Right Wing Pastor Blames CO. Flooding On Abortion, Gays, And Marijuana Legalization

“So here we have the very worst year in Colorado’s year in terms of let’s kill as many babies as possible, let’s make sure we encourage as much decadent homosexual activity as possible, let’s break God’s law with impudence at every single level, at every single level let’s make sure that we offend whoever wrote the Bible, so we have the worst year possible politically in the state of Colorado and it happens to be the worst year ever in terms of flood and fire damage in Colorado’s history.”
Refer to it as the ‘Jonah Syndrome.’

Typical of Christian fundamentalists and social conservatives who believe god will ‘punish’ America for allowing abortion and not throwing homosexuals in jail.
He can certainly voice his opinion on the issues. we have hysterics in convulsions that our SUVs and water boilers are causing those and leftard wing nuts are all singing in that AGW choir :D
"Christian pastor and radio host Kevin Swanson this week pointed to abortion, marijuana legalization and “decadent homosexual activity” . . . .

Primitive religious clergy, including such as shamans, voo doo doctors, some Christian ministers, often emotionally operate from a lack of knowledge of God's will, and many prey upon that lack of knowledge among their congregation for power and money.
It's called freedom of speech and it entitles everyone to voice their opinions no matter how crazy they might be something a great many here should appreciate.

No one disagrees or has said otherwise.

The problem arises, however, when the crazies attempt to codify their insanity, by seeking to deny women their privacy rights or same-sex couples their equal protection rights.
Another day, another right wing loony :cuckoo:

Christian pastor and radio host Kevin Swanson this week pointed to abortion, marijuana legalization and “decadent homosexual activity” as the possible cause of recent historic flooding in Colorado.

On his Generations With Vision radio show, Swanson reminded listeners that state House Speaker Mark Ferrandino had been photographed by the Denver Post kissing his gay partner.

“Is it a coincidence that this was the worst year politically in the history of Colorado, at least if you use God’s law as a means of determining human ethics?” he asked. “Our legislators committed homosexual acts on the front page of the Denver Post, do you remember that?”

He continued: “So here we have the very worst year in Colorado’s year in terms of let’s kill as many babies as possible, let’s make sure we encourage as much decadent homosexual activity as possible, let’s break God’s law with impudence at every single level, at every single level let’s make sure that we offend whoever wrote the Bible, so we have the worst year possible politically in the state of Colorado and it happens to be the worst year ever in terms of flood and fire damage in Colorado’s history.”

Pastor blames Colorado floods on abortion, weed and ?decadent homosexual activity? | The Raw Story

How do you know the floods aren't caused by all those things?

The right wingers were claiming Obama caused the hurricane in the north east last year, maybe he caused the flooding as well. :eusa_think:

Since Obama is likely a queer, perhaps he did. :cool:
I'll take God's wrath and smiting over global warming Alex for $500.

Hey, the man is a pastor and looks at everything from a biblical perspective. Beats the shit out of the nut bars out there who blame every weather event on global warming.

No it doesnt...one is science and the other is being a retard. Naturally you would drift to the one who is a retard. You stay with your own.
It's called freedom of speech and it entitles everyone to voice their opinions no matter how crazy they might be something a great many here should appreciate.

No one disagrees or has said otherwise.

The problem arises, however, when the crazies attempt to codify their insanity, by seeking to deny women their privacy rights or same-sex couples their equal protection rights.

So anyone who does not support gay marriage or abortion is displaying insanity? Going by that logic wouldn't we all be insane as no one agrees on everything?
I'll take God's wrath and smiting over global warming Alex for $500.

Hey, the man is a pastor and looks at everything from a biblical perspective. Beats the shit out of the nut bars out there who blame every weather event on global warming.

No it doesnt...one is science and the other is being a retard. Naturally you would drift to the one who is a retard. You stay with your own.

AGW is not science. it is a political schtick and has about the same value in fear mongering :D

but you believe it, because it is your religion
He's no different than someone who blames global warming. The same degree of faith is necessary for both.
I'll take God's wrath and smiting over global warming Alex for $500.

Hey, the man is a pastor and looks at everything from a biblical perspective. Beats the shit out of the nut bars out there who blame every weather event on global warming.

No it doesnt...one is science and the other is being a retard. Naturally you would drift to the one who is a retard. You stay with your own.

AGW is not science. it is a political schtick and has about the same value in fear mongering :D

but you believe it, because it is your religion

It's called freedom of speech and it entitles everyone to voice their opinions no matter how crazy they might be something a great many here should appreciate.

No one disagrees or has said otherwise.

The problem arises, however, when the crazies attempt to codify their insanity, by seeking to deny women their privacy rights or same-sex couples their equal protection rights.

Coming from crazies that want to take gun rights away.
I'll take God's wrath and smiting over global warming Alex for $500.

Hey, the man is a pastor and looks at everything from a biblical perspective. Beats the shit out of the nut bars out there who blame every weather event on global warming.

It's called freedom of speech and it entitles everyone to voice their opinions no matter how crazy they might be something a great many here should appreciate.

No one disagrees or has said otherwise.

The problem arises, however, when the crazies attempt to codify their insanity, by seeking to deny women their privacy rights or same-sex couples their equal protection rights.

So anyone who does not support gay marriage or abortion is displaying insanity? Going by that logic wouldn't we all be insane as no one agrees on everything?

It would make you wrong and a freedom hater, but you still have the right to say it.

Claiming gay marriage and marijuana legalization caused floods is just nutcase talk.
Emoticons is about the best response you can muster in the face of truth.

Never has there been truth in any of your posts.
Thats a fact...which is the closest thing you will ever get to the truth.

You wouldn't know truth if it bit you in the ass. I know this for a fact because my posts bite you in the ass every single time and you still haven't figured it out.

Wow I just said the samething..get some different material.
AGW cut worshipers still denying the pastor his 1st Amendment rights?
Another Media Matters scoop to give the loony left their daily dose of hatred.

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