Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

what lies did I post???

Start with post # 1311 and work backward to the allegation that someone held you up with a gun.

how would you know that was a lie???

you werent there,,,

so that makes you a fucking liar,,,

and dont PM me anymore unless its to give me the number of your friend and your info so I can tell him who sent me,,,

Your rationale is so silly that it sounds like something a 10 year old would say. YOU made a false allegation. If such an event happened, you would verify it by providing a copy of the police report. My critics for the last number of years said if you don't have a link, it didn't happen. I'm extending the same standard to you.

Many years ago, the media would lie about the size of our crowds and it was common knowledge. If you were right of center, the media lied about the amount of support you got. They did it to us and lied, but in the end, we turned this area from Democrat to Republican in one election cycle. Since the MSM was not honest, I had to acquiesce, on this very thread, and let it go. So, the MSM is the only credible source according to my critics. My word is not good enough.

I CAN do this for you: You accept my word and I'll accept yours. Then we start over. But, if you want to say something personal, you should have enough decency and respect for others to take it to PM. Your personal issues with me are not related to the topic and have no place on this thread.
so you get caught lying and try to throw it back on me,,,

sorry not gonna work and you are still a LIAR,,,

Posting your accusation in all caps doesn't make it true. I am not a liar; you are and it's been proven. You're also a dumb son of a bitch as I asked you nicely not to disrespect the OP's thread, but take this to PM. I trust the posters can read the previous posts and make up their own minds.

The end of this is that what you have to say to me, you won't say to my face and this belongs in PM. So, excuse the Hell out of me when I ignore your next personal attack - One you will make here but, again NEVER to my face.

so you get caught lying and try to deflect back on me,,,

sorry youre still a liar
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

Okay, we almost got derailed, but I want to repeat this because after 1000 + posts nobody really remembers what the facts are. I will repeat them one more time so as to avoid the off topic comments:

Once a post goes over 1000 posts, many posters have already forgotten what the post is about and what the facts are.

So, to recap...

A militia leader tries to pretend to be a border patrol militiaman. He gets arrested for his troubles - and is a felon carrying a firearm to boot.

Now, some think the guy is some kind of hero. I think he's an idiot. If he studied the legal history of this subject, he would realize that in 2003 some border patrol guys stopped some Salvadorans at the border when they attempted to trespass into the U.S. and effect an improper entry.

The border patrol guys were there at the behest of the property owner and when the border patrol guys stopped the trespass and improper entry attempt, it ended up in court. There, the judge told the border patrol guys that they violated the "civil rights" of the foreigners and consequently the border patrol guys were sent to prison; the property owner lost his ranch to the Salvadorans.

So, essentially, these "civil rights" trumped the PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS of Americans. I DISAGREED with the ruling and urged both parties (border patrol guys and the land owner) to appeal the case. They declined. And so, the law is, if you go to the border and try to play the part of an ICE agent, you will be arrested because the undocumented foreigners have "civil rights."
what civil right was violated and where is that right listed???
What strategy change do you suggest will prevent demographic shift from causing me to "lose this country in the next two election" cycles?

And keep it concise and to the point. I want to see your answer, clearly and not buried in meaningless filler.

You want a college education in three words. A former slave is about to school you. Heed the words:
What strategy change do you suggest will prevent demographic shift from causing me to "lose this country in the next two election" cycles?

And keep it concise and to the point. I want to see your answer, clearly and not buried in meaningless filler.

You'd like to have a college education by reading a Tweet. Let a former slave school you:

"Let me give you a word of the philosophy of reform. The whole history of the progress of human liberty shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims have been born of earnest struggle. The conflict has been exciting, agitating, all-absorbing, and for the time being, putting all other tumults to silence. It must do this or it does nothing. If there is no struggle there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters." Frederick Douglass

Get back to me if you ever get serious.

My question was serious. You suggested a change in strategy and I asked you what strategy.

You gave me "struggle".

That is not a strategy. Try again.

No, you want a college education in five sentences. The effective strategies have been posted at least half a dozen times and, by your own admission, you cannot read that much.

I know why you are hesitant to answer. Because doing so, will reveal your attacks on me to be unfair.

I've never attacked you. I've only responded to you. You've been answered with the truth and given literally hundreds of links that you could have studied.

When YOU are the one asking for information, not following up on the facts presented, and falling back on the National Socialist canard, it is YOU who is being unfair.

You keep asking the same questions. You keep getting complete answers, but it goes over five sentences so you say TLDR. What's the point? You have a cheering section here of .... what three people? The left has the advantage and I see it every day. For example, since Reagan where I live it was all Republican. In the next election, even the Republicans are switching parties to run as Democrats.

The stronghold we once had changed as a result of the policies and people YOU support. My generation was on a winning team. The people you support are losing - county by county and state by state. I'm just making sure we accurately record who is at fault for the demise of our culture, race, nation, and Constitution.

You say you did not attack me, than in the next sentence you call me a nazi.

You also keep attacking me for supporting policies and strategies you oppose.

Me asking you for what strategy you suggest, is completely reasonable.

That you were unable to give me one, suggests that you know that you don't have a very good answer.
Here is more info on how the wallists screwed all of the right wing:

Controversy in a border town / Citizen patrols get all sorts of reactions

Texas Vigilante Group Faces Charges and Lawsuit

Border Activist's Ranch Turned Over to Migrants


It is settled law whether we like it or not and whether or not we agree, undocumented foreigners have "civil rights." If the wallists hadn't been cowards and tight wads, they would have raised the money and taken the verdict to court on appeal.
You want a college education in three words. A former slave is about to school you. Heed the words:
You'd like to have a college education by reading a Tweet. Let a former slave school you:

"Let me give you a word of the philosophy of reform. The whole history of the progress of human liberty shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims have been born of earnest struggle. The conflict has been exciting, agitating, all-absorbing, and for the time being, putting all other tumults to silence. It must do this or it does nothing. If there is no struggle there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters." Frederick Douglass

Get back to me if you ever get serious.

My question was serious. You suggested a change in strategy and I asked you what strategy.

You gave me "struggle".

That is not a strategy. Try again.

No, you want a college education in five sentences. The effective strategies have been posted at least half a dozen times and, by your own admission, you cannot read that much.

I know why you are hesitant to answer. Because doing so, will reveal your attacks on me to be unfair.

I've never attacked you. I've only responded to you. You've been answered with the truth and given literally hundreds of links that you could have studied.

When YOU are the one asking for information, not following up on the facts presented, and falling back on the National Socialist canard, it is YOU who is being unfair.

You keep asking the same questions. You keep getting complete answers, but it goes over five sentences so you say TLDR. What's the point? You have a cheering section here of .... what three people? The left has the advantage and I see it every day. For example, since Reagan where I live it was all Republican. In the next election, even the Republicans are switching parties to run as Democrats.

The stronghold we once had changed as a result of the policies and people YOU support. My generation was on a winning team. The people you support are losing - county by county and state by state. I'm just making sure we accurately record who is at fault for the demise of our culture, race, nation, and Constitution.

You say you did not attack me, than in the next sentence you call me a nazi.

You also keep attacking me for supporting policies and strategies you oppose.

Me asking you for what strategy you suggest, is completely reasonable.

That you were unable to give me one, suggests that you know that you don't have a very good answer.

Having answered you in at no less than 250 posts, to get into this would be a clusterfuck waste of time. Who do you think cares? If anyone besides you and your nob polisher ask, I'll go back and find at least half a dozen times where I have responded to this.

PM me and give me your solemn word that once I answer you, you will never ask the question again and I'll do your push button monkey work so that the next time you deny it, I can prove that you are a liar. It's simple: The posts averaged ten paragraphs and that is more than you can read in any one sitting.

Besides your personal problem, your pissing match don't have squat to do with this OP. Respond to this in PM or you will be treated like the troll you are about to prove yourself to be.
Here is more info on how the wallists screwed all of the right wing:

Controversy in a border town / Citizen patrols get all sorts of reactions

Texas Vigilante Group Faces Charges and Lawsuit

Border Activist's Ranch Turned Over to Migrants


It is settled law whether we like it or not and whether or not we agree, undocumented foreigners have "civil rights." If the wallists hadn't been cowards and tight wads, they would have raised the money and taken the verdict to court on appeal.

what civil rights were violated,,or are you lying again???
Here is more info on how the wallists screwed all of the right wing:

Controversy in a border town / Citizen patrols get all sorts of reactions

Texas Vigilante Group Faces Charges and Lawsuit

Border Activist's Ranch Turned Over to Migrants


It is settled law whether we like it or not and whether or not we agree, undocumented foreigners have "civil rights." If the wallists hadn't been cowards and tight wads, they would have raised the money and taken the verdict to court on appeal.

what civil rights were violated,,or are you lying again???

You are an uneducated idiot that calls people a liar when you don't like them. Well snowflake, here is a direct quote from one of the cited links your illiterate ass cannot read. The other posters can:

"In May, the Salvadoran couple was joined by four other plaintiffs in a civil suit that aims to effectively shut down Ranch Rescue's paramilitary operations. The six migrants claim they were assaulted, falsely imprisoned, robbed and threatened with death by members of Ranch Rescue and their host in Jim Hogg County, rancher Joe Sutton. One of the Salvadorans was allegedly pistol-whipped by Nethercott and attacked by Nethercott's dog."
Here is more info on how the wallists screwed all of the right wing:

Controversy in a border town / Citizen patrols get all sorts of reactions

Texas Vigilante Group Faces Charges and Lawsuit

Border Activist's Ranch Turned Over to Migrants


It is settled law whether we like it or not and whether or not we agree, undocumented foreigners have "civil rights." If the wallists hadn't been cowards and tight wads, they would have raised the money and taken the verdict to court on appeal.

what civil rights were violated,,or are you lying again???

You are an uneducated idiot that calls people a liar when you don't like them. Well snowflake, here is a direct quote from one of the cited links your illiterate ass cannot read. The other posters can:

"In May, the Salvadoran couple was joined by four other plaintiffs in a civil suit that aims to effectively shut down Ranch Rescue's paramilitary operations. The six migrants claim they were assaulted, falsely imprisoned, robbed and threatened with death by members of Ranch Rescue and their host in Jim Hogg County, rancher Joe Sutton. One of the Salvadorans was allegedly pistol-whipped by Nethercott and attacked by Nethercott's dog."

being robbed and beaten isnt a civil right, its just a crime,,,

LIAR LIAR pants on fire smokes blowing out your ass
BEFORE this bunch of illiterate wallists who are desperately trying to make this personal got into the fray, the constitutionalists I worked with were winning the fight. That is why I virtually begged the militias to get Ranch Rescue to appeal the case.

WHERE did the constitutionalists stand on this issue BEFORE the wallists like Correll and Progressive Hunter came along? Here is a quote:

Two separate groups of undocumented alien-travelers are bringing civil actions against a group of Defendants they encountered while traveling on foot through Jim Hogg County, Texas, in March 2003.

...The courts must initially resolve the issue of whether the initial crime of entering the United States illegally, a violation of Federal Immigration Law, 8 U.S.C.A. § 1325 (1996),"9 will preclude Plaintiffs from recovery against Ranch Rescue. If the court finds this initial violation to preclude any form of civil remedy, then Plaintiffs have no right to bring these actions. At first glance, this question appears to be settled. The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution expressly states, "no State shall... deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."" The Courts have consistently held that an alien, no matter his status under the immigration laws, is a person within the meaning and grants of due process of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.5' However, even though the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments seemingly guarantee undocumented aliens the right to equal protection and due process, the Supreme Court is yet to rule on what equal protection and due process mean to persons whose presence inside the United States is based upon a violation of Federal Laws.


That was BEFORE the trials. Well the courts ruled against that reasoning; Ranch Rescue did not appeal the rulings so that IS the law until another group has someone arrested and the law tested again in court - all the way up to the United States Supreme Court. So yes, thanks to the wallists, the undocumented foreigners DO have civil rights.
BEFORE this bunch of illiterate wallists who are desperately trying to make this personal got into the fray, the constitutionalists I worked with were winning the fight. That is why I virtually begged the militias to get Ranch Rescue to appeal the case.

WHERE did the constitutionalists stand on this issue BEFORE the wallists like Correll and Progressive Hunter came along? Here is a quote:

Two separate groups of undocumented alien-travelers are bringing civil actions against a group of Defendants they encountered while traveling on foot through Jim Hogg County, Texas, in March 2003.

...The courts must initially resolve the issue of whether the initial crime of entering the United States illegally, a violation of Federal Immigration Law, 8 U.S.C.A. § 1325 (1996),"9 will preclude Plaintiffs from recovery against Ranch Rescue. If the court finds this initial violation to preclude any form of civil remedy, then Plaintiffs have no right to bring these actions. At first glance, this question appears to be settled. The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution expressly states, "no State shall... deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."" The Courts have consistently held that an alien, no matter his status under the immigration laws, is a person within the meaning and grants of due process of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.5' However, even though the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments seemingly guarantee undocumented aliens the right to equal protection and due process, the Supreme Court is yet to rule on what equal protection and due process mean to persons whose presence inside the United States is based upon a violation of Federal Laws.


That was BEFORE the trials. Well the courts ruled against that reasoning; Ranch Rescue did not appeal the rulings so that IS the law until another group has someone arrested and the law tested again in court - all the way up to the United States Supreme Court. So yes, thanks to the wallists, the undocumented foreigners DO have civil rights.

doesnt mean they were violated,,,

BEFORE this bunch of illiterate wallists who are desperately trying to make this personal got into the fray, the constitutionalists I worked with were winning the fight. That is why I virtually begged the militias to get Ranch Rescue to appeal the case.

WHERE did the constitutionalists stand on this issue BEFORE the wallists like Correll and Progressive Hunter came along? Here is a quote:

Two separate groups of undocumented alien-travelers are bringing civil actions against a group of Defendants they encountered while traveling on foot through Jim Hogg County, Texas, in March 2003.

...The courts must initially resolve the issue of whether the initial crime of entering the United States illegally, a violation of Federal Immigration Law, 8 U.S.C.A. § 1325 (1996),"9 will preclude Plaintiffs from recovery against Ranch Rescue. If the court finds this initial violation to preclude any form of civil remedy, then Plaintiffs have no right to bring these actions. At first glance, this question appears to be settled. The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution expressly states, "no State shall... deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."" The Courts have consistently held that an alien, no matter his status under the immigration laws, is a person within the meaning and grants of due process of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.5' However, even though the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments seemingly guarantee undocumented aliens the right to equal protection and due process, the Supreme Court is yet to rule on what equal protection and due process mean to persons whose presence inside the United States is based upon a violation of Federal Laws.


That was BEFORE the trials. Well the courts ruled against that reasoning; Ranch Rescue did not appeal the rulings so that IS the law until another group has someone arrested and the law tested again in court - all the way up to the United States Supreme Court. So yes, thanks to the wallists, the undocumented foreigners DO have civil rights.

doesnt mean they were violated,,,


You are a dumb ass. Read the links. You'll find out how wrong you are.

Here is more info on how the wallists screwed all of the right wing:

Controversy in a border town / Citizen patrols get all sorts of reactions

Texas Vigilante Group Faces Charges and Lawsuit

Border Activist's Ranch Turned Over to Migrants


It is settled law whether we like it or not and whether or not we agree, undocumented foreigners have "civil rights." If the wallists hadn't been cowards and tight wads, they would have raised the money and taken the verdict to court on appeal.

BEFORE this bunch of illiterate wallists who are desperately trying to make this personal got into the fray, the constitutionalists I worked with were winning the fight. That is why I virtually begged the militias to get Ranch Rescue to appeal the case.

WHERE did the constitutionalists stand on this issue BEFORE the wallists like Correll and Progressive Hunter came along? Here is a quote:

Two separate groups of undocumented alien-travelers are bringing civil actions against a group of Defendants they encountered while traveling on foot through Jim Hogg County, Texas, in March 2003.

...The courts must initially resolve the issue of whether the initial crime of entering the United States illegally, a violation of Federal Immigration Law, 8 U.S.C.A. § 1325 (1996),"9 will preclude Plaintiffs from recovery against Ranch Rescue. If the court finds this initial violation to preclude any form of civil remedy, then Plaintiffs have no right to bring these actions. At first glance, this question appears to be settled. The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution expressly states, "no State shall... deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."" The Courts have consistently held that an alien, no matter his status under the immigration laws, is a person within the meaning and grants of due process of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.5' However, even though the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments seemingly guarantee undocumented aliens the right to equal protection and due process, the Supreme Court is yet to rule on what equal protection and due process mean to persons whose presence inside the United States is based upon a violation of Federal Laws.


That was BEFORE the trials. Well the courts ruled against that reasoning; Ranch Rescue did not appeal the rulings so that IS the law until another group has someone arrested and the law tested again in court - all the way up to the United States Supreme Court. So yes, thanks to the wallists, the undocumented foreigners DO have civil rights.
BEFORE this bunch of illiterate wallists who are desperately trying to make this personal got into the fray, the constitutionalists I worked with were winning the fight. That is why I virtually begged the militias to get Ranch Rescue to appeal the case.

WHERE did the constitutionalists stand on this issue BEFORE the wallists like Correll and Progressive Hunter came along? Here is a quote:

Two separate groups of undocumented alien-travelers are bringing civil actions against a group of Defendants they encountered while traveling on foot through Jim Hogg County, Texas, in March 2003.

...The courts must initially resolve the issue of whether the initial crime of entering the United States illegally, a violation of Federal Immigration Law, 8 U.S.C.A. § 1325 (1996),"9 will preclude Plaintiffs from recovery against Ranch Rescue. If the court finds this initial violation to preclude any form of civil remedy, then Plaintiffs have no right to bring these actions. At first glance, this question appears to be settled. The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution expressly states, "no State shall... deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."" The Courts have consistently held that an alien, no matter his status under the immigration laws, is a person within the meaning and grants of due process of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.5' However, even though the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments seemingly guarantee undocumented aliens the right to equal protection and due process, the Supreme Court is yet to rule on what equal protection and due process mean to persons whose presence inside the United States is based upon a violation of Federal Laws.


That was BEFORE the trials. Well the courts ruled against that reasoning; Ranch Rescue did not appeal the rulings so that IS the law until another group has someone arrested and the law tested again in court - all the way up to the United States Supreme Court. So yes, thanks to the wallists, the undocumented foreigners DO have civil rights.

doesnt mean they were violated,,,


You are a dumb ass. Read the links. You'll find out how wrong you are.

Here is more info on how the wallists screwed all of the right wing:

Controversy in a border town / Citizen patrols get all sorts of reactions

Texas Vigilante Group Faces Charges and Lawsuit

Border Activist's Ranch Turned Over to Migrants


It is settled law whether we like it or not and whether or not we agree, undocumented foreigners have "civil rights." If the wallists hadn't been cowards and tight wads, they would have raised the money and taken the verdict to court on appeal.

BEFORE this bunch of illiterate wallists who are desperately trying to make this personal got into the fray, the constitutionalists I worked with were winning the fight. That is why I virtually begged the militias to get Ranch Rescue to appeal the case.

WHERE did the constitutionalists stand on this issue BEFORE the wallists like Correll and Progressive Hunter came along? Here is a quote:

Two separate groups of undocumented alien-travelers are bringing civil actions against a group of Defendants they encountered while traveling on foot through Jim Hogg County, Texas, in March 2003.

...The courts must initially resolve the issue of whether the initial crime of entering the United States illegally, a violation of Federal Immigration Law, 8 U.S.C.A. § 1325 (1996),"9 will preclude Plaintiffs from recovery against Ranch Rescue. If the court finds this initial violation to preclude any form of civil remedy, then Plaintiffs have no right to bring these actions. At first glance, this question appears to be settled. The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution expressly states, "no State shall... deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."" The Courts have consistently held that an alien, no matter his status under the immigration laws, is a person within the meaning and grants of due process of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.5' However, even though the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments seemingly guarantee undocumented aliens the right to equal protection and due process, the Supreme Court is yet to rule on what equal protection and due process mean to persons whose presence inside the United States is based upon a violation of Federal Laws.


That was BEFORE the trials. Well the courts ruled against that reasoning; Ranch Rescue did not appeal the rulings so that IS the law until another group has someone arrested and the law tested again in court - all the way up to the United States Supreme Court. So yes, thanks to the wallists, the undocumented foreigners DO have civil rights.

if there was a wall the wetbacks wouldnt have been here so it was they that violated our rights,,,

so what you oppose is the true solution,,,

and youre still a liar,,,
Build a nice wall, to deter people from walking into the desert with small children.

That is the humanitarian answer.

But that is not really your concern. You want to turn America into a Third World Shithole, like your home.

A wall will not deter anyone. .....

Sure it will.

Some people will not be able to carry a ladder into the desert. Some will try and be seen and catch because they are moving slower.

Ever little bit the flow decreases, the easier it is, for the enforcement personnel and/or military to deal with the ones still coming.

History proves you wrong. Furthermore, if you don't change your strategy, you will lose this country in the next two election cycles and this argument will be moot. The majority of Americans disagree with you and I know how much democracy (mob rule and big rallies) impress the Hell out of you.

First of all, you don't even believe that. Seriously, you don't. Because if you were stupid enough to actually believe everything you just said, then you wouldn't be on here trying to convince people to think differently.

Seriously, I knew the Hillary Clinton was going to lose, that's why prior to the election I supported people running her as the Democrap nominee. I told left-wingers yeah yeah go vote for Hillary.

Why would I want them to choose a much better candidate if I knew their Hillary would fail?

So you don't believe that. If you really believed that if we push for enforcing the American law, and not allowing people to just illegally enter the country, that we would completely get blown out in the election, then you wouldn't be here trying to convince us to change our minds.

You would want us to push for our positions, so that we would be wiped out in the election. Except.... we did push our positions, and we have the presidency.... so.... Not convinced.
The right wing has virtually no economic policies only social policy. Nothing but right wing bigotry.

Have you considered the possibility that you are too delusional to be aware of our many, many economic policies, you race baiting asshole?
Just examining the limits of your opposition to the use of the military.

Would you support military action on the MEXICAN side of the border to control the flow of unwanted invaders?
I support the Richest using their Capital to solve our problems.

I'm sure you do.

I do not. We owe Mexico NOTHING, but ire for their/your shitty behavior.
Government solves all problems for the right wing.

Border security is a government responsibility.

As you well know, lying Pedro.
so is the security of our free States as you well know, lying Peter.

Never said it was not. But you are certainly acting like border security is not. So, want to address that, or are you going to be all surreal instead?
My question was serious. You suggested a change in strategy and I asked you what strategy.

You gave me "struggle".

That is not a strategy. Try again.

No, you want a college education in five sentences. The effective strategies have been posted at least half a dozen times and, by your own admission, you cannot read that much.

I know why you are hesitant to answer. Because doing so, will reveal your attacks on me to be unfair.

I've never attacked you. I've only responded to you. You've been answered with the truth and given literally hundreds of links that you could have studied.

When YOU are the one asking for information, not following up on the facts presented, and falling back on the National Socialist canard, it is YOU who is being unfair.

You keep asking the same questions. You keep getting complete answers, but it goes over five sentences so you say TLDR. What's the point? You have a cheering section here of .... what three people? The left has the advantage and I see it every day. For example, since Reagan where I live it was all Republican. In the next election, even the Republicans are switching parties to run as Democrats.

The stronghold we once had changed as a result of the policies and people YOU support. My generation was on a winning team. The people you support are losing - county by county and state by state. I'm just making sure we accurately record who is at fault for the demise of our culture, race, nation, and Constitution.

You say you did not attack me, than in the next sentence you call me a nazi.

You also keep attacking me for supporting policies and strategies you oppose.

Me asking you for what strategy you suggest, is completely reasonable.

That you were unable to give me one, suggests that you know that you don't have a very good answer.

Having answered you in at no less than 250 posts, to get into this would be a clusterfuck waste of time. Who do you think cares? If anyone besides you and your nob polisher ask, I'll go back and find at least half a dozen times where I have responded to this.

PM me and give me your solemn word that once I answer you, you will never ask the question again and I'll do your push button monkey work so that the next time you deny it, I can prove that you are a liar. It's simple: The posts averaged ten paragraphs and that is more than you can read in any one sitting.

Besides your personal problem, your pissing match don't have squat to do with this OP. Respond to this in PM or you will be treated like the troll you are about to prove yourself to be.

Dude. I understand why you are upset. You spend a significant portion of your life working towards something and it did not seem to work, so far.

Calling basically random people nazis, is not the way to deal with that.

You respectfully and civilly tell me the general strategy you envision working, and I will almost certainly, based on past conversations, respectfully and civilly disagree.

AND, you don't need to post 10 paragraphs to get an general outline across.

One possible answer I see you tending towards, would be "embrace identity politics", for one example.

You don't have to go into details. I will get it.

What is your suggested strategy, to avoid "losing the country"?
Last edited:
A wall will not deter anyone. .....

Sure it will.

Some people will not be able to carry a ladder into the desert. Some will try and be seen and catch because they are moving slower.

Ever little bit the flow decreases, the easier it is, for the enforcement personnel and/or military to deal with the ones still coming.

History proves you wrong. Furthermore, if you don't change your strategy, you will lose this country in the next two election cycles and this argument will be moot. The majority of Americans disagree with you and I know how much democracy (mob rule and big rallies) impress the Hell out of you.

First of all, you don't even believe that. Seriously, you don't. Because if you were stupid enough to actually believe everything you just said, then you wouldn't be on here trying to convince people to think differently.

Seriously, I knew the Hillary Clinton was going to lose, that's why prior to the election I supported people running her as the Democrap nominee. I told left-wingers yeah yeah go vote for Hillary.

Why would I want them to choose a much better candidate if I knew their Hillary would fail?

So you don't believe that. If you really believed that if we push for enforcing the American law, and not allowing people to just illegally enter the country, that we would completely get blown out in the election, then you wouldn't be here trying to convince us to change our minds.

You would want us to push for our positions, so that we would be wiped out in the election. Except.... we did push our positions, and we have the presidency.... so.... Not convinced.
The right wing has virtually no economic policies only social policy. Nothing but right wing bigotry.

Have you considered the possibility that you are too delusional to be aware of our many, many economic policies, you race baiting asshole?

It's my fault that you don't understand the economics of your own country? What does that have to do with the OP?

The issue at hand is in reference to people, like yourself, who egg on wannabe border patrollers that end up in jail, prison, being a snitch bitch, or killed by the LEOs for doing stupid stuff you support?

You demonstrate your stupidity when you start the name calling. Foreigners are not a race. NONE of the issues I raise have anything to do with race. I would apply the laws equally, across the board - race, education, wealth, etc. not being considerations. Can't say the same thing about your homeboy. So, it sounds like more projection on your part, Mr. Hitler.
No, you want a college education in five sentences. The effective strategies have been posted at least half a dozen times and, by your own admission, you cannot read that much.

I know why you are hesitant to answer. Because doing so, will reveal your attacks on me to be unfair.

I've never attacked you. I've only responded to you. You've been answered with the truth and given literally hundreds of links that you could have studied.

When YOU are the one asking for information, not following up on the facts presented, and falling back on the National Socialist canard, it is YOU who is being unfair.

You keep asking the same questions. You keep getting complete answers, but it goes over five sentences so you say TLDR. What's the point? You have a cheering section here of .... what three people? The left has the advantage and I see it every day. For example, since Reagan where I live it was all Republican. In the next election, even the Republicans are switching parties to run as Democrats.

The stronghold we once had changed as a result of the policies and people YOU support. My generation was on a winning team. The people you support are losing - county by county and state by state. I'm just making sure we accurately record who is at fault for the demise of our culture, race, nation, and Constitution.

You say you did not attack me, than in the next sentence you call me a nazi.

You also keep attacking me for supporting policies and strategies you oppose.

Me asking you for what strategy you suggest, is completely reasonable.

That you were unable to give me one, suggests that you know that you don't have a very good answer.

Having answered you in at no less than 250 posts, to get into this would be a clusterfuck waste of time. Who do you think cares? If anyone besides you and your nob polisher ask, I'll go back and find at least half a dozen times where I have responded to this.

PM me and give me your solemn word that once I answer you, you will never ask the question again and I'll do your push button monkey work so that the next time you deny it, I can prove that you are a liar. It's simple: The posts averaged ten paragraphs and that is more than you can read in any one sitting.

Besides your personal problem, your pissing match don't have squat to do with this OP. Respond to this in PM or you will be treated like the troll you are about to prove yourself to be.

Dude. I understand why you are upset. You spend a significant portion of your life working towards something and it did not seem to work, so far.

Calling basically random people nazis, is not the way to deal with that.

You respectfully and civilly tell me the general strategy you envision working, and I will almost certainly, based on past conversations, respectfully and civilly disagree.

AND, you don't need to post 10 paragraphs to get an general outline across.

One possible answer I see you tending towards, would be "embrace identity politics", for one example.

You don't have to go into details. I will get it.

What is your suggested strategy, to avoid "losing the country"?

So you accuse me of being a race baiting asshole and NOW you want to talk civilly? You're like that other little worm. You're a chickenshit coward, unable to engage in a conversation - which is more than three words and a grunt. And you're never going to call me out so your name calling shows us the extent of your character.

I'm not calling random people nazis. If you embrace certain viewpoints that are consistent with National Socialism and you parrot their talking points, it is what it is.

I am only angry at dumb ass white people whose callous actions ended with court decisions that negate your arguments. Because of you, undocumented foreigners DO have rights and the only way we can challenge that is if someone else goes to jail and then the guys you support have to bail them out and battle the rulings in the federal courts. You can talk shit, but you won't be the guinea pig that puts his ass on the line to find out. And, in answer to your next question, yes I did a couple of times.

Even your own side has admitted to the facts I brought forward relative to this conversation:

Why you should be glad Minuteman Civil Defense Corps has a strict Code of Conduct

That's four paragraphs and a link. Was that short enough for your pea brain? And no ten paragraphs are only introductions to different aspects of actual discussions.... not even the actual discussion itself.
A wall will not deter anyone. .....

Sure it will.

Some people will not be able to carry a ladder into the desert. Some will try and be seen and catch because they are moving slower.

Ever little bit the flow decreases, the easier it is, for the enforcement personnel and/or military to deal with the ones still coming.

History proves you wrong. Furthermore, if you don't change your strategy, you will lose this country in the next two election cycles and this argument will be moot. The majority of Americans disagree with you and I know how much democracy (mob rule and big rallies) impress the Hell out of you.

First of all, you don't even believe that. Seriously, you don't. Because if you were stupid enough to actually believe everything you just said, then you wouldn't be on here trying to convince people to think differently.

Seriously, I knew the Hillary Clinton was going to lose, that's why prior to the election I supported people running her as the Democrap nominee. I told left-wingers yeah yeah go vote for Hillary.

Why would I want them to choose a much better candidate if I knew their Hillary would fail?

So you don't believe that. If you really believed that if we push for enforcing the American law, and not allowing people to just illegally enter the country, that we would completely get blown out in the election, then you wouldn't be here trying to convince us to change our minds.

You would want us to push for our positions, so that we would be wiped out in the election. Except.... we did push our positions, and we have the presidency.... so.... Not convinced.
The right wing has virtually no economic policies only social policy. Nothing but right wing bigotry.

Have you considered the possibility that you are too delusional to be aware of our many, many economic policies, you race baiting asshole?
No. The right wing only has socialism on a national basis, you appealing to ignorance, false witness bearer.
I support the Richest using their Capital to solve our problems.

I'm sure you do.

I do not. We owe Mexico NOTHING, but ire for their/your shitty behavior.
Government solves all problems for the right wing.

Border security is a government responsibility.

As you well know, lying Pedro.
so is the security of our free States as you well know, lying Peter.

Never said it was not. But you are certainly acting like border security is not. So, want to address that, or are you going to be all surreal instead?
Because we have a refugee problem on our southern border simply Because, Ellis Island is closed.
Sure it will.

Some people will not be able to carry a ladder into the desert. Some will try and be seen and catch because they are moving slower.

Ever little bit the flow decreases, the easier it is, for the enforcement personnel and/or military to deal with the ones still coming.

History proves you wrong. Furthermore, if you don't change your strategy, you will lose this country in the next two election cycles and this argument will be moot. The majority of Americans disagree with you and I know how much democracy (mob rule and big rallies) impress the Hell out of you.

First of all, you don't even believe that. Seriously, you don't. Because if you were stupid enough to actually believe everything you just said, then you wouldn't be on here trying to convince people to think differently.

Seriously, I knew the Hillary Clinton was going to lose, that's why prior to the election I supported people running her as the Democrap nominee. I told left-wingers yeah yeah go vote for Hillary.

Why would I want them to choose a much better candidate if I knew their Hillary would fail?

So you don't believe that. If you really believed that if we push for enforcing the American law, and not allowing people to just illegally enter the country, that we would completely get blown out in the election, then you wouldn't be here trying to convince us to change our minds.

You would want us to push for our positions, so that we would be wiped out in the election. Except.... we did push our positions, and we have the presidency.... so.... Not convinced.
The right wing has virtually no economic policies only social policy. Nothing but right wing bigotry.

Have you considered the possibility that you are too delusional to be aware of our many, many economic policies, you race baiting asshole?
No. The right wing only has socialism on a national basis, you appealing to ignorance, false witness bearer.

Correll does have a flair for appealing to the most ignorant among us. He scares the Hell out of those with an IQ higher than their shoe size. He doesn't even realize that he is a National Socialist because their platform exceeds his reading capacity.

Amazingly, every talking point the wallists have made relative to this thread has been a rehash of NS rhetoric and propaganda. danilepalos, you and I don't agree on solutions, but left or right, most well read people understand what the NS platform is about.

When the individual has no Property Rights, then that is the mark of a socialist country, not the constitutional Republic we were guaranteed in the Constitution.

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