Right Wingers....have fun tearing this apart....

There is another recent thread on here pointing out that.....partisanship aside.....Obama has done a pretty decent job as president, and if right wingers would just admit it, they would be less bitter about the prospective 8 years of a Hillary Clinton's administration.......I am NOT a big fan of Hillary, BUT in comparison to the orange charlatan, the GOP has left most of us NO choice.

Please access this site, take a look at this listing and judge for yourself about Obama's record/legacy (and please note the accompanying citations)

THE List of 371 Obama Accomplishments so far, With Citations

Nice compilation and TY for pointing out the site.

You realize, of course, because a lot of those accomplishments are qualitative and not quantitative in nature, the Obama's opponents will fall all over themselves trying to refute their verity by cherry picking a host of facts that, however damning they may be, do nothing to alter the overall value and reality that the/a noted accomplishment has been made? But, hey, I'm sure those folks feel better for having pointed out and discussed the minutia of the matter(s).

How do I know that will happen? Because when there are empirical, quantitative facts staring them in in the face, they do the same damn thing and with equal zealotry, guile and dissemblance.
Wow, he's the greatest POTUS ever!

Obama for a third term!

Far from "the greatest POTUS ever"........That is a childish way to assess the O/P.....But, fear not, you will actually be getting 2 more terms of Obama.

Childish assessment for a naive OP.

When the elites give you table scraps, and you think they are great. . . . what else can I say? You clearly know little about how the world or national politics work.

I suppose you live paycheck to paycheck or make the minimum car payment, house payment, and credit card payment as well.

People that can't see the forest for the trees or take the long view of things certainly would think that all of these are wonderful accomplishments.
There is another recent thread on here pointing out that.....partisanship aside.....Obama has done a pretty decent job as president, and if right wingers would just admit it, they would be less bitter about the prospective 8 years of a Hillary Clinton's administration.......I am NOT a big fan of Hillary, BUT in comparison to the orange charlatan, the GOP has left most of us NO choice.

Please access this site, take a look at this listing and judge for yourself about Obama's record/legacy (and please note the accompanying citations)

THE List of 371 Obama Accomplishments so far, With Citations

Nice compilation and TY for pointing out the site.

You realize, of course, because a lot of those accomplishments are qualitative and not quantitative in nature, the Obama's opponents will fall all over themselves trying to refute their verity by cherry picking a host of facts that, however damning they may be, do nothing to alter the overall value and reality that the/a noted accomplishment has been made? But, hey, I'm sure those folks feel better for having pointed out and discussed the minutia of the matter(s).

How do I know that will happen? Because when there are empirical, quantitative facts staring them in in the face, they do the same damn thing and with equal zealotry, guile and dissemblance.

.. . . and your thread was destroyed right out of the starting gate. . . . :lmao:

post #5
There is another recent thread on here pointing out that.....partisanship aside.....Obama has done a pretty decent job as president, and if right wingers would just admit it, they would be less bitter about the prospective 8 years of a Hillary Clinton's administration.......I am NOT a big fan of Hillary, BUT in comparison to the orange charlatan, the GOP has left most of us NO choice.

Please access this site, take a look at this listing and judge for yourself about Obama's record/legacy (and please note the accompanying citations)

THE List of 371 Obama Accomplishments so far, With Citations

He appointed the first Federal Chief Information Officer to oversee federal IT spending and efficiency.

How efficient was Hillary's illegal private server?

He created the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.

The Debt increased by almost $9 trillion. I guess the commission was a failure.

Signed an Executive Order instructing federal agencies to review all federal regulations and remove any unnecessary and/or burdensome regulations from the books.

Wow! They must have eliminated dozens......while adding thousands more unnecessary and/or burdensome regulations.
There is another recent thread on here pointing out that.....partisanship aside.....Obama has done a pretty decent job as president, and if right wingers would just admit it, they would be less bitter about the prospective 8 years of a Hillary Clinton's administration.......I am NOT a big fan of Hillary, BUT in comparison to the orange charlatan, the GOP has left most of us NO choice.

Please access this site, take a look at this listing and judge for yourself about Obama's record/legacy (and please note the accompanying citations)

THE List of 371 Obama Accomplishments so far, With Citations

Nice compilation and TY for pointing out the site.

You realize, of course, because a lot of those accomplishments are qualitative and not quantitative in nature, the Obama's opponents will fall all over themselves trying to refute their verity by cherry picking a host of facts that, however damning they may be, do nothing to alter the overall value and reality that the/a noted accomplishment has been made? But, hey, I'm sure those folks feel better for having pointed out and discussed the minutia of the matter(s).

How do I know that will happen? Because when there are empirical, quantitative facts staring them in in the face, they do the same damn thing and with equal zealotry, guile and dissemblance.

.. . . and your thread was destroyed right out of the starting gate. . . . :lmao:

post #5

You clearly didn't read past that post. It's not even certain you read the OP and it's related linked content.
You’re not going to get any honest, intelligent responses from USMB conservatives – but you knew that already.

You're absolutely correct that I knew that not only responses from them, but hardly any of them even accessing the link and its listings.....But, their silence on the content of the link speaks volumes anyway.
What did he do to deserve it in the first place.....I mean other than being black?

Your tacit racism aside, let me respond this way...

First, I do NOT think that Obama deserved it...

Second, the citation by the Nobel Committee stated that he "earned' for his effort toward curbing "nuclear proliferation" in 2009.

You may not agree...which is fine....but keep your racist comments to yourself.

How did he do that? He got that stupid award be for he was even sworn in?

Nice compilation and TY for pointing out the site.

You realize, of course, because a lot of those accomplishments are qualitative and not quantitative in nature, the Obama's opponents will fall all over themselves trying to refute their verity by cherry picking a host of facts that, however damning they may be, do nothing to alter the overall value and reality that the/a noted accomplishment has been made? But, hey, I'm sure those folks feel better for having pointed out and discussed the minutia of the matter(s).

How do I know that will happen? Because when there are empirical, quantitative facts staring them in in the face, they do the same damn thing and with equal zealotry, guile and dissemblance.

Thanks, and YES, right wingers' responses (or lack of them) were expected....

The link's content does not intend to make Obama into the "greatest" president, but should (for smarter conservatives) supply some basis that he should NOT be called .....as many of them have......a scourge to the oval office.
How did he do that? He got that stupid award be for he was even sworn in?

Let's see how to best help this right wing moron........

Obama was sworn in in January and he was awarded the prize in August....Now, Teddybear......August comes after January in most calendars.and within the interim 6 months, there's plenty of time for the Nobel Committee to vote.
. . . and your thread was destroyed right out of the starting gate. . .

Really??? "Destroyed" by post #5 ?????

........and yet here you are bumping it up at post #23??? (what an :ahole-1:)
There is another recent thread on here pointing out that.....partisanship aside.....Obama has done a pretty decent job as president, and if right wingers would just admit it, they would be less bitter about the prospective 8 years of a Hillary Clinton's administration.......I am NOT a big fan of Hillary, BUT in comparison to the orange charlatan, the GOP has left most of us NO choice.

Please access this site, take a look at this listing and judge for yourself about Obama's record/legacy (and please note the accompanying citations)

THE List of 371 Obama Accomplishments so far, With Citations

He appointed the first Federal Chief Information Officer to oversee federal IT spending and efficiency.

How efficient was Hillary's illegal private server?

He created the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.

The Debt increased by almost $9 trillion. I guess the commission was a failure.

Signed an Executive Order instructing federal agencies to review all federal regulations and remove any unnecessary and/or burdensome regulations from the books.

Wow! They must have eliminated dozens......while adding thousands more unnecessary and/or burdensome regulations.

This thread....for the right wing mentally deficient posters' clarification, is about Obama NOT Hillary

Second, the debt increased dramatically AFTER Obama put on the books both the war costs AND the cost of GWB's Medicare Advantage ripoffs which were never included in the stated budget

The third bitch by you is too stupid to even waste time to respond to.....
There is another recent thread on here pointing out that.....partisanship aside.....Obama has done a pretty decent job as president, and if right wingers would just admit it, they would be less bitter about the prospective 8 years of a Hillary Clinton's administration.......I am NOT a big fan of Hillary, BUT in comparison to the orange charlatan, the GOP has left most of us NO choice.

Please access this site, take a look at this listing and judge for yourself about Obama's record/legacy (and please note the accompanying citations)

THE List of 371 Obama Accomplishments so far, With Citations

He appointed the first Federal Chief Information Officer to oversee federal IT spending and efficiency.

How efficient was Hillary's illegal private server?

He created the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.

The Debt increased by almost $9 trillion. I guess the commission was a failure.

Signed an Executive Order instructing federal agencies to review all federal regulations and remove any unnecessary and/or burdensome regulations from the books.

Wow! They must have eliminated dozens......while adding thousands more unnecessary and/or burdensome regulations.

This thread....for the right wing mentally deficient posters' clarification, is about Obama NOT Hillary

Second, the debt increased dramatically AFTER Obama put on the books both the war costs AND the cost of GWB's Medicare Advantage ripoffs which were never included in the stated budget

The third bitch by you is too stupid to even waste time to respond to.....

Second, the debt increased dramatically AFTER Obama put on the books both the war costs

Hey, fucking moron, on the books adds to the debt, "off the books", adds to the debt.
Zero difference. Moron.
Hey, fucking moron, on the books adds to the debt, "off the books", adds to the debt.
Zero difference. Moron.

NO, simpleton...IF both the above would have been honestly considered, and appropriately added, then GWB's debt would have been $5 or 6 TRILLION higher....Find a grown up to help you figure that out.
I looked at the first one. The procurement act for government contractors was passed in June of 1949 and like most or all of them they get updated regularly. That one has been all along. But obama gets the credit after 10 days in office because he signed off on an update.

Oh. My. God.
You don't have a functioning mind.

Sure, nitwit....Here are 2 questions for you.....

Look up to see if every GOP president has signed on to this law since 1949...

AND, tell us why Obama had to continue this scrutiny by Executive Order.....
Hey, fucking moron, on the books adds to the debt, "off the books", adds to the debt.
Zero difference. Moron.

NO, simpleton...IF both the above would have been honestly considered, and appropriately added, then GWB's debt would have been $5 or 6 TRILLION higher....Find a grown up to help you figure that out.

IF both the above would have been honestly considered, and appropriately added, then GWB's debt would have been $5 or 6 TRILLION higher

Hilarious! And wrong.
"Off the books" refers to a supplementary appropriation bill, I guess.
Still passes Congress, still results in money borrowed by the Treasury, still results in debt.
No difference in the end result.
There is another recent thread on here pointing out that.....partisanship aside.....Obama has done a pretty decent job as president, and if right wingers would just admit it, they would be less bitter about the prospective 8 years of a Hillary Clinton's administration.......I am NOT a big fan of Hillary, BUT in comparison to the orange charlatan, the GOP has left most of us NO choice.

Please access this site, take a look at this listing and judge for yourself about Obama's record/legacy (and please note the accompanying citations)

THE List of 371 Obama Accomplishments so far, With Citations
You’re not going to get any honest, intelligent responses from USMB conservatives – but you knew that already.

Why should anyone give that piece of shit article from a left wing hate site any credence? They list the same shit four or five times, just word it differently. Hell according the them he's solved the womens pay gap issue, so why are you regressives still bitching about it? Unless he didn't that is.
Hilarious! And wrong.
"Off the books" refers to a supplementary appropriation bill, I guess.
Still passes Congress, still results in money borrowed by the Treasury, still results in debt.
No difference in the end result.

How the US public was defrauded by the hidden cost of the Iraq war
The most striking fact about the cost of the war in Iraq has been the extent to which it has been kept "off the books" of the government's ledgers and hidden from the American people. This was done by design. A fundamental assumption of the Bush administration's approach to the war was that it was only politically sustainable if it was portrayed as near-costless to the American public and to key constituencies in Washington

How the US public was defrauded by the hidden cost of the Iraq war | Michael Boyle

Republican Deficit Hypocrisy
...........when a Republican president and a Republican Congress enacted the Medicare drug benefit, which former U.S. Comptroller General David Walker has called “the most fiscally irresponsible piece of legislation since the 1960s.”

Recall the situation in 2003. The Bush administration was already projecting the largest deficit in American history–$475 billion in fiscal year 2004, according to the July 2003 mid-session budget review. But a big election was coming up that Bush and his party were desperately fearful of losing. So they decided to win it by buying the votes of America’s seniors by giving them an expensive new program to pay for their prescription drugs.

Recall, too, that Medicare was already broke in every meaningful sense of the term. According to the 2003 Medicare trustees report, spending for Medicare was projected to rise much more rapidly than the payroll tax as the baby boomers retired. Consequently, the rational thing for Congress to do would have been to find ways of cutting its costs. Instead, Republicans voted to vastly increase them–and the federal deficit–by $395 billion between 2004 and 2013.

However, the Bush administration knew this figure was not accurate because Medicare’s chief actuary, Richard Foster, had concluded, well before passage, that the more likely cost would be $534 billion. Tom Scully, a Republican political appointee at the Department of Health and Human Services, threatened to fire him if he dared to make that information public before the vote.

It’s important to remember that the congressional budget resolution capped the projected cost of the drug benefit at $400 billion over 10 years. If there had been an official estimate from Medicare’s chief actuary putting the cost at well more than that, then the legislation could have been killed by a single member in either the House or Senate by raising a point of order. Then-Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., later said he regretted not doing so.

Republican Deficit Hypocrisy

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