Right Wing Celebrates Terrorist Attack On Austin, calls him white hero

Insane Tea Partier Hopped Up on Right-Wing Talk Radio Goes on Anti-Immigrant Shooting Rampage in Texas

AUSTIN, TEXAS — As though deliberately confirming the FBI’s assessment this year about the dangers of domestic right-wing terrorists, 49-year-old Larry McQilliams decided to make his voice heard on Obama’s immigration announcement…with a gun.

Insane Tea Partier Hopped Up on Right-Wing Talk Radio Goes on Anti-Immigrant Shooting Rampage in Texas Americans Against the Tea Party
Provide evidence he was in the tea party. You lying piece of human garbage.
these rw hate radio-fueled, psychopaths need to be lined up and ...
these rw hate radio-fueled, psychopaths need to be lined up and ...
Aparently your not bright enough to read about this guy

Renascence Fair Fan
Played dress up
Moved to Austin by his own free will
Hung out with the free spirits in Austin
Enjoyed drum circles
Had cats

That defiantly describes a Librard more specifically probably a homosexual Lib, but to each his own

I'm sorry no one with half a brain would think that describes a person on the right
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Wrong. These folks are nutcases, and only the extreme fringe right-wingers applaud them. The vast majority of conservatives and members of the Taxed Enough Already groups openly, repeatedly, and honestly condemn these criminals.

The extreme left-wingers, however, get shows on MSNBC (All Sharpton), or appointed to the head of government agencies (DOJ, EPA, etc)
Point me in the direction of one of these "extreme right wingers who applaud" a guy that murdered a cop. I don't believe they exist. Right wingers support the police and they have a long record of doing so. If there happens to be a guy who calls himself a right winger, but also supports murdering police, then it has nothing to do with his political ideology: hes just crazy.
Insane Tea Partier Hopped Up on Right-Wing Talk Radio Goes on Anti-Immigrant Shooting Rampage in Texas

AUSTIN, TEXAS — As though deliberately confirming the FBI’s assessment this year about the dangers of domestic right-wing terrorists, 49-year-old Larry McQilliams decided to make his voice heard on Obama’s immigration announcement…with a gun.

Insane Tea Partier Hopped Up on Right-Wing Talk Radio Goes on Anti-Immigrant Shooting Rampage in Texas Americans Against the Tea Party
well CrusaderFrank :mad-61:

rw hate radio has a certain effect on mouth-breathing, Repub/lolibertarian retards
Dot Com You're a fucking hypocrite. You must be as big as racist as guno and cultsmasher are.
Wrong. These folks are nutcases, and only the extreme fringe right-wingers applaud them. The vast majority of conservatives and members of the Taxed Enough Already groups openly, repeatedly, and honestly condemn these criminals.

The extreme left-wingers, however, get shows on MSNBC (All Sharpton), or appointed to the head of government agencies (DOJ, EPA, etc)
Point me in the direction of one of these "extreme right wingers who applaud" a guy that murdered a cop. I don't believe they exist. Right wingers support the police and they have a long record of doing so. If there happens to be a guy who calls himself a right winger, but also supports murdering police, then it has nothing to do with his political ideology: hes just crazy.

I'm talking about the EXTREME right wing nutjobs, like the KKK, or Fred Phelp's clan. The extremists that nobody listens to (except the leftists who use them as their example of conservatives).

Again, nobody listens to the right wing extremists, but they give "news" shows to left wing extremists.
Obama needs to put his boot on the necks of these rw hater-types.

it is their white hot rage

Watch Crazed Racist In Ferguson Spews White Rage At Protesters Updated Crooks and Liars
Wow good find there guno another source that is almost 4 month old

What is it you expect to prove with that? Do you hope to prove some folks are racist?

Well hell we are all aware there are racist in the world. Some are white, some are black, some are brown. You act as if this is a mystery to you.
Did you also know members of the New Black Panthers were in Ferguson, there you go black racist. I heard the Klan was around, there you go white racist.

I must ask why are you attempting to deflect from your failed OP? After I shiwed how stupid you premise is you abandoned the topic, why?

Are you not intellectually capable of debate?
Obama needs to put his boot on the necks of these rw hater-types.

it is their white hot rage

Watch Crazed Racist In Ferguson Spews White Rage At Protesters Updated Crooks and Liars
Wow good find there guno another source that is almost 4 month old

What is it you expect to prove with that? Do you hope to prove some folks are racist?

Well hell we are all aware there are racist in the world. Some are white, some are black, some are brown. You act as if this is a mystery to you.
Did you also know members of the New Black Panthers were in Ferguson, there you go black racist. I heard the Klan was around, there you go white racist.

I must ask why are you attempting to deflect from your failed OP? After I shiwed how stupid you premise is you abandoned the topic, why?

Are you not intellectually capable of debate?
Is is too stupid. Ever notice Gino and dream never post in same thread? I don't remember seeing them.
Obama needs to put his boot on the necks of these rw hater-types.

it is their white hot rage

Watch Crazed Racist In Ferguson Spews White Rage At Protesters Updated Crooks and Liars
Wow good find there guno another source that is almost 4 month old

What is it you expect to prove with that? Do you hope to prove some folks are racist?

Well hell we are all aware there are racist in the world. Some are white, some are black, some are brown. You act as if this is a mystery to you.
Did you also know members of the New Black Panthers were in Ferguson, there you go black racist. I heard the Klan was around, there you go white racist.

I must ask why are you attempting to deflect from your failed OP? After I shiwed how stupid you premise is you abandoned the topic, why?

Are you not intellectually capable of debate?
Is is too stupid. Ever notice Gino and dream never post in same thread? I don't remember seeing them.

I do notice that Guno starts threads and they are quickly shown to be lies, then he/she/it tucks tail and runs from the thread. My guess is the poster is not capable of honest deate
these rw hate radio-fueled, psychopaths need to be lined up and ...
Fuck yourself, I am sure you have a lot of practice at it.

We have a First Amendment, if I have to tolerate the existence of Ed Shultz and Rachel Maddow, you have to deal with Rush.

I don't LISTEN to any of them, and you do not have to either.

Why didn't you finish the sentence.

^ nice meltdown :thup: You can wipe the spittle off of you lips now Scooter.

As to the OP, these white hate-mongers have to be put down hard and fast!!! Tied-up forever in court at a bare minimum.
Wrong. These folks are nutcases, and only the extreme fringe right-wingers applaud them. The vast majority of conservatives and members of the Taxed Enough Already groups openly, repeatedly, and honestly condemn these criminals.

The extreme left-wingers, however, get shows on MSNBC (All Sharpton), or appointed to the head of government agencies (DOJ, EPA, etc)

So when a right winger does some extreme act, it's just an extreme fringe member and does not represent the entire group.

But when SOME black people riot, then ALL black people are bad.

So why the benefit of the doubt for one group but not the other? Is it because you can relate to one group's struggles to be fully heard and not the others?
Wrong. These folks are nutcases, and only the extreme fringe right-wingers applaud them. The vast majority of conservatives and members of the Taxed Enough Already groups openly, repeatedly, and honestly condemn these criminals.

The extreme left-wingers, however, get shows on MSNBC (All Sharpton), or appointed to the head of government agencies (DOJ, EPA, etc)

So when a right winger does some extreme act, it's just an extreme fringe member and does not represent the entire group.

But when SOME black people riot, then ALL black people are bad.

So why the benefit of the doubt for one group but not the other? Is it because you can relate to one group's struggles to be fully heard and not the others?
Prove that this guy was right wing, I'll wait

He played dress up for Rein Fares
Hung out with the "free spirits" in Austin
Enjoyed drum circles
Owned a cat

Sorry bub that's a Lib
So when a right winger does some extreme act, it's just an extreme fringe member and does not represent the entire group.

But when SOME black people riot, then ALL black people are bad.

So why the benefit of the doubt for one group but not the other? Is it because you can relate to one group's struggles to be fully heard and not the others?

Correct on your first sentence, wrong on your second and third.

Using the KKK as an example of right wing extremists, they are outcasts to everyone. The right wing/conservative groups abhor them.

Never said all black people are bad, just the ones who steal things (like Swisher sweets) from stores, riot, loot, and "burn this bitch down,"

However, the extreme leftists DO semi to have no trouble getting media jobs.
Wrong. These folks are nutcases, and only the extreme fringe right-wingers applaud them. The vast majority of conservatives and members of the Taxed Enough Already groups openly, repeatedly, and honestly condemn these criminals.

The extreme left-wingers, however, get shows on MSNBC (All Sharpton), or appointed to the head of government agencies (DOJ, EPA, etc)

So when a right winger does some extreme act, it's just an extreme fringe member and does not represent the entire group.

But when SOME black people riot, then ALL black people are bad.

So why the benefit of the doubt for one group but not the other? Is it because you can relate to one group's struggles to be fully heard and not the others?
Prove that this guy was right wing, I'll wait

He played dress up for Rein Fares
Hung out with the "free spirits" in Austin
Enjoyed drum circles
Owned a cat

Sorry bub that's a Lib

Sounds like he was, however he did have some conservative views. Dunno.

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