Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

Sure it will.

Some people will not be able to carry a ladder into the desert. Some will try and be seen and catch because they are moving slower.

Ever little bit the flow decreases, the easier it is, for the enforcement personnel and/or military to deal with the ones still coming.

History proves you wrong. Furthermore, if you don't change your strategy, you will lose this country in the next two election cycles and this argument will be moot. The majority of Americans disagree with you and I know how much democracy (mob rule and big rallies) impress the Hell out of you.

First of all, you don't even believe that. Seriously, you don't. Because if you were stupid enough to actually believe everything you just said, then you wouldn't be on here trying to convince people to think differently.

Seriously, I knew the Hillary Clinton was going to lose, that's why prior to the election I supported people running her as the Democrap nominee. I told left-wingers yeah yeah go vote for Hillary.

Why would I want them to choose a much better candidate if I knew their Hillary would fail?

So you don't believe that. If you really believed that if we push for enforcing the American law, and not allowing people to just illegally enter the country, that we would completely get blown out in the election, then you wouldn't be here trying to convince us to change our minds.

You would want us to push for our positions, so that we would be wiped out in the election. Except.... we did push our positions, and we have the presidency.... so.... Not convinced.
The right wing has virtually no economic policies only social policy. Nothing but right wing bigotry.

Have you considered the possibility that you are too delusional to be aware of our many, many economic policies, you race baiting asshole?

It's my fault that you don't understand the economics of your own country? What does that have to do with the OP?

The issue at hand is in reference to people, like yourself, who egg on wannabe border patrollers that end up in jail, prison, being a snitch bitch, or killed by the LEOs for doing stupid stuff you support?

You demonstrate your stupidity when you start the name calling. Foreigners are not a race. NONE of the issues I raise have anything to do with race. I would apply the laws equally, across the board - race, education, wealth, etc. not being considerations. Can't say the same thing about your homeboy. So, it sounds like more projection on your part, Mr. Hitler.

Did you note that my response was to Danielpaulos, who, btw, is a hate filled monster who has sided with an illegal immigrant child rapist vs his child victim?
I know why you are hesitant to answer. Because doing so, will reveal your attacks on me to be unfair.

I've never attacked you. I've only responded to you. You've been answered with the truth and given literally hundreds of links that you could have studied.

When YOU are the one asking for information, not following up on the facts presented, and falling back on the National Socialist canard, it is YOU who is being unfair.

You keep asking the same questions. You keep getting complete answers, but it goes over five sentences so you say TLDR. What's the point? You have a cheering section here of .... what three people? The left has the advantage and I see it every day. For example, since Reagan where I live it was all Republican. In the next election, even the Republicans are switching parties to run as Democrats.

The stronghold we once had changed as a result of the policies and people YOU support. My generation was on a winning team. The people you support are losing - county by county and state by state. I'm just making sure we accurately record who is at fault for the demise of our culture, race, nation, and Constitution.

You say you did not attack me, than in the next sentence you call me a nazi.

You also keep attacking me for supporting policies and strategies you oppose.

Me asking you for what strategy you suggest, is completely reasonable.

That you were unable to give me one, suggests that you know that you don't have a very good answer.

Having answered you in at no less than 250 posts, to get into this would be a clusterfuck waste of time. Who do you think cares? If anyone besides you and your nob polisher ask, I'll go back and find at least half a dozen times where I have responded to this.

PM me and give me your solemn word that once I answer you, you will never ask the question again and I'll do your push button monkey work so that the next time you deny it, I can prove that you are a liar. It's simple: The posts averaged ten paragraphs and that is more than you can read in any one sitting.

Besides your personal problem, your pissing match don't have squat to do with this OP. Respond to this in PM or you will be treated like the troll you are about to prove yourself to be.

Dude. I understand why you are upset. You spend a significant portion of your life working towards something and it did not seem to work, so far.

Calling basically random people nazis, is not the way to deal with that.

You respectfully and civilly tell me the general strategy you envision working, and I will almost certainly, based on past conversations, respectfully and civilly disagree.

AND, you don't need to post 10 paragraphs to get an general outline across.

One possible answer I see you tending towards, would be "embrace identity politics", for one example.

You don't have to go into details. I will get it.

What is your suggested strategy, to avoid "losing the country"?

So you accuse me of being a race baiting asshole and NOW you want to talk civilly? You're like that other little worm. You're a chickenshit coward, unable to engage in a conversation - which is more than three words and a grunt. And you're never going to call me out so your name calling shows us the extent of your character.

I'm not calling random people nazis. If you embrace certain viewpoints that are consistent with National Socialism and you parrot their talking points, it is what it is.

I am only angry at dumb ass white people whose callous actions ended with court decisions that negate your arguments. Because of you, undocumented foreigners DO have rights and the only way we can challenge that is if someone else goes to jail and then the guys you support have to bail them out and battle the rulings in the federal courts. You can talk shit, but you won't be the guinea pig that puts his ass on the line to find out. And, in answer to your next question, yes I did a couple of times.

Even your own side has admitted to the facts I brought forward relative to this conversation:

Why you should be glad Minuteman Civil Defense Corps has a strict Code of Conduct

That's four paragraphs and a link. Was that short enough for your pea brain? And no ten paragraphs are only introductions to different aspects of actual discussions.... not even the actual discussion itself.

I did not call you a race baiting asshole,, but you have called me a nazi, based on bullshit games.

Go back and try replying to that post again. THis time without the confusion.
History proves you wrong. Furthermore, if you don't change your strategy, you will lose this country in the next two election cycles and this argument will be moot. The majority of Americans disagree with you and I know how much democracy (mob rule and big rallies) impress the Hell out of you.

First of all, you don't even believe that. Seriously, you don't. Because if you were stupid enough to actually believe everything you just said, then you wouldn't be on here trying to convince people to think differently.

Seriously, I knew the Hillary Clinton was going to lose, that's why prior to the election I supported people running her as the Democrap nominee. I told left-wingers yeah yeah go vote for Hillary.

Why would I want them to choose a much better candidate if I knew their Hillary would fail?

So you don't believe that. If you really believed that if we push for enforcing the American law, and not allowing people to just illegally enter the country, that we would completely get blown out in the election, then you wouldn't be here trying to convince us to change our minds.

You would want us to push for our positions, so that we would be wiped out in the election. Except.... we did push our positions, and we have the presidency.... so.... Not convinced.
The right wing has virtually no economic policies only social policy. Nothing but right wing bigotry.

Have you considered the possibility that you are too delusional to be aware of our many, many economic policies, you race baiting asshole?

It's my fault that you don't understand the economics of your own country? What does that have to do with the OP?

The issue at hand is in reference to people, like yourself, who egg on wannabe border patrollers that end up in jail, prison, being a snitch bitch, or killed by the LEOs for doing stupid stuff you support?

You demonstrate your stupidity when you start the name calling. Foreigners are not a race. NONE of the issues I raise have anything to do with race. I would apply the laws equally, across the board - race, education, wealth, etc. not being considerations. Can't say the same thing about your homeboy. So, it sounds like more projection on your part, Mr. Hitler.

Did you note that my response was to Danielpaulos, who, btw, is a hate filled monster who has sided with an illegal immigrant child rapist vs his child victim?

You're stuck with a problem Correll. You think that the solutions you've been spoon fed are the only solutions. So, along comes our resident liberal. He is your polar opposite. He knows you aren't going to change your mind. And I all I can say to you is that a man who don't use his head may as well have been born with two assholes.

The left gets to taunt you and point out the obvious. It's because, in the end, you end up doing the liberals dirty work. Jesus dealt with these people in his time. He told them:

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves." Matt. 23: 15

No matter how many times you are proven wrong, you double down. If you had read books like Tom Sawyer growing up, you might begin to understand danielpalos strategy. He's right about the limitations of the law; you're wrong about the solutions. But, without the requisite information, you'll keep doing the wrong thing. BTW, four paragraphs short enough for you?
I've never attacked you. I've only responded to you. You've been answered with the truth and given literally hundreds of links that you could have studied.

When YOU are the one asking for information, not following up on the facts presented, and falling back on the National Socialist canard, it is YOU who is being unfair.

You keep asking the same questions. You keep getting complete answers, but it goes over five sentences so you say TLDR. What's the point? You have a cheering section here of .... what three people? The left has the advantage and I see it every day. For example, since Reagan where I live it was all Republican. In the next election, even the Republicans are switching parties to run as Democrats.

The stronghold we once had changed as a result of the policies and people YOU support. My generation was on a winning team. The people you support are losing - county by county and state by state. I'm just making sure we accurately record who is at fault for the demise of our culture, race, nation, and Constitution.

You say you did not attack me, than in the next sentence you call me a nazi.

You also keep attacking me for supporting policies and strategies you oppose.

Me asking you for what strategy you suggest, is completely reasonable.

That you were unable to give me one, suggests that you know that you don't have a very good answer.

Having answered you in at no less than 250 posts, to get into this would be a clusterfuck waste of time. Who do you think cares? If anyone besides you and your nob polisher ask, I'll go back and find at least half a dozen times where I have responded to this.

PM me and give me your solemn word that once I answer you, you will never ask the question again and I'll do your push button monkey work so that the next time you deny it, I can prove that you are a liar. It's simple: The posts averaged ten paragraphs and that is more than you can read in any one sitting.

Besides your personal problem, your pissing match don't have squat to do with this OP. Respond to this in PM or you will be treated like the troll you are about to prove yourself to be.

Dude. I understand why you are upset. You spend a significant portion of your life working towards something and it did not seem to work, so far.

Calling basically random people nazis, is not the way to deal with that.

You respectfully and civilly tell me the general strategy you envision working, and I will almost certainly, based on past conversations, respectfully and civilly disagree.

AND, you don't need to post 10 paragraphs to get an general outline across.

One possible answer I see you tending towards, would be "embrace identity politics", for one example.

You don't have to go into details. I will get it.

What is your suggested strategy, to avoid "losing the country"?

So you accuse me of being a race baiting asshole and NOW you want to talk civilly? You're like that other little worm. You're a chickenshit coward, unable to engage in a conversation - which is more than three words and a grunt. And you're never going to call me out so your name calling shows us the extent of your character.

I'm not calling random people nazis. If you embrace certain viewpoints that are consistent with National Socialism and you parrot their talking points, it is what it is.

I am only angry at dumb ass white people whose callous actions ended with court decisions that negate your arguments. Because of you, undocumented foreigners DO have rights and the only way we can challenge that is if someone else goes to jail and then the guys you support have to bail them out and battle the rulings in the federal courts. You can talk shit, but you won't be the guinea pig that puts his ass on the line to find out. And, in answer to your next question, yes I did a couple of times.

Even your own side has admitted to the facts I brought forward relative to this conversation:

Why you should be glad Minuteman Civil Defense Corps has a strict Code of Conduct

That's four paragraphs and a link. Was that short enough for your pea brain? And no ten paragraphs are only introductions to different aspects of actual discussions.... not even the actual discussion itself.

I did not call you a race baiting asshole,, but you have called me a nazi, based on bullshit games.

Go back and try replying to that post again. THis time without the confusion.

I read so many posts here that it was bound to happen. I did make a reply to you not directed at me. I truly apologize and admit that you did NOT call me a race baiting asshole. I am sorry for the screw up.

So that you fully understand something, I grew up around David Duke and Don Black (among others.) They attended many a meeting where conservatives, and right wing people met to develop strategies. When people spout National Socialist solutions, I'm keenly aware at a personal level of what they are because this is something I lived. At the time Costa Garvis came out with a movie called Betrayed (it stars Tom Berenger and Debra Winger.) Garvis, being Greek, was as about as emotionally detached from taking sides as any filmmaker I've ever heard of.

That movie will give you a no holds barred look at how racist, nazi, conservative, right wing, etc. groups try (and mostly unsuccessfully) attempt to work against far left liberalism. It is a fair and balanced drama thriller, so if you're unwilling to read, you might download and watch an unbiased look. You will see me and you will see yourself. The solutions you post did not work in the past, aren't working and will not work in the future.

You can't understand the solutions and all I can do is leave you with some parting words of wisdom:

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

I DO remember the past and see you traveling down that road. You don't know the past and, consequently, will not understand the future. You keep trying to debate me when it would be more advantageous to take sound counsel.
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First of all, you don't even believe that. Seriously, you don't. Because if you were stupid enough to actually believe everything you just said, then you wouldn't be on here trying to convince people to think differently.

Seriously, I knew the Hillary Clinton was going to lose, that's why prior to the election I supported people running her as the Democrap nominee. I told left-wingers yeah yeah go vote for Hillary.

Why would I want them to choose a much better candidate if I knew their Hillary would fail?

So you don't believe that. If you really believed that if we push for enforcing the American law, and not allowing people to just illegally enter the country, that we would completely get blown out in the election, then you wouldn't be here trying to convince us to change our minds.

You would want us to push for our positions, so that we would be wiped out in the election. Except.... we did push our positions, and we have the presidency.... so.... Not convinced.
The right wing has virtually no economic policies only social policy. Nothing but right wing bigotry.

Have you considered the possibility that you are too delusional to be aware of our many, many economic policies, you race baiting asshole?

It's my fault that you don't understand the economics of your own country? What does that have to do with the OP?

The issue at hand is in reference to people, like yourself, who egg on wannabe border patrollers that end up in jail, prison, being a snitch bitch, or killed by the LEOs for doing stupid stuff you support?

You demonstrate your stupidity when you start the name calling. Foreigners are not a race. NONE of the issues I raise have anything to do with race. I would apply the laws equally, across the board - race, education, wealth, etc. not being considerations. Can't say the same thing about your homeboy. So, it sounds like more projection on your part, Mr. Hitler.

Did you note that my response was to Danielpaulos, who, btw, is a hate filled monster who has sided with an illegal immigrant child rapist vs his child victim?

You're stuck with a problem Correll. You think that the solutions you've been spoon fed are the only solutions. So, along comes our resident liberal. He is your polar opposite. He knows you aren't going to change your mind. ....


I think that the solutions being pursued right now, are ONE possible set of solutions, and I want solutions.

THe solutions you want, you won't exactly say.

Something I have noticed, is that a defense mechanism of the open border types, is to just keep talking in circles about possible solutions and never actually DO anything, and all the while the Third World keeps flooding US.

All that stuff where you insult me, and quote the bible, nicely done filler, nothing more.
You say you did not attack me, than in the next sentence you call me a nazi.

You also keep attacking me for supporting policies and strategies you oppose.

Me asking you for what strategy you suggest, is completely reasonable.

That you were unable to give me one, suggests that you know that you don't have a very good answer.

Having answered you in at no less than 250 posts, to get into this would be a clusterfuck waste of time. Who do you think cares? If anyone besides you and your nob polisher ask, I'll go back and find at least half a dozen times where I have responded to this.

PM me and give me your solemn word that once I answer you, you will never ask the question again and I'll do your push button monkey work so that the next time you deny it, I can prove that you are a liar. It's simple: The posts averaged ten paragraphs and that is more than you can read in any one sitting.

Besides your personal problem, your pissing match don't have squat to do with this OP. Respond to this in PM or you will be treated like the troll you are about to prove yourself to be.

Dude. I understand why you are upset. You spend a significant portion of your life working towards something and it did not seem to work, so far.

Calling basically random people nazis, is not the way to deal with that.

You respectfully and civilly tell me the general strategy you envision working, and I will almost certainly, based on past conversations, respectfully and civilly disagree.

AND, you don't need to post 10 paragraphs to get an general outline across.

One possible answer I see you tending towards, would be "embrace identity politics", for one example.

You don't have to go into details. I will get it.

What is your suggested strategy, to avoid "losing the country"?

So you accuse me of being a race baiting asshole and NOW you want to talk civilly? You're like that other little worm. You're a chickenshit coward, unable to engage in a conversation - which is more than three words and a grunt. And you're never going to call me out so your name calling shows us the extent of your character.

I'm not calling random people nazis. If you embrace certain viewpoints that are consistent with National Socialism and you parrot their talking points, it is what it is.

I am only angry at dumb ass white people whose callous actions ended with court decisions that negate your arguments. Because of you, undocumented foreigners DO have rights and the only way we can challenge that is if someone else goes to jail and then the guys you support have to bail them out and battle the rulings in the federal courts. You can talk shit, but you won't be the guinea pig that puts his ass on the line to find out. And, in answer to your next question, yes I did a couple of times.

Even your own side has admitted to the facts I brought forward relative to this conversation:

Why you should be glad Minuteman Civil Defense Corps has a strict Code of Conduct

That's four paragraphs and a link. Was that short enough for your pea brain? And no ten paragraphs are only introductions to different aspects of actual discussions.... not even the actual discussion itself.

I did not call you a race baiting asshole,, but you have called me a nazi, based on bullshit games.

Go back and try replying to that post again. THis time without the confusion.

I read so many posts here that it was bound to happen. I did make a reply to you not directed at me. I truly apologize and admit that you did NOT call me a race baiting asshole. I am sorry for the screw up.

So that you fully understand something, I grew up around David Duke and Don Black (among others.) They attended many a meeting where conservatives, and right wing people met to develop strategies. When people spout National Socialist solutions, I'm keenly aware at a personal level of what they are because this is something I lived. At the time Costa Garvis came out with a movie called Betrayed (it stars Tom Berenger and Debra Winger.) Garvis, being Greek, was as about as emotionally detached from taking sides as any filmmaker I've ever heard of.

That movie will give you a no holds barred look at how racist, nazi, conservative, right wing, etc. groups try (and mostly unsuccessfully) attempt to work against far left liberalism. It is a fair and balanced drama thriller, so if you're unwilling to read, you might download and watch an unbiased look. You will see me and you will see yourself. The solutions you post did not work in the past, aren't working and will not work in the future.

You can't understand the solutions and all I can do is leave you with some parting words of wisdom:

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

I DO remember the past and see you traveling down that road. You don't know the past and, consequently, will not understand the future. You keep trying to debate me when it would be more advantageous to take sound counsel.

Nazis did not invent the idea of secure borders. You give me a secure border without a Wall, and I'll be happy.

Our border right now, is not secure. The Wall is one possible solution, and those that are against is, seem to have a lot of overlap with those that have supported Amnesty in the past, and/or other anti-American shit.

Overlap? Mmm, you love that and build massive connections over that. You want to look at those people, people who oppose the Wall, and show how they are all anti-American commies?
The right wing has virtually no economic policies only social policy. Nothing but right wing bigotry.

Have you considered the possibility that you are too delusional to be aware of our many, many economic policies, you race baiting asshole?

It's my fault that you don't understand the economics of your own country? What does that have to do with the OP?

The issue at hand is in reference to people, like yourself, who egg on wannabe border patrollers that end up in jail, prison, being a snitch bitch, or killed by the LEOs for doing stupid stuff you support?

You demonstrate your stupidity when you start the name calling. Foreigners are not a race. NONE of the issues I raise have anything to do with race. I would apply the laws equally, across the board - race, education, wealth, etc. not being considerations. Can't say the same thing about your homeboy. So, it sounds like more projection on your part, Mr. Hitler.

Did you note that my response was to Danielpaulos, who, btw, is a hate filled monster who has sided with an illegal immigrant child rapist vs his child victim?

You're stuck with a problem Correll. You think that the solutions you've been spoon fed are the only solutions. So, along comes our resident liberal. He is your polar opposite. He knows you aren't going to change your mind. ....


I think that the solutions being pursued right now, are ONE possible set of solutions, and I want solutions.

THe solutions you want, you won't exactly say.

Something I have noticed, is that a defense mechanism of the open border types, is to just keep talking in circles about possible solutions and never actually DO anything, and all the while the Third World keeps flooding US.

All that stuff where you insult me, and quote the bible, nicely done filler, nothing more.

I'm pretty much correct. If you wanted solutions, you would study. You don't.

I have presented my solutions many times. But, for you it came down to TLDR. All we can talk about in even ten or twelve paragraphs are the very bare bones basics. In other threads as well as this one, you refused to READ the damn thing.

You keep talking about an "open border type." Can you demonstrate, by name and actions some of these people you are hurling that accusation at? Or, are you creating a straw man argument?

I've already DONE more about the situation than you will (at your present pace) if you live to be 300. Did you ever man the border? Ever taken your politicians out to lunch and made your case? Have you ever read case law on the subject (not a one page summary, but a real case?) Have you ever attended Latino meetings to get their take on what's going on? That is a difference between you and I. If ten or twelve paragraphs are too daunting for you; if you're intimidated by ten to twelve minutes of reading per exchange, then you can't handle the truth. You have to undo the damage the liberals and National Socialists have done before you can see the real solution.
Have you considered the possibility that you are too delusional to be aware of our many, many economic policies, you race baiting asshole?

It's my fault that you don't understand the economics of your own country? What does that have to do with the OP?

The issue at hand is in reference to people, like yourself, who egg on wannabe border patrollers that end up in jail, prison, being a snitch bitch, or killed by the LEOs for doing stupid stuff you support?

You demonstrate your stupidity when you start the name calling. Foreigners are not a race. NONE of the issues I raise have anything to do with race. I would apply the laws equally, across the board - race, education, wealth, etc. not being considerations. Can't say the same thing about your homeboy. So, it sounds like more projection on your part, Mr. Hitler.

Did you note that my response was to Danielpaulos, who, btw, is a hate filled monster who has sided with an illegal immigrant child rapist vs his child victim?

You're stuck with a problem Correll. You think that the solutions you've been spoon fed are the only solutions. So, along comes our resident liberal. He is your polar opposite. He knows you aren't going to change your mind. ....


I think that the solutions being pursued right now, are ONE possible set of solutions, and I want solutions.

THe solutions you want, you won't exactly say.

Something I have noticed, is that a defense mechanism of the open border types, is to just keep talking in circles about possible solutions and never actually DO anything, and all the while the Third World keeps flooding US.

All that stuff where you insult me, and quote the bible, nicely done filler, nothing more.

I'm pretty much correct. If you wanted solutions, you would study. You don't.

I have presented my solutions many times. But, for you it came down to TLDR. All we can talk about in even ten or twelve paragraphs are the very bare bones basics. In other threads as well as this one, you refused to READ the damn thing.

You keep talking about an "open border type." Can you demonstrate, by name and actions some of these people you are hurling that accusation at? Or, are you creating a straw man argument?

Nope. I can't take your pretense of being unaware of the Open BOrder types seriously.
Having answered you in at no less than 250 posts, to get into this would be a clusterfuck waste of time. Who do you think cares? If anyone besides you and your nob polisher ask, I'll go back and find at least half a dozen times where I have responded to this.

PM me and give me your solemn word that once I answer you, you will never ask the question again and I'll do your push button monkey work so that the next time you deny it, I can prove that you are a liar. It's simple: The posts averaged ten paragraphs and that is more than you can read in any one sitting.

Besides your personal problem, your pissing match don't have squat to do with this OP. Respond to this in PM or you will be treated like the troll you are about to prove yourself to be.

Dude. I understand why you are upset. You spend a significant portion of your life working towards something and it did not seem to work, so far.

Calling basically random people nazis, is not the way to deal with that.

You respectfully and civilly tell me the general strategy you envision working, and I will almost certainly, based on past conversations, respectfully and civilly disagree.

AND, you don't need to post 10 paragraphs to get an general outline across.

One possible answer I see you tending towards, would be "embrace identity politics", for one example.

You don't have to go into details. I will get it.

What is your suggested strategy, to avoid "losing the country"?

So you accuse me of being a race baiting asshole and NOW you want to talk civilly? You're like that other little worm. You're a chickenshit coward, unable to engage in a conversation - which is more than three words and a grunt. And you're never going to call me out so your name calling shows us the extent of your character.

I'm not calling random people nazis. If you embrace certain viewpoints that are consistent with National Socialism and you parrot their talking points, it is what it is.

I am only angry at dumb ass white people whose callous actions ended with court decisions that negate your arguments. Because of you, undocumented foreigners DO have rights and the only way we can challenge that is if someone else goes to jail and then the guys you support have to bail them out and battle the rulings in the federal courts. You can talk shit, but you won't be the guinea pig that puts his ass on the line to find out. And, in answer to your next question, yes I did a couple of times.

Even your own side has admitted to the facts I brought forward relative to this conversation:

Why you should be glad Minuteman Civil Defense Corps has a strict Code of Conduct

That's four paragraphs and a link. Was that short enough for your pea brain? And no ten paragraphs are only introductions to different aspects of actual discussions.... not even the actual discussion itself.

I did not call you a race baiting asshole,, but you have called me a nazi, based on bullshit games.

Go back and try replying to that post again. THis time without the confusion.

I read so many posts here that it was bound to happen. I did make a reply to you not directed at me. I truly apologize and admit that you did NOT call me a race baiting asshole. I am sorry for the screw up.

So that you fully understand something, I grew up around David Duke and Don Black (among others.) They attended many a meeting where conservatives, and right wing people met to develop strategies. When people spout National Socialist solutions, I'm keenly aware at a personal level of what they are because this is something I lived. At the time Costa Garvis came out with a movie called Betrayed (it stars Tom Berenger and Debra Winger.) Garvis, being Greek, was as about as emotionally detached from taking sides as any filmmaker I've ever heard of.

That movie will give you a no holds barred look at how racist, nazi, conservative, right wing, etc. groups try (and mostly unsuccessfully) attempt to work against far left liberalism. It is a fair and balanced drama thriller, so if you're unwilling to read, you might download and watch an unbiased look. You will see me and you will see yourself. The solutions you post did not work in the past, aren't working and will not work in the future.

You can't understand the solutions and all I can do is leave you with some parting words of wisdom:

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

I DO remember the past and see you traveling down that road. You don't know the past and, consequently, will not understand the future. You keep trying to debate me when it would be more advantageous to take sound counsel.

Nazis did not invent the idea of secure borders. You give me a secure border without a Wall, and I'll be happy.

Our border right now, is not secure. The Wall is one possible solution, and those that are against is, seem to have a lot of overlap with those that have supported Amnesty in the past, and/or other anti-American shit.

Overlap? Mmm, you love that and build massive connections over that. You want to look at those people, people who oppose the Wall, and show how they are all anti-American commies?

You don't know enough of history to know who in the Hell invented the border wall idea. In THIS country, the first talk of manning borders to keep out foreigners came from a former member of the Nazi party. That is a fact that you've failed to factually refute. The first politicians to begin talking about fences and walls were Democrats. Surely to God you don't want me to embarrass you for the fifth time on this board with the facts, do you? You won't read them, but somebody else might - and they'd know how absolutely idiotic your response is.

As for amnesty, I'd love to scream in your face for being outright stupid on this part of the equation. All of your talk about people coming here "legally" is predicated upon pure legal fiction. Let me draw you a simple analogy: You are saying if a person made an improper U Turn, you would deny them the privilege of EVER having a driver's license. It's not going to fucking happen, Correll. Like it or not and believe it or not coming into the United States without papers is a federal civil misdemeanor (the county equivalent of an improper U Turn.) The violation is even called improper in the federal statute.

To think that you're going to keep people out on the basis they came here without papers is fantasy that isn't going to happen. Furthermore, the United States Supreme Court ruled that is it NOT a crime for undocumented people to be in the United States without being documented. And there is where your brain gets foggy. Without amending the Constitution, you have no redress - except what you're implying. If everyone comes here "legally" as you erroneously believe, it is code for eventual citizenship. The liberals and the courts are helping you out at the tune of a million new citizens per year. One day... really soon, the OTCs will outnumber you and vote you into oblivion. One would think you would pull your head out of your ass long enough to engage in a serious discussion. When you can handle a dozen paragraphs at a time, let me know. I can explain this stuff to you a fifth time. Don't hate me. I didn't write the damn laws.
It's my fault that you don't understand the economics of your own country? What does that have to do with the OP?

The issue at hand is in reference to people, like yourself, who egg on wannabe border patrollers that end up in jail, prison, being a snitch bitch, or killed by the LEOs for doing stupid stuff you support?

You demonstrate your stupidity when you start the name calling. Foreigners are not a race. NONE of the issues I raise have anything to do with race. I would apply the laws equally, across the board - race, education, wealth, etc. not being considerations. Can't say the same thing about your homeboy. So, it sounds like more projection on your part, Mr. Hitler.

Did you note that my response was to Danielpaulos, who, btw, is a hate filled monster who has sided with an illegal immigrant child rapist vs his child victim?

You're stuck with a problem Correll. You think that the solutions you've been spoon fed are the only solutions. So, along comes our resident liberal. He is your polar opposite. He knows you aren't going to change your mind. ....


I think that the solutions being pursued right now, are ONE possible set of solutions, and I want solutions.

THe solutions you want, you won't exactly say.

Something I have noticed, is that a defense mechanism of the open border types, is to just keep talking in circles about possible solutions and never actually DO anything, and all the while the Third World keeps flooding US.

All that stuff where you insult me, and quote the bible, nicely done filler, nothing more.

I'm pretty much correct. If you wanted solutions, you would study. You don't.

I have presented my solutions many times. But, for you it came down to TLDR. All we can talk about in even ten or twelve paragraphs are the very bare bones basics. In other threads as well as this one, you refused to READ the damn thing.

You keep talking about an "open border type." Can you demonstrate, by name and actions some of these people you are hurling that accusation at? Or, are you creating a straw man argument?

Nope. I can't take your pretense of being unaware of the Open BOrder types seriously.

The open border type is a fallacy that you cannot substantiate with actual names and political platforms. That is far different than when I talk about David Duke, Jim Gilchrist, John Tanton and what they advocated.
Dude. I understand why you are upset. You spend a significant portion of your life working towards something and it did not seem to work, so far.

Calling basically random people nazis, is not the way to deal with that.

You respectfully and civilly tell me the general strategy you envision working, and I will almost certainly, based on past conversations, respectfully and civilly disagree.

AND, you don't need to post 10 paragraphs to get an general outline across.

One possible answer I see you tending towards, would be "embrace identity politics", for one example.

You don't have to go into details. I will get it.

What is your suggested strategy, to avoid "losing the country"?

So you accuse me of being a race baiting asshole and NOW you want to talk civilly? You're like that other little worm. You're a chickenshit coward, unable to engage in a conversation - which is more than three words and a grunt. And you're never going to call me out so your name calling shows us the extent of your character.

I'm not calling random people nazis. If you embrace certain viewpoints that are consistent with National Socialism and you parrot their talking points, it is what it is.

I am only angry at dumb ass white people whose callous actions ended with court decisions that negate your arguments. Because of you, undocumented foreigners DO have rights and the only way we can challenge that is if someone else goes to jail and then the guys you support have to bail them out and battle the rulings in the federal courts. You can talk shit, but you won't be the guinea pig that puts his ass on the line to find out. And, in answer to your next question, yes I did a couple of times.

Even your own side has admitted to the facts I brought forward relative to this conversation:

Why you should be glad Minuteman Civil Defense Corps has a strict Code of Conduct

That's four paragraphs and a link. Was that short enough for your pea brain? And no ten paragraphs are only introductions to different aspects of actual discussions.... not even the actual discussion itself.

I did not call you a race baiting asshole,, but you have called me a nazi, based on bullshit games.

Go back and try replying to that post again. THis time without the confusion.

I read so many posts here that it was bound to happen. I did make a reply to you not directed at me. I truly apologize and admit that you did NOT call me a race baiting asshole. I am sorry for the screw up.

So that you fully understand something, I grew up around David Duke and Don Black (among others.) They attended many a meeting where conservatives, and right wing people met to develop strategies. When people spout National Socialist solutions, I'm keenly aware at a personal level of what they are because this is something I lived. At the time Costa Garvis came out with a movie called Betrayed (it stars Tom Berenger and Debra Winger.) Garvis, being Greek, was as about as emotionally detached from taking sides as any filmmaker I've ever heard of.

That movie will give you a no holds barred look at how racist, nazi, conservative, right wing, etc. groups try (and mostly unsuccessfully) attempt to work against far left liberalism. It is a fair and balanced drama thriller, so if you're unwilling to read, you might download and watch an unbiased look. You will see me and you will see yourself. The solutions you post did not work in the past, aren't working and will not work in the future.

You can't understand the solutions and all I can do is leave you with some parting words of wisdom:

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

I DO remember the past and see you traveling down that road. You don't know the past and, consequently, will not understand the future. You keep trying to debate me when it would be more advantageous to take sound counsel.

Nazis did not invent the idea of secure borders. You give me a secure border without a Wall, and I'll be happy.

Our border right now, is not secure. The Wall is one possible solution, and those that are against is, seem to have a lot of overlap with those that have supported Amnesty in the past, and/or other anti-American shit.

Overlap? Mmm, you love that and build massive connections over that. You want to look at those people, people who oppose the Wall, and show how they are all anti-American commies?

You don't know enough of history to know who in the Hell invented the border wall idea. In THIS country, the first talk .....

Just no. Ideas flow across borders. That is a good thing. That you try to pretend that anyone in this country that has an idea, MUST get it from someone in this country who had it before them,

is wrong on so many levels.

I am not going to play that game.
There is no such Thing as well regulated militia of Individuals under our Constitutional form of Government.
It's my fault that you don't understand the economics of your own country? What does that have to do with the OP?

The issue at hand is in reference to people, like yourself, who egg on wannabe border patrollers that end up in jail, prison, being a snitch bitch, or killed by the LEOs for doing stupid stuff you support?

You demonstrate your stupidity when you start the name calling. Foreigners are not a race. NONE of the issues I raise have anything to do with race. I would apply the laws equally, across the board - race, education, wealth, etc. not being considerations. Can't say the same thing about your homeboy. So, it sounds like more projection on your part, Mr. Hitler.

Did you note that my response was to Danielpaulos, who, btw, is a hate filled monster who has sided with an illegal immigrant child rapist vs his child victim?

You're stuck with a problem Correll. You think that the solutions you've been spoon fed are the only solutions. So, along comes our resident liberal. He is your polar opposite. He knows you aren't going to change your mind. ....


I think that the solutions being pursued right now, are ONE possible set of solutions, and I want solutions.

THe solutions you want, you won't exactly say.

Something I have noticed, is that a defense mechanism of the open border types, is to just keep talking in circles about possible solutions and never actually DO anything, and all the while the Third World keeps flooding US.

All that stuff where you insult me, and quote the bible, nicely done filler, nothing more.

I'm pretty much correct. If you wanted solutions, you would study. You don't.

I have presented my solutions many times. But, for you it came down to TLDR. All we can talk about in even ten or twelve paragraphs are the very bare bones basics. In other threads as well as this one, you refused to READ the damn thing.

You keep talking about an "open border type." Can you demonstrate, by name and actions some of these people you are hurling that accusation at? Or, are you creating a straw man argument?

Nope. I can't take your pretense of being unaware of the Open BOrder types seriously.

You don't have to convince me, son. You have to convince the voters and the politicians. We barely hung onto the governorship here the last election and now politicians are jumping ship, announcing they will run as Democrats the next time.

They heard your argument. Fewer and fewer are buying it. You should do some serious study before engaging with me. In the book The Art of War, Sun Tzu wrote:

"Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know not thy enemy nor yourself, wallow in defeat every time."

You know NOTHING about your opposition. Hell, you won't even take a week of your time to probe the edges. You don't know yourself; all you do is repeat the same canard as if repetition will make it true. So, one the world's most renown military strategists has predicted defeat for you.
So you accuse me of being a race baiting asshole and NOW you want to talk civilly? You're like that other little worm. You're a chickenshit coward, unable to engage in a conversation - which is more than three words and a grunt. And you're never going to call me out so your name calling shows us the extent of your character.

I'm not calling random people nazis. If you embrace certain viewpoints that are consistent with National Socialism and you parrot their talking points, it is what it is.

I am only angry at dumb ass white people whose callous actions ended with court decisions that negate your arguments. Because of you, undocumented foreigners DO have rights and the only way we can challenge that is if someone else goes to jail and then the guys you support have to bail them out and battle the rulings in the federal courts. You can talk shit, but you won't be the guinea pig that puts his ass on the line to find out. And, in answer to your next question, yes I did a couple of times.

Even your own side has admitted to the facts I brought forward relative to this conversation:

Why you should be glad Minuteman Civil Defense Corps has a strict Code of Conduct

That's four paragraphs and a link. Was that short enough for your pea brain? And no ten paragraphs are only introductions to different aspects of actual discussions.... not even the actual discussion itself.

I did not call you a race baiting asshole,, but you have called me a nazi, based on bullshit games.

Go back and try replying to that post again. THis time without the confusion.

I read so many posts here that it was bound to happen. I did make a reply to you not directed at me. I truly apologize and admit that you did NOT call me a race baiting asshole. I am sorry for the screw up.

So that you fully understand something, I grew up around David Duke and Don Black (among others.) They attended many a meeting where conservatives, and right wing people met to develop strategies. When people spout National Socialist solutions, I'm keenly aware at a personal level of what they are because this is something I lived. At the time Costa Garvis came out with a movie called Betrayed (it stars Tom Berenger and Debra Winger.) Garvis, being Greek, was as about as emotionally detached from taking sides as any filmmaker I've ever heard of.

That movie will give you a no holds barred look at how racist, nazi, conservative, right wing, etc. groups try (and mostly unsuccessfully) attempt to work against far left liberalism. It is a fair and balanced drama thriller, so if you're unwilling to read, you might download and watch an unbiased look. You will see me and you will see yourself. The solutions you post did not work in the past, aren't working and will not work in the future.

You can't understand the solutions and all I can do is leave you with some parting words of wisdom:

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

I DO remember the past and see you traveling down that road. You don't know the past and, consequently, will not understand the future. You keep trying to debate me when it would be more advantageous to take sound counsel.

Nazis did not invent the idea of secure borders. You give me a secure border without a Wall, and I'll be happy.

Our border right now, is not secure. The Wall is one possible solution, and those that are against is, seem to have a lot of overlap with those that have supported Amnesty in the past, and/or other anti-American shit.

Overlap? Mmm, you love that and build massive connections over that. You want to look at those people, people who oppose the Wall, and show how they are all anti-American commies?

You don't know enough of history to know who in the Hell invented the border wall idea. In THIS country, the first talk .....

Just no. Ideas flow across borders. That is a good thing. That you try to pretend that anyone in this country that has an idea, MUST get it from someone in this country who had it before them,

is wrong on so many levels.

I am not going to play that game.

The only game is the one you're playing is in that space between your ears. In this country, the wall idea AND ITS PRETEXTS AND ITS RHETORIC WERE DEVELOPED BY NAZIS.

You didn't just buy the wall, but you bought the bullshit that went with it. It doesn't matter. Military strategists and historians ALL disagree with the wall idea:

Walls Don't Work

Border walls are going up globally at a dizzying pace — but history teaches us that walls don’t work
Did you note that my response was to Danielpaulos, who, btw, is a hate filled monster who has sided with an illegal immigrant child rapist vs his child victim?

You're stuck with a problem Correll. You think that the solutions you've been spoon fed are the only solutions. So, along comes our resident liberal. He is your polar opposite. He knows you aren't going to change your mind. ....


I think that the solutions being pursued right now, are ONE possible set of solutions, and I want solutions.

THe solutions you want, you won't exactly say.

Something I have noticed, is that a defense mechanism of the open border types, is to just keep talking in circles about possible solutions and never actually DO anything, and all the while the Third World keeps flooding US.

All that stuff where you insult me, and quote the bible, nicely done filler, nothing more.

I'm pretty much correct. If you wanted solutions, you would study. You don't.

I have presented my solutions many times. But, for you it came down to TLDR. All we can talk about in even ten or twelve paragraphs are the very bare bones basics. In other threads as well as this one, you refused to READ the damn thing.

You keep talking about an "open border type." Can you demonstrate, by name and actions some of these people you are hurling that accusation at? Or, are you creating a straw man argument?

Nope. I can't take your pretense of being unaware of the Open BOrder types seriously.

You don't have to convince me, son. You have to convince the voters and the politicians. We barely hung onto the governorship here the last election and now politicians are jumping ship, announcing they will run as Democrats the next time.

They heard your argument. Fewer and fewer are buying it. You should do some serious study before engaging with me. In the book The Art of War, Sun Tzu wrote:

"Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know not thy enemy nor yourself, wallow in defeat every time."

You know NOTHING about your opposition. Hell, you won't even take a week of your time to probe the edges. You don't know yourself; all you do is repeat the same canard as if repetition will make it true. So, one the world's most renown military strategists has predicted defeat for you.

THat people are not buying my argument, does not mean that it is not a good argument.
I did not call you a race baiting asshole,, but you have called me a nazi, based on bullshit games.

Go back and try replying to that post again. THis time without the confusion.

I read so many posts here that it was bound to happen. I did make a reply to you not directed at me. I truly apologize and admit that you did NOT call me a race baiting asshole. I am sorry for the screw up.

So that you fully understand something, I grew up around David Duke and Don Black (among others.) They attended many a meeting where conservatives, and right wing people met to develop strategies. When people spout National Socialist solutions, I'm keenly aware at a personal level of what they are because this is something I lived. At the time Costa Garvis came out with a movie called Betrayed (it stars Tom Berenger and Debra Winger.) Garvis, being Greek, was as about as emotionally detached from taking sides as any filmmaker I've ever heard of.

That movie will give you a no holds barred look at how racist, nazi, conservative, right wing, etc. groups try (and mostly unsuccessfully) attempt to work against far left liberalism. It is a fair and balanced drama thriller, so if you're unwilling to read, you might download and watch an unbiased look. You will see me and you will see yourself. The solutions you post did not work in the past, aren't working and will not work in the future.

You can't understand the solutions and all I can do is leave you with some parting words of wisdom:

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

I DO remember the past and see you traveling down that road. You don't know the past and, consequently, will not understand the future. You keep trying to debate me when it would be more advantageous to take sound counsel.

Nazis did not invent the idea of secure borders. You give me a secure border without a Wall, and I'll be happy.

Our border right now, is not secure. The Wall is one possible solution, and those that are against is, seem to have a lot of overlap with those that have supported Amnesty in the past, and/or other anti-American shit.

Overlap? Mmm, you love that and build massive connections over that. You want to look at those people, people who oppose the Wall, and show how they are all anti-American commies?

You don't know enough of history to know who in the Hell invented the border wall idea. In THIS country, the first talk .....

Just no. Ideas flow across borders. That is a good thing. That you try to pretend that anyone in this country that has an idea, MUST get it from someone in this country who had it before them,

is wrong on so many levels.

I am not going to play that game.

The only game is the one you're playing is in that space between your ears. In this country, the wall idea AND ITS PRETEXTS AND ITS RHETORIC WERE DEVELOPED BY NAZIS.

You didn't just buy the wall, but you bought the bullshit that went with it. It doesn't matter. Military strategists and historians ALL disagree with the wall idea:

Walls Don't Work

Border walls are going up globally at a dizzying pace — but history teaches us that walls don’t work

You know what does not work? What we have been doing.

We know that it does not work, and you want to keep doing it.

Your nazi references are noted and dismissed. Nazis did not invent the ideas of Walls.
You're stuck with a problem Correll. You think that the solutions you've been spoon fed are the only solutions. So, along comes our resident liberal. He is your polar opposite. He knows you aren't going to change your mind. ....


I think that the solutions being pursued right now, are ONE possible set of solutions, and I want solutions.

THe solutions you want, you won't exactly say.

Something I have noticed, is that a defense mechanism of the open border types, is to just keep talking in circles about possible solutions and never actually DO anything, and all the while the Third World keeps flooding US.

All that stuff where you insult me, and quote the bible, nicely done filler, nothing more.

I'm pretty much correct. If you wanted solutions, you would study. You don't.

I have presented my solutions many times. But, for you it came down to TLDR. All we can talk about in even ten or twelve paragraphs are the very bare bones basics. In other threads as well as this one, you refused to READ the damn thing.

You keep talking about an "open border type." Can you demonstrate, by name and actions some of these people you are hurling that accusation at? Or, are you creating a straw man argument?

Nope. I can't take your pretense of being unaware of the Open BOrder types seriously.

You don't have to convince me, son. You have to convince the voters and the politicians. We barely hung onto the governorship here the last election and now politicians are jumping ship, announcing they will run as Democrats the next time.

They heard your argument. Fewer and fewer are buying it. You should do some serious study before engaging with me. In the book The Art of War, Sun Tzu wrote:

"Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know not thy enemy nor yourself, wallow in defeat every time."

You know NOTHING about your opposition. Hell, you won't even take a week of your time to probe the edges. You don't know yourself; all you do is repeat the same canard as if repetition will make it true. So, one the world's most renown military strategists has predicted defeat for you.

THat people are not buying my argument, does not mean that it is not a good argument.

It's not a good argument. A wall would not work in America because it would be like closing the barn door after the cows got out. When Kamala Harris can be a serious contender for president, you cannot sustain the wall idea in the de facto democracy. That is just reality.

Besides, when Trump began saying he'd take money from Socialist Security and the military - having lied about making Mexico pay, he torpedoed the whole wall idea. It's imploding even as we argue.

You still have a problem with foreigners and if you fail to follow a path toward the restoration of Liberty, you will only be left with one path left to protect yourself with - and you have tried harder than the left to close that door.
I read so many posts here that it was bound to happen. I did make a reply to you not directed at me. I truly apologize and admit that you did NOT call me a race baiting asshole. I am sorry for the screw up.

So that you fully understand something, I grew up around David Duke and Don Black (among others.) They attended many a meeting where conservatives, and right wing people met to develop strategies. When people spout National Socialist solutions, I'm keenly aware at a personal level of what they are because this is something I lived. At the time Costa Garvis came out with a movie called Betrayed (it stars Tom Berenger and Debra Winger.) Garvis, being Greek, was as about as emotionally detached from taking sides as any filmmaker I've ever heard of.

That movie will give you a no holds barred look at how racist, nazi, conservative, right wing, etc. groups try (and mostly unsuccessfully) attempt to work against far left liberalism. It is a fair and balanced drama thriller, so if you're unwilling to read, you might download and watch an unbiased look. You will see me and you will see yourself. The solutions you post did not work in the past, aren't working and will not work in the future.

You can't understand the solutions and all I can do is leave you with some parting words of wisdom:

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

I DO remember the past and see you traveling down that road. You don't know the past and, consequently, will not understand the future. You keep trying to debate me when it would be more advantageous to take sound counsel.

Nazis did not invent the idea of secure borders. You give me a secure border without a Wall, and I'll be happy.

Our border right now, is not secure. The Wall is one possible solution, and those that are against is, seem to have a lot of overlap with those that have supported Amnesty in the past, and/or other anti-American shit.

Overlap? Mmm, you love that and build massive connections over that. You want to look at those people, people who oppose the Wall, and show how they are all anti-American commies?

You don't know enough of history to know who in the Hell invented the border wall idea. In THIS country, the first talk .....

Just no. Ideas flow across borders. That is a good thing. That you try to pretend that anyone in this country that has an idea, MUST get it from someone in this country who had it before them,

is wrong on so many levels.

I am not going to play that game.

The only game is the one you're playing is in that space between your ears. In this country, the wall idea AND ITS PRETEXTS AND ITS RHETORIC WERE DEVELOPED BY NAZIS.

You didn't just buy the wall, but you bought the bullshit that went with it. It doesn't matter. Military strategists and historians ALL disagree with the wall idea:

Walls Don't Work

Border walls are going up globally at a dizzying pace — but history teaches us that walls don’t work

You know what does not work? What we have been doing.

We know that it does not work, and you want to keep doing it.

Your nazi references are noted and dismissed. Nazis did not invent the ideas of Walls.

Nazis were the first to suggest the wall idea in America. It's not just the wall, but the political rhetoric and the peripheral legislation that surrounds it. We aren't just talking the wall, but various other things that accompany it. For the benefit of others, here is an analogy:

When we came up with the interstate system, laws had to be agreed on. Who would pay for the interstate? Who would maintain it? Would states and local governments be able to enforce the laws? Who would get the money from fees and fines? ALL of that went with it.

So, here comes Correll, the most uneducated wallist in America. He wants a wall, but he doesn't understand the peripheral laws that were created in order to enforce the nutty wall idea. He's oblivious to the Constitution Free Zone; he's in love with Hitler's tattoo idea on steroids... National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, along with the elimination of the concept of innocent until proven guilty. The wall don't mean a damn thing without peripheral laws to enforce it. How many Liberties do you lose before you say the wall isn't worth the losses?

What we're doing is to enforce unconstitutional laws, most of them forced into law by the Democrats (like Ted Kennedy) and to continue a power grab where the United States Supreme Court acted above their constitutional limits in 1875. Those laws were incrementally put into place in order to destroy the stated reason our Constitution was created for in the first place.

What I want is a dramatic shift, but it will not happen overnight. What I want will work because it is how America became the greatest nation in the annals of history. There is not much of a chance that the wall will be built. The Republicans lost the House (where funding bills originate) and they could lose the Senate in the next election cycle. Correll, and those like him, have NO Plan B. Not knowing history, they cannot return to a time when this wasn't the litmus test of your loyalty to this country and the issue did not exist. IF / when Correll decides to get past the personality contest and learn a little history, the solution will become painfully obvious.

I think that the solutions being pursued right now, are ONE possible set of solutions, and I want solutions.

THe solutions you want, you won't exactly say.

Something I have noticed, is that a defense mechanism of the open border types, is to just keep talking in circles about possible solutions and never actually DO anything, and all the while the Third World keeps flooding US.

All that stuff where you insult me, and quote the bible, nicely done filler, nothing more.

I'm pretty much correct. If you wanted solutions, you would study. You don't.

I have presented my solutions many times. But, for you it came down to TLDR. All we can talk about in even ten or twelve paragraphs are the very bare bones basics. In other threads as well as this one, you refused to READ the damn thing.

You keep talking about an "open border type." Can you demonstrate, by name and actions some of these people you are hurling that accusation at? Or, are you creating a straw man argument?

Nope. I can't take your pretense of being unaware of the Open BOrder types seriously.

You don't have to convince me, son. You have to convince the voters and the politicians. We barely hung onto the governorship here the last election and now politicians are jumping ship, announcing they will run as Democrats the next time.

They heard your argument. Fewer and fewer are buying it. You should do some serious study before engaging with me. In the book The Art of War, Sun Tzu wrote:

"Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know not thy enemy nor yourself, wallow in defeat every time."

You know NOTHING about your opposition. Hell, you won't even take a week of your time to probe the edges. You don't know yourself; all you do is repeat the same canard as if repetition will make it true. So, one the world's most renown military strategists has predicted defeat for you.

THat people are not buying my argument, does not mean that it is not a good argument.

It's not a good argument. A wall would not work in America because it would be like closing the barn door after the cows got out. When Kamala Harris can be a serious contender for president, you cannot sustain the wall idea in the de facto democracy. That is just reality.

A fair point. But there are still more "horses" "leaving" ie illegals entering. So, even though it is very late in the game, stopping that flow is still a worthwhile endeavor.

Besides, when Trump began saying he'd take money from Socialist Security and the military - having lied about making Mexico pay, he torpedoed the whole wall idea. It's imploding even as we argue.

He "lied" about funding? Wow. A politician never did that before. He pulled money from somewhere else? Wow. A politician never did that before.

You don't give a shit about any of that, and neither do I. And neither does anyone else really.

You still have a problem with foreigners and if you fail to follow a path toward the restoration of Liberty, you will only be left with one path left to protect yourself with - and you have tried harder than the left to close that door.

1. My "problem" with foreigners, is that I want to advance the interests of Americans and America, and not "foreigners" especially at the expense of Americans and America.

2. "Path"? Not really. I hope it does not come to that, and regardless if it does, more "foreigners" will not make it easier.
Nazis did not invent the idea of secure borders. You give me a secure border without a Wall, and I'll be happy.

Our border right now, is not secure. The Wall is one possible solution, and those that are against is, seem to have a lot of overlap with those that have supported Amnesty in the past, and/or other anti-American shit.

Overlap? Mmm, you love that and build massive connections over that. You want to look at those people, people who oppose the Wall, and show how they are all anti-American commies?

You don't know enough of history to know who in the Hell invented the border wall idea. In THIS country, the first talk .....

Just no. Ideas flow across borders. That is a good thing. That you try to pretend that anyone in this country that has an idea, MUST get it from someone in this country who had it before them,

is wrong on so many levels.

I am not going to play that game.

The only game is the one you're playing is in that space between your ears. In this country, the wall idea AND ITS PRETEXTS AND ITS RHETORIC WERE DEVELOPED BY NAZIS.

You didn't just buy the wall, but you bought the bullshit that went with it. It doesn't matter. Military strategists and historians ALL disagree with the wall idea:

Walls Don't Work

Border walls are going up globally at a dizzying pace — but history teaches us that walls don’t work

You know what does not work? What we have been doing.

We know that it does not work, and you want to keep doing it.

Your nazi references are noted and dismissed. Nazis did not invent the ideas of Walls.

Nazis were the first to suggest the wall idea in America. It's not just the wall, but the political rhetoric and the peripheral legislation that surrounds it. We aren't just talking the wall, but various other things that accompany it. For the benefit of others, here is an analogy:

When we came up with the interstate system, laws had to be agreed on. Who would pay for the interstate? Who would maintain it? Would states and local governments be able to enforce the laws? Who would get the money from fees and fines? ALL of that went with it.

So, here comes Correll, the most uneducated wallist in America. He wants a wall, but he doesn't understand the peripheral laws that were created in order to enforce the nutty wall idea. He's oblivious to the Constitution Free Zone; he's in love with Hitler's tattoo idea on steroids... National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, along with the elimination of the concept of innocent until proven guilty. The wall don't mean a damn thing without peripheral laws to enforce it. How many Liberties do you lose before you say the wall isn't worth the losses?

What we're doing is to enforce unconstitutional laws, most of them forced into law by the Democrats (like Ted Kennedy) and to continue a power grab where the United States Supreme Court acted above their constitutional limits in 1875. Those laws were incrementally put into place in order to destroy the stated reason our Constitution was created for in the first place.

What I want is a dramatic shift, but it will not happen overnight. What I want will work because it is how America became the greatest nation in the annals of history. There is not much of a chance that the wall will be built. The Republicans lost the House (where funding bills originate) and they could lose the Senate in the next election cycle. Correll, and those like him, have NO Plan B. Not knowing history, they cannot return to a time when this wasn't the litmus test of your loyalty to this country and the issue did not exist. IF / when Correll decides to get past the personality contest and learn a little history, the solution will become painfully obvious.

What your policy of letting them in will get US, is more of California.

By 2050, every city in the US, will be like fucking LA. and LA, will be like Mexico City.

That is not a nation that will be America. YOu are not going to get them to adopt our culture or politics or policies.

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