Right wingers have no personal responsibility?

Issue Brief: Analysis of Obesity Rates by State - Trust for America's Health

One of the worst factors hurting our economy is the cost of healthcare. One of the biggest contributors to health problems is our obesity epedimic.

Red GOP strongholds have the worst obesity rates, while the bottom of the obesity rate list is mostly all blue: Colorado, Hawaii, New Jersey, Massachusetts, California, New York, Connecticut, etc, etc.

Of course, the fattest, most disgustingly obese areas are red. Places like Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Northern Florida, Georgia, Oklahoma.

So, we always hear "personal accountability" from the right. Yet, they cant even seem to be personally accountable for keeping their own body fit enough to not need constant medical attention, and thus, pushing the demand for healthcare and making prices soar? So, right wingers, when you start hitting the treadmill a bit more, maybe your message of personal accountability will come across a bit more clear. So, sure, things like soda, sugar, french fries.....they should not be banned. But YOU should have enough self control and personal responsibility to SAY NO to them, be fit, and STOP pushing up the cost of healthcare by waddling through life with an obese body that requires constant care.

Seriously? Obesity is a right wing problem? Have you seen Michael Moore?

Its an American problem. But right leaning Americans make up the majority of obesity. See the link, and research it even further. Go to a Wal-Mart or gun show in a red state or deep red city. You'll see it.

These people that claim shit like this,have to be retarded,and totally dishonest.
It is no mystery that obesity causes numerous health problems. However, you have no right to dictate what I eat. Furthermore, designating a specific party as obese is completely absurd.

Well, if you show up at the emergency room with type II diabetes, can we let you die?

In your world his pockets would be checked for a voter registration card before that decision was made.
It is no mystery that obesity causes numerous health problems. However, you have no right to dictate what I eat. Furthermore, designating a specific party as obese is completely absurd.

Well, if you show up at the emergency room with type II diabetes, can we let you die?

Only with your socialized government controlled medical system.. which is why sane people oppose it


See you just made an ignorant statement revealing your ignorance about this topic.

Which means you shouldn't be posting in this thread.

Government now says we have to care for fattys that show up with type II diabetes.

My point (the one that you missed) was that if you eat whatever you want and get yourself sick, because you're so fucking fat, then why should society have to pay for your treatment?

It's called taking personal responsibility.
Supply and demand works everywhere, including the healthcare market.

The more fat fucks we have, the more demand for healthcare there is.

Join a gym you disgusting fat bodies.

But since obesity is 51% more prevalent in blacks than whites, gym membership should become an entitlement, right?
Well, if you show up at the emergency room with type II diabetes, can we let you die?

Only with your socialized government controlled medical system.. which is why sane people oppose it


See you just made an ignorant statement revealing your ignorance about this topic.

Which means you shouldn't be posting in this thread.

Government now says we have to care for fattys that show up with type II diabetes.

My point (the one that you missed) was that if you eat whatever you want and get yourself sick, because you're so fucking fat, then why should society have to pay for your treatment?

It's called taking personal responsibility.

Life saving care in an ER, yes... nobody is forcing people to treat others who will not pay for themselves or will not buy insurance

Society should not be paying at all, AS I HAVE SAID ALL ALONG, YOU IDIOT TROLL.... your personal upkeep is YOUR responsibility... and nobody but you and your chosen care provider gets to dictate how you get treated
Supply and demand works everywhere, including the healthcare market.

The more fat fucks we have, the more demand for healthcare there is.

Join a gym you disgusting fat bodies.

This is the main argument. As more people use health care services and their insurance to treat preventable problems brought on by obesity, the higher the cost of those services will be.

So even though I eat well and exercise regularly, some fat ass is causing me to pay more for healthcare.
It is no mystery that obesity causes numerous health problems. However, you have no right to dictate what I eat. Furthermore, designating a specific party as obese is completely absurd.

Well, if you show up at the emergency room with type II diabetes, can we let you die?

When an illegal shows up at the emergency room popping out a baby, can we put her out in the alley?

Or better when someone is shot while they are committing a robbery, can we put HIM out in the alley?

Can we let them die has all sorts of ramifications not only attractive to liberals.
One of the worst factors hurting our economy is the cost of healthcare. One of the biggest contributors to health problems is our obesity epedimic.

It wouldn't be as much a problem if everyone moved to real insurance policies instead of health plans and paid mostly out of pocket and if the government quit meddling in the health care industry.

Health plans are real insurance policies.

No they aren't. I suggest you look up the definition of insurance.

If you were around in the 70's, you would know why the government started meddling. Unless you want families living on the street because someone got sick or saying medical care is only for those with enough money to afford to get sick, then government meddling is going to happen.

In the 70s doctors made house calls and people wrote checks to the hospital for delivering their babies. The overall cost of health care was incredibly more affordable than it is now.

The more I look at the problem, the more convinced I become that a national health system is the only rational option.

That's because you're ignorant.
Being fat and expecting someone else to pay for your bad health are two completely separate things. If someone likes to eat shitty foods and is perfectly fine with footing the bill for the impending health isuses that come from that then what's the problem?

If you can prove that not only is obesity a right wing epidemic and those people all want free health care, then you might be onto something. Until then, you're just another winger making shit up.
It is no mystery that obesity causes numerous health problems. However, you have no right to dictate what I eat. Furthermore, designating a specific party as obese is completely absurd.

Well, if you show up at the emergency room with type II diabetes, can we let you die?

Only with your socialized government controlled medical system.. which is why sane people oppose it

No. The reason why you would have to be treated is because the government requires it. If it weren't for that "socialized government" the ER could close its door in your face. It might not, but that would depend upon how charitable the hospital was. Of course, it would then garner your wages until the bill was paid off.
Supply and demand works everywhere, including the healthcare market.

The more fat fucks we have, the more demand for healthcare there is.

Join a gym you disgusting fat bodies.

This is the main argument. As more people use health care services and their insurance to treat preventable problems brought on by obesity, the higher the cost of those services will be.

So even though I eat well and exercise regularly, some fat ass is causing me to pay more for healthcare.

It works the other way also. Because govt is one giant leech which has spent way too much, it now has decided that it has to take more of my money to pay for it's reckless appetite for worthless social engineering. Even though I am responsible and accountable with my budget and affairs many govt dumb asses are taking more out of my pocket.
Issue Brief: Analysis of Obesity Rates by State - Trust for America's Health

One of the worst factors hurting our economy is the cost of healthcare. One of the biggest contributors to health problems is our obesity epedimic.

Red GOP strongholds have the worst obesity rates, while the bottom of the obesity rate list is mostly all blue: Colorado, Hawaii, New Jersey, Massachusetts, California, New York, Connecticut, etc, etc.

Of course, the fattest, most disgustingly obese areas are red. Places like Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Northern Florida, Georgia, Oklahoma.

So, we always hear "personal accountability" from the right. Yet, they cant even seem to be personally accountable for keeping their own body fit enough to not need constant medical attention, and thus, pushing the demand for healthcare and making prices soar? So, right wingers, when you start hitting the treadmill a bit more, maybe your message of personal accountability will come across a bit more clear. So, sure, things like soda, sugar, french fries.....they should not be banned. But YOU should have enough self control and personal responsibility to SAY NO to them, be fit, and STOP pushing up the cost of healthcare by waddling through life with an obese body that requires constant care.

My, what a wonderfully stupid obfuscation. How do you know that the overweight people in red states aren't democrats? Your ignorant, prejudicial, snobbish attitude toward the South is entirely disgusting.

If you want to lower the cost of health care, open it up to market forces. When no one can afford the service, and almost no one can, then you can bet your ass the prices will come down. You can't make a living selling services no one can afford in a free market.

Try to get in touch with reality.
It wouldn't be as much a problem if everyone moved to real insurance policies instead of health plans and paid mostly out of pocket and if the government quit meddling in the health care industry.

Health plans are real insurance policies.

No they aren't. I suggest you look up the definition of insurance.

If you were around in the 70's, you would know why the government started meddling. Unless you want families living on the street because someone got sick or saying medical care is only for those with enough money to afford to get sick, then government meddling is going to happen.

In the 70s doctors made house calls and people wrote checks to the hospital for delivering their babies. The overall cost of health care was incredibly more affordable than it is now.

The more I look at the problem, the more convinced I become that a national health system is the only rational option.

That's because you're ignorant.

I've been an insurance professional since 1974. I'm a CIC. You should know what that is since you have such expertise in the matter. But from the perspective of someone with almost 40 years in the business, you don't know what you are talking about.
Well, if you show up at the emergency room with type II diabetes, can we let you die?

Only with your socialized government controlled medical system.. which is why sane people oppose it

No. The reason why you would have to be treated is because the government requires it. If it weren't for that "socialized government" the ER could close its door in your face. It might not, but that would depend upon how charitable the hospital was. Of course, it would then garner your wages until the bill was paid off.

The ER for a life saving procedure in an emergency is one thing... ongoing treatment, etc, is quite another... but thanks for playing

And if you can't pay your bill, you wages SHOULD be tapped into.. you must pay for services and product that is not voluntarily and freely given by another.. and government does not get to force others to just give it to you.. that goes against a little thing called freedom
Supply and demand works everywhere, including the healthcare market.

The more fat fucks we have, the more demand for healthcare there is.

Join a gym you disgusting fat bodies.

This is the main argument. As more people use health care services and their insurance to treat preventable problems brought on by obesity, the higher the cost of those services will be.

So even though I eat well and exercise regularly, some fat ass is causing me to pay more for healthcare.

Exactly right. You summed up 50% of America's economic problem right there. Healthcare costs are killing us. Obesity is driving up healthcare costs. "Freedom" to eat whatever we want and as much of it as we want, and a lack of personal responsibility to have that freedom and practice it wisely, have led us to be a nation of disgusting fat fucks.

And thus, we are where we are.
Supply and demand works everywhere, including the healthcare market.

The more fat fucks we have, the more demand for healthcare there is.

Join a gym you disgusting fat bodies.

This is the main argument. As more people use health care services and their insurance to treat preventable problems brought on by obesity, the higher the cost of those services will be.

So even though I eat well and exercise regularly, some fat ass is causing me to pay more for healthcare.

It works the other way also. Because govt is one giant leech which has spent way too much, it now has decided that it has to take more of my money to pay for it's reckless appetite for worthless social engineering. Even though I am responsible and accountable with my budget and affairs many govt dumb asses are taking more out of my pocket.

That has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Even in the context you framed it. If someone is irresponsible with their money, that doesn't automatically lead to an increase in taxes like you're suggesting. It requires a third party, the government, to arbitrarily decide what taxes should be and pass legislation for that. Your taxes may go up or down irregardless of what some financial moron does with their paycheck.

With health, someone goes to a doctor routinely due to issues brought on by their weight, the doctor and insurance companies raise prices to compensate for the extra costs. It's much more direct and preventable than taxes.

Your attempt at deflection is duly noted though.
This is the main argument. As more people use health care services and their insurance to treat preventable problems brought on by obesity, the higher the cost of those services will be.

So even though I eat well and exercise regularly, some fat ass is causing me to pay more for healthcare.

It works the other way also. Because govt is one giant leech which has spent way too much, it now has decided that it has to take more of my money to pay for it's reckless appetite for worthless social engineering. Even though I am responsible and accountable with my budget and affairs many govt dumb asses are taking more out of my pocket.

That has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Even in the context you framed it. If someone is irresponsible with their money, that doesn't automatically lead to an increase in taxes like you're suggesting. It requires a third party, the government, to arbitrarily decide what taxes should be and pass legislation for that. Your taxes may go up or down irregardless of what some financial moron does with their paycheck.

With health, someone goes to a doctor routinely due to issues brought on by their weight, the doctor and insurance companies raise prices to compensate for the extra costs. It's much more direct and preventable than taxes.

Your attempt at deflection is duly noted though.

If the federal govt is irresponsible and unaccountable with their spending....which they are, if affects people who are accountable. I could care less about what someone else is doing with their money or health.
Supply and demand works everywhere, including the healthcare market.

The more fat fucks we have, the more demand for healthcare there is.

Join a gym you disgusting fat bodies.

This is the main argument. As more people use health care services and their insurance to treat preventable problems brought on by obesity, the higher the cost of those services will be.

So even though I eat well and exercise regularly, some fat ass is causing me to pay more for healthcare.

Exactly right. You summed up 50% of America's economic problem right there. Healthcare costs are killing us. Obesity is driving up healthcare costs. "Freedom" to eat whatever we want and as much of it as we want, and a lack of personal responsibility to have that freedom and practice it wisely, have led us to be a nation of disgusting fat fucks.

And thus, we are where we are.

But, that freedom should be protected. We need to educate and inform people more as to the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle, both medically and financially. People need to learn that you can't live off of Doritos, McDonald's, and soda, and not expect your health to plummet and your healthcare costs to skyrocket.

Education before legislation. If anything we need to scale back some legislation due to health concerns. How many products have High Fructose Corn Syrup tossed in, as a sweetener or preservative, thanks to the government subsidizing corn as much as they do? Most americans ingest around 60 lbs of HFCS a year. And many times they don't even realize it's in the foods they're eating. Go try to buy a simple can of diced tomatoes, you would think the ingredient list would just be "Tomatoes". Nope, it has HFCS in it as a preservative.
It works the other way also. Because govt is one giant leech which has spent way too much, it now has decided that it has to take more of my money to pay for it's reckless appetite for worthless social engineering. Even though I am responsible and accountable with my budget and affairs many govt dumb asses are taking more out of my pocket.

That has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Even in the context you framed it. If someone is irresponsible with their money, that doesn't automatically lead to an increase in taxes like you're suggesting. It requires a third party, the government, to arbitrarily decide what taxes should be and pass legislation for that. Your taxes may go up or down irregardless of what some financial moron does with their paycheck.

With health, someone goes to a doctor routinely due to issues brought on by their weight, the doctor and insurance companies raise prices to compensate for the extra costs. It's much more direct and preventable than taxes.

Your attempt at deflection is duly noted though.

If the federal govt is irresponsible and unaccountable with their spending....which they are, if affects people who are accountable. I could care less about what someone else is doing with their money or health.

Then people need to stop voting for the lesser of two evils. The feds are only unaccountable because dumb ass americans keep voting the same people back into power. That is completely our own fault.

That's the equivalent of blaming the insurance company for raising my premiums because I decided to start smoking.

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