Right wingers are ALL for states' rights.......except......

Trump has no economic savvy. Changing state laws can, and will cripple states to a point of collapse. Why even bother voting and expressing the will of the people if some pissant dictator piece of shit president reverses their decision on how to run their state.

Fuck his fat old ass.

You mean like the courts did with faghadist marriage? LMAO

Well, except when it comes to:

A woman's right to choose
Voting rights
Legalization of Marijuana
Drilling off-shore
Pipelines (Keystone?)

(add your own "exceptions"...........)
I think States Rights are bullshit.
Either we’re a nation or we’re not.
State's rights became an unfortunate term. Reagan ushered it in when he kicked off his 1980 campaign in Neshoba County Mississippi, using that term, where three civil rights workers were murdered by the Klan, and state juries didn't convict.

But there are issues of federalism. Marriage was generally an issue left for states, but then states denied equal treatment on race and then sexual orientation. So, perversely (-: state's rights became a tool to deny individual rights.

Sorry, but I don't equate the miscegenation laws with denying same sex marriage licenses. One is far greater of a leap than the other to act on.

SSM wasn't even a CONCEPT 40 years ago, on the other hand people have been marrying outside of race/tribe/ethnicity/locality for millennia, most restrictions on mixed race marriages are only from the last few centuries.

What obergfell should have done is allow States to set their own marriage requirements vis a vis SSM, but force them to recognize any marriage license issued by another State as it always has been.
Yes, I am........With one proviso....

Federal money should be allocated per capita only......There's too much federal allocations going to states that do a very poor job with those funds. Too much education and HC federal funding go to states that usually vote AGAINST those federal programs.
So, federal funding should be contingent on how a state votes?
If a State wants to be "free" then it shouldn't ask for Federal money.

Right after the Feds stop taxing people inside said State.
So, federal funding should be contingent on how a state votes?

Actually, YES........It'd be a bit hypocritical to call for SHRINKING the federal government and treasury, while DEMANDING federal money from that same treasury, don't you think?

So you would have no problem with the feds withholding money from States with their own drug cartels?

Well, except when it comes to:

A woman's right to choose
Voting rights
Legalization of Marijuana
Drilling off-shore
Pipelines (Keystone?)

(add your own "exceptions"...........)
Gun control.

Conservatives don't respect the right of the states to regulate firearms in accordance with the will of the people of the states.
You folks want an all powerful federal government, you got it, quit bitching.

Above, a tacit admission of right wing HYPOCRISY.......???

Not in the least, Wickard v. Filburn gave the feds the authority to regulate intrastate commerce and even your personal garden. FDR insisted on that power, the courts gave it to him and you commiecrats loved it, quit bitching.

Well, except when it comes to:

A woman's right to choose
Voting rights
Legalization of Marijuana
Drilling off-shore
Pipelines (Keystone?)

(add your own "exceptions"...........)
Gun control.

Conservatives don't respect the right of the states to regulate firearms in accordance with the will of the people of the states.

States don't have the authority to deny citizens 2nd amendment rights except through individual due process.

Well, except when it comes to:

A woman's right to choose
Voting rights
Legalization of Marijuana
Drilling off-shore
Pipelines (Keystone?)

(add your own "exceptions"...........)
Gun control.

Conservatives don't respect the right of the states to regulate firearms in accordance with the will of the people of the states.

States don't have the authority to deny citizens 2nd amendment rights except through individual due process.

They have the right and obligation to see to a "well regulated militia".

You don't have an individual right to bear arms, you have a corporate right.
Well, except when it comes to:

A woman's right to choose
Voting rights
Legalization of Marijuana
Drilling off-shore
Pipelines (Keystone?)

(add your own "exceptions"...........)
Gun control.

Conservatives don't respect the right of the states to regulate firearms in accordance with the will of the people of the states.

States don't have the authority to deny citizens 2nd amendment rights except through individual due process.

They have the right and obligation to see to a "well regulated militia".

You don't have an individual right to bear arms, you have a corporate right.

The supreme court and I disagree, it is a right of the people, as stated in the amendment.

Well, except when it comes to:

A woman's right to choose
Voting rights
Legalization of Marijuana
Drilling off-shore
Pipelines (Keystone?)

(add your own "exceptions"...........)
And Liberals don't spit blood when a state limits abortion ?
The Alabama Senate election proved voter id laws didn't stop anyone from voting legally.
Don't give a shit about Marijuana
Those drilling rigs are in Federal waters the states boundaries only go out 3 nautical miles.
I believe the majority of Nebraskans are for the pipeline they just want it to take a different route though the state. Funny how you Liberals foam at the mouth when a pipeline is planned but have no issue with trains transporting oil, could the reason be that Warren Buffet has a big stake in them ?
Well, except when it comes to:

A woman's right to choose
Voting rights
Legalization of Marijuana
Drilling off-shore
Pipelines (Keystone?)

(add your own "exceptions"...........)
Gun control.

Conservatives don't respect the right of the states to regulate firearms in accordance with the will of the people of the states.

States don't have the authority to deny citizens 2nd amendment rights except through individual due process.

They have the right and obligation to see to a "well regulated militia".

You don't have an individual right to bear arms, you have a corporate right.
What ?
but have no issue with trains transporting oil, could the reason be that Warren Buffet has a big stake in them ?

THAT'S IT!!!! That's it........you found us out........Warren and I just had a chat and were hoping that "clever"Trump cultists wouldn't catch on.....But here you are....

(what an asshole.......LOL)
but have no issue with trains transporting oil, could the reason be that Warren Buffet has a big stake in them ?

THAT'S IT!!!! That's it........you found us out........Warren and I just had a chat and were hoping that "clever"Trump cultists wouldn't catch on.....But here you are....

(what an asshole.......LOL)
I'm thinking you didn't have a clue that the reason Buffet is against pipelines is because of his stake in train tankers.
How about you answer the question and stop with the link-a-palooza?

Let's see if you like THIS any better......

Rick Scott is the poster child for voter suppression. In 2011, he ramrodded a law that suppressed likely Democratic voters:
  • women could no longer update their names at the polls if they changed their martial status;
  • college students could no longer update their new addresses;
  • voters could be challenged for any reason and could not receive legal help while in line;
  • people who register people to vote had to turn in the forms within 48 hours or get a $1000 fine
How about you answer the question and stop with the link-a-palooza?

Let's see if you like THIS any better......

Rick Scott is the poster child for voter suppression. In 2011, he ramrodded a law that suppressed likely Democratic voters:
  • women could no longer update their names at the polls if they changed their martial status;
  • college students could no longer update their new addresses;
  • voters could be challenged for any reason and could not receive legal help while in line;
  • people who register people to vote had to turn in the forms within 48 hours or get a $1000 fine

in the first two cases they can still cast a provisional ballot.

What type of idiot needs legal help to cast a vote?
A lot of people on the right support state level regulation.


Do Republicans still believe in states' rights? Sessions' marijuana policy is ultimate test
It is the job of Congress to make law. The President signs it. The Justice dept it supposed to Enforce the laws as they are written. It is not the job of Justice to ignore laws it doesn’t like. If you don’t like the laws on marijuana get your congress critters to change them, don’t ask Justice to ignore them. I want our Government to enforce all our laws, drug, immigration, guns as they are written. Don’t try to enforce laws that aren’t there and do enforce every law as written, or change it.
It is the job of Congress to make law. The President signs it. The Justice dept it supposed to Enforce the laws as they are written. It is not the job of Justice to ignore laws

I actually don't care much either way on marijuana related laws.

HOWEVER, Sessions is basically rescinding a policy that discouraged federal prosecutors from pursuing marijuana-related charges in states where pot had been legalized.

It'll make an interesting showdown in states like CO, CA, IL....especially regarding the medicinal use of marijuana.
HOWEVER, Sessions is basically rescinding a policy that discouraged federal prosecutors from pursuing marijuana-related charges in states where pot had been legalized.
I am really starting to hate Mr. Beauregard. He is the typical Jesus Nazi, who also bows to the alcohol industry.

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