This Country Is Tearing Apart At The Very Seams

I can see the difference even if you cant
Well, I'm standing outside the forest so I can see the trees since they aren't blocking my view.
I'm pretty sure Republicans have caused as much harm as Democrats (both have served their time as war mongers) and neither has done anything to alleviate the pain. They both want the same thing, ultimately, power over voters and the entire world. They just prefer their brand of rhetoric- allowing you to keep what's more of yours (tax cuts) is still just an allowance which is restricting your choices. Democrats want more of your allowance to pay for what others want- so, wash, rinse and repeat. We keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results- what was it claimed Einstein said about that?
I think that is a vast difference from republicans
Republicans want central command and control- just their brand. Communism and socialism is just that. However, communism uses force to obtain it and socialist use a communal effort promise- both have more equal and Republican and democrat Party hierarchy provide the more equal-
I can see the difference even if you cant
Well, I'm standing outside the forest so I can see the trees since they aren't blocking my view.
I'm pretty sure Republicans have caused as much harm as Democrats (both have served their time as war mongers) and neither has done anything to alleviate the pain. They both want the same thing, ultimately, power over voters and the entire world. They just prefer their brand of rhetoric- allowing you to keep what's more of yours (tax cuts) is still just an allowance which is restricting your choices. Democrats want more of your allowance to pay for what others want- so, wash, rinse and repeat. We keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results- what was it claimed Einstein said about that?
You are mistaken

do you see no difference between the policies of trump or bernie sanders?

i see plenty of differences

the same goes for mcconnell and pelosi

the republican senate is confirming conservative originalist judges who are much better for the nation than activist liberal judges

and those are just a few examples
Our conversation began with your response to my response to IM2 who seems to believe that whites are responsible for the unfortunate condition of so many blacks
And we cab go back to it- I'll ask, who has been in control since our inception?
Personally I think pointing fingers and broad brushing does a disservice to the pointer and the brush holder- but, it is what it is.
It is unfortunate for sure, but, it's also a pretty sure bet that complicity will beget complicity. The longest journey begins with the first step. In this journey the first step is acknowledgement by all involved- there is no caveat in all.
The greater good, we've heard or read about, is achieved through Individual effort. It's glaringly obvious the rules and laws only serve to antagonize which can hardly be described as good never mind greater-
You are mistaken

do you see no difference between the policies of trump or bernie sanders?

i see plenty of differences

the same goes for mcconnell and pelosi

the republican senate is confirming conservative originalist judges who are much better for the nation than activist liberal judges

and those are just a few examples
The policy rhetoric is different. Same destination different rate of descent. Hitting a brick wall at 99mph vs 100mph is still hitting a brick wall. Central command and control is heading us for a brick wall it doesn't matter what theirs stripe is.
Costs for goods and services have been artificially raised for decades. Very little has been passed on to employees since wages have been flat since 1975.
Yes they have- wages always are at the bottom of the pile. That's life. Artificially increasing an artificial wage is still artificial.
Artificial ain't real. Life is. Artificial begets artificial. Demanding more artificial exacerbates a situation which could be controlled by free markets which are influenced by consumers (wage earners) not determined by someone with no skin in the market. Wages will still be at the bottom of the pile, but, supply and demand will determine wages and profits not a centrally controlled arbiter of artificial.
Anything and I do mean anything given can be taken. If it's earned there will be more of a fight to keep it. If gov't gives it you can bet the cost will be much higher sooner rather than later. Besides that, I don't recall seeing that power enumerated in the constitution- a power, btw, granted, not earned and can be rescinded at any time.

In every "free market" nation where the minimum wage has been eliminated, wages have dropped and prices have risen. Wages, as percentage of costs, have been declining since 1980 in the USA, when Ronald Reagan took on the Air Traffic Controllers Union, and broke it. This is a uniquely American problem. In other jurisdictions, labour movements and labour unions have remained strong, and haven't been weakened by legislation or union busting tactics.

In all other first world countries, the government has established and maintained a steadily increasing minimum wage, and unions are encouraged by government, and by legislation. Companies know they have to compete with union shops in terms of wages and benefits, or their workers will unionize as well. In Germany, workers appoint a percentage of the board members to ensure that the workers have a say in all major decisions, including raises for both workers and management.

American corporations have no such similar requirements, and Republican governments have routinely failed to pass any sort of worker protections for maternity leaves - paid or unpaid, job security for pregnant women, mandated vacations, or any sort of law which prevents employers in having any say in what employee health insurance does and does not cover, based on the religious beliefs of my employers. If health insurance is part of employee compensation packages, it's the employees' wages which are purchasing the health insurance, and as such the employees should have the final say, not the employers.

In fact, Republican held states have passed "at will" employment and all sorts of other "employer friendly" legislation, which further reduces an employee's bargaining power. Basically, employers peg low skill wages to the local minimum wage, so unless it goes up, neither does their hourly rate.

Post 9/11, when off-shoring really got going, a lot of the impact was covered up economically, by the increased active enlistment in the military. But when hostilities ended, the returning waves of unemployed service men and women, swelled the ranks of the unemployed in the economic meltdown.

The US economy has always relied upon a pool of low wage, low skill workers. Pre and Post Independence, it was the black slaves who provided that low cost, high value work. Post Emmancipation, it was the "guest workers" from Mexico and China, who could be used and sent home when the dirty work was done. Today, it's the illegal immigrants. It's not surprising that it's always been the Republicans who refuse to prosecute the employers. If these people didn't have employers eager to hire them, they wouldn't come. And yet Donald Trump has yet to file charges against a single employer since he took office, even as he has jailed 40,000 law abiding immigrants who were contributing members of society when he had them picked up.
The word 'managed' in that bullet point may be used interchangeably with the words 'accomplished' and 'obtained' . There is no conflict.

Definition of MANAGE

conduct, manage, control, direct mean to use one's powers to lead, guide, or dominate. conduct implies taking responsibility for the acts and achievements of a group. conducted negotiations manage implies direct handling and manipulating or maneuvering toward a desired result. manages a meat market control implies a regulating or restraining in order to keep within bounds or on a course. controlling his appetite direct implies constant guiding and regulating so as to achieve smooth operation. directs the store's day-to-day business
3: to succeed in accomplishing : CONTRIVEmanaged to escape from prison

Next batter, please.. :21:


Your lack of exposure to the word 'manage' in this context just proved problematic, little one...

BTW... for future reference... words in the English language can oftentimes have multiple meanings... in the main or by common usage...


Are you done yet, nit-picking at choices of verbiage from your poorly-exposed perspective rather than addressing the points being made?
Socialism sounds great on Facebook. In reality, it corrodes not only the economy, but the human spirit itself, and the ambition and achievement that brought billions of people out of poverty

socialism is not the answer to Trump's butchery, my friends
How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

Democrats...or as I call them...FILTH!

I have never seen a group of people work so hard at being miserable than democrat filth of today! They can't be happy for anybody or anything...not even themselves!
This is why the country needs to break apart. The democrat boil needs to be lanced and drained. The disease needs to be cut out. The country needs a massive laxative to purge the remaining democrat infection. Then we can heal.
How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

Democrats...or as I call them...FILTH!

I have never seen a group of people work so hard at being miserable than democrat filth of today! They can't be happy for anybody or anything...not even themselves!
This is why the country needs to break apart. The democrat boil needs to be lanced and drained. The disease needs to be cut out. The country needs a massive laxative to purge the remaining democrat infection. Then we can heal.
Sure, let's just go there. We've got the police all militarized up, we have everyone under surveillance, we have functional concentration camps up and running. and capital no longer needs as many workers as it once did to generate revenue. Pushing the divide-and-conquer paradigm a tad further is where we're headed anyway.
How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

Democrats...or as I call them...FILTH!

I have never seen a group of people work so hard at being miserable than democrat filth of today! They can't be happy for anybody or anything...not even themselves!
This is why the country needs to break apart. The democrat boil needs to be lanced and drained. The disease needs to be cut out. The country needs a massive laxative to purge the remaining democrat infection. Then we can heal.
Sure, let's just go there. We've got the police all militarized up, we have everyone under surveillance, we have functional concentration camps up and running. and capital no longer needs as many workers as it once did to generate revenue. Pushing the divide-and-conquer paradigm a tad further is where we're headed anyway.
Push it until the entire nation cracks and separates.
How did this country get to the fractured, broken place that we currently find ourselves in?

Democrats...or as I call them...FILTH!

I have never seen a group of people work so hard at being miserable than democrat filth of today! They can't be happy for anybody or anything...not even themselves!
This is why the country needs to break apart. The democrat boil needs to be lanced and drained. The disease needs to be cut out. The country needs a massive laxative to purge the remaining democrat infection. Then we can heal.
Sure, let's just go there. We've got the police all militarized up, we have everyone under surveillance, we have functional concentration camps up and running. and capital no longer needs as many workers as it once did to generate revenue. Pushing the divide-and-conquer paradigm a tad further is where we're headed anyway.
Push it until the entire nation cracks and separates.
Whatever you people think mam.
You're seeing things in a very dark setting, here.

Let me bring some light into your world..

The Republicans support private enterprise to the max.
The Democrats support the middle classes, the poor, and the recent immigrants, to the max.

The Republicans think a prison industry is the solution to the problems caused by the poor's sufferings. It's not, btw.

The Democrats have great social plans, but not a clue on how to finance it.
They say 'tax the rich more', but that implies taking away the seed money that keeps your country and it's allies secure in this competitive world.

The solution, i think, is for the Democrats to play their role, but focus on how to pay for their plans a lot better,
and for Republicans to spend a little less on prison industry and more on affordable housing projects, each going up for a specific minority group (which tend to run into conflicts even with each other).

Fact is, the US has plenty of space for entirely new towns, far away from the homes of the rich(er) people.
I don't think you actually know what the Republicans think.
Enlighten me :)

Your first glaring mistake was saying the left support the middle class.
You must not be watching CNN-US a lot, do you?

After deciphering your broken english I'm going to answer to what I think you were trying to say.
No I dont watch CNN.
I recommend you start watching it on a daily basis :)
Hopefully you also see that after 8 years of the “black mascot for Wall Street,” the D party is doing the same thing.

The Democrats are NOT fighting against higher wages for workers.
Doesn’t matter. They won’t do anything. Both parties are nearly identical. Owned by the 1%.
I beg to differ

there is a vast difference between base voters in the democrat and republican party

for the GOP that does not always translate into better elected representatives in congress

but on balance the gop is still better than the dems
Both suck major and equally. Thinking one is better than the other, just divides us over nothing. Time for both parties to disappear.
The democrat party is steadily being taken over by socialists/communists

I think that is a vast difference from republicans

stop listening to right wing propaganda.

Eight years of O should have dissuaded you of this kind if thinking. He is W’s brother from a different mother. And Hillary was nothing but a lying corporatist opportunist.

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