Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

I'm pretty much correct. If you wanted solutions, you would study. You don't.

I have presented my solutions many times. But, for you it came down to TLDR. All we can talk about in even ten or twelve paragraphs are the very bare bones basics. In other threads as well as this one, you refused to READ the damn thing.

You keep talking about an "open border type." Can you demonstrate, by name and actions some of these people you are hurling that accusation at? Or, are you creating a straw man argument?

Nope. I can't take your pretense of being unaware of the Open BOrder types seriously.

You don't have to convince me, son. You have to convince the voters and the politicians. We barely hung onto the governorship here the last election and now politicians are jumping ship, announcing they will run as Democrats the next time.

They heard your argument. Fewer and fewer are buying it. You should do some serious study before engaging with me. In the book The Art of War, Sun Tzu wrote:

"Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know not thy enemy nor yourself, wallow in defeat every time."

You know NOTHING about your opposition. Hell, you won't even take a week of your time to probe the edges. You don't know yourself; all you do is repeat the same canard as if repetition will make it true. So, one the world's most renown military strategists has predicted defeat for you.

THat people are not buying my argument, does not mean that it is not a good argument.

It's not a good argument. A wall would not work in America because it would be like closing the barn door after the cows got out. When Kamala Harris can be a serious contender for president, you cannot sustain the wall idea in the de facto democracy. That is just reality.

A fair point. But there are still more "horses" "leaving" ie illegals entering. So, even though it is very late in the game, stopping that flow is still a worthwhile endeavor.

Besides, when Trump began saying he'd take money from Socialist Security and the military - having lied about making Mexico pay, he torpedoed the whole wall idea. It's imploding even as we argue.

He "lied" about funding? Wow. A politician never did that before. He pulled money from somewhere else? Wow. A politician never did that before.

You don't give a shit about any of that, and neither do I. And neither does anyone else really.

You still have a problem with foreigners and if you fail to follow a path toward the restoration of Liberty, you will only be left with one path left to protect yourself with - and you have tried harder than the left to close that door.

1. My "problem" with foreigners, is that I want to advance the interests of Americans and America, and not "foreigners" especially at the expense of Americans and America.

2. "Path"? Not really. I hope it does not come to that, and regardless if it does, more "foreigners" will not make it easier.
I'm pretty much correct. If you wanted solutions, you would study. You don't.

I have presented my solutions many times. But, for you it came down to TLDR. All we can talk about in even ten or twelve paragraphs are the very bare bones basics. In other threads as well as this one, you refused to READ the damn thing.

You keep talking about an "open border type." Can you demonstrate, by name and actions some of these people you are hurling that accusation at? Or, are you creating a straw man argument?

Nope. I can't take your pretense of being unaware of the Open BOrder types seriously.

You don't have to convince me, son. You have to convince the voters and the politicians. We barely hung onto the governorship here the last election and now politicians are jumping ship, announcing they will run as Democrats the next time.

They heard your argument. Fewer and fewer are buying it. You should do some serious study before engaging with me. In the book The Art of War, Sun Tzu wrote:

"Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know not thy enemy nor yourself, wallow in defeat every time."

You know NOTHING about your opposition. Hell, you won't even take a week of your time to probe the edges. You don't know yourself; all you do is repeat the same canard as if repetition will make it true. So, one the world's most renown military strategists has predicted defeat for you.

THat people are not buying my argument, does not mean that it is not a good argument.

It's not a good argument. A wall would not work in America because it would be like closing the barn door after the cows got out. When Kamala Harris can be a serious contender for president, you cannot sustain the wall idea in the de facto democracy. That is just reality.

A fair point. But there are still more "horses" "leaving" ie illegals entering. So, even though it is very late in the game, stopping that flow is still a worthwhile endeavor.

Besides, when Trump began saying he'd take money from Socialist Security and the military - having lied about making Mexico pay, he torpedoed the whole wall idea. It's imploding even as we argue.

He "lied" about funding? Wow. A politician never did that before. He pulled money from somewhere else? Wow. A politician never did that before.

You don't give a shit about any of that, and neither do I. And neither does anyone else really.

You still have a problem with foreigners and if you fail to follow a path toward the restoration of Liberty, you will only be left with one path left to protect yourself with - and you have tried harder than the left to close that door.

1. My "problem" with foreigners, is that I want to advance the interests of Americans and America, and not "foreigners" especially at the expense of Americans and America.

2. "Path"? Not really. I hope it does not come to that, and regardless if it does, more "foreigners" will not make it easier.

You are extremely naive; always sabotaging your own arguments. If more people are leaving than are entering as you claim, that negates your argument for the need of any wall.

Secondly, you damn right I care about Trump lying. You might be young right now, but if you were a veteran or a retiree and Trump was about to cut your livelihood, you would take a hard look at what the real options are AND you would look at the problem a bit more objectively.

If building a wall were to cost those on a fixed income more of their money (lots of Americans already choose between medicine and food as it is) they would forego the wall. Ditto for the military. We might be going to war soon... so cut the military budget for a freaking wall???

The needs and interests of the American people is that the Republic be preserved. Your unalienable Rights are worth something; the Right to own private property is worth preserving; the ability to be self sufficient and self reliant have a tremendous value; the Right to privacy was important enough for the founders to go to war over. All of this should be important to you.

The laws you want enforced ultimately lead to citizenship. Once those people become citizens, they ARE going to vote you into oblivion. The courts are shooting down the wall idea - as you just witnessed yet another defeat for Trump and his funding schemes. Now, he's created two more groups of pissed off Americans - the military and the AARP crowd - which is no small voting bloc.
Nope. I can't take your pretense of being unaware of the Open BOrder types seriously.

You don't have to convince me, son. You have to convince the voters and the politicians. We barely hung onto the governorship here the last election and now politicians are jumping ship, announcing they will run as Democrats the next time.

They heard your argument. Fewer and fewer are buying it. You should do some serious study before engaging with me. In the book The Art of War, Sun Tzu wrote:

"Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know not thy enemy nor yourself, wallow in defeat every time."

You know NOTHING about your opposition. Hell, you won't even take a week of your time to probe the edges. You don't know yourself; all you do is repeat the same canard as if repetition will make it true. So, one the world's most renown military strategists has predicted defeat for you.

THat people are not buying my argument, does not mean that it is not a good argument.

It's not a good argument. A wall would not work in America because it would be like closing the barn door after the cows got out. When Kamala Harris can be a serious contender for president, you cannot sustain the wall idea in the de facto democracy. That is just reality.

A fair point. But there are still more "horses" "leaving" ie illegals entering. So, even though it is very late in the game, stopping that flow is still a worthwhile endeavor.

Besides, when Trump began saying he'd take money from Socialist Security and the military - having lied about making Mexico pay, he torpedoed the whole wall idea. It's imploding even as we argue.

He "lied" about funding? Wow. A politician never did that before. He pulled money from somewhere else? Wow. A politician never did that before.

You don't give a shit about any of that, and neither do I. And neither does anyone else really.

You still have a problem with foreigners and if you fail to follow a path toward the restoration of Liberty, you will only be left with one path left to protect yourself with - and you have tried harder than the left to close that door.

1. My "problem" with foreigners, is that I want to advance the interests of Americans and America, and not "foreigners" especially at the expense of Americans and America.

2. "Path"? Not really. I hope it does not come to that, and regardless if it does, more "foreigners" will not make it easier.
Nope. I can't take your pretense of being unaware of the Open BOrder types seriously.

You don't have to convince me, son. You have to convince the voters and the politicians. We barely hung onto the governorship here the last election and now politicians are jumping ship, announcing they will run as Democrats the next time.

They heard your argument. Fewer and fewer are buying it. You should do some serious study before engaging with me. In the book The Art of War, Sun Tzu wrote:

"Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know not thy enemy nor yourself, wallow in defeat every time."

You know NOTHING about your opposition. Hell, you won't even take a week of your time to probe the edges. You don't know yourself; all you do is repeat the same canard as if repetition will make it true. So, one the world's most renown military strategists has predicted defeat for you.

THat people are not buying my argument, does not mean that it is not a good argument.

It's not a good argument. A wall would not work in America because it would be like closing the barn door after the cows got out. When Kamala Harris can be a serious contender for president, you cannot sustain the wall idea in the de facto democracy. That is just reality.

A fair point. But there are still more "horses" "leaving" ie illegals entering. So, even though it is very late in the game, stopping that flow is still a worthwhile endeavor.

Besides, when Trump began saying he'd take money from Socialist Security and the military - having lied about making Mexico pay, he torpedoed the whole wall idea. It's imploding even as we argue.

He "lied" about funding? Wow. A politician never did that before. He pulled money from somewhere else? Wow. A politician never did that before.

You don't give a shit about any of that, and neither do I. And neither does anyone else really.

You still have a problem with foreigners and if you fail to follow a path toward the restoration of Liberty, you will only be left with one path left to protect yourself with - and you have tried harder than the left to close that door.

1. My "problem" with foreigners, is that I want to advance the interests of Americans and America, and not "foreigners" especially at the expense of Americans and America.

2. "Path"? Not really. I hope it does not come to that, and regardless if it does, more "foreigners" will not make it easier.

You are extremely naive; always sabotaging your own arguments. If more people are leaving than are entering as you claim, that negates your argument for the need of any wall.

Dude. I was addressing using YOUR analogy. Illegals are still coming in, so stopping that would be a good thing.

Secondly, you damn right I care about Trump lying. You might be young right now, but if you were a veteran or a retiree and Trump was about to cut your livelihood, you would take a hard look at what the real options are AND you would look at the problem a bit more objectively.

So, if Trump actually was forcing Mexico to pay for this, you would support it, because Trump was not "lying"?

Yeah, didn't think so.

Like I said, neither one of us care about that. So, why did you bring it up?

If building a wall were to cost those on a fixed income more of their money (lots of Americans already choose between medicine and food as it is) they would forego the wall. Ditto for the military. We might be going to war soon... so cut the military budget for a freaking wall???

a. Our unfunded mandates are unsustainable whether we build a Wall or not.
b. Yes, cut the military for the Wall, if that is what it takes. An invasion is taking place. This nation is being taken away from Americans.

The needs and interests of the American people is that the Republic be preserved. Your unalienable Rights are worth something; the Right to own private property is worth preserving; the ability to be self sufficient and self reliant have a tremendous value; the Right to privacy was important enough for the founders to go to war over. All of this should be important to you.

Our right to self determination is being violated, massively and forever by this influx of foreigners. Funny you don't care about that right.

The laws you want enforced ultimately lead to citizenship. Once those people become citizens, they ARE going to vote you into oblivion. The courts are shooting down the wall idea - as you just witnessed yet another defeat for Trump and his funding schemes. Now, he's created two more groups of pissed off Americans - the military and the AARP crowd - which is no small voting bloc.

1. I do not support them becoming citizens. So, please stop assigning me responsibility based on stuff you assume.

2. They are likely to "vote me into oblivion". So, why do you attack me for "having a problem" with them?

3. That the open border types are fighting back in the courts is a problem. Why are you blaming me for the sins of others?

4. Trump is not creating this problem or the pissed off people. That you blame him for this is insane.
You don't know enough of history to know who in the Hell invented the border wall idea. In THIS country, the first talk .....

Just no. Ideas flow across borders. That is a good thing. That you try to pretend that anyone in this country that has an idea, MUST get it from someone in this country who had it before them,

is wrong on so many levels.

I am not going to play that game.

The only game is the one you're playing is in that space between your ears. In this country, the wall idea AND ITS PRETEXTS AND ITS RHETORIC WERE DEVELOPED BY NAZIS.

You didn't just buy the wall, but you bought the bullshit that went with it. It doesn't matter. Military strategists and historians ALL disagree with the wall idea:

Walls Don't Work

Border walls are going up globally at a dizzying pace — but history teaches us that walls don’t work

You know what does not work? What we have been doing.

We know that it does not work, and you want to keep doing it.

Your nazi references are noted and dismissed. Nazis did not invent the ideas of Walls.

Nazis were the first to suggest the wall idea in America. It's not just the wall, but the political rhetoric and the peripheral legislation that surrounds it. We aren't just talking the wall, but various other things that accompany it. For the benefit of others, here is an analogy:

When we came up with the interstate system, laws had to be agreed on. Who would pay for the interstate? Who would maintain it? Would states and local governments be able to enforce the laws? Who would get the money from fees and fines? ALL of that went with it.

So, here comes Correll, the most uneducated wallist in America. He wants a wall, but he doesn't understand the peripheral laws that were created in order to enforce the nutty wall idea. He's oblivious to the Constitution Free Zone; he's in love with Hitler's tattoo idea on steroids... National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, along with the elimination of the concept of innocent until proven guilty. The wall don't mean a damn thing without peripheral laws to enforce it. How many Liberties do you lose before you say the wall isn't worth the losses?

What we're doing is to enforce unconstitutional laws, most of them forced into law by the Democrats (like Ted Kennedy) and to continue a power grab where the United States Supreme Court acted above their constitutional limits in 1875. Those laws were incrementally put into place in order to destroy the stated reason our Constitution was created for in the first place.

What I want is a dramatic shift, but it will not happen overnight. What I want will work because it is how America became the greatest nation in the annals of history. There is not much of a chance that the wall will be built. The Republicans lost the House (where funding bills originate) and they could lose the Senate in the next election cycle. Correll, and those like him, have NO Plan B. Not knowing history, they cannot return to a time when this wasn't the litmus test of your loyalty to this country and the issue did not exist. IF / when Correll decides to get past the personality contest and learn a little history, the solution will become painfully obvious.

What your policy of letting them in will get US, is more of California.

By 2050, every city in the US, will be like fucking LA. and LA, will be like Mexico City.

That is not a nation that will be America. YOu are not going to get them to adopt our culture or politics or policies.

You won't READ about history and the law, so you don't have a clue as to what I'd do to reverse the situation. You are ignorant above any description and it would work to your advantage to ASK QUESTIONS, then take time to READ the answers before spewing horseshit.

I've tried to shame you into reading and learning what it is you're talking about. That cannot be done. I've tried nice, argumentative, and everything in between. But, if you think for one minute that I back a plan that would make the U.S. look like L.A. you are a fucking idiot. So, I'll be nice and presume that was pure fluff on your part.

You have not studied the concepts of state citizenship versus national citizenship; you know NOTHING about the separation of powers of the government; you have no concept of the limited role of the federal government in a de jure / lawful / constitutional Republic and, worse, you don't have a damn clue as to how many constitutional violations it took on the part of the government to get us where we are today.

Without a clear cut knowledge of that history along with what our laws really say, you are too deaf, dumb, and blind to understand how you reverse course, retain the Liberties of the people, and watch Nancy Pelosi and her ilk change course as opposed to playing you like a fine tuned fiddle. The reality of your situation is that you are playing the part of a useful idiot (the left's terminology) for liberals; you refuse to educate yourself; your wall will never be completed; the peripheral laws / policies you are helping along will not only counteract your own lobbying, but will serve to stop future generations from seeking to be free from tyranny. THAT makes you dangerous.
Just no. Ideas flow across borders. That is a good thing. That you try to pretend that anyone in this country that has an idea, MUST get it from someone in this country who had it before them,

is wrong on so many levels.

I am not going to play that game.

The only game is the one you're playing is in that space between your ears. In this country, the wall idea AND ITS PRETEXTS AND ITS RHETORIC WERE DEVELOPED BY NAZIS.

You didn't just buy the wall, but you bought the bullshit that went with it. It doesn't matter. Military strategists and historians ALL disagree with the wall idea:

Walls Don't Work

Border walls are going up globally at a dizzying pace — but history teaches us that walls don’t work

You know what does not work? What we have been doing.

We know that it does not work, and you want to keep doing it.

Your nazi references are noted and dismissed. Nazis did not invent the ideas of Walls.

Nazis were the first to suggest the wall idea in America. It's not just the wall, but the political rhetoric and the peripheral legislation that surrounds it. We aren't just talking the wall, but various other things that accompany it. For the benefit of others, here is an analogy:

When we came up with the interstate system, laws had to be agreed on. Who would pay for the interstate? Who would maintain it? Would states and local governments be able to enforce the laws? Who would get the money from fees and fines? ALL of that went with it.

So, here comes Correll, the most uneducated wallist in America. He wants a wall, but he doesn't understand the peripheral laws that were created in order to enforce the nutty wall idea. He's oblivious to the Constitution Free Zone; he's in love with Hitler's tattoo idea on steroids... National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, along with the elimination of the concept of innocent until proven guilty. The wall don't mean a damn thing without peripheral laws to enforce it. How many Liberties do you lose before you say the wall isn't worth the losses?

What we're doing is to enforce unconstitutional laws, most of them forced into law by the Democrats (like Ted Kennedy) and to continue a power grab where the United States Supreme Court acted above their constitutional limits in 1875. Those laws were incrementally put into place in order to destroy the stated reason our Constitution was created for in the first place.

What I want is a dramatic shift, but it will not happen overnight. What I want will work because it is how America became the greatest nation in the annals of history. There is not much of a chance that the wall will be built. The Republicans lost the House (where funding bills originate) and they could lose the Senate in the next election cycle. Correll, and those like him, have NO Plan B. Not knowing history, they cannot return to a time when this wasn't the litmus test of your loyalty to this country and the issue did not exist. IF / when Correll decides to get past the personality contest and learn a little history, the solution will become painfully obvious.

What your policy of letting them in will get US, is more of California.

By 2050, every city in the US, will be like fucking LA. and LA, will be like Mexico City.

That is not a nation that will be America. YOu are not going to get them to adopt our culture or politics or policies.

You won't READ about history and the law, so you don't have a clue as to what I'd do to reverse the situation. You are ignorant above any description and it would work to your advantage to ASK QUESTIONS, then take time to READ the answers before spewing horseshit.

I've tried to shame you into reading and learning what it is you're talking about. That cannot be done. I've tried nice, argumentative, and everything in between. But, if you think for one minute that I back a plan that would make the U.S. look like L.A. you are a fucking idiot. So, I'll be nice and presume that was pure fluff on your part.

You have not studied the concepts of state citizenship versus national citizenship; you know NOTHING about the separation of powers of the government; you have no concept of the limited role of the federal government in a de jure / lawful / constitutional Republic and, worse, you don't have a damn clue as to how many constitutional violations it took on the part of the government to get us where we are today.

Without a clear cut knowledge of that history along with what our laws really say, you are too deaf, dumb, and blind to understand how you reverse course, retain the Liberties of the people, and watch Nancy Pelosi and her ilk change course as opposed to playing you like a fine tuned fiddle. The reality of your situation is that you are playing the part of a useful idiot (the left's terminology) for liberals; you refuse to educate yourself; your wall will never be completed; the peripheral laws / policies you are helping along will not only counteract your own lobbying, but will serve to stop future generations from seeking to be free from tyranny. THAT makes you dangerous.

I can watch a stream of millions of Mexicans flowing into America and see what it is doing to America.

You can't.
You don't have to convince me, son. You have to convince the voters and the politicians. We barely hung onto the governorship here the last election and now politicians are jumping ship, announcing they will run as Democrats the next time.

They heard your argument. Fewer and fewer are buying it. You should do some serious study before engaging with me. In the book The Art of War, Sun Tzu wrote:

"Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know not thy enemy nor yourself, wallow in defeat every time."

You know NOTHING about your opposition. Hell, you won't even take a week of your time to probe the edges. You don't know yourself; all you do is repeat the same canard as if repetition will make it true. So, one the world's most renown military strategists has predicted defeat for you.

THat people are not buying my argument, does not mean that it is not a good argument.

It's not a good argument. A wall would not work in America because it would be like closing the barn door after the cows got out. When Kamala Harris can be a serious contender for president, you cannot sustain the wall idea in the de facto democracy. That is just reality.

A fair point. But there are still more "horses" "leaving" ie illegals entering. So, even though it is very late in the game, stopping that flow is still a worthwhile endeavor.

Besides, when Trump began saying he'd take money from Socialist Security and the military - having lied about making Mexico pay, he torpedoed the whole wall idea. It's imploding even as we argue.

He "lied" about funding? Wow. A politician never did that before. He pulled money from somewhere else? Wow. A politician never did that before.

You don't give a shit about any of that, and neither do I. And neither does anyone else really.

You still have a problem with foreigners and if you fail to follow a path toward the restoration of Liberty, you will only be left with one path left to protect yourself with - and you have tried harder than the left to close that door.

1. My "problem" with foreigners, is that I want to advance the interests of Americans and America, and not "foreigners" especially at the expense of Americans and America.

2. "Path"? Not really. I hope it does not come to that, and regardless if it does, more "foreigners" will not make it easier.
You don't have to convince me, son. You have to convince the voters and the politicians. We barely hung onto the governorship here the last election and now politicians are jumping ship, announcing they will run as Democrats the next time.

They heard your argument. Fewer and fewer are buying it. You should do some serious study before engaging with me. In the book The Art of War, Sun Tzu wrote:

"Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know not thy enemy nor yourself, wallow in defeat every time."

You know NOTHING about your opposition. Hell, you won't even take a week of your time to probe the edges. You don't know yourself; all you do is repeat the same canard as if repetition will make it true. So, one the world's most renown military strategists has predicted defeat for you.

THat people are not buying my argument, does not mean that it is not a good argument.

It's not a good argument. A wall would not work in America because it would be like closing the barn door after the cows got out. When Kamala Harris can be a serious contender for president, you cannot sustain the wall idea in the de facto democracy. That is just reality.

A fair point. But there are still more "horses" "leaving" ie illegals entering. So, even though it is very late in the game, stopping that flow is still a worthwhile endeavor.

Besides, when Trump began saying he'd take money from Socialist Security and the military - having lied about making Mexico pay, he torpedoed the whole wall idea. It's imploding even as we argue.

He "lied" about funding? Wow. A politician never did that before. He pulled money from somewhere else? Wow. A politician never did that before.

You don't give a shit about any of that, and neither do I. And neither does anyone else really.

You still have a problem with foreigners and if you fail to follow a path toward the restoration of Liberty, you will only be left with one path left to protect yourself with - and you have tried harder than the left to close that door.

1. My "problem" with foreigners, is that I want to advance the interests of Americans and America, and not "foreigners" especially at the expense of Americans and America.

2. "Path"? Not really. I hope it does not come to that, and regardless if it does, more "foreigners" will not make it easier.

You are extremely naive; always sabotaging your own arguments. If more people are leaving than are entering as you claim, that negates your argument for the need of any wall.

Dude. I was addressing using YOUR analogy. Illegals are still coming in, so stopping that would be a good thing.

Secondly, you damn right I care about Trump lying. You might be young right now, but if you were a veteran or a retiree and Trump was about to cut your livelihood, you would take a hard look at what the real options are AND you would look at the problem a bit more objectively.

So, if Trump actually was forcing Mexico to pay for this, you would support it, because Trump was not "lying"?

Yeah, didn't think so.

Like I said, neither one of us care about that. So, why did you bring it up?

If building a wall were to cost those on a fixed income more of their money (lots of Americans already choose between medicine and food as it is) they would forego the wall. Ditto for the military. We might be going to war soon... so cut the military budget for a freaking wall???

a. Our unfunded mandates are unsustainable whether we build a Wall or not.
b. Yes, cut the military for the Wall, if that is what it takes. An invasion is taking place. This nation is being taken away from Americans.

The needs and interests of the American people is that the Republic be preserved. Your unalienable Rights are worth something; the Right to own private property is worth preserving; the ability to be self sufficient and self reliant have a tremendous value; the Right to privacy was important enough for the founders to go to war over. All of this should be important to you.

Our right to self determination is being violated, massively and forever by this influx of foreigners. Funny you don't care about that right.

The laws you want enforced ultimately lead to citizenship. Once those people become citizens, they ARE going to vote you into oblivion. The courts are shooting down the wall idea - as you just witnessed yet another defeat for Trump and his funding schemes. Now, he's created two more groups of pissed off Americans - the military and the AARP crowd - which is no small voting bloc.

1. I do not support them becoming citizens. So, please stop assigning me responsibility based on stuff you assume.

2. They are likely to "vote me into oblivion". So, why do you attack me for "having a problem" with them?

3. That the open border types are fighting back in the courts is a problem. Why are you blaming me for the sins of others?

4. Trump is not creating this problem or the pissed off people. That you blame him for this is insane.

Okay, you're being a dumb ass and I'm going to violate my own rules to respond. Your next multi objection post will be ignored for what it is on your part - pure desperation.

You are being STUPID. You already know WHY I oppose the wall. The peripheral laws surrounding it repeal the Bill of Rights. Get that through your fucking head.

The fact that Trump lied about who was going to pay for the wall IS of a concern to me. This is back to back responses to you on the same allegation. He is going to take the money from the military and those on fixed incomes. Or so he thinks, so yes, I DO CARE.

1) If you don't want undocumented foreigners to become citizens, get your head out of your ass and quit calling them "illegals" and other terms that may imply a support for the unconstitutional and liberal laws that govern the issue

2) The reason I'm "attacking" your dumb ass is because is that you have to trample the Rights of the people in order to achieve your objective. The costs of your wall come at a cost to the Bill of Rights. So fuck you Correll. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on you POS traitor

3) You have not given an example of one, single, solitary "open border type." It sounds more like an asinine fantasy you harbor. If you love walls and fences so damn much, you'd be happy in a prison

4) Donald Trump don't give a rip about this perceived problem you moron. He's a liar... a point you readily agree to. He has also employed undocumented foreigners for decades. He tells you what you want to hear and then allows the courts to shoot his bullshit down.

Donald Trump is a globalist; a close friend to Rupert Murdoch - the guy who sits on the Board of Directors for the Council on Foreign Relations. They are letting you dig your own grave. Meanwhile, you are asleep. Donald Trump just nominated Chuck Canterbury to head the ATF. Canterbury is committed to disarming America. He wants to confiscate all the privately held weapons in America.

Your wall isn't going to get built and you're taking away our ability to have any future options to stop the situation brought about by laws you support without having studied a damn one of them.
The only game is the one you're playing is in that space between your ears. In this country, the wall idea AND ITS PRETEXTS AND ITS RHETORIC WERE DEVELOPED BY NAZIS.

You didn't just buy the wall, but you bought the bullshit that went with it. It doesn't matter. Military strategists and historians ALL disagree with the wall idea:

Walls Don't Work

Border walls are going up globally at a dizzying pace — but history teaches us that walls don’t work

You know what does not work? What we have been doing.

We know that it does not work, and you want to keep doing it.

Your nazi references are noted and dismissed. Nazis did not invent the ideas of Walls.

Nazis were the first to suggest the wall idea in America. It's not just the wall, but the political rhetoric and the peripheral legislation that surrounds it. We aren't just talking the wall, but various other things that accompany it. For the benefit of others, here is an analogy:

When we came up with the interstate system, laws had to be agreed on. Who would pay for the interstate? Who would maintain it? Would states and local governments be able to enforce the laws? Who would get the money from fees and fines? ALL of that went with it.

So, here comes Correll, the most uneducated wallist in America. He wants a wall, but he doesn't understand the peripheral laws that were created in order to enforce the nutty wall idea. He's oblivious to the Constitution Free Zone; he's in love with Hitler's tattoo idea on steroids... National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, along with the elimination of the concept of innocent until proven guilty. The wall don't mean a damn thing without peripheral laws to enforce it. How many Liberties do you lose before you say the wall isn't worth the losses?

What we're doing is to enforce unconstitutional laws, most of them forced into law by the Democrats (like Ted Kennedy) and to continue a power grab where the United States Supreme Court acted above their constitutional limits in 1875. Those laws were incrementally put into place in order to destroy the stated reason our Constitution was created for in the first place.

What I want is a dramatic shift, but it will not happen overnight. What I want will work because it is how America became the greatest nation in the annals of history. There is not much of a chance that the wall will be built. The Republicans lost the House (where funding bills originate) and they could lose the Senate in the next election cycle. Correll, and those like him, have NO Plan B. Not knowing history, they cannot return to a time when this wasn't the litmus test of your loyalty to this country and the issue did not exist. IF / when Correll decides to get past the personality contest and learn a little history, the solution will become painfully obvious.

What your policy of letting them in will get US, is more of California.

By 2050, every city in the US, will be like fucking LA. and LA, will be like Mexico City.

That is not a nation that will be America. YOu are not going to get them to adopt our culture or politics or policies.

You won't READ about history and the law, so you don't have a clue as to what I'd do to reverse the situation. You are ignorant above any description and it would work to your advantage to ASK QUESTIONS, then take time to READ the answers before spewing horseshit.

I've tried to shame you into reading and learning what it is you're talking about. That cannot be done. I've tried nice, argumentative, and everything in between. But, if you think for one minute that I back a plan that would make the U.S. look like L.A. you are a fucking idiot. So, I'll be nice and presume that was pure fluff on your part.

You have not studied the concepts of state citizenship versus national citizenship; you know NOTHING about the separation of powers of the government; you have no concept of the limited role of the federal government in a de jure / lawful / constitutional Republic and, worse, you don't have a damn clue as to how many constitutional violations it took on the part of the government to get us where we are today.

Without a clear cut knowledge of that history along with what our laws really say, you are too deaf, dumb, and blind to understand how you reverse course, retain the Liberties of the people, and watch Nancy Pelosi and her ilk change course as opposed to playing you like a fine tuned fiddle. The reality of your situation is that you are playing the part of a useful idiot (the left's terminology) for liberals; you refuse to educate yourself; your wall will never be completed; the peripheral laws / policies you are helping along will not only counteract your own lobbying, but will serve to stop future generations from seeking to be free from tyranny. THAT makes you dangerous.

I can watch a stream of millions of Mexicans flowing into America and see what it is doing to America.

You can't.

You lying son of a bitch. You've never manned the border. I used to live in and around Los Angeles. May still have relatives there.

If foreigners are flowing into America, it is due to our culture. As long as our nation sees no harm in multiculturalism (and you have yet to denounce that yourself) then no wall is going to stop the situation.

The last I heard, Georgia was number four in the numbers of undocumented foreigners. They're great for business, but the world is not just about what makes Donald Trump and his rich elite buddies happy. We got lots of Hispanics here and lots and lots of jobs.

We also have local governments thinking they are Nazis. We have high taxes and a white culture that has become an embarrassment. We're losing our Freedoms and Liberties on a daily basis. The foreigners are worming their way into government, making us the very kinds of cesspools they fled (so much for your "legal" immigration theories.)

The people best suited to resolve this are the ones sitting it out and letting the NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government guys set us up.
THat people are not buying my argument, does not mean that it is not a good argument.

It's not a good argument. A wall would not work in America because it would be like closing the barn door after the cows got out. When Kamala Harris can be a serious contender for president, you cannot sustain the wall idea in the de facto democracy. That is just reality.

A fair point. But there are still more "horses" "leaving" ie illegals entering. So, even though it is very late in the game, stopping that flow is still a worthwhile endeavor.

Besides, when Trump began saying he'd take money from Socialist Security and the military - having lied about making Mexico pay, he torpedoed the whole wall idea. It's imploding even as we argue.

He "lied" about funding? Wow. A politician never did that before. He pulled money from somewhere else? Wow. A politician never did that before.

You don't give a shit about any of that, and neither do I. And neither does anyone else really.

You still have a problem with foreigners and if you fail to follow a path toward the restoration of Liberty, you will only be left with one path left to protect yourself with - and you have tried harder than the left to close that door.

1. My "problem" with foreigners, is that I want to advance the interests of Americans and America, and not "foreigners" especially at the expense of Americans and America.

2. "Path"? Not really. I hope it does not come to that, and regardless if it does, more "foreigners" will not make it easier.
THat people are not buying my argument, does not mean that it is not a good argument.

It's not a good argument. A wall would not work in America because it would be like closing the barn door after the cows got out. When Kamala Harris can be a serious contender for president, you cannot sustain the wall idea in the de facto democracy. That is just reality.

A fair point. But there are still more "horses" "leaving" ie illegals entering. So, even though it is very late in the game, stopping that flow is still a worthwhile endeavor.

Besides, when Trump began saying he'd take money from Socialist Security and the military - having lied about making Mexico pay, he torpedoed the whole wall idea. It's imploding even as we argue.

He "lied" about funding? Wow. A politician never did that before. He pulled money from somewhere else? Wow. A politician never did that before.

You don't give a shit about any of that, and neither do I. And neither does anyone else really.

You still have a problem with foreigners and if you fail to follow a path toward the restoration of Liberty, you will only be left with one path left to protect yourself with - and you have tried harder than the left to close that door.

1. My "problem" with foreigners, is that I want to advance the interests of Americans and America, and not "foreigners" especially at the expense of Americans and America.

2. "Path"? Not really. I hope it does not come to that, and regardless if it does, more "foreigners" will not make it easier.

You are extremely naive; always sabotaging your own arguments. If more people are leaving than are entering as you claim, that negates your argument for the need of any wall.

Dude. I was addressing using YOUR analogy. Illegals are still coming in, so stopping that would be a good thing.

Secondly, you damn right I care about Trump lying. You might be young right now, but if you were a veteran or a retiree and Trump was about to cut your livelihood, you would take a hard look at what the real options are AND you would look at the problem a bit more objectively.

So, if Trump actually was forcing Mexico to pay for this, you would support it, because Trump was not "lying"?

Yeah, didn't think so.

Like I said, neither one of us care about that. So, why did you bring it up?

If building a wall were to cost those on a fixed income more of their money (lots of Americans already choose between medicine and food as it is) they would forego the wall. Ditto for the military. We might be going to war soon... so cut the military budget for a freaking wall???

a. Our unfunded mandates are unsustainable whether we build a Wall or not.
b. Yes, cut the military for the Wall, if that is what it takes. An invasion is taking place. This nation is being taken away from Americans.

The needs and interests of the American people is that the Republic be preserved. Your unalienable Rights are worth something; the Right to own private property is worth preserving; the ability to be self sufficient and self reliant have a tremendous value; the Right to privacy was important enough for the founders to go to war over. All of this should be important to you.

Our right to self determination is being violated, massively and forever by this influx of foreigners. Funny you don't care about that right.

The laws you want enforced ultimately lead to citizenship. Once those people become citizens, they ARE going to vote you into oblivion. The courts are shooting down the wall idea - as you just witnessed yet another defeat for Trump and his funding schemes. Now, he's created two more groups of pissed off Americans - the military and the AARP crowd - which is no small voting bloc.

1. I do not support them becoming citizens. So, please stop assigning me responsibility based on stuff you assume.

2. They are likely to "vote me into oblivion". So, why do you attack me for "having a problem" with them?

3. That the open border types are fighting back in the courts is a problem. Why are you blaming me for the sins of others?

4. Trump is not creating this problem or the pissed off people. That you blame him for this is insane.

Okay, you're being a dumb ass and I'm going to violate my own rules to respond. Your next multi objection post will be ignored for what it is on your part - pure desperation.

You are being STUPID. You already know WHY I oppose the wall. The peripheral laws surrounding it repeal the Bill of Rights. Get that through your fucking head.

The fact that Trump lied about who was going to pay for the wall IS of a concern to me. This is back to back responses to you on the same allegation. He is going to take the money from the military and those on fixed incomes. Or so he thinks, so yes, I DO CARE.

1) If you don't want undocumented foreigners to become citizens, get your head out of your ass and quit calling them "illegals" and other terms that may imply a support for the unconstitutional and liberal laws that govern the issue

2) The reason I'm "attacking" your dumb ass is because is that you have to trample the Rights of the people in order to achieve your objective. The costs of your wall come at a cost to the Bill of Rights. So fuck you Correll. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on you POS traitor

3) You have not given an example of one, single, solitary "open border type." It sounds more like an asinine fantasy you harbor. If you love walls and fences so damn much, you'd be happy in a prison

4) Donald Trump don't give a rip about this perceived problem you moron. He's a liar... a point you readily agree to. He has also employed undocumented foreigners for decades. He tells you what you want to hear and then allows the courts to shoot his bullshit down.

Donald Trump is a globalist; a close friend to Rupert Murdoch - the guy who sits on the Board of Directors for the Council on Foreign Relations. They are letting you dig your own grave. Meanwhile, you are asleep. Donald Trump just nominated Chuck Canterbury to head the ATF. Canterbury is committed to disarming America. He wants to confiscate all the privately held weapons in America.

Your wall isn't going to get built and you're taking away our ability to have any future options to stop the situation brought about by laws you support without having studied a damn one of them.

1. They are here illegally, and against the wishes of the citizens of this nation. Their growing presence you admit is very harmful to this nation and it's citizens.

2. If our Constitution cannot survive the building of a Wall and deporting people who have invaded US, then it is doomed, because once this nation becomes Mexico, the new voting population won't care about it. Either way we lose.

3. Anyone that wants to leave the border open, and does not want to deport the people here against our wishes, is supporting an effectively open border. ANd plenty of people want that. Your confusion on this is not credible.

4. Trump was the choice for the most aggressive on this issue, and he is being that. The rest is meaningless fluff.
You know what does not work? What we have been doing.

We know that it does not work, and you want to keep doing it.

Your nazi references are noted and dismissed. Nazis did not invent the ideas of Walls.

Nazis were the first to suggest the wall idea in America. It's not just the wall, but the political rhetoric and the peripheral legislation that surrounds it. We aren't just talking the wall, but various other things that accompany it. For the benefit of others, here is an analogy:

When we came up with the interstate system, laws had to be agreed on. Who would pay for the interstate? Who would maintain it? Would states and local governments be able to enforce the laws? Who would get the money from fees and fines? ALL of that went with it.

So, here comes Correll, the most uneducated wallist in America. He wants a wall, but he doesn't understand the peripheral laws that were created in order to enforce the nutty wall idea. He's oblivious to the Constitution Free Zone; he's in love with Hitler's tattoo idea on steroids... National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, along with the elimination of the concept of innocent until proven guilty. The wall don't mean a damn thing without peripheral laws to enforce it. How many Liberties do you lose before you say the wall isn't worth the losses?

What we're doing is to enforce unconstitutional laws, most of them forced into law by the Democrats (like Ted Kennedy) and to continue a power grab where the United States Supreme Court acted above their constitutional limits in 1875. Those laws were incrementally put into place in order to destroy the stated reason our Constitution was created for in the first place.

What I want is a dramatic shift, but it will not happen overnight. What I want will work because it is how America became the greatest nation in the annals of history. There is not much of a chance that the wall will be built. The Republicans lost the House (where funding bills originate) and they could lose the Senate in the next election cycle. Correll, and those like him, have NO Plan B. Not knowing history, they cannot return to a time when this wasn't the litmus test of your loyalty to this country and the issue did not exist. IF / when Correll decides to get past the personality contest and learn a little history, the solution will become painfully obvious.

What your policy of letting them in will get US, is more of California.

By 2050, every city in the US, will be like fucking LA. and LA, will be like Mexico City.

That is not a nation that will be America. YOu are not going to get them to adopt our culture or politics or policies.

You won't READ about history and the law, so you don't have a clue as to what I'd do to reverse the situation. You are ignorant above any description and it would work to your advantage to ASK QUESTIONS, then take time to READ the answers before spewing horseshit.

I've tried to shame you into reading and learning what it is you're talking about. That cannot be done. I've tried nice, argumentative, and everything in between. But, if you think for one minute that I back a plan that would make the U.S. look like L.A. you are a fucking idiot. So, I'll be nice and presume that was pure fluff on your part.

You have not studied the concepts of state citizenship versus national citizenship; you know NOTHING about the separation of powers of the government; you have no concept of the limited role of the federal government in a de jure / lawful / constitutional Republic and, worse, you don't have a damn clue as to how many constitutional violations it took on the part of the government to get us where we are today.

Without a clear cut knowledge of that history along with what our laws really say, you are too deaf, dumb, and blind to understand how you reverse course, retain the Liberties of the people, and watch Nancy Pelosi and her ilk change course as opposed to playing you like a fine tuned fiddle. The reality of your situation is that you are playing the part of a useful idiot (the left's terminology) for liberals; you refuse to educate yourself; your wall will never be completed; the peripheral laws / policies you are helping along will not only counteract your own lobbying, but will serve to stop future generations from seeking to be free from tyranny. THAT makes you dangerous.

I can watch a stream of millions of Mexicans flowing into America and see what it is doing to America.

You can't.

You lying son of a bitch. You've never manned the border. I used to live in and around Los Angeles. May still have relatives there.

If foreigners are flowing into America, it is due to our culture. As long as our nation sees no harm in multiculturalism (and you have yet to denounce that yourself) then no wall is going to stop the situation.

The last I heard, Georgia was number four in the numbers of undocumented foreigners. They're great for business, but the world is not just about what makes Donald Trump and his rich elite buddies happy. We got lots of Hispanics here and lots and lots of jobs.

We also have local governments thinking they are Nazis. We have high taxes and a white culture that has become an embarrassment. We're losing our Freedoms and Liberties on a daily basis. The foreigners are worming their way into government, making us the very kinds of cesspools they fled (so much for your "legal" immigration theories.)

The people best suited to resolve this are the ones sitting it out and letting the NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government guys set us up.

1. I did not literally mean I was standing there watching them walk across the border. My point stands. I see what it is doing to America. YOu seem not to.

2. It is not due to our culture.

3. I denounce multiculturalism.

4. There can be a gap between culture and law. Though attacking multiculturalism needs to be attacked too, and I do.

5. The benefit to the employers of having unlimited cheap labor, is obvious. As it the negative effect to American workers having to compete with them.

6. Nazis are an insignificant fringe.

7. High taxes are a problem. High taxes is not nazi. Please do not tell me that you think that Nazis invented the idea of high taxes in America.

8. Yes, our culture is taking a beating. You know what won't help? Siding with the Anti-Americans on any issues.

9. Not sure what you mean by "legal immigration".

10. I don't know who you think is "best suited". I know what I want and why.
1) You are wrong. The United States Supreme Court RULED that being in the United States is not a crime. Furthermore if the American people did not want them here, they would not hire to them, sell to them, buy from them, or do business with anyone that does. We, do, however, and the majority of the American people have proven your statement to be an absolute lie and you can't accept it

2) Our Constitution cannot survive the repeal of the Bill of Rights

3) You can make all the presuppositions you want and keep that open borders lie going, but repeating it over and over won't make it true. Your wishes do not reflect the will of the majority - and YOU have argued for democracy ever since you and I first tangled. FWIW - I'm not a democrat like you and I know what it would take to rectify the current situation

4) On all the key issues Trump has lost his ass in court; he did not come up with a plan to make Mexico pay; Trump then tried to take away from the military AND seniors thereby creating even MORE opposition to his idea. He did that on purpose.
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Nazis were the first to suggest the wall idea in America. It's not just the wall, but the political rhetoric and the peripheral legislation that surrounds it. We aren't just talking the wall, but various other things that accompany it. For the benefit of others, here is an analogy:

When we came up with the interstate system, laws had to be agreed on. Who would pay for the interstate? Who would maintain it? Would states and local governments be able to enforce the laws? Who would get the money from fees and fines? ALL of that went with it.

So, here comes Correll, the most uneducated wallist in America. He wants a wall, but he doesn't understand the peripheral laws that were created in order to enforce the nutty wall idea. He's oblivious to the Constitution Free Zone; he's in love with Hitler's tattoo idea on steroids... National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, along with the elimination of the concept of innocent until proven guilty. The wall don't mean a damn thing without peripheral laws to enforce it. How many Liberties do you lose before you say the wall isn't worth the losses?

What we're doing is to enforce unconstitutional laws, most of them forced into law by the Democrats (like Ted Kennedy) and to continue a power grab where the United States Supreme Court acted above their constitutional limits in 1875. Those laws were incrementally put into place in order to destroy the stated reason our Constitution was created for in the first place.

What I want is a dramatic shift, but it will not happen overnight. What I want will work because it is how America became the greatest nation in the annals of history. There is not much of a chance that the wall will be built. The Republicans lost the House (where funding bills originate) and they could lose the Senate in the next election cycle. Correll, and those like him, have NO Plan B. Not knowing history, they cannot return to a time when this wasn't the litmus test of your loyalty to this country and the issue did not exist. IF / when Correll decides to get past the personality contest and learn a little history, the solution will become painfully obvious.

What your policy of letting them in will get US, is more of California.

By 2050, every city in the US, will be like fucking LA. and LA, will be like Mexico City.

That is not a nation that will be America. YOu are not going to get them to adopt our culture or politics or policies.

You won't READ about history and the law, so you don't have a clue as to what I'd do to reverse the situation. You are ignorant above any description and it would work to your advantage to ASK QUESTIONS, then take time to READ the answers before spewing horseshit.

I've tried to shame you into reading and learning what it is you're talking about. That cannot be done. I've tried nice, argumentative, and everything in between. But, if you think for one minute that I back a plan that would make the U.S. look like L.A. you are a fucking idiot. So, I'll be nice and presume that was pure fluff on your part.

You have not studied the concepts of state citizenship versus national citizenship; you know NOTHING about the separation of powers of the government; you have no concept of the limited role of the federal government in a de jure / lawful / constitutional Republic and, worse, you don't have a damn clue as to how many constitutional violations it took on the part of the government to get us where we are today.

Without a clear cut knowledge of that history along with what our laws really say, you are too deaf, dumb, and blind to understand how you reverse course, retain the Liberties of the people, and watch Nancy Pelosi and her ilk change course as opposed to playing you like a fine tuned fiddle. The reality of your situation is that you are playing the part of a useful idiot (the left's terminology) for liberals; you refuse to educate yourself; your wall will never be completed; the peripheral laws / policies you are helping along will not only counteract your own lobbying, but will serve to stop future generations from seeking to be free from tyranny. THAT makes you dangerous.

I can watch a stream of millions of Mexicans flowing into America and see what it is doing to America.

You can't.

You lying son of a bitch. You've never manned the border. I used to live in and around Los Angeles. May still have relatives there.

If foreigners are flowing into America, it is due to our culture. As long as our nation sees no harm in multiculturalism (and you have yet to denounce that yourself) then no wall is going to stop the situation.

The last I heard, Georgia was number four in the numbers of undocumented foreigners. They're great for business, but the world is not just about what makes Donald Trump and his rich elite buddies happy. We got lots of Hispanics here and lots and lots of jobs.

We also have local governments thinking they are Nazis. We have high taxes and a white culture that has become an embarrassment. We're losing our Freedoms and Liberties on a daily basis. The foreigners are worming their way into government, making us the very kinds of cesspools they fled (so much for your "legal" immigration theories.)

The people best suited to resolve this are the ones sitting it out and letting the NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government guys set us up.

1. I did not literally mean I was standing there watching them walk across the border. My point stands. I see what it is doing to America. YOu seem not to.

2. It is not due to our culture.

3. I denounce multiculturalism.

4. There can be a gap between culture and law. Though attacking multiculturalism needs to be attacked too, and I do.

5. The benefit to the employers of having unlimited cheap labor, is obvious. As it the negative effect to American workers having to compete with them.

6. Nazis are an insignificant fringe.

7. High taxes are a problem. High taxes is not nazi. Please do not tell me that you think that Nazis invented the idea of high taxes in America.

8. Yes, our culture is taking a beating. You know what won't help? Siding with the Anti-Americans on any issues.

9. Not sure what you mean by "legal immigration".

10. I don't know who you think is "best suited". I know what I want and why.

1) If you saw what was happening in America, you would educate yourself as to the facts

2) Yes, our problems are due to our culture. You are a glowing example with your tens of thousands of posts and NO ability to give a sensible answer because you're like that entire generation of Americans: clueless, uneducated, lazy, uninformed, and working for the enemy without knowing it.

Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply and have more people on drugs per capita than anywhere in the world. We have more people in prisons than anywhere on the planet. Half of the American people are dependent on the government for their daily bread and too lazy to look for a job... and IF they do, they are covered in tattoos and body piercings with no education, no job skills, no driver's license, and no common sense. Yes, you have a culture problem

3) Since you denounce multiculturalism, you've represented that you understand the 14th Amendment. Glad you won't be saying "illegal" any longer

4) Nonresponsive

5) Competition is good for business. Get your generation off drugs and give employers their Rights back. Make our culture strong then tell the government to allow companies to hire who they want. All you're saying is that you are too lazy, stupid and incompetent to compete with third worlders for entry level jobs

6) Nazis, regardless of their numbers, own and control your talking points on the immigration issue. The CFR is a small group too, but look at their influence. You need to get democracy out of your head

7) Straw man argument that is beneath even your dumb ass so no response is necessary

8) Since you've been siding with Nazis, the CFR and others working to destroy America I'm sure you will begin studying the issue and quit working for those who are destroying America... if you believe your own rhetoric

9) The Two United States and the Law


10) Non responsive

You're an idiot Correll. You bitch about the size of my posts and give me TEN things to respond to? And then you aren't going to read the answers? Then you're going to repeat the same bullshit as if that will change things? What if someone else reads this AND DOES FOLLOW THE LINKS AND DOES THE RESEARCH????
1) You are wrong. The United States Supreme Court RULED that being in the United States is not a crime. Furthermore if the American people did not want them here, they would not hire to them, sell to them, buy from them, or do business with anyone that does. We, do, however, and the majority of the American people have proven your statement to be an absolute lie and you can't accept it

2) Our Constitution cannot survive the repeal of the Bill of Rights

3) You can make all the presuppositions you want and keep that open borders lie going, but repeating it over and over won't make it true. Your wishes do not reflect the will of the majority - and YOU have argued for democracy ever since you and I first tangled. FWIW - I'm not a democrat like you and I know what it would take to rectify the current situation

4) On all the key issues Trump has lost his ass in court; he did not come up with a plan to make Mexico pay; Trump then tried to take away from the military AND seniors thereby creating even MORE opposition to his idea. He did that on purpose.

1.a. I do not know what legal travesty you are referring to, but a foreigner who entered here against our laws is breaking the laws by being here. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar or a fool.

1b. The American people have a process by which to change the law if they want the Open Border you describe. They have not. YOur argument that they support the presence of people that are here illegally does not make any sense.

2. You made that point. I responded. That you ignored my response and reasserted your position is the logical fallacy of Proof by Assertion. You just admitted that you cannot refute my points, and that you know my point about the Right of Self Determination is correct.

3. My description of the behavior of you and others like you, is not an assumption, but a observation of your behavior. Your denial of open border types is not credible.

4. Your speculation about what Trump is thinking is noted. My point about his platform being the most aggressive on this issue stands.
The only game is the one you're playing is in that space between your ears. In this country, the wall idea AND ITS PRETEXTS AND ITS RHETORIC WERE DEVELOPED BY NAZIS.

You didn't just buy the wall, but you bought the bullshit that went with it. It doesn't matter. Military strategists and historians ALL disagree with the wall idea:

Walls Don't Work

Border walls are going up globally at a dizzying pace — but history teaches us that walls don’t work

You know what does not work? What we have been doing.

We know that it does not work, and you want to keep doing it.

Your nazi references are noted and dismissed. Nazis did not invent the ideas of Walls.

Nazis were the first to suggest the wall idea in America. It's not just the wall, but the political rhetoric and the peripheral legislation that surrounds it. We aren't just talking the wall, but various other things that accompany it. For the benefit of others, here is an analogy:

When we came up with the interstate system, laws had to be agreed on. Who would pay for the interstate? Who would maintain it? Would states and local governments be able to enforce the laws? Who would get the money from fees and fines? ALL of that went with it.

So, here comes Correll, the most uneducated wallist in America. He wants a wall, but he doesn't understand the peripheral laws that were created in order to enforce the nutty wall idea. He's oblivious to the Constitution Free Zone; he's in love with Hitler's tattoo idea on steroids... National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, along with the elimination of the concept of innocent until proven guilty. The wall don't mean a damn thing without peripheral laws to enforce it. How many Liberties do you lose before you say the wall isn't worth the losses?

What we're doing is to enforce unconstitutional laws, most of them forced into law by the Democrats (like Ted Kennedy) and to continue a power grab where the United States Supreme Court acted above their constitutional limits in 1875. Those laws were incrementally put into place in order to destroy the stated reason our Constitution was created for in the first place.

What I want is a dramatic shift, but it will not happen overnight. What I want will work because it is how America became the greatest nation in the annals of history. There is not much of a chance that the wall will be built. The Republicans lost the House (where funding bills originate) and they could lose the Senate in the next election cycle. Correll, and those like him, have NO Plan B. Not knowing history, they cannot return to a time when this wasn't the litmus test of your loyalty to this country and the issue did not exist. IF / when Correll decides to get past the personality contest and learn a little history, the solution will become painfully obvious.

What your policy of letting them in will get US, is more of California.

By 2050, every city in the US, will be like fucking LA. and LA, will be like Mexico City.

That is not a nation that will be America. YOu are not going to get them to adopt our culture or politics or policies.

You won't READ about history and the law, so you don't have a clue as to what I'd do to reverse the situation. You are ignorant above any description and it would work to your advantage to ASK QUESTIONS, then take time to READ the answers before spewing horseshit.

I've tried to shame you into reading and learning what it is you're talking about. That cannot be done. I've tried nice, argumentative, and everything in between. But, if you think for one minute that I back a plan that would make the U.S. look like L.A. you are a fucking idiot. So, I'll be nice and presume that was pure fluff on your part.

You have not studied the concepts of state citizenship versus national citizenship; you know NOTHING about the separation of powers of the government; you have no concept of the limited role of the federal government in a de jure / lawful / constitutional Republic and, worse, you don't have a damn clue as to how many constitutional violations it took on the part of the government to get us where we are today.

Without a clear cut knowledge of that history along with what our laws really say, you are too deaf, dumb, and blind to understand how you reverse course, retain the Liberties of the people, and watch Nancy Pelosi and her ilk change course as opposed to playing you like a fine tuned fiddle. The reality of your situation is that you are playing the part of a useful idiot (the left's terminology) for liberals; you refuse to educate yourself; your wall will never be completed; the peripheral laws / policies you are helping along will not only counteract your own lobbying, but will serve to stop future generations from seeking to be free from tyranny. THAT makes you dangerous.

I can watch a stream of millions of Mexicans flowing into America and see what it is doing to America.

You can't.
the right wing is worse.

we have no immigration clause.

and, we should have no illegal problem or any illegal underclass.
What your policy of letting them in will get US, is more of California.

By 2050, every city in the US, will be like fucking LA. and LA, will be like Mexico City.

That is not a nation that will be America. YOu are not going to get them to adopt our culture or politics or policies.

You won't READ about history and the law, so you don't have a clue as to what I'd do to reverse the situation. You are ignorant above any description and it would work to your advantage to ASK QUESTIONS, then take time to READ the answers before spewing horseshit.

I've tried to shame you into reading and learning what it is you're talking about. That cannot be done. I've tried nice, argumentative, and everything in between. But, if you think for one minute that I back a plan that would make the U.S. look like L.A. you are a fucking idiot. So, I'll be nice and presume that was pure fluff on your part.

You have not studied the concepts of state citizenship versus national citizenship; you know NOTHING about the separation of powers of the government; you have no concept of the limited role of the federal government in a de jure / lawful / constitutional Republic and, worse, you don't have a damn clue as to how many constitutional violations it took on the part of the government to get us where we are today.

Without a clear cut knowledge of that history along with what our laws really say, you are too deaf, dumb, and blind to understand how you reverse course, retain the Liberties of the people, and watch Nancy Pelosi and her ilk change course as opposed to playing you like a fine tuned fiddle. The reality of your situation is that you are playing the part of a useful idiot (the left's terminology) for liberals; you refuse to educate yourself; your wall will never be completed; the peripheral laws / policies you are helping along will not only counteract your own lobbying, but will serve to stop future generations from seeking to be free from tyranny. THAT makes you dangerous.

I can watch a stream of millions of Mexicans flowing into America and see what it is doing to America.

You can't.

You lying son of a bitch. You've never manned the border. I used to live in and around Los Angeles. May still have relatives there.

If foreigners are flowing into America, it is due to our culture. As long as our nation sees no harm in multiculturalism (and you have yet to denounce that yourself) then no wall is going to stop the situation.

The last I heard, Georgia was number four in the numbers of undocumented foreigners. They're great for business, but the world is not just about what makes Donald Trump and his rich elite buddies happy. We got lots of Hispanics here and lots and lots of jobs.

We also have local governments thinking they are Nazis. We have high taxes and a white culture that has become an embarrassment. We're losing our Freedoms and Liberties on a daily basis. The foreigners are worming their way into government, making us the very kinds of cesspools they fled (so much for your "legal" immigration theories.)

The people best suited to resolve this are the ones sitting it out and letting the NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government guys set us up.

1. I did not literally mean I was standing there watching them walk across the border. My point stands. I see what it is doing to America. YOu seem not to.

2. It is not due to our culture.

3. I denounce multiculturalism.

4. There can be a gap between culture and law. Though attacking multiculturalism needs to be attacked too, and I do.

5. The benefit to the employers of having unlimited cheap labor, is obvious. As it the negative effect to American workers having to compete with them.

6. Nazis are an insignificant fringe.

7. High taxes are a problem. High taxes is not nazi. Please do not tell me that you think that Nazis invented the idea of high taxes in America.

8. Yes, our culture is taking a beating. You know what won't help? Siding with the Anti-Americans on any issues.

9. Not sure what you mean by "legal immigration".

10. I don't know who you think is "best suited". I know what I want and why.

1) If you saw what was happening in America, you would educate yourself as to the facts

2) Yes, our problems are due to our culture. You are a glowing example with your tens of thousands of posts and NO ability to give a sensible answer because you're like that entire generation of Americans: clueless, uneducated, lazy, uninformed, and working for the enemy without knowing it.

Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply and have more people on drugs per capita than anywhere in the world. We have more people in prisons than anywhere on the planet. Half of the American people are dependent on the government for their daily bread and too lazy to look for a job... and IF they do, they are covered in tattoos and body piercings with no education, no job skills, no driver's license, and no common sense. Yes, you have a culture problem

3) Since you denounce multiculturalism, you've represented that you understand the 14th Amendment. Glad you won't be saying "illegal" any longer

4) Nonresponsive

5) Competition is good for business. Get your generation off drugs and give employers their Rights back. Make our culture strong then tell the government to allow companies to hire who they want. All you're saying is that you are too lazy, stupid and incompetent to compete with third worlders for entry level jobs

6) Nazis, regardless of their numbers, own and control your talking points on the immigration issue. The CFR is a small group too, but look at their influence. You need to get democracy out of your head

7) Straw man argument that is beneath even your dumb ass so no response is necessary

8) Since you've been siding with Nazis, the CFR and others working to destroy America I'm sure you will begin studying the issue and quit working for those who are destroying America... if you believe your own rhetoric

9) The Two United States and the Law


10) Non responsive

You're an idiot Correll. You bitch about the size of my posts and give me TEN things to respond to? And then you aren't going to read the answers? Then you're going to repeat the same bullshit as if that will change things? What if someone else reads this AND DOES FOLLOW THE LINKS AND DOES THE RESEARCH????

1. My point was that I can see the damage that illegal immigration is doing to this country and you seem not to, or not to care. That your response was nothing but snark, was a dodge, because you cannot refute what I said. My point stands. I can see the damage and you can't or don't care.

2. You complain about my style of posting, but you keep getting confused. You said illegal immigration is caused by our culture and I said it was not. My point stands.

3. I denounced multiculturalism. You conclude, without explaining how, that that means I understand the 14th and also without explanation conclude that I won't be saying "illegal" any more. Dude. You are terrible at guessing what I mean. Don't make ANY connections without asking me about them first. YOu SUCK at that. SUCK!

4. Foreigners are let into this country by a corrupt political class, not because of our culture.

5. Calling me names, is not an argument. My point stands. Cheap labor is good for employers, not employees. Address that, and drop the shit.

6. Nazis are an insignificant fringe. If you have a problem with an idea or a policy, explain the problem, don't play silly Kevin Bacon games.

7. You are the one that mentioned high taxes and Nazis next to each other, and you play conflating games ALL THE TIME.

8. Can you vague that up a bit? I almost followed your "logic" there for a second. Actually that was a lie. YOu went off the deep end, immediately.

9. Got it, you hoped I would not ask, and you don't want to explain.

10. Everything I posted was a response to a point your raised. You don't want 10 responses? Be more concise. Wander less. Avoid making wild leaps and assigning me blame based on stuff that only exists in your head.
You know what does not work? What we have been doing.

We know that it does not work, and you want to keep doing it.

Your nazi references are noted and dismissed. Nazis did not invent the ideas of Walls.

Nazis were the first to suggest the wall idea in America. It's not just the wall, but the political rhetoric and the peripheral legislation that surrounds it. We aren't just talking the wall, but various other things that accompany it. For the benefit of others, here is an analogy:

When we came up with the interstate system, laws had to be agreed on. Who would pay for the interstate? Who would maintain it? Would states and local governments be able to enforce the laws? Who would get the money from fees and fines? ALL of that went with it.

So, here comes Correll, the most uneducated wallist in America. He wants a wall, but he doesn't understand the peripheral laws that were created in order to enforce the nutty wall idea. He's oblivious to the Constitution Free Zone; he's in love with Hitler's tattoo idea on steroids... National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, along with the elimination of the concept of innocent until proven guilty. The wall don't mean a damn thing without peripheral laws to enforce it. How many Liberties do you lose before you say the wall isn't worth the losses?

What we're doing is to enforce unconstitutional laws, most of them forced into law by the Democrats (like Ted Kennedy) and to continue a power grab where the United States Supreme Court acted above their constitutional limits in 1875. Those laws were incrementally put into place in order to destroy the stated reason our Constitution was created for in the first place.

What I want is a dramatic shift, but it will not happen overnight. What I want will work because it is how America became the greatest nation in the annals of history. There is not much of a chance that the wall will be built. The Republicans lost the House (where funding bills originate) and they could lose the Senate in the next election cycle. Correll, and those like him, have NO Plan B. Not knowing history, they cannot return to a time when this wasn't the litmus test of your loyalty to this country and the issue did not exist. IF / when Correll decides to get past the personality contest and learn a little history, the solution will become painfully obvious.

What your policy of letting them in will get US, is more of California.

By 2050, every city in the US, will be like fucking LA. and LA, will be like Mexico City.

That is not a nation that will be America. YOu are not going to get them to adopt our culture or politics or policies.

You won't READ about history and the law, so you don't have a clue as to what I'd do to reverse the situation. You are ignorant above any description and it would work to your advantage to ASK QUESTIONS, then take time to READ the answers before spewing horseshit.

I've tried to shame you into reading and learning what it is you're talking about. That cannot be done. I've tried nice, argumentative, and everything in between. But, if you think for one minute that I back a plan that would make the U.S. look like L.A. you are a fucking idiot. So, I'll be nice and presume that was pure fluff on your part.

You have not studied the concepts of state citizenship versus national citizenship; you know NOTHING about the separation of powers of the government; you have no concept of the limited role of the federal government in a de jure / lawful / constitutional Republic and, worse, you don't have a damn clue as to how many constitutional violations it took on the part of the government to get us where we are today.

Without a clear cut knowledge of that history along with what our laws really say, you are too deaf, dumb, and blind to understand how you reverse course, retain the Liberties of the people, and watch Nancy Pelosi and her ilk change course as opposed to playing you like a fine tuned fiddle. The reality of your situation is that you are playing the part of a useful idiot (the left's terminology) for liberals; you refuse to educate yourself; your wall will never be completed; the peripheral laws / policies you are helping along will not only counteract your own lobbying, but will serve to stop future generations from seeking to be free from tyranny. THAT makes you dangerous.

I can watch a stream of millions of Mexicans flowing into America and see what it is doing to America.

You can't.
the right wing is worse.

we have no immigration clause.

and, we should have no illegal problem or any illegal underclass.

Said the man that sided with the rapist instead of his child victim, because the rapist was a Mexican.
1) You are wrong. The United States Supreme Court RULED that being in the United States is not a crime. Furthermore if the American people did not want them here, they would not hire to them, sell to them, buy from them, or do business with anyone that does. We, do, however, and the majority of the American people have proven your statement to be an absolute lie and you can't accept it

2) Our Constitution cannot survive the repeal of the Bill of Rights

3) You can make all the presuppositions you want and keep that open borders lie going, but repeating it over and over won't make it true. Your wishes do not reflect the will of the majority - and YOU have argued for democracy ever since you and I first tangled. FWIW - I'm not a democrat like you and I know what it would take to rectify the current situation

4) On all the key issues Trump has lost his ass in court; he did not come up with a plan to make Mexico pay; Trump then tried to take away from the military AND seniors thereby creating even MORE opposition to his idea. He did that on purpose.

1.a. I do not know what legal travesty you are referring to, but a foreigner who entered here against our laws is breaking the laws by being here. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar or a fool.

1b. The American people have a process by which to change the law if they want the Open Border you describe. They have not. YOur argument that they support the presence of people that are here illegally does not make any sense.

2. You made that point. I responded. That you ignored my response and reasserted your position is the logical fallacy of Proof by Assertion. You just admitted that you cannot refute my points, and that you know my point about the Right of Self Determination is correct.

3. My description of the behavior of you and others like you, is not an assumption, but a observation of your behavior. Your denial of open border types is not credible.

4. Your speculation about what Trump is thinking is noted. My point about his platform being the most aggressive on this issue stands.

1) Correll, are you a fucking idiot? A foreigner is NOT committing a crime by law by being here. It is strictly a civil matter. WTF? Are you completely STUPID? You are wrong and there is no argument here

2) What? That made even less sense the second time. If you think you're in a formal debate, you lost that eons ago. WTF are you saying?

3) Denial of what you cannot prove exists? You can't even give an example. You want a militarized border and you want to make a blanket accusation your dumb ass cannot prove. Like I said, if you like walls and fences so damn much, try prison... maybe a mental facility (that's probably where you belong)

4) I don't speculate about Trump. Past behavior is a good indicator of future performance. Keep that duly noted.
Nazis were the first to suggest the wall idea in America. It's not just the wall, but the political rhetoric and the peripheral legislation that surrounds it. We aren't just talking the wall, but various other things that accompany it. For the benefit of others, here is an analogy:

When we came up with the interstate system, laws had to be agreed on. Who would pay for the interstate? Who would maintain it? Would states and local governments be able to enforce the laws? Who would get the money from fees and fines? ALL of that went with it.

So, here comes Correll, the most uneducated wallist in America. He wants a wall, but he doesn't understand the peripheral laws that were created in order to enforce the nutty wall idea. He's oblivious to the Constitution Free Zone; he's in love with Hitler's tattoo idea on steroids... National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, along with the elimination of the concept of innocent until proven guilty. The wall don't mean a damn thing without peripheral laws to enforce it. How many Liberties do you lose before you say the wall isn't worth the losses?

What we're doing is to enforce unconstitutional laws, most of them forced into law by the Democrats (like Ted Kennedy) and to continue a power grab where the United States Supreme Court acted above their constitutional limits in 1875. Those laws were incrementally put into place in order to destroy the stated reason our Constitution was created for in the first place.

What I want is a dramatic shift, but it will not happen overnight. What I want will work because it is how America became the greatest nation in the annals of history. There is not much of a chance that the wall will be built. The Republicans lost the House (where funding bills originate) and they could lose the Senate in the next election cycle. Correll, and those like him, have NO Plan B. Not knowing history, they cannot return to a time when this wasn't the litmus test of your loyalty to this country and the issue did not exist. IF / when Correll decides to get past the personality contest and learn a little history, the solution will become painfully obvious.

What your policy of letting them in will get US, is more of California.

By 2050, every city in the US, will be like fucking LA. and LA, will be like Mexico City.

That is not a nation that will be America. YOu are not going to get them to adopt our culture or politics or policies.

You won't READ about history and the law, so you don't have a clue as to what I'd do to reverse the situation. You are ignorant above any description and it would work to your advantage to ASK QUESTIONS, then take time to READ the answers before spewing horseshit.

I've tried to shame you into reading and learning what it is you're talking about. That cannot be done. I've tried nice, argumentative, and everything in between. But, if you think for one minute that I back a plan that would make the U.S. look like L.A. you are a fucking idiot. So, I'll be nice and presume that was pure fluff on your part.

You have not studied the concepts of state citizenship versus national citizenship; you know NOTHING about the separation of powers of the government; you have no concept of the limited role of the federal government in a de jure / lawful / constitutional Republic and, worse, you don't have a damn clue as to how many constitutional violations it took on the part of the government to get us where we are today.

Without a clear cut knowledge of that history along with what our laws really say, you are too deaf, dumb, and blind to understand how you reverse course, retain the Liberties of the people, and watch Nancy Pelosi and her ilk change course as opposed to playing you like a fine tuned fiddle. The reality of your situation is that you are playing the part of a useful idiot (the left's terminology) for liberals; you refuse to educate yourself; your wall will never be completed; the peripheral laws / policies you are helping along will not only counteract your own lobbying, but will serve to stop future generations from seeking to be free from tyranny. THAT makes you dangerous.

I can watch a stream of millions of Mexicans flowing into America and see what it is doing to America.

You can't.
the right wing is worse.

we have no immigration clause.

and, we should have no illegal problem or any illegal underclass.

Said the man that sided with the rapist instead of his child victim, because the rapist was a Mexican.
I know how to read our Constitution.
You won't READ about history and the law, so you don't have a clue as to what I'd do to reverse the situation. You are ignorant above any description and it would work to your advantage to ASK QUESTIONS, then take time to READ the answers before spewing horseshit.

I've tried to shame you into reading and learning what it is you're talking about. That cannot be done. I've tried nice, argumentative, and everything in between. But, if you think for one minute that I back a plan that would make the U.S. look like L.A. you are a fucking idiot. So, I'll be nice and presume that was pure fluff on your part.

You have not studied the concepts of state citizenship versus national citizenship; you know NOTHING about the separation of powers of the government; you have no concept of the limited role of the federal government in a de jure / lawful / constitutional Republic and, worse, you don't have a damn clue as to how many constitutional violations it took on the part of the government to get us where we are today.

Without a clear cut knowledge of that history along with what our laws really say, you are too deaf, dumb, and blind to understand how you reverse course, retain the Liberties of the people, and watch Nancy Pelosi and her ilk change course as opposed to playing you like a fine tuned fiddle. The reality of your situation is that you are playing the part of a useful idiot (the left's terminology) for liberals; you refuse to educate yourself; your wall will never be completed; the peripheral laws / policies you are helping along will not only counteract your own lobbying, but will serve to stop future generations from seeking to be free from tyranny. THAT makes you dangerous.

I can watch a stream of millions of Mexicans flowing into America and see what it is doing to America.

You can't.

You lying son of a bitch. You've never manned the border. I used to live in and around Los Angeles. May still have relatives there.

If foreigners are flowing into America, it is due to our culture. As long as our nation sees no harm in multiculturalism (and you have yet to denounce that yourself) then no wall is going to stop the situation.

The last I heard, Georgia was number four in the numbers of undocumented foreigners. They're great for business, but the world is not just about what makes Donald Trump and his rich elite buddies happy. We got lots of Hispanics here and lots and lots of jobs.

We also have local governments thinking they are Nazis. We have high taxes and a white culture that has become an embarrassment. We're losing our Freedoms and Liberties on a daily basis. The foreigners are worming their way into government, making us the very kinds of cesspools they fled (so much for your "legal" immigration theories.)

The people best suited to resolve this are the ones sitting it out and letting the NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government guys set us up.

1. I did not literally mean I was standing there watching them walk across the border. My point stands. I see what it is doing to America. YOu seem not to.

2. It is not due to our culture.

3. I denounce multiculturalism.

4. There can be a gap between culture and law. Though attacking multiculturalism needs to be attacked too, and I do.

5. The benefit to the employers of having unlimited cheap labor, is obvious. As it the negative effect to American workers having to compete with them.

6. Nazis are an insignificant fringe.

7. High taxes are a problem. High taxes is not nazi. Please do not tell me that you think that Nazis invented the idea of high taxes in America.

8. Yes, our culture is taking a beating. You know what won't help? Siding with the Anti-Americans on any issues.

9. Not sure what you mean by "legal immigration".

10. I don't know who you think is "best suited". I know what I want and why.

1) If you saw what was happening in America, you would educate yourself as to the facts

2) Yes, our problems are due to our culture. You are a glowing example with your tens of thousands of posts and NO ability to give a sensible answer because you're like that entire generation of Americans: clueless, uneducated, lazy, uninformed, and working for the enemy without knowing it.

Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply and have more people on drugs per capita than anywhere in the world. We have more people in prisons than anywhere on the planet. Half of the American people are dependent on the government for their daily bread and too lazy to look for a job... and IF they do, they are covered in tattoos and body piercings with no education, no job skills, no driver's license, and no common sense. Yes, you have a culture problem

3) Since you denounce multiculturalism, you've represented that you understand the 14th Amendment. Glad you won't be saying "illegal" any longer

4) Nonresponsive

5) Competition is good for business. Get your generation off drugs and give employers their Rights back. Make our culture strong then tell the government to allow companies to hire who they want. All you're saying is that you are too lazy, stupid and incompetent to compete with third worlders for entry level jobs

6) Nazis, regardless of their numbers, own and control your talking points on the immigration issue. The CFR is a small group too, but look at their influence. You need to get democracy out of your head

7) Straw man argument that is beneath even your dumb ass so no response is necessary

8) Since you've been siding with Nazis, the CFR and others working to destroy America I'm sure you will begin studying the issue and quit working for those who are destroying America... if you believe your own rhetoric

9) The Two United States and the Law


10) Non responsive

You're an idiot Correll. You bitch about the size of my posts and give me TEN things to respond to? And then you aren't going to read the answers? Then you're going to repeat the same bullshit as if that will change things? What if someone else reads this AND DOES FOLLOW THE LINKS AND DOES THE RESEARCH????

1. My point was that I can see the damage that illegal immigration is doing to this country and you seem not to, or not to care. That your response was nothing but snark, was a dodge, because you cannot refute what I said. My point stands. I can see the damage and you can't or don't care.

2. You complain about my style of posting, but you keep getting confused. You said illegal immigration is caused by our culture and I said it was not. My point stands.

3. I denounced multiculturalism. You conclude, without explaining how, that that means I understand the 14th and also without explanation conclude that I won't be saying "illegal" any more. Dude. You are terrible at guessing what I mean. Don't make ANY connections without asking me about them first. YOu SUCK at that. SUCK!

4. Foreigners are let into this country by a corrupt political class, not because of our culture.

5. Calling me names, is not an argument. My point stands. Cheap labor is good for employers, not employees. Address that, and drop the shit.

6. Nazis are an insignificant fringe. If you have a problem with an idea or a policy, explain the problem, don't play silly Kevin Bacon games.

7. You are the one that mentioned high taxes and Nazis next to each other, and you play conflating games ALL THE TIME.

8. Can you vague that up a bit? I almost followed your "logic" there for a second. Actually that was a lie. YOu went off the deep end, immediately.

9. Got it, you hoped I would not ask, and you don't want to explain.

10. Everything I posted was a response to a point your raised. You don't want 10 responses? Be more concise. Wander less. Avoid making wild leaps and assigning me blame based on stuff that only exists in your head.

1) I see the damage MY own countrymen are causing their own country by lowering their standards and taking a piss on their own culture. I realize if they were off their sorry asses (as opposed to posting 50,000 posts on the Internet) we probably would have no problems with foreigners

2) You want scapegoats not solutions

3) You suck because you are talking out both sides of your mouth. IF you support the 14th Amendment, there are no "illegal aliens" as you mistakenly think because the 14th Amendment guarantees the equal protection of the laws to ALL PERSONS. "All Persons" has been defined by the United States Supreme Court to include foreigners, regardless of immigration status

4) Foreigners come here to work jobs willingly offered because of shitsacks that won't work, do drugs, have a criminal history, and friends like you that want their records preserved forever to the benefit of employers who then reject them and never give them a second chance

5) I have responded to your point... what? Fifty times since we've been arguing on this board??? When a foreigner takes a job, it creates MORE wealth. Unlike you, the foreigner is working. They work for less, creating more profits, and giving the employer more productivity. That means they spend more money in the community. a twenty something year old Hispanic is more likely to have 2 kids or more, a house, and other bills. You probably live in mommy's house, don't work (you're here all the time) and don't contribute anything to the community

6) Nazis control your talking points; own the think tanks from which you get your erroneous ideas; were the first to begin the talk that fences and walls would solve a deeper problem. You can call them fringe all you like, but only a total fucking idiot would deny their influence and their position. I've documented it for you how many times?

7) I mentioned high taxes, but I did not blame the Nazis. I BLAME YOU

8) I have not lied to you and I'm not going to read mountains of text to figure out your allegation. Spit it out or admit that you are covering yet another fallacy you got busted on

9) I'm ready to explain anything to you. But, after it's explained, you don't read the damn posts, then want to filibuster all day long. WTF? Do you want the explanation or not? If you read it one time, you wouldn't have to post 100 posts denying that I have responded to you and explained it unequivocally

10) I'm responding to you. One minute you're bitching that I don't explain this stuff to you; then end with more bitching because the answer don't fit on a bumper sticker (only exposing your lack of reading and comprehension skills)
What your policy of letting them in will get US, is more of California.

By 2050, every city in the US, will be like fucking LA. and LA, will be like Mexico City.

That is not a nation that will be America. YOu are not going to get them to adopt our culture or politics or policies.

You won't READ about history and the law, so you don't have a clue as to what I'd do to reverse the situation. You are ignorant above any description and it would work to your advantage to ASK QUESTIONS, then take time to READ the answers before spewing horseshit.

I've tried to shame you into reading and learning what it is you're talking about. That cannot be done. I've tried nice, argumentative, and everything in between. But, if you think for one minute that I back a plan that would make the U.S. look like L.A. you are a fucking idiot. So, I'll be nice and presume that was pure fluff on your part.

You have not studied the concepts of state citizenship versus national citizenship; you know NOTHING about the separation of powers of the government; you have no concept of the limited role of the federal government in a de jure / lawful / constitutional Republic and, worse, you don't have a damn clue as to how many constitutional violations it took on the part of the government to get us where we are today.

Without a clear cut knowledge of that history along with what our laws really say, you are too deaf, dumb, and blind to understand how you reverse course, retain the Liberties of the people, and watch Nancy Pelosi and her ilk change course as opposed to playing you like a fine tuned fiddle. The reality of your situation is that you are playing the part of a useful idiot (the left's terminology) for liberals; you refuse to educate yourself; your wall will never be completed; the peripheral laws / policies you are helping along will not only counteract your own lobbying, but will serve to stop future generations from seeking to be free from tyranny. THAT makes you dangerous.

I can watch a stream of millions of Mexicans flowing into America and see what it is doing to America.

You can't.
the right wing is worse.

we have no immigration clause.

and, we should have no illegal problem or any illegal underclass.

Said the man that sided with the rapist instead of his child victim, because the rapist was a Mexican.
I know how to read our Constitution.

Correll has never read the damn thing and then has the gall to say silly stuff. I've challenged him in the past to show where, in the Constitution, the government has the authority to do what he claims. Thousands of posts later, I'm still waiting.

By contrast, I've done posts twenty five paragraphs at a time quoting laws and so forth refuting his position.
You won't READ about history and the law, so you don't have a clue as to what I'd do to reverse the situation. You are ignorant above any description and it would work to your advantage to ASK QUESTIONS, then take time to READ the answers before spewing horseshit.

I've tried to shame you into reading and learning what it is you're talking about. That cannot be done. I've tried nice, argumentative, and everything in between. But, if you think for one minute that I back a plan that would make the U.S. look like L.A. you are a fucking idiot. So, I'll be nice and presume that was pure fluff on your part.

You have not studied the concepts of state citizenship versus national citizenship; you know NOTHING about the separation of powers of the government; you have no concept of the limited role of the federal government in a de jure / lawful / constitutional Republic and, worse, you don't have a damn clue as to how many constitutional violations it took on the part of the government to get us where we are today.

Without a clear cut knowledge of that history along with what our laws really say, you are too deaf, dumb, and blind to understand how you reverse course, retain the Liberties of the people, and watch Nancy Pelosi and her ilk change course as opposed to playing you like a fine tuned fiddle. The reality of your situation is that you are playing the part of a useful idiot (the left's terminology) for liberals; you refuse to educate yourself; your wall will never be completed; the peripheral laws / policies you are helping along will not only counteract your own lobbying, but will serve to stop future generations from seeking to be free from tyranny. THAT makes you dangerous.

I can watch a stream of millions of Mexicans flowing into America and see what it is doing to America.

You can't.
the right wing is worse.

we have no immigration clause.

and, we should have no illegal problem or any illegal underclass.

Said the man that sided with the rapist instead of his child victim, because the rapist was a Mexican.
I know how to read our Constitution.

Correll has never read the damn thing and then has the gall to say silly stuff. I've challenged him in the past to show where, in the Constitution, the government has the authority to do what he claims. Thousands of posts later, I'm still waiting.

By contrast, I've done posts twenty five paragraphs at a time quoting laws and so forth refuting his position.
the right wing only knows how to Imply not Express.
I can watch a stream of millions of Mexicans flowing into America and see what it is doing to America.

You can't.
the right wing is worse.

we have no immigration clause.

and, we should have no illegal problem or any illegal underclass.

Said the man that sided with the rapist instead of his child victim, because the rapist was a Mexican.
I know how to read our Constitution.

Correll has never read the damn thing and then has the gall to say silly stuff. I've challenged him in the past to show where, in the Constitution, the government has the authority to do what he claims. Thousands of posts later, I'm still waiting.

By contrast, I've done posts twenty five paragraphs at a time quoting laws and so forth refuting his position.
the right wing only knows how to Imply not Express.

Being on the outside, I have equal criticisms of the left and the right. If Correll thinks he represents the right, we're all fucked.

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