Right Wing Pastor Blames CO. Flooding On Abortion, Gays, And Marijuana Legalization

Another day, another right wing loony :cuckoo:

Christian pastor and radio host Kevin Swanson this week pointed to abortion, marijuana legalization and “decadent homosexual activity” as the possible cause of recent historic flooding in Colorado.

On his Generations With Vision radio show, Swanson reminded listeners that state House Speaker Mark Ferrandino had been photographed by the Denver Post kissing his gay partner.

“Is it a coincidence that this was the worst year politically in the history of Colorado, at least if you use God’s law as a means of determining human ethics?” he asked. “Our legislators committed homosexual acts on the front page of the Denver Post, do you remember that?”

He continued: “So here we have the very worst year in Colorado’s year in terms of let’s kill as many babies as possible, let’s make sure we encourage as much decadent homosexual activity as possible, let’s break God’s law with impudence at every single level, at every single level let’s make sure that we offend whoever wrote the Bible, so we have the worst year possible politically in the state of Colorado and it happens to be the worst year ever in terms of flood and fire damage in Colorado’s history.”

Pastor blames Colorado floods on abortion, weed and ?decadent homosexual activity? | The Raw Story

How do you know the floods aren't caused by all those things?

The right wingers were claiming Obama caused the hurricane in the north east last year, maybe he caused the flooding as well. :eusa_think:

At the time the hurricane looked like a giant uterus. That was about the time that O was up in everyone's bed sheets.

How about blaming it on weather? You'd have to be on drugs to say this.

It's not the first time the right wing has come up with this nonsense. Some of their most famous religious leaders have said this stuff. After 9/11, God lifted his "veil of protection" because of feminists and lesbians and God sent Katrina to stop the gay parade in New Orleans. And those are just two. This has happened many times. It's who the right wing is. What they represent. Always looking for someone to blame and vilify.

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