what exactly should they do then?

Or is this just some rant based on nothing at all?
IT ALL STARTS AT THE TOP when a party gets NO leadership from its "leader."

See the source image
Mealy mouthed POS!
Russian collusion. Who believed that? You have zero room to talk.
I don't know about collusion, and like Donald Trump said, there is no law against it, if there was collusion. On that one, he was actually right, which is why he liked to keep the subject alive, rather than on anything there are laws against. Collusion being a two way street and not necessarily collusion if one party gives another what they would like, but without being specifically asked.
Since you brought it up, though, here is a headline from the day before election day, you might have missed on Nov 2, 2022.

I don't know about collusion, and like Donald Trump said, there is no law against it, if there was collusion. On that one, he was actually right, which is why he liked to keep the subject alive, rather than on anything there are laws against. Collusion being a two way street and not necessarily collusion if one party gives another what they would like, but without being specifically asked.
Since you brought it up, though, here is a headline from the day before election day, you might have missed on Nov 2, 2022.
View attachment 727393

We can't help that you flipped your vote based on one Facebook ad.
I don't know about collusion, and like Donald Trump said, there is no law against it, if there was collusion. On that one, he was actually right, which is why he liked to keep the subject alive, rather than on anything there are laws against. Collusion being a two way street and not necessarily collusion if one party gives another what they would like, but without being specifically asked.
Since you brought it up, though, here is a headline from the day before election day, you might have missed on Nov 2, 2022.
View attachment 727393

Man, great dodge, I gotta give you credit for that.. lol

So you didn't buy into anything the D's or the media said about Trump's campaign being guilty of colluding with Russia, you thought the 2 years investigation was bogus and a witch hunt? If there was no law against it, why the years of investigation based on an illegal fake dossier bought and paid for by Clinton? You didn't believe any of those conspiracies?
I don't know about collusion, and like Donald Trump said, there is no law against it, if there was collusion. On that one, he was actually right, which is why he liked to keep the subject alive, rather than on anything there are laws against. Collusion being a two way street and not necessarily collusion if one party gives another what they would like, but without being specifically asked.
Since you brought it up, though, here is a headline from the day before election day, you might have missed on Nov 2, 2022.
View attachment 727393
Duh. And it took you all these years to figure that out. He did not say he did it on Trump's behalf. I am sure that Russia isn't the only one. Take a look at Donald H. He has been interfering and attempting to influence US elections as long as I've been on this board.
We can't help that you flipped your vote based on one Facebook ad.
Didn't flip my vote. Mostly state stuff and constitutional amendments on mine, no Senate seats. The vast number of Republicans of my state are fine with me at the moment, nobody ran on supporting the Big Lie on this end of the state, at least. Hopefully in two years, neither one of our Senators will be running on that issue.
Nothing to see here. Y'all Tennesseans just keep your collective heads buried in the sand.
Right. Maybe if we listen to you, we can become as level-headed as the voting people out on the West Coast, with their sanctuary cities, and autonomous zones like Portland had? Nah. We'll just keep it like it is. Ya'll come visit. Bring your money. Then be sure and have a safe trip home, but definitely go home.
We just sat through another slow motion election theft.

While 2020 remains the Greatest Political Crime in American history, the weeklong '22 midterm elections are a close second. In democrat stronghold cities, they just kept counting until they found enough ballots to put their criminals on top - and that's apart from having the entire operation funded by the now confirmed Ukrainian Money Laundering Operation (I've been saying that for MONTHS now)

Record Inflation where people must choose between groceries or filling the gas tank and on the verge of WWIII, but we're to believe democrats had historic, unprecedented midterm support?

In Canada, the truckers took to the street to push back against Fidel's Bastard son Benito Trudeau, in Brazil MILLIONS take to the streets to protest the "victory" of Communist criminal Lula; in America - Meh - NOTHING.

No March on Phoenix or Philly, No Real Oversight of the Maricopa Vote Manufacturing Facilities - nothing, Nothing, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING!

You have to be dumber than Fetterman to expect the RNC is going to do ANYHTING about the election theft; they are the democrat's junior partner in crime. Trump didn't do anything even he had the perfect opportunity to counter the Russian Election Interference narrative by insisting on secure elections, neither will McConnell or McCarthy - electing the same failed leaders over and over and expecting different results; there's a name for that.


The POLITICAL CLASS takes the elevator.
Everyone else gets the shaft.
Wanna banana? :banana:
Right. Maybe if we listen to you, we can become as level-headed as the voting people out on the West Coast,
Sorry dude, you have me mixed up with those you defend nonstop. I don't live on the west coast--I got out of there long ago. BTW, please try to keep up with events. The autonomous zone was in Seattle, not Portland. Portland had three solid months of government sanctioned riots. I have no desire to visit you ridge runners, I didn't lose anything there. Try again.
We just sat through another slow motion election theft.

While 2020 remains the Greatest Political Crime in American history, the weeklong '22 midterm elections are a close second. In democrat stronghold cities, they just kept counting until they found enough ballots to put their criminals on top - and that's apart from having the entire operation funded by the now confirmed Ukrainian Money Laundering Operation (I've been saying that for MONTHS now)

Record Inflation where people must choose between groceries or filling the gas tank and on the verge of WWIII, but we're to believe democrats had historic, unprecedented midterm support?

In Canada, the truckers took to the street to push back against Fidel's Bastard son Benito Trudeau, in Brazil MILLIONS take to the streets to protest the "victory" of Communist criminal Lula; in America - Meh - NOTHING.

No March on Phoenix or Philly, No Real Oversight of the Maricopa Vote Manufacturing Facilities - nothing, Nothing, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING!

You have to be dumber than Fetterman to expect the RNC is going to do ANYHTING about the election theft; they are the democrat's junior partner in crime. Trump didn't do anything even he had the perfect opportunity to counter the Russian Election Interference narrative by insisting on secure elections, neither will McConnell or McCarthy - electing the same failed leaders over and over and expecting different results; there's a name for that.

The Liberals who post here probably get social security and a pension so they don't care about anyone else.

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