Right wing news media is an open sewer of lies, fear and hate


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
All sentient people already knew that. On this Board we witness such anti-American anti-democracy behavior from the Alt and Far Right all the time. They are proud they are little fascists.

A Major New Study Shows That Political Polarization Is Mainly A Right-Wing Phenomenon

The alt right and far right, according to a "major new study of social-media sharing patterns", far more politically polarizes than do competitors to the left. The media of the alt right, such as Breitbart, are far more likely to exaggerate and spread alt facts and fake news than their more centrist competitors.

"Though the report, published by the Columbia Journalism Review, does an excellent job of laying out the challenge posed by Breitbart and its ilk, it is less than clear on how to counter it. Successfully standing up for truthful reporting in this environment “could usher in a new golden age for the Fourth Estate,” the authors write. But members of the public who care about such journalism are already flocking to news organizations like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and, locally, The Boston Globe, all of which have experienced a surge in paid subscriptions since the election of President Trump. That’s heartening, but there are no signs that it’s had any effect on the popularity or influence of the right-wing partisan media."

All sentient people already knew that. On this Board we witness such anti-American anti-democracy behavior from the Alt and Far Right all the time. They are proud they are little fascists.

A Major New Study Shows That Political Polarization Is Mainly A Right-Wing Phenomenon

The alt right and far right, according to a "major new study of social-media sharing patterns", far more politically polarizes than do competitors to the left. The media of the alt right, such as Breitbart, are far more likely to exaggerate and spread alt facts and fake news than their more centrist competitors.

"Though the report, published by the Columbia Journalism Review, does an excellent job of laying out the challenge posed by Breitbart and its ilk, it is less than clear on how to counter it. Successfully standing up for truthful reporting in this environment “could usher in a new golden age for the Fourth Estate,” the authors write. But members of the public who care about such journalism are already flocking to news organizations like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and, locally, The Boston Globe, all of which have experienced a surge in paid subscriptions since the election of President Trump. That’s heartening, but there are no signs that it’s had any effect on the popularity or influence of the right-wing partisan media."


Asiantrumpsupporter and andaronjim validate the OP: they can only communicate in pictures that do not address the point and reveal their own aversion to thought and discussion. :lol:

I could not make this up for t hem: absolute validation of their Alt Right nuttiness.
Is anyone surprised to see two of the forums dumbest motherfuckers, AsianTrumpFluffler and AndIronJim, taking offense at the findings of the Columbia Journalism Review?
Is anyone surprised to see two of the forums dumbest motherfuckers, AsianTrumpFluffler and AndIronJim, taking offense at the findings of the Columbia Journalism Review?
They can't argue the facts of the Review, so the express themselves with pictures and drawings, like many slow children.

They are impressed that Trump is the most divisive president in our history.
Last edited:
Is anyone surprised to see two of the forums dumbest motherfuckers, AsianTrumpFluffler and AndIronJim, taking offense at the findings of the Columbia Journalism Review?
The can't argue the facts of the Review, so the express themselves with pictures and drawings, like many slow children.

They are impressed that Trump is the most divisive president in our history.
On the basis of the above, one might conclude that they are morons.....
Is anyone surprised to see two of the forums dumbest motherfuckers, AsianTrumpFluffler and AndIronJim, taking offense at the findings of the Columbia Journalism Review?
The can't argue the facts of the Review, so the express themselves with pictures and drawings, like many slow children.

They are impressed that Trump is the most divisive president in our history.
On the basis of the above, one might conclude that they are morons.....
The average IQ of the Alt Right and Far Right is probably 15 to 20 points lower than the average of the rest of the country.
Is anyone surprised to see two of the forums dumbest motherfuckers, AsianTrumpFluffler and AndIronJim, taking offense at the findings of the Columbia Journalism Review?
The can't argue the facts of the Review, so the express themselves with pictures and drawings, like many slow children.

They are impressed that Trump is the most divisive president in our history.
On the basis of the above, one might conclude that they are morons.....
The average IQ of the Alt Right and Far Right is probably 15 to 20 points lower than the average of the rest of the country.
You are very gracious....

I'm thinking 4 Sigmas to the left.....
AsianTrumpSupporter must be ten or twelve? All these propaganda videos should remind us all of how easy it is to influence the uneducated. History is full of the immature being led by the ravings of con artists. The pied piper leads them over the cliff and they are too dumb to even see it.

"But when we consider the beliefs of other people? It's an epistemic shit show out there. Astrology, conspiracies, the healing power of crystals. Aliens who abduct Earthlings and build pyramids. That vaccines cause autism or that Obama is a crypto-Muslim — or that the world was formed some 6,000 years ago, replete with fossils made to look millions of years old. How could anyone believe this stuff?! ... No, seriously: how?" Crony Beliefs | Melting Asphalt

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver [AsianTrumpSupporter] believes what he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character." The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays
Asiantrumpsupporter and andaronjim validate the OP: they can only communicate in pictures that do not address the point and reveal their own aversion to thought and discussion. :lol:

I could not make this up for t hem: absolute validation of their Alt Right nuttiness.
Your bullshit liberal posting is absolutely fanatical. Can only answer you with video and pictures as your education is lacking when it comes to dialogue. Even when given video PROVING how insane your side is, you still think your side is right......:cuckoo:
AsianTrumpSupporter must be ten or twelve? All these propaganda videos should remind us all of how easy it is to influence the uneducated. History is full of the immature being led by the ravings of con artists. The pied piper leads them over the cliff and they are too dumb to even see it.

"But when we consider the beliefs of other people? It's an epistemic shit show out there. Astrology, conspiracies, the healing power of crystals. Aliens who abduct Earthlings and build pyramids. That vaccines cause autism or that Obama is a crypto-Muslim — or that the world was formed some 6,000 years ago, replete with fossils made to look millions of years old. How could anyone believe this stuff?! ... No, seriously: how?" Crony Beliefs | Melting Asphalt

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver [AsianTrumpSupporter] believes what he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character." The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people, attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for the last 2 days.
Personal attacks from Liberals, straight out of the playbook. How about examining the source? Are you trying to say that a "study" produced by the most Liberal Institution in America is without bias and should just be accepted at face value? Are you saying you see no Liberal bias in the majority of TV and printed media?

I'm not interested in your assessment of individuals on this board, or me. State why anyone should accept this "study" from Columbia U as unbiased and factual. Here is one reason you may want to read CJR with a more critical eye.
Columbia Journalism Review
AsianTrumpSupporter must be ten or twelve? All these propaganda videos should remind us all of how easy it is to influence the uneducated. History is full of the immature being led by the ravings of con artists. The pied piper leads them over the cliff and they are too dumb to even see it.

"But when we consider the beliefs of other people? It's an epistemic shit show out there. Astrology, conspiracies, the healing power of crystals. Aliens who abduct Earthlings and build pyramids. That vaccines cause autism or that Obama is a crypto-Muslim — or that the world was formed some 6,000 years ago, replete with fossils made to look millions of years old. How could anyone believe this stuff?! ... No, seriously: how?" Crony Beliefs | Melting Asphalt

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver [AsianTrumpSupporter] believes what he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character." The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people, attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for the last 2 days.
Go fuck yourself, Mincing Bitch....
Personal attacks from Liberals, straight out of the playbook. How about examining the source? Are you trying to say that a "study" produced by the most Liberal Institution in America is without bias and should just be accepted at face value? Are you saying you see no Liberal bias in the majority of TV and printed media?

I'm not interested in your assessment of individuals on this board, or me. State why anyone should accept this "study" from Columbia U as unbiased and factual. Here is one reason you may want to read CJR with a more critical eye.
Columbia Journalism Review
From your citation.....

Factual Reporting: HIGH

Fucking dumbass....
Is anyone surprised to see two of the forums dumbest motherfuckers, AsianTrumpFluffler and AndIronJim, taking offense at the findings of the Columbia Journalism Review?
The can't argue the facts of the Review, so the express themselves with pictures and drawings, like many slow children.

They are impressed that Trump is the most divisive president in our history.
On the basis of the above, one might conclude that they are morons.....
The average IQ of the Alt Right and Far Right is probably 15 to 20 points lower than the average of the rest of the country.

Well look at this "Me so smartz, they so dumbz" circle jerk.

Make sure you brought enough tissues and shame.
AsianTrumpSupporter must be ten or twelve? All these propaganda videos should remind us all of how easy it is to influence the uneducated. History is full of the immature being led by the ravings of con artists. The pied piper leads them over the cliff and they are too dumb to even see it.

"But when we consider the beliefs of other people? It's an epistemic shit show out there. Astrology, conspiracies, the healing power of crystals. Aliens who abduct Earthlings and build pyramids. That vaccines cause autism or that Obama is a crypto-Muslim — or that the world was formed some 6,000 years ago, replete with fossils made to look millions of years old. How could anyone believe this stuff?! ... No, seriously: how?" Crony Beliefs | Melting Asphalt

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver [AsianTrumpSupporter] believes what he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character." The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays
Occam's Razor...

AsianTrumpSupporter is a moron....
Is anyone surprised to see two of the forums dumbest motherfuckers, AsianTrumpFluffler and AndIronJim, taking offense at the findings of the Columbia Journalism Review?
The can't argue the facts of the Review, so the express themselves with pictures and drawings, like many slow children.

They are impressed that Trump is the most divisive president in our history.
On the basis of the above, one might conclude that they are morons.....
The average IQ of the Alt Right and Far Right is probably 15 to 20 points lower than the average of the rest of the country.

Well look at this "Me so smartz, they so dumbz" circle jerk.

Make sure you brought enough tissues and shame.
You're here to sort all that out for us, right?

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